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Vishnusahasranama-56 to 64

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56. Agrahyah

He is not cognized by the senses which includes the mind. Indhriyaih graheethum na sakyah. The speech returned not being able to reach Him along with the mind, says the Upanishad.


yath adhrSyam agrahyam agothramavarnam achakshuH


That which is not seen, not grasped, not heard is Brahman.

yat cakshushA na paSyati yena cakshUmsi

paSyanti tadeva brahma tvam viddhi


He is not perceived by the eyes because he is the perceiver of all.


57. Saasvathah

He is eternal, ever engaged in creation, sustenance and annihilation of the world. sasvath means always.



58. Krishnah


The meaning of the word Krishna is give in the Mahabharatha, Udhyogaparva thus. `krshi' stands for the earth,

krshirbhoovaachakah. The particle `na' is nirvrthivaachakah, bliss through emancipation. As the krshikarma, ploughing makes the earth ready to bear the seed and to yield its wealth. So too, the Lord ploughs through the mind to make it worthy of enjoying the bliss of union with Him, who is exceedingly delightful, nithaanthena nirvrthah krishnah. Hence, says Mahabharatha, Lord

Vishnu has acquired the name Krishna. In Bhagavatha however the name was explained as karshanaath krishnah, one who attracts.


59. Lohithaakshah

Lohitha, red, eyes, indicative of excessive joy.


60. Prathardhanah


Thardhih means destruction. He is prathardhanah, extraordinary

annihilator as He destroys the whole universe at the time of Mahapralaya, the great deluge. `Aththaa charaachara grahanaath,' says Vyasa in Brahmasuthra. He is the devourer of all beings.


61. Prabhoothah.

Affluent because of His ananthakalyanaguna, infinite auspicious qualities.


62. Thrikakubdhaamah


He has the threefold world as His abode. Kakubh means the direction. The three directions referred to are, urdhvam, up, adhah, down and thiryag, horizontal, which includes the whole universe. As splendour is an alternative meaning for kakubh the name can be taken to mean the three pairs of gunas or bhagas as they

were called, that constitute the three vyuhas of Bhagavan, Sankarshana, Pradhyumna and Anirudhdha. Jnana and vairagya are attributed to Sankarshana, Aisvarya and virya to Pradhyumna and yasas and shree to Anirudhdha while all the six that denote the status of Bhagavan are attributed to Vasudeva the Supreme Godhead.


63. Pavithram

Purity incarnate. That which Pavathe , purifies, is pavithram.


64. Mangalam Param

The Lord is called Mangalam param , the utmost in auspicious and beneficial things. That which destroys evil and provides a continuous flow of good by mere remembrance of it, is Mangalam and hence Brahman, synonymous with Narayana is auspiciousness itself.


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