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Fw: Bhuvana.. Need help from you

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Kindly read below attached mail which I received.

 I want to help this poor family by sponsor this two kids

 and there mother.

But before that, If you are in Madras can you

collect the details of this family to make sure

 it is not a Cheating case. Kindly help me ,

your valuable reply will be very much help full

to me and may be to this family.


I decide this because if I give little money , they will

get only food ,but if They are right persons need help and 

if I Sponsor them , they will get a good life with education. 



with regards



--- On Sun, 11/30/08, Muralidharan Pillai <muralidharanpillai68



Muralidharan Pillai <muralidharanpillai68



Sunday, November 30, 2008, 12:05 AM










Dear Sir,


Sub:- Request for help.


 I am making this request to your kind heart, hoping that two girls will get a

square meal a day


The relevant particulars and address of these girls are as under:-


Family  Background.

Till recently, they were pavement dwellers.


Father. Their father deserted them after the birth of the second girl. To the

best of my knowledge, he is a drug addict.


Mother is illiterate, presently working as domestic help, cleaning the house,

washing clothes and collecting water from street tap. That is the only means for

their bread and butter. One of the major problems is that mother is not healthy.

Mother is striving her best to get both children, but day by day events are

going out of control.


Maternal Grandparents. The are pavement-dwellers.  They had one house on the

pavement. They sold it last year for performing the wedding of their second

daughter. The grandfather is almost blind. The grandmother is doing wayside

selling of kira -- a type of green vegetable-- 


Children. The first girl, Bhuvaneswari, is studying in the seventh standard and

the other Raji, in the fifth standard. Mostly, they sustain themselves on the

noon meal being provided by the school authorities. They are getting also little

amounts of meals from the house where their mother is employed. During holidays,

they usually have only one meal.


Shelter. They were living in the premises of a printing press where the mother

was watchman for three years. A year back she lost the job and as well as the


After that they were living on the pavement. One day saw that the elder girl is

taking bath on the street side.

I advised her mother to get a small room for them. She expressed her inability

in giving the deposit money. I provided them the deposit money and they are now

staying in a room but the major part of mother¢s income is going towards room



On November 23, about 8 p.m., accidentally, I met the Raji at a shop dealing in

old papers and waste materials. She had some old papers in a bag with her to

sell. Casually I checked the items, and found some of their note books of the

current academic year along with some old papers. I asked her why she was

selling these books; she replied, weeping, they are starving and her mother is

not at home from the morning. So the sisters together decided to sell these

items to purchase some atta or rava. Since the quantity of the old papers is not

enough to purchase atta they -two sisters- decided to include their books of the

first term of current academic year. Moved by her plight, I purchased the items

for them.


Usually their mother brings some eatables for them from the house where she is

working for supper.  Since the employer went on leave they could not get

anything. Moreover it was being Sunday they could not get meals from the school



For the last three years I have been giving some monitory help for them. I

recently discontinued helping them as I could not meet my own extra medicine

expenses. Being an old man I am unable to increase my income.


It will be very helpful if you donate Rs.450/- per month for some months, so

that they can be sure of one time meal a day. The share of a girl per day will

be Rs.7 per meal.


Meanwhile, I am trying to get a better income-fetching job for their mother.


With the blessings of God


Muralidharn Pillai.


Their address:-


c/o Selvi

Old. no. 356, New no 56.

Lloyds Road, Chennai-5.


P S.  Kindly send the money directly to them.
































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