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Words of the wise

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A wise story received from the US Brahmins .




Posted by: "Dr.B.G.Y Sastry"


Sat Sep 20, 2008 8:16 am (PDT)

4 - Words of the wise

It was a king's court, the ministers, pundits and artists were all

seated in their respective places. The king and his ministers had

earned quite a name and fame for their wit and wisdom. One day a sage

entered the court. He was given a warm welcome with all honours due to

him. The king asked him: "Oh revered one! May I know what brings you

here? We are very happy on account of your presence here today." The

sage replied: "Oh King, your court is reputed for its wit and wisdom. I

have brought three beautiful dolls and I would like to have an

assessment and evaluation of these dolls done by your ministers." He

presented to the king the three dolls. The king called his senior most

ministers and gave him the dolls for examination and evaluation.. The

minister just looked once at the dolls and commanded a royal messenger

to fetch him a thin steel-wire.

The minister inserted the wire into the right ear of one of the dolls.

The wire came out of the left ear. He kept it aside. He took up another

doll and once again passed the wire into its right ear. It came out of

the mouth of the doll. He kept that doll in one place. He took up the

third doll and inserted the wire, it neither came out of the other ear

nor from the mouth. The king and the courtiers were eagerly watching

the scene. The minister paying his tributes to the sage said: "Oh

revered one." Of the three dolls, the third one is the best. The three

dolls actually are symbolic of three types of listening. There are

three types of listeners, in the world. The first type listens to every

word, only to pass it out from the other ear. The second type listen

well, remember it well only to speak out all that they have heard. The

third type listen, retain everything they have heard and treasure it up

in their hearts. They are the best type of listeners."

The sage congratulated the king and the minister on the successful

evaluation of the dolls and blessing them both, left the court.



K.V. Gopalakrishna


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It is a wonderful story.

But is there not a fourth type of listner who listens to everything,

retains what is sensible and important and discards the rest, saving

room for more relevant material ?



jai shree krishna !

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