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Namasthe- Bheema Ekadashi

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Dear all,


Like the well known Bheeshma Ekadashi, there is one Ekadashi which is known as Bhima Ekadashi or Nirjala Ekadashi. The story of Bhima Ekadashi is very interesting.


One day all the Pandavas and their mother Kunthi Devi had the shock of their life. When they got up in the morning they saw their dear brother Bhimasena, who was stronger than the strongest and braver than the bravest, lying unconscious in his room. They brought cold water and sprinkled on his face and did all first aid treatment they knew. After a few minutes he slowly opened his very tired eyes and looked at everybody. He was not able to talk. So with his hands he touched his stomach to say that he was very hungry and pointed towards his mouth to signal that he wanted to drink something immediately. They ran to the kitchen and brought what ever was made for breakfast for the whole paraphernalia and kept in front of Bhima. Bhima started eating and by that time gallons of milk and juice were brought and he drank a lot of fluids also. Then he looked and felt better.


Then Kunthi Devi asked Bhimasena: " Son, what happened to you? I have never seen you tired like this. " . Bheema said: " Dear Mother, nothing serious. Yesterday I observed Ekadashi fasting or Ekadashi Suddhavaasam. "


They all wondered how Bhima could become tired enough to become uunconscious just by fasting for 24 hours. They all did the same thing. The were in good shape except that they were hungry and were happy to break the fast after doing the " paarana " .


Then Bhima explained to everybody how he was different from everybody else: " I am the son of Vayudeva -Samaanapraana, (the digestive air) and hunger is unbearable to me. This digestive fire is also known as Vrika. I have this special fire in me and that is why I am known as Vrikodara. My fire for digestion or jadharaagni is much stronger than an average person's and hence my craving for foods also is enormous. I cannot even think of fasting more than a few hours and I know I cannot observe two ekadashis in one month. "


So everybody asked him: " Bhimasena, knowing this, why did you fast yesterday?. "


Then Bhima came with the rest of his story behind the fasting. He continued: " When all my four brothers, Draupadi and my mother were fasting for every Ekadashi, I felt very bad not to observe the vratham. Also I have heard that the drums in heaven are made of the skin of those unfortunate people who do not observe Ekadashi. So I decided to ask Vyasa Bhagavan about a solution for my problem. Vyaasa bhagavan told me to observe just one Ekadashi in one year and he said it should be the shuklapaksha ekadashi in Mithuna maasam ( I think it is the same as Jyeshta maasam) and vratham on that ekadashi would bless the devotee with the punyam of observing all ekadashis of the whole year. He specifically told me that this leniency in the rule is only for people with some handicap like myself. My body is made in such a way, that I need much more quantity of food to be functional than normal people. So I observed this ekadashi fasting and while meditating on God, I fell unconscious. Even though it is very difficult for me to observe the vratham, I have decided to take this vratham every year and Vyaasa Bhagavan told me that Bhagavan would make it possible for me to observe this in future with much less difficulty. "


Bhima continued talking to the devotees assembled there: " Dear devotees, so if you have any health issues or other handicaps to observe all Ekadashis, please observe at least this one Ekadashi which would give you punyam of observing all Ekadashis. Bhagavan is the personification of kindness and He fully understands every body's predicament. If you are hale healthy, observe all. "


Since then, this suklapaksha Ekadasi in Mithunam or Jyeshta maasam is known as Bhima Ekadashi or Nirjala Ekadashi meaning fasting should be done with out drinking even a drop of water.




Regards and prayers








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