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Namasthe- Ganesh Chathurthi

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Dear all,


Today is Ganesh Chathurthi and let us pray Lord Ganesha who is a symbol of love, affection, leadership, wisdom, intelligence and achievement. Ganapathi means Ganaanaam pathi: or lord of the bhootha ganaas or Lord of the five senses. But there is another meaning which is more appealing . " Ga " means buddhi or intellect, and " Na " means Jnaanam or wisdom. Pathi means Lord. So Ganapathi is the lord of buddhi and jnaanam. That is why He is also called Vinaayaka meaning with out a master above Him.


There are several stories about Ganapathis' birth or udbhavam. I would like to share a not-so-popular story. There was an asura or demon called Gajasura-elephent-headed demon. He did lot of penance to please Lord Shiva. Shiva appeared and asked him what boon he wanted. Being an asura, he had crooked ideas, and he said that he would like fire to be emitted continuously from his body so that nobody can come near him. Shiva, with out having second thoughts, granted the boon. Gajasura continued his penance to get more powers. Again after an interval, Shiva appeared and this time he wanted Shiva to dwell in his stomach. Pleased with his severe penance Shiva granted the boon and in no time He was inside Gajasura's stomach surrounded by fire. He just sat there and did meditation. He could have come out killing Gajasura. But his compassion did not allow Him to do that. Parvathi Devi was looking for Shiva and could not find Him anywhere. Finally she went to Vishnu Bhagavan and sought His help to locate her husband. Vishun Bhagavan thought: " Shiva gives boon when ever a devotee pleases Him with out thinking about the consequences. He was in a very bad situation before by giving a boon to Bhasmaasura and I had to go as Mohini and help Him. His compassion knows no bounds and some times people of aasuric or thaamasic nature exploit his kindness. "


Vishnu bhagavan knew where Shiva was. He cannot send anybody to kill Gajasura surrounded by fire. So He had to think of another way to get Shiva out. He turned Shiva's bull Nandi into a dancing-bull and he played the music and came to Gajasura's palace. Gajasura liked the loud music and the dance of the bull. He was thrilled by the music played by Lord and in his ecstasy Gajasura promised the musician that he would give whatever He wanted. Musician immediately told Gajasura to release Shiva from his stomach. Then Gajasura realized that musician who played the wonderful music for the bull dance was Vishnu Bhagavan Himself . Gajasura knew that no on else other than Vishnu bhagavan had the capability to know the whereabouts of Shiva. Gajasura apologized the Lord for making the most compassionate Shiva bhagavan dwell in his stomach. He said: " Lord, when Shiva Bhagavan comes out, I will die. After I die, I would like all the people to remember my special head, an elephant-head. Remembering my elephant-head will remove all the obstacles and bring auspicious results. This is my last wish. Please grant that " . Vishnu Bhagavan said: " So be it " .


He died and Shiva himself brought his son and replaced his head with the head of Gajasura. Thus Ganapathi Bhagavan became elephant-headed and worshipped by all sects of Hindus (Shaivas, Vashnavites, Shaaktheyaas) for removing all obstacles and fulfilling all wishes.


Since at the time of death, Gajasura remembered the unusual kindness of Shiva bhagavan, Ganapathi Bhagavan also became an ocean of kindness and He showers all his kaarunyam or kindness on devotees. We seek his kaarunyam before we proceed with any important event in our life!


May Prasanna Ganapathi's kindness be showered all over the world!


Vakratunda Mahakaaya / Suryakoti Samaprabha/ Nirvighnam Kuru MeDeva/ Sarva Kaaryeshu Sarvada


Regards and prayers



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