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Namasthe- Incorporating God in our daily life

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Dear all,


This is a story about incorporating God in our daily life.Once there was a rich man who owned 19 horses. He died suddenly and in his will he specified to whom the horses should go. Will indicated that half of the horses should be for his son, one fourth to the temple near his house and one fifth to his faithful servant. Since the total number was 19, an odd number, nobody knew how to divide the horses in the manner described in the will.


Then there appeared a wise, ardent devotee riding on a horse and he offered to help them. Elders agreed and the devotee arranged the 19 horses in a row and he left his own horse on one end to make the number of horses 20. Then with confidence he removed half of the horses, that is , 10 horses from the row and gave them to the rich man's son. Then gave one fourth of the total number of horses, that is, 5 horses to the temple authorities, and after that one fifth of the total number of horses, that is, 4 horses to the faithful servant. He finished his job in a few minutes, spoke the following inspiring words before he mounted on his own horse and disappeared:


" Dear friends, this seemingly unsolvable problem was solved with God's help. God send me here on a horse and I could add that horse to make the problem simple. When we bring God and incorporate Him in our daily lives, problems becomes simpler or lighter and solvable. Dear friends, in this case, I added a horse because I came on a horse. Who tempted me to come on a horse today? I usually walk to visit all of you because your village is very near my village. But today, for some unknown reason, I had this urge to come on my horse. So I knew that there was something God wanted me to accomplish by coming on the horse. So friends, listen to your inner voice and you can hear Him directing and then add His name in your everyday happenings and He will solve for you even the most difficult problems. Just imagine what happens when you add a one to the left of six zeros. It becomes a million, and with out that one on the left side, , they are just zeros. That ONE, which adds value, life, energy, chaitanyam and all satwagunas to all animate and inanimate beings is our Lord. He is near us, in us, around us and everywhere. Bye for now. "




Regards and prayers



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