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Daily prayers .... Meanings ( as requested by my respected friends )

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Dear friends , when I send to all of you , many of our respected friends and new friends ask me to give the meanings of this prayers .. May be many of us well known this meanings , but those who dont know the meanings , I feel this will help..



Karmanye Vaadhika-raste,Maa Phaleshu Kadachana;Maa karma-phala-hetur-bhoorma,MaTe sangostwakarmini.Bhagavad Gita, Chapter II, Verse 47.

Summary of the Bhagavad Gita

Your right is to work only,But never to its fruits;Let not the fruits of action be thy motive,Nor let thy attachment be to inaction.

This famous verse contains the essential principle of disinterestedness or detachment. It cautions us that our natural tendency while doing our work is to be deflected from disinterestedness - particularly if we think of fame or fortune along the way. The will of God is supreme, and the fulfillment of that will is all that matters. Success or failure does not depend on the individual, but on other factors as well.

We must work with a perfect serenity - steadfast in inner composure (yogasthah) - indifferent to the results. He who acts by virtue of an inner law is on a higher level than one whose action is dictated by his whims and emotions. It is the true inner poise (samatvam) and self-mastery. It is the true conquest of anger, sensitiveness, pride and ambition. It is the true yoga. Those who purse this wisdom go the region of the Gods.

Mantras for Lord Ganesha - Remover of Obstacles

Lord Ganesha is one of the most prominent dieties in Hinduism. Ganesha has the unique distinction that his name is always invoked before any other God's name in any prayer service. Legend has it that Lord Ganesha received this distinction as a blessing from his parents, Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Lord Ganesha is designated as the chief (-eesha) of all of Lord Shiva's ganas (servers) - hence his name, Ganesha.

We begin with an invocation to Lord Ganesha - he of the single tusk, whose vehicle is the mouse and he who penned the Mahabharata with his own hands.

vakratunda mahaakaaya suryakoti samaprabhaa.nirvighnam kurumedeva sarvakaaryeshu sarvadaa..

Salutations to the supreme Lord Ganesha, whose curved trunk (vakra-tunda) and massive body (maha-kaayaa) shines like a million suns (surya-koti) and showers his blessings on everyone (sama-prabhaa). Oh my lord of lords Ganesha (kurume-deva), kindly remove all obstacles (nir-vighnam), always (sarva-) and forever (sarvadaa-) from all my activites and endeavors (sarva-kaaryeshu).

Goddess Gayatri and History of Gayatri Mantra

Gayatri Devi is an incarnation of Saraswati Devi, consort of Lord Brahma, symbolising the "shakti" (strength) and "dev" (quality) of Knowledge, Purity and Virtue. Saraswati Devi is held to be the patronness of the Arts, being a poet and musician, as well as skillful composer. In the form of Gayatri Devi, with the blessings of Lord Brahma, she is believed to have given the four Vedas to mankind.

Gayatri is depicted seated on a lotus. She is depicted with five faces representing the pancha pranas /pancha vayus(five lives/winds): prana, apana,vyana, udana, samana, of the five principles/ elements (pancha tatwas) earth, water, air, fire, sky (prithvi, jala, vayu, teja, aakasha). She has 10 hands carrying the five ayudhas: shankha; chakra, kamala, varada, abhaya, kasha, ankusha, ujjwala utensil, rudrakshi mala.

Gayatri, Savitri and Saraswati are three goddesses representing the presiding deities of the famous Gayatri mantra chanted thrice a day. Gayatri is the presiding deity of the morning prayer and rules over the Rigveda and the garhapatya fire. Every grihasta (householder) was expected to keep 5 or 3 sacred fires ( Five fires: ahavaneeya, dakshagni, garhapatya, sawta, aavasadha.) in his house to perform Vedic rituals.

In Sanskrit, there are definite rules that regulate poetry: rhyme and meter are not written whimsically. The Gayatri Mantra has a Vedic metre of 24 syllables. Amongst the regulated poetry, the Gayatri mantra, chanted by properly qualified persons, is the most prominent. The Gayatri mantra is mentioned in the Srimad Bhagavatam. Great sins are said to be expiated by a pious recitation of this Gayatri verse which reads as follows:

Om bhoor bhuvassuvaha,

Tatsa Vitur varenyam,

Bhargo devasya dheemahi,

Dheeyo yonah prachodayat

Gayatri mantra is meant for realization of God and is regarded as representing the Supreme Lord. It is meant for spiritually advanced people. Success in chanting it enables one to enter the transcendental position of the Lord. But, in order to chant the Gayatri mantra, it is necessary for one to first acquire the qualities of the perfectly balanced person in terms of the qualities of goodness according to the laws of material nature. The Gayatri mantra is considered to be the sonic incarnation of Brahman and is regarded as very important in Vedic civilization. In Bhagavadgita (Ch. 10. 35), Lord Krishna states:

Brihat saama latha saamnaam

Gayatri chandasaam aham

Maasaanam maarga sirshoham

Ritunaam kusumaakaraha

Among the hymns, I am the Brihat saama sung to Lord Indra,

Of the poetry, I am the Gayatri verse sung daily by the initiated,

Of all the nuwsas (months), I am the margasira (November- December)

Among all the ritus (seasons), I am the flower bearing - spring.


Goddess Saraswati Bestower of Learning

Goddess Saraswati is universally recognized in Hinduism as the Goddess of learning and knowledge. Students in any and all fields of learning pray to Saraswati for sucess in completion of their studies. Saraswati is the companion of Lord Brahma (the creator). She represents speech (Vach), the mechanism or divine energy with which Brahma created the universe. The importance of Goddess Saraswati (saras = fluid, wati = easily, i.e. easily flowing energy) is her ability to bring into manifestation the concept of Creation thought by Brahma in his thoughts. The words (or Vach) spoken by Brahma to create the universe is

indeed Sarswati!

The Goddess Gayatri is synonymous with Goddess Saraswati in the sense that Gayatri is another form of Saraswati. Hence, the Gayatri Mantra is indeed the best invocation for Goddess Saraswati. Legend has it that Saraswati appeared as Gayatri in order to assist Brahma in the completion of an important yagna being conducted in homage to the Sun God (Surya Devataa).

Mantra for Goddess Saraswati

An invocation to Goddess Saraswati is as follows - she who holds the (musical instrument) veena in her hands and opens the channels of learning for her disciples. Saraswati is also revered as the Goddess of music and creative (particularly, the spoken) arts.

yaa kundendu tushhaar haara dhavalaa yaa shubhravastraavR^itaa . yA vINaavarada.nDa ma.nDitakaraa yaa shvetapadmaasanaa .

Salutations to the supreme Goddess Saraswati...whose face is fair as a jasmine flower, luminiscient like the moon and delicate as a snow flake ; who is dressed in brilliant white (shubhra-) garments (vastraA-). She holds the musical instrument (vINA-) in her hands to bestow boons (varada.nDa-) to her disciples as she sits on her white (shveta-) lotus (padma-) throne (aasanA-).


This is an extract of the Beej (or Seed) Mantra invoking Goddess Saraswati. Beej Mantra(s) are based on mono-syllables. The Beej Mantra for Saraswati is based on the two words "Bhreem" and "Shreem". The mantra is simple - "AUM Shreem Bhreem Saraswat-yea Namaha".

Saraswati Gayatri Mantra

The Saraswati Gayatri is a mantra written specifically to invoke Goddess Saraswati in the 24-metre tradition of the Gayatri Mantra. Om Vakdeviyai cha VidhmaheVirinji Pathniyai cha DheemaheThanno Vani Prachodayath.Om , Let me meditate on the goddess of speech,Oh, wife of Lord Brahma, give me higher intellect,And let

Goddess Vani illuminate my mind.


Lord Vishnu is part of the Hindu trinity (along with Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva) and is known as "the creator". The shaanta-kaaram mantra is a prayer in praise of the various attributes of Lord Vishnu, whose many incarnations have graced the earth over the millenia. The two most recent and well known incarnations are Lord Rama and Lord Krishna.

shaanta-kaaram bhujaga-shayanam padma-naabham suresham vishwa-dhaaram gagana-sadrisham megha-varanam shubhaangam. lakshmi-kaantam kamala-nayanam yogi-bhi-dhyaana-agamyam vande vishnum bhava-bhaya-haram sarva-lokaika-naatham. Meaning of the Vishnu Mantra


I sing praise to Lord Vishnu.

He who has the peaceful (shaanta-)

demeanor and visage (-kaaram).

He who sleeps and reposes (-shayanam)

on the serpents (bhujaga-).

He who has a lotus shaped (padma-) navel (-naabham).

He who is the master and lord

of all the gods (suresham).


I pray to the Lord Vishnu.

He who holds (-dhaaram) the

universe (vishwaa-) in his hands.

He whose vision (-sadrasham) exceeds

beyond all the skies (gagana-).

He whose color and visage (-varanam) is

changeable like the clouds (megha-).

And he who is filled with goodness (shubh-)

in every part (-aangam) of his body.


I sing praise to the Lord Vishnu.

He who is the husband (-kaantam)

of the goddess of wealth (-lakshmi).

He whose eyes (-nayanam) are surreal

like a lotus flower (kamala-).

And he who yogis yearn to reach (-agamyam)

through meditation (-dhyaana).


I sing praises (vande-) to the Lord Vishnu (-vishnum).

He who removes (-haram) all our fears (-bhaya)

due to our inborn nature (-bhava).

And he who is the master (-naatham) of the

entire (-sarva) universe and creation (-lokaika).

twice daily, at dawn and at dusk.



Om Namah Shivaya Mantra in Sanskrit

The Om Namah Shivaya mantra or chant consists of six syllables - om, na, mah, shi, vaa, ya. When chanted properly, each syllable activates certain energy centers within our bodies as we meditate upon the energy of Lord Shiva. Shiva is often referred to as the part of the Hindu trinity which has dominion over death and destruction. Shiva is also considered the greatest of the yogis, the lord of meditation, and the lord of all that is mystic and mysterious in hindu practices. Legend has it that the holy river Ganges (or Ganga ) is in fact a representation of Lord Shiva's long hair.

Summary of the Om Namah Shivaya Mantra

Om or Aum is the pranava or seed mantra of all mantras. The two syllables na- and mah- can be translated as "I humbly bow to you". The three syllables shi-vaa-ya invoke Lord Shiva and all his energies to bless us and lead us to the highest state of peace and meditation. The mantra should ideally be chanted twice a day (morning and evening) for 108 times each.


Aum Bhur Bhuvah SwahaAum Tadpurushaaya Vidvamahe,Mahadevaaya DheemahiTanno Rudra Prachodayaat.

The Shiva Gayatri is a variation of the Gayatri Mantra sung in praise of Lord Shiva, the hindu god of meditation, penance, and destruction. This particular form of the mantra follows the original 24 syllable syntax of the Gayatri mantra.

Summary of the Rudra Gayatri Mantra

Aum. Let us invoke the three realms of earth (-bhur), wind (-bhuvah) and fire (-swaha). Aum. Let us invoke the superlative (-tad) male (-purusha) and omniscient lord (-vidvamahe). Let us meditate and focus upon (-dheemahi) the supreme (-maha) lord (-devaaya). Let us ask Shiva (-rudra) to provide us inspiration and guidance (-prachodayaat) in our spiritual journeys.




AUMkaaraM bindusaMyuktaMnityaM dhyaayanti yoginaHkaamadaM mokshadaM chaivaAUMkaaraaya namo namaH


Summary of the Omkaaram Mantra

Aum, let us meditate on the one Brahman who can unite all energies of the universe (saMyuktaM) into a single point or dot (bindu). Let us meditate (dhyaayanti) daily (nityam) on that Brahman who will lead us on the path to becoming yogis (yoginaH). Let us meditate on that Brahman who will grant us liberation from our karma (kaamadaM) and moksha or eternal freedom (mokshadaM). Let us bow again and again (namo namaH) to that Brahman (AUMkaaraaya) - the supreme Lord.

Chanting and Significance of the Omkaaram Mantra

The omkaaram is chanted to acknowledge one of the most powerful principles of hinduism - which is OM. The Upanisads (one of the sacred texts of vedic thought) say that the word OM represents the inter-breath, i.e. the gap between the in-breath and the out-breath. The Gods hid the letter OM in this gap so that their enemies would not think of looking for it in that location! Since OM is considered the primary (pranava) seed (beej) mantra, i.e. the mantra from which all other mantras originate, it was important to safeguard its existence.

Brahman, the universal concept of God that pervades all elements (living and non-living), is said to originate with the word OM. Brahman can be viewed as a single point of existence or alternately, as the source of universal consciousness. This mantra suggests that they are one and the same (bindu-saMyuktaM)!


Lord Hanuman or Hanumanji is known by many names as Anjaneya, Anjani Putra, Bajarangabali, Hanuman, Mahaveer, Maruti, Pavanputra etc. Hanuman, the monkey god, is the son of Vayu or Marut, the wind god. Hanuman's mother is Anjani. Hanuman was the chief of the armies of Sri Ramachandra and took a prominent part in the war against Ravana, the king of Lanka, in the Indian epic poem Ramayana. Hanuman helped restore Sri Sitadevi back to Sri Rama.

Lord Hanuman Gayatri

AUM aanjaneyaaya vid-mahe vaayu-putraayaya dheemahitanno hanumatah prachodayaat

We pray to the son of Goddess Anjani and the son of the "Wind"...May Lord Hanuman lead our intellect towards intelligence and "knowing".


Hanuman, worshipped for his strength, valor, agility, is a man of great learning. He is considered to be an avatar (incarnation) of Lord Shiva. Hanuman, a great devotee of Sri Rama, is the symbol of devotion and dedication. Hanuman carried Sri Rama and Lakshmana on his shoulder when they were in search of Sugreeva, the king of Vanarav in Kishkindha and helped them to find Sita. Prior to the war between Sri Rama and Ravana, Anjaneya visited Lanka, met Ravana, created havoc and burnt down the city of Lanka (Lanka Dahan). During the war, when Lakshmana was injured seriously, Sushena, the surgeon/physician of the monkey army, despatched Maruti to bring herbal medicine, Jadi Buti, from the far-off Sanjeevini mountain in the Himalayas , before sunrise. Flying over the Himalayas and unable to identify the particular herb

fast, Hanuman uprooted and carried the entire Sanjivini mountain in time to save the life of Lakshmana. Hanuman was blessed by Sri Rama with immortality (chiranjeevi).

Hanuman was a bachelor and is worshipped in all the temples of India . Every temple of Sri Rama contains an icon of Hanuman. Worship of Sri Rama is complete only with the worship of Hanuman. Sant Tulsidas composed the 40 stanzas of Hanuman Chalisa in praise of Hanuman. Hanuman Jayanti is the birth anniversary of Lord Hanuman. One cannot understand Hindu Dharma unless one knows Hanuman - the embodiment of servitude.

We now present three different mantras or prayers of Lord Hanuman.


Aum aeem bhreem hanumate, shree ram dootaaya namaha.We pray to the Lord Hanuman, who is the greatest server and messenger of the Lord incarnate, Shree Rama.

Manojavam marut tulya vegam, jitendriyam buddhi mataam varishthamvaataatmajam vaanar yooth mukhyam, shree raam dootam sharnam prapadye.Let me pray to the one who is swift as thought (manojavam-), the one whos is more powerful than the wind (marut.tulya.vegam-), the one who has conquered his senses (jitendriyam-), the one who is supreme among all intelligent beings, the son of the wind-god (vaataatmajam-), the commander of the army of forest creatures (vaanar.yooth.mukhyam-), Let me find refuge in Lord Rama's Messenger, the incomparable Lord Hanuman. Please accept me and my prayers at your feet.

Laal deha laaleel-se, arudhari-laal langoorvajra deha daanava dalan, jai jai jai kapi-soorWe pray to the red-colored one, whose entire monkey-body is covered in red. We pray to the destroyer of demons, whose powerful red color conquers all evil.




The full-moon day (purnima) in July (Friday, 18th July 2008) is the auspicious (Poornima) day when Guru Poornima is celebrated by worshipping our Guru, the spiritual master, who taught us divine love, by performing poojas performed in prostration to him. The festival is usually celebrated as an occasion for initiation of new disciples by their Gurus.

"Understand this (above all); By surrender (of self-will) to the Guru, by (sensitive inward and outward) questioning (of the Guru), and by service (to the Guru), those (sages and Gurus) who have realized the truth will (be able to) convey their wisdom to you" Bhagavad Gita, 4:34

The Need for a Guru

A qualified spiritual master is essential to learn self-realization. Bhagavadgita (Ch.4.34) asks one to learn the truth through a Guru or spiritual master, inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized soul imparts knowledge as he has seen the truth. A real Guru imparts gynana (true knowledge) and teaches how to raise one's consciousness beyond material physical boundaries. He teaches meditation to attain real peace of mind, true self-knowledge, eternal happiness, liberation from karmas, develop true love for God.


Tadviddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya

Upadeksayanti te jnanam jnaninastattvadasinahBhagavad Gita, Chapter 4, Verse 34

Achieving spiritual perfection by oneself through yoga (meditation) is impractical. One must learn spiritual practices under the guidance of a genuine spiritual master. We repose our faith in a Guru whose feet are roots of worship and the root of liberation. He opens our eyes blinded by ignorance and darkness and guides us to our goals.

Qualities of a Guru

How is a guru identified from the array of Gurus and spiritual teachers? Bhagavadgita gives guidelines and qualities of a genuine Guru. A true Guru has credentials to impart true knowledge free from speculation and never claims he is god. He knows god is supreme and we are subordinate to him. He knows the truth and lives it, is free from lust, anger, and greed. He exemplifies wisdom, peacefulness, self-control, austerity, piety , tolerance and strong faith in God. He must be from a succession (eg.Brahma, Narada, Vyasa, Shankaracharya).

At the time of deeksha (initiation), the Guru absorbs the past sins and karmas of his disciples and reveals true spiritual knowledge. The disciple develops strong love for the Guru who delivers him from the bondage of birth and death. Bhagavadgita shows that when Arjuna was confused about his duties, put his faith in Krishna, regarded him as his Guru - then Krishna showed him the right path. The Guru is a man of profound intellectual and spiritual sensitivity and compassion. The scriptures state that initiation must be taken from a Guru. On Guru Poornima day, we pray "Oh Guru, you are father, mother, brother, friend, knowledge and wealth. You are to me everything and god of all gods.

The Guru Mantra

Guru Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devoh MaheswarahaGuru Saakshaat Para Brahma, Tasmai Shree Guruve NamahaGuru is Brahma, Guru is Vishnu, Guru is ShivaGuru is the Absolute Brahman incarnate, Obeisance to Guru


Sahanavavatu (Peace) MANTRA - ITS MEANING

The "Sahanavavatu mantra" is one of the shaanti (peace) mantras which has its origins in the Taittiriya Upanisad. This mantra is often used as a "universal" prayer, to send the message of peace and prosperity. The mantra may also be used to invoke God's blessings for harmony amongst teacher(s) and student(s).

AUM saha navavatu, saha nau bhunaktuSaha veeryam karvaavahaiTejasvi naa vadhita mastumaa vid vishaa va haiAUM shaantih, shaantih, shaantih.

Meaning of the Sahanavavatu Mantra

Let us together (-saha) be protected (-na vavatu) and let us together be nourished (-bhunaktu) by God's blessings. Let us together join our mental forces in strength (-veeryam) for the benefit of humanity (-karvaa vahai). Let our efforts at learning be luminous (-tejasvi) and filled with joy, and endowed with the force of purpose (-vadhita mastu). Let us never (-maa) be poisoned (-vishaa) with the seeds of hatred for anyone. Let there be peace and serenity (-shaantih) in all the three universes.

This mantra highlights the nature of the teacher-student relationship that produces ideal results for the student. The transference of mental, spiritual and intellectual energies from the teacher to the student can be achieved through a mutually nourishing relationship which is based on (mutual) respect, joy (of giving and receiving), and absence of malice or negative thoughts.



The "sarveshaam mantra" is one of the mantras which may be used to bestow peace and tranquility in the environment in which puja or prayers are performed. The mantra may be repeated three or eleven times, as time permits. The mantra may perhaps be used as a closing prayer for the pooja, to bless all those in attendance.

AUM sarveshaam svastir bhavatu, sarveshaam shaantir bhavatusarveshaam poornam bhavatu, sarveshaam mangalam bhavatusarve bhavantu sukhinah, sarve santu niraamayaahsarve bhadraani pashyantu, maa kashchidh dukh bhaag-bhavet.

Meaning of the Sarveshaam Mantra

Let it be so ordained (-bhavatu), that all the people (-sarveshaam), experience well-being (-svastir) ; let all the people experience peace or tranquility (-shaantir). Let all the people experience wholeness and completeness (-poornam) ; let them experience prosperity and auspiciousness (-mangalam).

May it so happen (-bhavantu) that everyone (-sarve) receives happiness (-sukhinah) ; let them all be saint-like (-santu) and be without disease and in good health (-niraamayaah). Let them see with their own eyes (-pashyantu) the goodness of life (-bhadaraani) ; And let them not (maa) contemplate in their conscious mind (-kashchidh) any sorrow inducing (dukh) thoughts while they remain beneficiaries (-bhavet) of good fortune (-bhaag).

Shanti Mantra (Asato Maa) Summary


Asato maa, SadgamayaaTamaso maa, Jyotirgamayaa ;Mrityor maa, Amritam Gamayaa.

Asato-Maa, Sad Gamaya - From untruth to Truth! Untruth is the death of the ego. The Truth is eternal and immortal. So once you are part of the Truth, there is no question of death at all. My friends, the third barrier stopping enlightenment is the barrier of ego. Therefore, to experience God, we should see that the ego dies as early as possible.

Tamasoma, Jyotir Gamaya - There lies the light of wisdom. Tamas is the darkness. Jyoti is the light. With light, darkness is dispelled. Darkness is death. The light is Truth, Bliss, Peace. The light is eternal.

Mrityor maa, Amritam Gamayaa - Lead me from death to immortality through purity of purpose.

We are birthless, deathless and eternal; we are Truth itself. We celebrate birthdays because, having enough money, we want to have a social function. We enjoy it for a while, happily arranging it. Happy Birthday! But actually you were never born. It is only the body that appeared. That's all! You existed even before the existence of this body.

Sai Baba gives this beautiful example: There is electricity everywhere. But when it is inside the electric light bulb, it sheds light. When the bulb is removed, the electricity is still there, is that not so? So, electricity is ever-present. When the bulb is fixed, you get illumination. When the bulb is removed, you don't get illumination. With the bulb or without the bulb, electricity exists. You are Divine energy. You are Cosmic energy. You are the eternal Truth. The bulb is the body. That's all!


AUM pUrNamadaH pUrNamida.npUrNAt.h pUrNamudachyate.pUrNasya pUrNamAdAyapUrNamevAvashiShyate..

Summary of the Purnamadah Mantra

Aum, That Brahman is infinite, and This brahman is infinite. The infinite evolves from the infinite. Even if you take the infinite (conditioned brahman) from the infinite, the infinite (unconditioned Brahman) still remains!

Origin of the Purnamadah Mantra

The Purnamadah Mantra is the opening prayer of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad.

Om ! That (Brahman) is infinite, and this (universe) is infinite.The infinite proceeds from the infinite. (Then) taking the infinitude of the infinite (universe), It remains as the infinite (Brahman) alone.Om ! Peace ! Peace ! Peace !

with regards


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