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Srila Prabhupada speaks on: Jealousy-It's Cause and Cure

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" Jealousy-It's Cause and Cure "

Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.9.27 Mayapur, March 5, 1976 listen

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Pusta Krsna: " Like the ordinary living entity, my Lord, You have no such discrimination, thinking like 'He is my friend; he is my enemy; he is favorable; he is unfavorable.' Such conception of low grade and high grade You have not got. But according to one's gradation of service, You offer them benediction exactly like the desire tree offers fruits according to the desire of the person. The desire tree has no distinction of low grade and high grade position of the beggar. "


naisa paravara-matir bhavato nanu syatjantor yathatma-suhrdo jagatas tathapisamsevaya surataror iva te prasadahsevanurupam udayo na paravaratvam [sB 7.9.27]

It is very important verse. Discrimination. Sometimes the atheist class demons, they say, " Why God has made somebody so opulent and why somebody so poor? " This is the general question. Perhaps you have met, eh? So that is being solved. Paravaratvam. Para means better, and apara means inferior. Superior and inferior. There are two things, superior and inferior, everywhere, but in the eyes of God, Krsna, there is no such thing, superior or inferior. He's superior, and everything is superior. This should be understood. There is no such discrimination that " Here is a devotee, so he's superior, and here is a nondevotee, he's inferior. " That is not God's discrimination. That is your discrimination. If you like to remain as inferior, you can remain. God has given you independence. And if you like to become superior, you can become superior. It is not God's discrimination; it is your discrimination. Mind this verse very carefully. Krsna says that " You fully become dependent upon Me, and I shall give you full protection. " This is superiority. As soon as I fully surrender to the supreme superior, Krsna, then my position is immediately superior. And if I don't do that, then I remain inferior.

There is a verse in the Bhagavad-gita, ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham: [bg. 4.11] " It is up to you to... If you surrender cent percent, then I am also fully cent percent for you. " But if you have got discrimination -- " Certain percentage for my wife, certain percentage for my children, certain percentage for my country, certain percent..., " so on, so on, so on, so on, ultimately, " Zero for God " -- then God is also zero. It is up to you. But if you take God -- " You are my everything " -- then He is also for you, everything. It is up to you. Paravaratvam. He does not discriminate. You discriminate. There are many persons, they come to Vrndavana, and whatever they have earned throughout the whole life, so they give everything to the wife and children and make contract that " I am going to Vrndavana. You send me at least two hundred rupees for my expenditure. " " And what about two lakhs and crores? " " Oh, that is yours. The two lakhs and crores, what I have earned, that is for you, my dear children, my dear wife, and you give me two hundred for God. So I am going to Vrndavana. " So Krsna is very intelligent: " All right, I am also for you two hundred. (laughter) I am also for you two hundred. " Ye yatha mam... This is the meaning, real meaning. Ye yatha mam prapadya... Krsna is for you. It is called... What is called the exact word? Responsive cooperation. " If you have surrendered to Me cent percent, then I respond cent percent. If you have surrendered twenty-five percent, then I respond twenty-five percent. " This is the position.

So Prahlada Maharaja knows it, that naisa paravara-matir bhavato: " You have no such thing as discriminating. " So one may say that " I may... I am foolish, I may not surrender to Krsna cent percent, but why He is not kind cent percent? " So that is Krsna's discrimination. Why He should? He can... He can become cent percent, but He does not do so. That means Krsna is sentient; He is not impersonal. Don't think that whatever you are doing, Krsna cannot see. In the Deity room, if you think that " This Deity is made of brass. Whatever nonsense I can do, He does not see, " no, He can see everything. Angani yasya sakalendriya-vrttimanti pasyanti panti kalayanti. He sees. You rascal, you do not know how Krsna sees. You think that " He has these brass-made eyes. He cannot see. I can do all nonsense with... " No. That is not. He can see everything. Pasyanti panti. Angani yasya sakalendriya-vrttimanti. He can see with His lotus feet. He can see with His hand. We can see simply with our eyes, but Krsna can see with all the... Angani yasya sakalendriya-vrttimanti. You have seen. Krsna is playing the flute. The fingers are open. A finger touching: " What you are doing? " We do not know the fingers can also see. But this is absolute. Krsna can use His any energy, any power, any part of the body, for anything else. This is Krsna. Angani yasya sakalendriya-vrttimanti.

So Krsna can see within our mind how much we are surrendered and how much we are after material enjoyment. Therefore the best thing is we have to make zero. Anyabhilasita-sunyam [brs. 1.1.11]. Sunyam means zero. Unless we make everything zero, simply Krsna fact... Krsna is only fact, and everything zero. Without Krsna, everything zero. Just like one is one and, zero is zero, but when zero is added with one, it becomes ten immediately, ten times, similarly, this material world is zero, and Krsna is one. If you want to enjoy the material world by your own effort, it will always prove zero. You'll never be satisfied. But you add this zero by the side of Krsna -- you enjoy like anything, ten times. Ten times. With zero, it is zero, But when it is added with Krsna, it is ten times. Just see practically. Our Krsna consciousness movement was started with forty rupees. Now that forty rupees or something added with Krsna, it has become forty crores. You see practically. When I started for your country, I came to Mayapur. I offered my obeisances to my spiritual master, then I went. At that time I had no money even to purchase the ticket. And after that, I have come with forty crores. This is the secret. Ye yatha mam prapadyante [bg. 4.11]. If you fully surrender to Krsna, then Krsna is there. You have to learn how to take from Krsna. Of course, a devotee is never desirous to take anything from Krsna. He wants to give only. This is pure devotee. A pure devotee wants, " Krsna, whatever little I have got, You take it, everything. " And Krsna says, " Yes, because you have given your everything, even up to your life, I'll also give you My everything to you. " This is Krsna.

So Krsna has no discrimination, but it is up to us to know how to take from Krsna. Just like the example is given here that samsevaya surataror iva. Surataror iva. Surataroh means the desire tree. It is described in the Brahma-samhita, desire tree. Cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksa [bs. 5.29]. That is kalpa-vrksa. Kalpa-vrksa means... You have no experience. We have no experience. Kalpa-vrksa, there is in the higher planetary system and especially in the Vaikuntha world. There are, trees are kalpa-vrksa, because everything is spiritual; nothing is dead. Here you can take some fruits or flower from a particular tree, but there, if you like, you ask kachori and samosa from a tree -- you get. But we have no idea what is surataroh, what is kalpa-vrksa. Whatever you desire, you'll get it. Surabhih, surabhir abhipal... The cows are surabhi. Here you have got limitation. You can milk morning and evening to a certain extent, but there the cows are surabhi. Surabhi means you can milk as many times as you like, and as much milk as you want, you can take it. But these things are there. But we have no information. We are struggling here. Manah-sasthanindriyani prakrti-sthani karsati [bg. 15.7]. Because we are fools and rascals, we are trying to make some adjustment here. That is not possible. It is duhkhalayam asasvatam [bg. 8.15]. This is maya. We are trying to be happy in this material... It will never be possible. But these fools and rascals, they do not know. They are making big, big plans how to become happy, how to become, " In our country, in our home, in our society, in our family, " and so on, so on, so on. This means we are simply becoming entangled. Ato grha-ksetra-sutapta-vittair janasya moho 'yam, aham moha [sB 5.5.8], illusion. It will never be possible. Therefore, the conclusion is, we should fully surrender, cent percent to Krsna, and then we become happy. Samsevaya surataror iva te prasadah.

The example is: just like the desire tree, kalpa-vrksa. It can fulfill any desire, any desire. We have got so many desires. Krsna can fulfill all the desires. Please surrender to Krsna. This is the process.

akamah sarva-kamo vamoksa-kama udara-dhihtivrena bhakti-yogenayajeta paramam purusah [sB 2.3.10]

We go here and there for fulfilling our desire, but if we are fully surrendered to Krsna, all our desires will be fulfilled sitting at home. We haven't got to go here and there. Therefore it is said, surataror iva te prasadah. And how it is? Sevanurupa. This is... This is the secret. If you are engaged cent percent in service, sevanu..., anurupam. It is proportion to your service. You cannot order Krsna, " Give me this. " That is not possible. He is not your servant. Krsna cannot become anyone's servant, " Krsna, give me this, give me that. " Krsna's not your servant. He's not order-supplier. His order you should supply. Then you can take. You don't make Krsna your order supplier. That is mistake. Therefore anyabhilasita-sunyam [brs. 1.1.11], pure devotion means first of all you learn not to order Krsna, " Krsna, give me this, give me that, give me that. " Don't bother Krsna. That is the beginning of spiritual life. Anyabhilasita-sunyam [Cc. Madhya 19.167]. You prepare to carry out every order of Krsna. Then it is spiritual life. Don't make Krsna your order-supplier. You become order-supplier of Krsna.

Therefore it is said that sevanurupa. If you learn how to give service to Krsna cent percent, then you get everything, everything, without asking. Krsna knows everything, what is required for you. Just like a father knows what is the necessity of the child. The child never begs, " Father, give me this, give me that. " No. He's simply dependent on parents. The parent knows. Similarly, if we become cent percent dependent and serve Him faithfully under His order or His representative's order, then the success is sure. Sevanurupa. Sevanurupam udayo. Udayo: " It becomes manifest. " Just like the sun is rising in the sky. It is not by your order. It is rising by his own way. You cannot say that " My dear sun, please immediately come to the medium (meridian?) and make it noon. " " No, I am not your servant. I shall rise according to my principle. " So similarly, if you cannot order even the sun, a creation of God, or anything according to your order, then how you can order Krsna? This is foolishness. Don't order Krsna. Try to serve Krsna. Then you'll be successful. Sevanurupam udayo na paravaratvam. Krsna has no discrimination that you are inferior; therefore His favor is not bestowed upon you. This is foolishness. Don't become envious of somebody who is getting Krsna's favor. Krsna is favoring him because he has served. You serve; you'll get favor. This is God. Krsna has no discrimination that one is getting more opulence, more success; another is rotting. That is not Krsna's; it is your discrimination. You wanted some rotten things; you get it. You wanted some stone and wood, you take it. But if somebody wanted to serve -- " I have given Him service " -- all right, you serve. This is paravara... Not paravaratvam, it is foolishness, that " Krsna has favored him so much. I not favored. " You become just eligible to be favored, then you'll be favored. This is the process. Na paravaratvam. He has no such discrimination. Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau svayam eva sphuraty adah [brs. 1.2.234].

Therefore the principle is sevanurupam. Always remember this, as it is said here, Prahlada Maharaja. Prasada... Krsna is always ready to give you prasada, all favor. Why not? Without doing something, you are getting so much favor. Without Krsna's favor you cannot live even for a moment. He's so kind. Even the cats and dogs, they are also getting Krsna's favor. Eko hi vidadhati bahunam kaman. Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam... Eh? Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13). Krsna is so kind that He is supplying stool to the hog because he wants to eat it. He wants to eat. He has desire: " Give me facility for eating stool. " " Give me favor, facility, to drink fresh blood. " " All right, you take the suitable body. You want fresh blood? I'll... You get the tiger's body, the nails and the claws and the teeth. As soon as touches you, immediately all blood sucking. " So He has delivered: " All right, take this facility. " But what is the advantage of this facility? The facility is... You know. The tigers, they do not get food every day. He has got the facility to suck blood, but... All the implements he has got, but there is no chance. Because every animal knows, " In that part of the forest there is tiger, " they do not go, so he starves. He starves. You'll find so many rich men, they have got enough money, but they cannot eat more. They cannot eat more.

So this kind of facilities, it is our foolishness. It is not facility. That is punishment. Real facility is how to serve Krsna. That is real facility. So we should always ask, beg. That is the Caitanya Mahaprabhu's instruction.

na dhanam na janam na sundarimkavitam va jagadisa kamayemama janmani janmanisvarebhavatad bhaktir ahaituki [Cc. Antya 20.29, Siksastaka 4]

This facility we should always ask: " Krsna, I don't want any facility of this material world. I am not worth to serve You; still, I am begging. Give me this facility so that I can get the chance to serve You. " That is life's success.

Thank you very much. (end)


>>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.9.27 -- Mayapur, March 5, 1976




© 2001 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with permission.


-- There's no reason to suffer in material existence any longer. All we have to do to become free forever from all suffering is take complete shelter of Lord Sri Krishna, the original person, the source of all existence. He is our ever well-wishing benefactor. He wants only the best for us because His love for us is unlimited. Even if we are caught up in heavy apparently unsolvable anxieties such as being eaten by a tiger, if we completely surrender ourselves to Lord Krishna, we will wake up from our nightmare and realize that it was only a dream. There was no tiger about to devour us. We will see that there is Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And there is His devotees. We will see that we are also one of His devotees and we can joyfully Him and His devotees for all of eternity in a state of ever-increasing ecstasy.

Chant:Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

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