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Periazvar kanda kannan-Hairdressing of Krishna

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Hair dressing for Krishna


Somehow Yasodha made Krishna come and take bath. The Lord will play

to make the devotees yearn for Him but will not make them suffer for

long and will come to them after awhile.


Now Yasodha wants to v comb his hair and dress it. Krishna only

wants to go and play and tries to evade it. So to distract him

Yasodha calls the crow which perhaps was there to come and comb his

hair . Periazvar enjoys the scene as Yasodha.


" O crow come and comb the hair of Madhava,(the consort of Lakshmi)

who has enslaved all of us and also the consort of Nappinaai. Not

only that he is also the first cause of the universe and all beings

including the immortal ones like the nithysooris and now he is seen

lying down at Thirupperai.. "


Thirupperai is one of the 108 divyadesama of the Lord


Nithyasooris are the attendants of the Lord like Garuda. Sesha,

Vishvaksena etc.


Yasodha wants to impress the crow that it is not an ordinary honour

to be able to comb the hair of Krishna. By further saying that even

as Krishna he has killed the demons Poothana, and Sakatasura and

uprooted the twin trees. His tresses are like the sapphire and the

rain-bearing cloud.


Yasodha further describes him as the Lord of the devas who, as

Krishna, goes and eats the butter kept on a high place and comes

back and sleeps like an innocent.


He has torn the beaks of asura who came in the form of a crane as

though it was just a bird and another asura in the form of a calf

whom he caught by the legs and threw at the tree of fruits. He is

indeed the supreme purusha . So, Yasodha tells the crow not to roam

around crowing according to its nature but come and comb the hair of

Krishna, who wields the chakra


Yasodha gives the reason for mentioning the chakra. Krishna

destroyed the wicked kings of the east who were arrogant with power

with that chakra. The kings of the east means Narakasura, jarasandha

Sisupala etc.


Here it should be remembered that it was Periazvar who is imagining

himself as yasodha and hence the narration of the glory of the Lord

which Yasodha would not have known.


Yasodha admonishes the crow saying that without wandering to eat the

cooked rice offered to the pitrs and ghosts, it should come and

comb the hair of Krishna , which is rough due to being washed with

sour fruit (shikaikai) with ivory comb.


He is the one who created the four-faced creator Brahma, who gave

out the Vedas, from the lotus on his navel. Yasodha instructs the

crow how to comb the hair of Krishna. He is the one who enchanted

the wives of Mahabali with his charming form as Vamana and then

measured the whole world as Thrivikrama. His hair should be combed

from behind placing him on a bed of flowers.

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