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The Importance of Devotion

According to the Gita

From Gyan Rajhans,



Bhagavad Gita


The Bhagavad-Gita, the greatest and holiest of Hindu sc riptures,

emphasizes the importance of 'Bhakti' or loving devotion to God.

Bhakti, says the Gita, is the only way to realize God.


Arjuna's Question

In Chapter 2, Shlok (Verse) 7, Arjuna asks, " My soul is oppressed by

a sense of frustration. My mind is unable to determine what is right.

I am requesting you to tell me definitely what is for my good. I am

your pupil. Teach me. I have surrendered myself to you. "


Krishna's Answer

But, Lord Krishna does not answer Arjuna's request until Chapter 18,

Shloks (verses) 65-66 where He says, " Let your mind be constantly

directed towards me; be devoted to me; dedicate all your actions to

me; prostrate yourself before me; over and above the claims of all

Dharmas (duties) is complete surrender to me and me alone " .


However, Lord Krishna does partially answer Arjuna in Chapter 11,

Shloks (verses) 53-55 after exhibiting His cosmic form, " It is not

possible to see me as you have done through the study of the Vedas or

by austerities or gifts or by sacrifice; it is only by one-pointed

devotion (Bhakti) to me and me alone that you thus see and know me as

I am in reality and ultimately reach me. It is he alone who dedicates

all his notions and actions to me with a knowledge of my superiority,

my devotee with no attachment and who has no enmity to any living

being that can reach me " . Bhakti therefore, is the only way to the

true knowledge of God and the surest way to reach Him.


Bhakti: Unwavering Devotion & Love for God

Bhakti, according to the Gita, is the love for God and love

reinforced by a true knowledge of the glory of God. It surpasses the

love for all things worldly. This love is constant and is centered in

God and God alone, and cannot be shaken under any circumstances

whether in prosperity or in adversity.


Bhakti is Strictly Not for Non-believers

It is not for everyone. All human beings fall into two categories,

the devotees (Bhaktas) and the non-devotees (Abhaktas). Lord Krishna

says specifically that the Gita is not for the 'Abhaktas'.


In Chapter 18, Shlok 67 Krishna says, " This (Gita) is not to be

communicated to one who is not disciplined, or who is not a devotee,

or who has not served the learned or to one who hates me " . He also

says in Chapter 7, Shloks 15 and 16: " The lowest among men, those of

wicked deeds, and the foolish ones, do not resort to me; for their

mind is overcome by Maya (illusion) and their nature is 'Asuri'

(demonic), inclined to worldly pleasures. Four kinds of people of

good deeds turn to me-those who are in distress, or who search for

knowledge, or who desire worldly goods, or the truly wise " . The Lord

further elaborates in the 28th Shlok of the same chapter " It is only

those of good deeds whose sins are ended, and who are freed from the

spell of opposites that run to me with firm determination " .


Who is an Ideal Devotee?

Even those with Bhakti must have certain qualities to gain the grace

of God. This is explained in detail in Chapter 12, Shloks (verses) 13-

20 of the Gita. The ideal devotee (Bhakta) should…


not hate any living being

cultivate friendship and compassion

give up the feeling of " I and Mine "

be unmoved by happiness or misery

be forgiving

strive for self-control

always be content with what he/she has

have a strong determination

surrender his/her mind and intellect to God.

not be afraid of anyone; and none in the world should fear him/her

desire nothing

be pure and efficient

be free from elation, anger, fear and turbulence of mind

be indifferent to what befalls him/her

be free from weakness of mind

free from the feeling that he/she is an independent agent

have no feeling of elation and enmity or desire

develop an attitude of mind which rejects good as well as bad things

have no attachments and should accept pain and pleasure, honor and

disgrace, heat and cold equally as his/her portion

look upon friends and foes alike

not indulge in idle talk

not attached to any fixed abode

be steadfast in mind.

It is such a 'Bhakta' that is dear to Sri Krishna. And most important

of all, those Bhaktas are most dear to God who love him with full

faith in his supremacy.


May we all be worthy of Gita's Bhakti!


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Gyan Rajhans, is a scientist and broaadcaster.



Jai Shree Krishna !

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