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Life after death

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Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

The following explanation is based on our own experience, and not some


Just as we have a gross physical body with sense organs, brain, hands,

legs, etc. there is also an experience of thoughts, intelligence,

memory, mind-stuff, and a strong sense of " I " -ego, as if residing, in

the gross body. This later beig subtle in nature and can be called

subtle body, body meaning a collection of instrument of knowledge in

this context.


However, gross body is like a TV set providing hardware, and subtle

body is like unlocalized broadcasting waves, localized, as it were, in

a body, like the TV set, which is the needed hardware without which

localization is not possible. It is the subtle body which really

dictates the gross body to act through senses and thinking process as

we alll know. Since the subtle body has centered around the sense of

separation, ego, " I " , it is acting in ignorance as conditioned by

universal body of ignorance-also known as collective

Karmas-impressions done in terms of thoughts and feelings of all

mankind since the beginning who lived and are living as egoic entities.


Subtle body originates from the genetic and environmental conditioning

and hence each person feels different and separate in ignorance!

As we all know physical and subtle body of a person is useless without

Atman, a self-evident Presence of Existence in us which makes body

function at gross level as well as subtle level in terms of hearing,

seeing, smelling, touching, tasting and thinking, knowing. Atman is

thus pure Consciousness that witnesses body-mind and world. It is the

subtlest body of sat-chit-ananda experience, so to speak. In

Consciousness-Atma when an identification with limitations of gross

and subtle body takes place, a person, as described above, is born who

lives life as separate and independent entity, and thinks he is doer

of deeds. It is actually subtle body that drives his life.


Such a person acquires desires, fears, likes and dislikes, and

consequent suffering. Upon death subtle body(sukshma sarir) goes to

merge with all collective subtle bodies, maintaining to some degree

its ignorance of not knowing its impersonal nature.


Collective subtle body or Karmas condition, in more or less degree,

individuals born in that place and that time with then prevalent

conditioning. For example some have compassionate thoughts of Saints

and Sages who lived before us or living now, and some are impressed by

cruelties, tragedies brought about by people of evil actions.

Each one of us feeds from and to that collective subtle body of

ignorance and it continues from body to body in an impersonal way as

if reincarnated into a suitable body to continue where it left in a

previous birth, so to speak, to wipe out karmas.


So Karmas, reincarnations are the results of living a conditioned life

of a separate being with a Karta-bhav. Thus it is really a drama

played in a dream of ignorance! Upon true knowledge of Atman,

Universal Consciousness, one wakes up from such a dream. The subtle

body thus dissolves into the ocean of Bliss! No more births or deaths,

bodies simply come and go, are witnessed as roles, and right actions

are brought about to establish Dharma!




(Pratap Bhatt)





Subject of life and death is discussed in Bhagwat Gita in the very

begining as primary. The main problem of Arjun was fear in causing

death of his family members and soldiers for pecuniary gains, and

therefore he was reluctant. Life and death happen all the time. Love

for a condition between life and death is not possible to have for

long, because the body is constantly changing, and environmental

responses do change. Also, when a person changes the place of

residence or employment from one to another city, this is death from

old place and birth at new place. That means, if that person goes

back to old city, he will know it but cannot recognize and cannot

relate it to himself. At time of death, or changes in job or house or

cloths, the changes occur is similar. At new city, new relations are

forged and new businesses develop, but the man remains the same, and

his mind is growing constantly, across different lives and death.

When a person leaves a job for better job, he is happy and has no pain

in reliving from old body; but when a person is kicked off from a job,

then person pleaded to have more time, and not happy to leave it.

After death and before birth is a time for relaxation and waiting for

a good opportunity. This state is lonely and not engaged. After

engagement, life becomes physical, and active in a given mould. In

other words, the life is like a car, seed or medicine which is

complete and full in itself, at begining itself, and expiry date in

normal condition is fixed at time of manufacture. Birth place and time

is very important for ones' life as it is for a car or medicines or

any product. After manufacture, nothing can be added or deleated. It

is fixed, and has to endure in physical world (mrityu lok).


K G Misra


, " sadhak_insight "

<sadhak_insight wrote:


> Jai Shree Krishna


> Can you share with me about position of person after death? what

> sukhsm sarir (subtle body) feels like after death, since sukshm

> sarir (subtle body) has no ears, eyes, brain etc. There appears to

> be no reference is Geeta ji


> sadhak

> suresh goel




> The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk discussions.



> 1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

> related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

> clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

> 2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

> substantiate your response.

> 3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

> extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

> 4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

> sadhaka's time.

> 5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

> 6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

> organizations.

> 7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

> number, address etc.

> 8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

> since the message is going to the entire group.

> 9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

> 10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

> is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

> 11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

> westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

> words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

> wherever possible.


> Ram Ram


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Shree Hari

Ram Ram

A quick reminder !

Please kindly respond concisely, addressing only the question being

raised, and Bhagavad Gita's message related to the subject being

discussed. It will be most graciously appreciated to also include

the english meaning of the sanskrit words for the benefit of

sadhakas who that do not comprehend Sankrit.


Thank you all ! Ram Ram


What is the position of a person after death?


We often harbor such confusion by questioning what we would be after

death as if we have understood what we are when alive. The

question " What am I now? " is more meaningful question than " what

would I be after death? " The earlier brings peace because the very

basis for this question is the quest for peace. On the other hand,

the later brings fear because the very basis for the question is

fear of death. We somehow " want " to believe that we can somehow

conquer death … if not circumvent it at the least to quench our

insatiable desire to stick to our individual identities. This is the

root cause for this perennial human quest (rather greed!) for after

death continuity of an individual throughout the history of mankind.


Bhagavdgita keeps emphasizing on this confusion in ones mind … for



Jaatasya hi dhruvo mrithuh dhruvam janma mritasya cha |

Tasmaadapariharyarthe na tvam shochitum arhasi ||


If you think you are born, death is inevitable to you. If you think

you are going to die, birth is inevitable to you as well. If you

think you are born you are bound to be afraid of death. If you think

you would die you are bound to lust for birth. Perception of birth

and death are inseparable. Either win over such perception

altogether or accept the perception as is. Either way you have no

room for miseries. Bhagavan Vyasa is so beautifully explicit over

this matter through out the epic of Mahabharatha.


In other words, before addressing the question on after death

situation, you have to address the following while you are " alive " :


1. What are life, birth and death?

2. What is your relation with these three wonderfully illusive

and evasive events?

3. Who are you and what are you? Do you really know

the " Sukshma Sharira " that you are referring to?

4. Do you believe you were born? In that case what were you at

the instance of birth?

5. Do you believe you will die one day? In that case what would

you be at the instance of death?


My opinion is … You would be the same at the instance of death as

you were at the instance of birth! Same are you while living!! Same

were you before " your " birth!!! Same will you be after " your "



Can you ever establish what YOU are, were and would be?! NO!!!



|| Naayamaatmaa pravachena labhyah | Na medhaya na bhuna shrutena ||


My suggestion is … do not pursue the mirage as the above verse from

Bhagavadgita instructs. Can you ever establish what this " sukshma

sharira " is when you have all the faculties such as " annam pranam

chakshuh shrotram mano vaachamiti " ? It is something that cannot be

established as it is much more than your sensory capabilities of

perception. Just like a man born blind can never experience what a

color could be or like a man born deaf could never tell what a sound

could be, all of us can never tell what anything could be beyond our



If you think that only those sensible make sense to you, so be it.

Then, everything is as momentary as your sensory faculties are –

that includes your " sukshma sharira " as well. If you understand that

your senses are only partial, limited and momentary in nature, you

would not dare to establish something beyond your senses within

these senses. That would be as ridiculous as a blind man arguing

about a color or a deaf man judging some music!


Do not try to establish anything … just be as you are … just

perceive everything as is … then you are automatically THAT which is

The You before your birth, at your birth, through your life, at your

death, and after your death. If you let yourself be … THAT reveals

itself within and around.


Yamevaisha vrinute tena labhyah | Tasyaisha aatmaa virunute tanum

swaa ||


Please think about it.




Naga Narayana.


Bookish knowledge is always taken with a pinch of salt. Real sAdhaks

have spoken or written their experiences. Spirituality can go a very

little with intellectual discussion.


Spirituality lies in individual experience which is not

transferable. One has to work for it to get at it. If one dwells in

satisfying curiosity, spiritual progress will be far from reality.


sAdhanA in daily life is the application of scriptural learning in

daily life. Humility, kindness, truthfulness and host of other noble

virtues are automatically reflected in a sAdhak's talk, behavior and



Please refer to Arjuna's question " SthitaprajnasyA kA bhAssA... " . A

person who is established in Truth, his both conscious or otherwise

activities will speak for that.


To practice one shloka of Srimad Bhagavad Gita in perfection is an

effort of life time or beyond. And the perfection in one, gives

overall perfection as absolute perfection has no " upAdhis " or



Please do sAdhanA. All questions will be answered from within.


Each one of us is Realized. But existence of the knowledge of the

same, makes the difference between being established in the Truth or



Every moment is precious. Please don't let it go without investing

in it properly.


Thank you!


humble regards


(Manoj Panda



Dear All,


Know Thy VEDAS


What Vedas say about DEATH of the human body?


Human body is mentioned in VEDAS as tri-ani pada (three bodies in

one)- divine, spiritual and gross. Atma (soul)- the omniscient

principle resides in divine body, spirit (JIVA)- the energy

principle resides in spiritual body along with 10 Pranas (vital

breath/Asu), Vivek (discernment) Buddhi (intellect). According to

Rig Veda 1-2-7 Pranas/Asu is the great devourer of diseases.

Billions of cells along with senses/sense organs and etani -outward

looking mind reside in our gross body. Atma (soul) is not affected

by MAYA the cosmic delusion. Since Maya hides the Truth and Reality

with its Golden Lid, and this dazzling golden disc (extreme

Materialism) affects senses/sense organs/etani, so the existing of

Soul as Reality remains hidden from the senses.

Beneficent spirit is provided to us to perform our right deeds. Good

thoughts relate to the soul. Thus, human mind is completely joined

with soul and spirit but under the influence of senses, phenomenal

world of matter it is de-linked from these divine inner instruments

and is badly entangled with matter, lust, greed infatuation and

attachment. One of the purposes of human birth is

mentioned " realisation of one's real Self " . For Self Realisation

Vedas prescribe follow RTA (cosmic laws) which having been created

even God follows sternly.


What happens at the time of Death of the gross body? Vedic



At the time of death of the gross body, cells merge with the earth,

spirit merges with the divine Nature (Prakrti), the soul being

immortal remains alive, and hence consciousness remains. Based on

degree of truth, quality of Karma (good or bad deeds), acquired in

the present and previous births as individual's running ledger

account, it gets manifested again on the birth of another gross

body. This process of birth and rebirth continues until, the soul

achieves perfection, is released from the three modes of Prakrti and

moves beyond three gunas of transparency, activity and passivity. It

is the stage of salvation, liberation i.e. Vedic Moksha.


Rig Veda 1-164-20, 10-9-20, 10-8-43 and 44 describe three divine

substances, Parmatma (Supreme Soul), Atma (human soul) and the

divine Nature. On the " Death " of human beings, spirit goes back to

Prakrti and merges with the Nature as part of the vast storehouse of

energy. The soul does not go back to Parmatma who is the Supreme

Soul as it gets affected with subtle atoms and particles of human

good and bad deeds, thoughts and desires.


Vedic metaphysics is emphatic that owing to the prevalence of the

spirit of God in all human beings, any distinction of class

superiority or inferiority is negation of religion and ethics.

Soul is dynamic but not moving when manifested, but moves faster

than all material things when not manifested. It traverses billions

of miles when it goes to devas (beings of light as forces of divine

Nature) viz. Suriya (Sun), Chandrama (Moon), Indra, , Mitra, Varun,

Yama etc., during the 12 days journey after the death of gross body

for purification, knowledge, luster, noble and divine traits, which

it lost during the stage of manifestation in the body. (Yajur Veda

39-6). But the effects of Karma remain intact. It becomes fierce,

calm, terrible, fearless, ignorant, enlightened, passionate or

ascetic dependent on the past deeds, desires and thoughts (Y.V.39-

7). In the womb it becomes lovely through various virtuous deeds,

chastise able through ignoble deeds, supreme through divine

knowledge, noble through spiritual force and protector of all bodily

organs and the pericardium enclosing the heart. It is for this

reason that most of the scriptures mention the soul dwelling in the

heart of all individuals. Apart from Vedas, Bhagavad-Gita, Adi

Grantha Gaund M-5 and Katha Upanishad 1-2-20 to 22 also mention the

soul residing in the heart.


After its 12 days journey, it is well equipped with Vedic knowledge,

a-priori principles and cosmic laws of social and moral order (Rta).

Thus on the birth of a child, the knowledge of four Vedas is made

available through the manifested soul which is part of the inner



Thus consciousness is the real cause of transmigration of soul from

one body to another. Brihadarnyaka Upanishad 4-3-34 and 4-4-4

explains the rebirth as a man passes from dream to wakefulness, so

does from this life to next life. At old age or during the stage of

degeneration even during young age, the self separates from the

limbs like ripe mango, fig or banayan fruit separates itself from

the trunk. The same way the self hastens to his new abode based on

past karma and begins a new life in a new body. The " self " i.e. atma

departs through eye, or gate of the skull or some other apertures of

the body. The deeds of the entire life and the impressions those

deeds created to the manifested soul before leaving the body follows

the individual in the next birth.


Even those souls which have achieved Moksha and have become one with

God also take birth after centuries to guide the harassed humanity.

Some time they take birth through divine potency like Lord Krishna

or Lord Rama and most often as human beings with normal birth like

Buddha, Mahavira, Socrates, Sankracharya and many others.


From the above description, it is apparent that true followers of

Vedic guidelines observe Prayer Meetings of the departed souls on

the 13th day of the death as the departed soul completes its journey

for purification on the 12th day.


With kind regards,




Dear Sadaks,

Jeevathuma is Sukshumamam. It is energy that comes into form (human,

animal, ant, plant etc) depending on Karmas. This Jeevathuma (call

it sprit/ sukshuma/ soul) joins with Paramathuma when there is no

credit of puniyas or papas. Human can send his/her soul through

Susunba Nerve right through spinal cord on to top of skull where

there it can open and go to GOD. This is done only by Yogi after

several births of practice Bagavan says in Geetha.

Electricity cannot be seen but can be known or used with help of

material. So is everything on earth. The body is instrument packed

with 6 types of DNA based on astrological factors again this based

on one` s karmas. Body Pancha boothas (5 elements) covered by Pancha

gosas (5 Layers of auras) and within or near to heart there is a

vacuum space where this soul remains witness for all that the body,

mind and intellect does. Actions of body (karmendriyam) Mind

(thoughts) are called Manasha Karma. All the Karmas are recorded by

5 sheets of Gosas. When soul leaves the body due to decay 6th stage

(Bagavan says 6 stages of transformations all living things

undergo), the soul goes to SUN along with 5 gosas and from there the

path of soul decided. The soul comes to earth through rain drop,

gets into any eatable, the body (known as annamaiya) which eats and

sperms develop. These sperms are injected into female body where the

soul starts developing form. Once the mind on 5th month in womb

starts working, the soul has capacity to know all that happened in

past birth. The infant in womb soaked in chemical substance,

smelling very bad odor, thinks that it made mistake wasting previous

birth amidst pomp and show, wealth and fame etc. Unable to remain in

one position, due to pricks, keeps turning. The sufferings of a

child in womb is worst than living on earth. The child in womb

surely does feel that once it is out of womb, it will do only tapas,

bakthi and remain aloof from world. But on touching atmosphere

everything erased due to the karmas it had. Example: Jada Bharatha

story of 3 births.

DEAR SADAKS our scriptures had clearly said which month the baby

develops form, when nail, when hair, when eyes etc. Each organ has

it` s own devatha. Based on ones karma the child is born or dies in

womb or gets suitable parents, countary/place, brothers sisters,

poor/rich etc, with destined span of life. A person gets sickness

first at aura level. The sickness penetrates through aura and enters

body mostly at Kethu Raasi. One can take static from sick persons

and they will be Kethu rasi. Again all sickess or accidents or

sufferings effects little or nothing in case of Bagavan Bakthas.

Persons Praying demy Gods, Bagavan says in Geetha Mooda. There is

places where these are said in Geetha. But Bagavan Sri Vishnu took

birth as Kapila and gave full text of human life and death in Sri

Math Bagavath as KAPILA GEETHA. Further full information is in


Cycle of birth and death continues as long as one has desires on

this earth. People, who contemplated that there is some thing much

more extremely valuable, left behind everything in search of truth.

Example: Buddha left kingdom, riches and happy family.

Purandaradoss (said to be incarnation of Naradha) known as Nava Koti

(9 Crores) narayana just left behind everything at one stroke went

to Panderpur.

Sadaks- That does not mean we go away into forest. We can be Baktha

concentrating on Sri Krishna having in mind that everyone and

everything is Asat.

Who ever we may be. Once the soul departs the body is disposed off

with in 24 hours





Very well expressed.


GK Nair



, " sadhak_insight "

<sadhak_insight wrote:


> Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

> The following explanation is based on our own experience, and not


> hypothesis.

> Just as we have a gross physical body with sense organs, brain,


> legs, etc. there is also an experience of thoughts, intelligence,

> memory, mind-stuff, and a strong sense of " I " -ego, as if residing,


> the gross body. This later beig subtle in nature and can be called

> subtle body, body meaning a collection of instrument of knowledge


> this context.


> However, gross body is like a TV set providing hardware, and subtle

> body is like unlocalized broadcasting waves, localized, as it

were, in

> a body, like the TV set, which is the needed hardware without which

> localization is not possible. It is the subtle body which really

> dictates the gross body to act through senses and thinking process


> we alll know. Since the subtle body has centered around the sense


> separation, ego, " I " , it is acting in ignorance as conditioned by

> universal body of ignorance-also known as collective

> Karmas-impressions done in terms of thoughts and feelings of all

> mankind since the beginning who lived and are living as egoic



> Subtle body originates from the genetic and environmental


> and hence each person feels different and separate in ignorance!

> As we all know physical and subtle body of a person is useless


> Atman, a self-evident Presence of Existence in us which makes body

> function at gross level as well as subtle level in terms of


> seeing, smelling, touching, tasting and thinking, knowing. Atman is

> thus pure Consciousness that witnesses body-mind and world. It is


> subtlest body of sat-chit-ananda experience, so to speak. In

> Consciousness-Atma when an identification with limitations of gross

> and subtle body takes place, a person, as described above, is born


> lives life as separate and independent entity, and thinks he is


> of deeds. It is actually subtle body that drives his life.


> Such a person acquires desires, fears, likes and dislikes, and

> consequent suffering. Upon death subtle body(sukshma sarir) goes to

> merge with all collective subtle bodies, maintaining to some degree

> its ignorance of not knowing its impersonal nature.


> Collective subtle body or Karmas condition, in more or less degree,

> individuals born in that place and that time with then prevalent

> conditioning. For example some have compassionate thoughts of


> and Sages who lived before us or living now, and some are

impressed by

> cruelties, tragedies brought about by people of evil actions.

> Each one of us feeds from and to that collective subtle body of

> ignorance and it continues from body to body in an impersonal way


> if reincarnated into a suitable body to continue where it left in a

> previous birth, so to speak, to wipe out karmas.


> So Karmas, reincarnations are the results of living a conditioned


> of a separate being with a Karta-bhav. Thus it is really a drama

> played in a dream of ignorance! Upon true knowledge of Atman,

> Universal Consciousness, one wakes up from such a dream. The subtle

> body thus dissolves into the ocean of Bliss! No more births or


> bodies simply come and go, are witnessed as roles, and right


> are brought about to establish Dharma!


> Namaskar.....Pratap


> (Pratap Bhatt)



> ------------------------------


> Subject of life and death is discussed in Bhagwat Gita in the very

> begining as primary. The main problem of Arjun was fear in causing

> death of his family members and soldiers for pecuniary gains, and

> therefore he was reluctant. Life and death happen all the time.


> for a condition between life and death is not possible to have for

> long, because the body is constantly changing, and environmental

> responses do change. Also, when a person changes the place of

> residence or employment from one to another city, this is death


> old place and birth at new place. That means, if that person goes

> back to old city, he will know it but cannot recognize and cannot

> relate it to himself. At time of death, or changes in job or house


> cloths, the changes occur is similar. At new city, new relations


> forged and new businesses develop, but the man remains the same,


> his mind is growing constantly, across different lives and death.

> When a person leaves a job for better job, he is happy and has no


> in reliving from old body; but when a person is kicked off from a


> then person pleaded to have more time, and not happy to leave it.

> After death and before birth is a time for relaxation and waiting


> a good opportunity. This state is lonely and not engaged. After

> engagement, life becomes physical, and active in a given mould. In

> other words, the life is like a car, seed or medicine which is

> complete and full in itself, at begining itself, and expiry date in

> normal condition is fixed at time of manufacture. Birth place and


> is very important for ones' life as it is for a car or medicines or

> any product. After manufacture, nothing can be added or deleated.


> is fixed, and has to endure in physical world (mrityu lok).

> Regards

> K G Misra

> ------------------------------

> , " sadhak_insight "

> <sadhak_insight@> wrote:

> >

> > Jai Shree Krishna

> >

> > Can you share with me about position of person after death? what

> > sukhsm sarir (subtle body) feels like after death, since sukshm

> > sarir (subtle body) has no ears, eyes, brain etc. There appears


> > be no reference is Geeta ji

> >

> > sadhak

> > suresh goel

> >


> >

> > The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk discussions.

> >


> > 1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

> > related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

> > clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

> > 2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

> > substantiate your response.

> > 3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

> > extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

> > 4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

> > sadhaka's time.

> > 5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

> > 6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

> > organizations.

> > 7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

> > number, address etc.

> > 8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

> > since the message is going to the entire group.

> > 9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

> > 10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if


> > is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

> > 11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

> > westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to


> > words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit


> > wherever possible.

> >

> > Ram Ram

> >


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Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!


After reading more responses on this question by Suresh Goelji, I

felt a need to express my feelings.


All questions are valid when asked from sincere desire to know the

truth which is echoed in his question. In my understanding questions

about Truth comes from Truth we are!


When Sadhak longs for such knowledge and is ready to lay down

his/her life for it when needed, then Truth or God or Guru or

Scriptures or all invite such a one to ask questions and get

clarification so mind is satisfied and allows Truth to shine through!


Some of us are prone to ask questions! Some are knowledgeable in

Scriptures and can quote appropriately, even if its at intellectual

level. We cannot brush aside intellectual approach as it is also God

given tool-resource at our disposal. Only it should not remain at

that level. When we look at our own inner experience as we read or

hear scriptural injunctions, we leap out of the level of intellect

to being experiential aaha! Sponteneous joy seems to flow, full of



We can always point out the relevance of question, and reformulate

the question to a more meaningful discussions, nevertheless,

question has to be answered at a level it is asked.


All of our responses have contributed to our Sadhana as I see it,

and am grateful for these responses.


As it is rightly pointed out, what we really are cannot be perceived-

established by sense-complex, mind and intellect, however, we can

know what is ignorance(sukshma sharir, sense of doership being

false, etc etc), and let go of it. This is the purpose of inquiry,

by asking such questions as we are asking, we can exhaust mind. An

exhausted mind comes to rest naturally, not made quiet through

effort of ego! In its quietitude, we get a glimpse of what we are!


With all the respects to Sadhaks, and in true friendship ....Pratap

(Pratap Bhatt)


I am thankful to the group to including me. may Lord Krishna bless

us all. jebamani mohanraj



namastey sadhaak ji,


I does not die..but what is that I ?


Sharira (Body) is born, changes and dies..whereas I goes from one

body (sharir) to other.


Human posseses physical body, emotional body and mental body.

Others,supramental and divine bodies can not be caliberated but

their presence is accepted by unexplainable effects.


After death of first physical body I lives in emotional body

(purgatory) and dies to enter mental body(heaven), and dies, to

enter supra mental bodies..


After passing karma-related period in these bodies, the I descends

in reverse cycle to get another birth.


Ramesh Jhalla



, " sadhak_insight "

<sadhak_insight wrote:


> Shree Hari

> Ram Ram

> A quick reminder !

> Please kindly respond concisely, addressing only the question


> raised, and Bhagavad Gita's message related to the subject being

> discussed. It will be most graciously appreciated to also include

> the english meaning of the sanskrit words for the benefit of

> sadhakas who that do not comprehend Sankrit.


> Thank you all ! Ram Ram

> -

> What is the position of a person after death?


> We often harbor such confusion by questioning what we would be


> death as if we have understood what we are when alive. The

> question " What am I now? " is more meaningful question than " what

> would I be after death? " The earlier brings peace because the very

> basis for this question is the quest for peace. On the other hand,

> the later brings fear because the very basis for the question is

> fear of death. We somehow " want " to believe that we can somehow

> conquer death … if not circumvent it at the least to quench our

> insatiable desire to stick to our individual identities. This is


> root cause for this perennial human quest (rather greed!) for after

> death continuity of an individual throughout the history of



> Bhagavdgita keeps emphasizing on this confusion in ones mind … for

> example,


> Jaatasya hi dhruvo mrithuh dhruvam janma mritasya cha |

> Tasmaadapariharyarthe na tvam shochitum arhasi ||


> If you think you are born, death is inevitable to you. If you think

> you are going to die, birth is inevitable to you as well. If you

> think you are born you are bound to be afraid of death. If you


> you would die you are bound to lust for birth. Perception of birth

> and death are inseparable. Either win over such perception

> altogether or accept the perception as is. Either way you have no

> room for miseries. Bhagavan Vyasa is so beautifully explicit over

> this matter through out the epic of Mahabharatha.


> In other words, before addressing the question on after death

> situation, you have to address the following while you are " alive " :


> 1. What are life, birth and death?

> 2. What is your relation with these three wonderfully illusive

> and evasive events?

> 3. Who are you and what are you? Do you really know

> the " Sukshma Sharira " that you are referring to?

> 4. Do you believe you were born? In that case what were you at

> the instance of birth?

> 5. Do you believe you will die one day? In that case what would

> you be at the instance of death?


> My opinion is … You would be the same at the instance of death as

> you were at the instance of birth! Same are you while living!! Same

> were you before " your " birth!!! Same will you be after " your "

> death!!!


> Can you ever establish what YOU are, were and would be?! NO!!!

> NEVER!!!!


> || Naayamaatmaa pravachena labhyah | Na medhaya na bhuna shrutena



> My suggestion is … do not pursue the mirage as the above verse from

> Bhagavadgita instructs. Can you ever establish what this " sukshma

> sharira " is when you have all the faculties such as " annam pranam

> chakshuh shrotram mano vaachamiti " ? It is something that cannot be

> established as it is much more than your sensory capabilities of

> perception. Just like a man born blind can never experience what a

> color could be or like a man born deaf could never tell what a


> could be, all of us can never tell what anything could be beyond


> senses.


> If you think that only those sensible make sense to you, so be it.

> Then, everything is as momentary as your sensory faculties are –

> that includes your " sukshma sharira " as well. If you understand


> your senses are only partial, limited and momentary in nature, you

> would not dare to establish something beyond your senses within

> these senses. That would be as ridiculous as a blind man arguing

> about a color or a deaf man judging some music!


> Do not try to establish anything … just be as you are … just

> perceive everything as is … then you are automatically THAT which


> The You before your birth, at your birth, through your life, at


> death, and after your death. If you let yourself be … THAT reveals

> itself within and around.


> Yamevaisha vrinute tena labhyah | Tasyaisha aatmaa virunute tanum

> swaa ||


> Please think about it.


> Respects.


> Naga Narayana.

> -

> Bookish knowledge is always taken with a pinch of salt. Real


> have spoken or written their experiences. Spirituality can go a


> little with intellectual discussion.


> Spirituality lies in individual experience which is not

> transferable. One has to work for it to get at it. If one dwells


> satisfying curiosity, spiritual progress will be far from reality.


> sAdhanA in daily life is the application of scriptural learning in

> daily life. Humility, kindness, truthfulness and host of other


> virtues are automatically reflected in a sAdhak's talk, behavior


> actions.


> Please refer to Arjuna's question " SthitaprajnasyA kA bhAssA... " .


> person who is established in Truth, his both conscious or


> activities will speak for that.


> To practice one shloka of Srimad Bhagavad Gita in perfection is an

> effort of life time or beyond. And the perfection in one, gives

> overall perfection as absolute perfection has no " upAdhis " or

> attributes.


> Please do sAdhanA. All questions will be answered from within.


> Each one of us is Realized. But existence of the knowledge of the

> same, makes the difference between being established in the Truth


> not.


> Every moment is precious. Please don't let it go without investing

> in it properly.


> Thank you!


> humble regards

> -m

> (Manoj Panda


> -

> Dear All,


> Know Thy VEDAS


> What Vedas say about DEATH of the human body?


> Human body is mentioned in VEDAS as tri-ani pada (three bodies in

> one)- divine, spiritual and gross. Atma (soul)- the omniscient

> principle resides in divine body, spirit (JIVA)- the energy

> principle resides in spiritual body along with 10 Pranas (vital

> breath/Asu), Vivek (discernment) Buddhi (intellect). According to

> Rig Veda 1-2-7 Pranas/Asu is the great devourer of diseases.

> Billions of cells along with senses/sense organs and etani -


> looking mind reside in our gross body. Atma (soul) is not affected

> by MAYA the cosmic delusion. Since Maya hides the Truth and


> with its Golden Lid, and this dazzling golden disc (extreme

> Materialism) affects senses/sense organs/etani, so the existing of

> Soul as Reality remains hidden from the senses.

> Beneficent spirit is provided to us to perform our right deeds.


> thoughts relate to the soul. Thus, human mind is completely joined

> with soul and spirit but under the influence of senses, phenomenal

> world of matter it is de-linked from these divine inner


> and is badly entangled with matter, lust, greed infatuation and

> attachment. One of the purposes of human birth is

> mentioned " realisation of one's real Self " . For Self Realisation

> Vedas prescribe follow RTA (cosmic laws) which having been created

> even God follows sternly.


> What happens at the time of Death of the gross body? Vedic

> description.


> At the time of death of the gross body, cells merge with the


> spirit merges with the divine Nature (Prakrti), the soul being

> immortal remains alive, and hence consciousness remains. Based on

> degree of truth, quality of Karma (good or bad deeds), acquired in

> the present and previous births as individual's running ledger

> account, it gets manifested again on the birth of another gross

> body. This process of birth and rebirth continues until, the soul

> achieves perfection, is released from the three modes of Prakrti


> moves beyond three gunas of transparency, activity and passivity.


> is the stage of salvation, liberation i.e. Vedic Moksha.


> Rig Veda 1-164-20, 10-9-20, 10-8-43 and 44 describe three divine

> substances, Parmatma (Supreme Soul), Atma (human soul) and the

> divine Nature. On the " Death " of human beings, spirit goes back to

> Prakrti and merges with the Nature as part of the vast storehouse


> energy. The soul does not go back to Parmatma who is the Supreme

> Soul as it gets affected with subtle atoms and particles of human

> good and bad deeds, thoughts and desires.


> Vedic metaphysics is emphatic that owing to the prevalence of the

> spirit of God in all human beings, any distinction of class

> superiority or inferiority is negation of religion and ethics.

> Soul is dynamic but not moving when manifested, but moves faster

> than all material things when not manifested. It traverses


> of miles when it goes to devas (beings of light as forces of


> Nature) viz. Suriya (Sun), Chandrama (Moon), Indra, , Mitra,


> Yama etc., during the 12 days journey after the death of gross


> for purification, knowledge, luster, noble and divine traits,


> it lost during the stage of manifestation in the body. (Yajur Veda

> 39-6). But the effects of Karma remain intact. It becomes fierce,

> calm, terrible, fearless, ignorant, enlightened, passionate or

> ascetic dependent on the past deeds, desires and thoughts (Y.V.39-

> 7). In the womb it becomes lovely through various virtuous deeds,

> chastise able through ignoble deeds, supreme through divine

> knowledge, noble through spiritual force and protector of all


> organs and the pericardium enclosing the heart. It is for this

> reason that most of the scriptures mention the soul dwelling in


> heart of all individuals. Apart from Vedas, Bhagavad-Gita, Adi

> Grantha Gaund M-5 and Katha Upanishad 1-2-20 to 22 also mention


> soul residing in the heart.


> After its 12 days journey, it is well equipped with Vedic


> a-priori principles and cosmic laws of social and moral order


> Thus on the birth of a child, the knowledge of four Vedas is made

> available through the manifested soul which is part of the inner

> world.


> Thus consciousness is the real cause of transmigration of soul


> one body to another. Brihadarnyaka Upanishad 4-3-34 and 4-4-4

> explains the rebirth as a man passes from dream to wakefulness, so

> does from this life to next life. At old age or during the stage


> degeneration even during young age, the self separates from the

> limbs like ripe mango, fig or banayan fruit separates itself from

> the trunk. The same way the self hastens to his new abode based on

> past karma and begins a new life in a new body. The " self " i.e.


> departs through eye, or gate of the skull or some other apertures


> the body. The deeds of the entire life and the impressions those

> deeds created to the manifested soul before leaving the body


> the individual in the next birth.


> Even those souls which have achieved Moksha and have become one


> God also take birth after centuries to guide the harassed


> Some time they take birth through divine potency like Lord Krishna

> or Lord Rama and most often as human beings with normal birth like

> Buddha, Mahavira, Socrates, Sankracharya and many others.


> From the above description, it is apparent that true followers of

> Vedic guidelines observe Prayer Meetings of the departed souls on

> the 13th day of the death as the departed soul completes its


> for purification on the 12th day.


> With kind regards,


> P.K.Sabhlok

> --------------------------------

> Dear Sadaks,

> Jeevathuma is Sukshumamam. It is energy that comes into form


> animal, ant, plant etc) depending on Karmas. This Jeevathuma (call

> it sprit/ sukshuma/ soul) joins with Paramathuma when there is no

> credit of puniyas or papas. Human can send his/her soul through

> Susunba Nerve right through spinal cord on to top of skull where

> there it can open and go to GOD. This is done only by Yogi after

> several births of practice Bagavan says in Geetha.

> Electricity cannot be seen but can be known or used with help of

> material. So is everything on earth. The body is instrument packed

> with 6 types of DNA based on astrological factors again this based

> on one` s karmas. Body Pancha boothas (5 elements) covered by


> gosas (5 Layers of auras) and within or near to heart there is a

> vacuum space where this soul remains witness for all that the


> mind and intellect does. Actions of body (karmendriyam) Mind

> (thoughts) are called Manasha Karma. All the Karmas are recorded


> 5 sheets of Gosas. When soul leaves the body due to decay 6th


> (Bagavan says 6 stages of transformations all living things

> undergo), the soul goes to SUN along with 5 gosas and from there


> path of soul decided. The soul comes to earth through rain drop,

> gets into any eatable, the body (known as annamaiya) which eats


> sperms develop. These sperms are injected into female body where


> soul starts developing form. Once the mind on 5th month in womb

> starts working, the soul has capacity to know all that happened in

> past birth. The infant in womb soaked in chemical substance,

> smelling very bad odor, thinks that it made mistake wasting


> birth amidst pomp and show, wealth and fame etc. Unable to remain


> one position, due to pricks, keeps turning. The sufferings of a

> child in womb is worst than living on earth. The child in womb

> surely does feel that once it is out of womb, it will do only


> bakthi and remain aloof from world. But on touching atmosphere

> everything erased due to the karmas it had. Example: Jada Bharatha

> story of 3 births.

> DEAR SADAKS our scriptures had clearly said which month the baby

> develops form, when nail, when hair, when eyes etc. Each organ has

> it` s own devatha. Based on ones karma the child is born or dies


> womb or gets suitable parents, countary/place, brothers sisters,

> poor/rich etc, with destined span of life. A person gets sickness

> first at aura level. The sickness penetrates through aura and


> body mostly at Kethu Raasi. One can take static from sick persons

> and they will be Kethu rasi. Again all sickess or accidents or

> sufferings effects little or nothing in case of Bagavan Bakthas.

> Persons Praying demy Gods, Bagavan says in Geetha Mooda. There is

> places where these are said in Geetha. But Bagavan Sri Vishnu took

> birth as Kapila and gave full text of human life and death in Sri

> Math Bagavath as KAPILA GEETHA. Further full information is in


> Cycle of birth and death continues as long as one has desires on

> this earth. People, who contemplated that there is some thing much

> more extremely valuable, left behind everything in search of


> Example: Buddha left kingdom, riches and happy family.

> Purandaradoss (said to be incarnation of Naradha) known as Nava


> (9 Crores) narayana just left behind everything at one stroke went

> to Panderpur.

> Sadaks- That does not mean we go away into forest. We can be


> concentrating on Sri Krishna having in mind that everyone and

> everything is Asat.

> Who ever we may be. Once the soul departs the body is disposed off

> with in 24 hours

> B.Sathyanarayan.



> Sir,

> Very well expressed.

> Thanks.

> GK Nair


> -


> , " sadhak_insight "

> <sadhak_insight@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

> > The following explanation is based on our own experience, and


> some

> > hypothesis.

> > Just as we have a gross physical body with sense organs, brain,

> hands,

> > legs, etc. there is also an experience of thoughts, intelligence,

> > memory, mind-stuff, and a strong sense of " I " -ego, as if


> in

> > the gross body. This later beig subtle in nature and can be


> > subtle body, body meaning a collection of instrument of


> in

> > this context.

> >

> > However, gross body is like a TV set providing hardware, and


> > body is like unlocalized broadcasting waves, localized, as it

> were, in

> > a body, like the TV set, which is the needed hardware without


> > localization is not possible. It is the subtle body which really

> > dictates the gross body to act through senses and thinking


> as

> > we alll know. Since the subtle body has centered around the


> of

> > separation, ego, " I " , it is acting in ignorance as conditioned by

> > universal body of ignorance-also known as collective

> > Karmas-impressions done in terms of thoughts and feelings of all

> > mankind since the beginning who lived and are living as egoic

> entities.

> >

> > Subtle body originates from the genetic and environmental

> conditioning

> > and hence each person feels different and separate in ignorance!

> > As we all know physical and subtle body of a person is useless

> without

> > Atman, a self-evident Presence of Existence in us which makes


> > function at gross level as well as subtle level in terms of

> hearing,

> > seeing, smelling, touching, tasting and thinking, knowing. Atman


> > thus pure Consciousness that witnesses body-mind and world. It


> the

> > subtlest body of sat-chit-ananda experience, so to speak. In

> > Consciousness-Atma when an identification with limitations of


> > and subtle body takes place, a person, as described above, is


> who

> > lives life as separate and independent entity, and thinks he is

> doer

> > of deeds. It is actually subtle body that drives his life.

> >

> > Such a person acquires desires, fears, likes and dislikes, and

> > consequent suffering. Upon death subtle body(sukshma sarir) goes


> > merge with all collective subtle bodies, maintaining to some


> > its ignorance of not knowing its impersonal nature.

> >

> > Collective subtle body or Karmas condition, in more or less


> > individuals born in that place and that time with then prevalent

> > conditioning. For example some have compassionate thoughts of

> Saints

> > and Sages who lived before us or living now, and some are

> impressed by

> > cruelties, tragedies brought about by people of evil actions.

> > Each one of us feeds from and to that collective subtle body of

> > ignorance and it continues from body to body in an impersonal


> as

> > if reincarnated into a suitable body to continue where it left

in a

> > previous birth, so to speak, to wipe out karmas.

> >

> > So Karmas, reincarnations are the results of living a


> life

> > of a separate being with a Karta-bhav. Thus it is really a drama

> > played in a dream of ignorance! Upon true knowledge of Atman,

> > Universal Consciousness, one wakes up from such a dream. The


> > body thus dissolves into the ocean of Bliss! No more births or

> deaths,

> > bodies simply come and go, are witnessed as roles, and right

> actions

> > are brought about to establish Dharma!

> >

> > Namaskar.....Pratap

> >

> > (Pratap Bhatt)

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------

> >

> > Subject of life and death is discussed in Bhagwat Gita in the


> > begining as primary. The main problem of Arjun was fear in


> > death of his family members and soldiers for pecuniary gains, and

> > therefore he was reluctant. Life and death happen all the time.

> Love

> > for a condition between life and death is not possible to have


> > long, because the body is constantly changing, and environmental

> > responses do change. Also, when a person changes the place of

> > residence or employment from one to another city, this is death

> from

> > old place and birth at new place. That means, if that person


> > back to old city, he will know it but cannot recognize and cannot

> > relate it to himself. At time of death, or changes in job or


> or

> > cloths, the changes occur is similar. At new city, new relations

> are

> > forged and new businesses develop, but the man remains the same,

> and

> > his mind is growing constantly, across different lives and death.

> > When a person leaves a job for better job, he is happy and has


> pain

> > in reliving from old body; but when a person is kicked off from


> job,

> > then person pleaded to have more time, and not happy to leave it.

> > After death and before birth is a time for relaxation and


> for

> > a good opportunity. This state is lonely and not engaged. After

> > engagement, life becomes physical, and active in a given mould.


> > other words, the life is like a car, seed or medicine which is

> > complete and full in itself, at begining itself, and expiry date


> > normal condition is fixed at time of manufacture. Birth place


> time

> > is very important for ones' life as it is for a car or medicines


> > any product. After manufacture, nothing can be added or


> It

> > is fixed, and has to endure in physical world (mrityu lok).

> > Regards

> > K G Misra

> > ------------------------------

> > , " sadhak_insight "

> > <sadhak_insight@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Jai Shree Krishna

> > >

> > > Can you share with me about position of person after death?


> > > sukhsm sarir (subtle body) feels like after death, since


> > > sarir (subtle body) has no ears, eyes, brain etc. There


> to

> > > be no reference is Geeta ji

> > >

> > > sadhak

> > > suresh goel

> > >


> > >

> > > The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk discussions.

> > >


> > > 1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their


> > > related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

> > > clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

> > > 2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures


> > > substantiate your response.

> > > 3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to


> > > extent that they further help in understanding the Gita


> > > 4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible,


> > > sadhaka's time.

> > > 5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

> > > 6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

> > > organizations.

> > > 7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as


> > > number, address etc.

> > > 8. Please do not address the response to a particular


> > > since the message is going to the entire group.

> > > 9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be


> > > 10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if

> content

> > > is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

> > > 11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices,


> > > westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to

> Sanskrit

> > > words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

> bracketed

> > > wherever possible.

> > >

> > > Ram Ram

> > >

> >


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  • 8 months later...

\Dear Manjulaji,

we did not get the attachment. Please send it.


Sreedevi Menon

Om Namo narayanaya




--- On Fri, 2/6/09, Manjula Subramaniam <songs1980 wrote:

Manjula Subramaniam <songs1980[Guruvayur] Life after deathguruvayur Date: Friday, February 6, 2009, 3:02 AM





Om namo narayana,


I work for a freight forwarding company in India, we have an agent in Bangladesh and I coordinate with M.D of that Company on Gita and he used to listen and ask me more to talk. One day he told me that there is a similarity with their quaran on life after death and sent me the attachement.


He also quoted me that by reading this let people in the neighouring countries stop fighting and love each.


I don't know whether I can send that to one and all.


All my Guru's please send ur wish on this. I liked it because a Muslim who listened to our KANNAN'S Gita which attracted me to write this to all of you.


If I was wrong in please pardon me.





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Sree Manjula Ji,


"Sanadana Dharma" instructs and advises us to receive any information coming from any source /directions. Even it goes on praying for new ideas to come all sides. Our Krishna also of the same opinion.


As far as it is not against to the PREVAILING rules and regulations of the present society, we should always welcome new ideas,


Just share with us.


Om Santhi Om Santhi Om Santhi.

Dr. Hari--- On Fri, 6/2/09, Manjula Subramaniam <songs1980 wrote:

Manjula Subramaniam <songs1980[Guruvayur] Life after deathguruvayur Date: Friday, 6 February, 2009, 4:32 PM





Om namo narayana,


I work for a freight forwarding company in India, we have an agent in Bangladesh and I coordinate with M.D of that Company on Gita and he used to listen and ask me more to talk. One day he told me that there is a similarity with their quaran on life after death and sent me the attachement.


He also quoted me that by reading this let people in the neighouring countries stop fighting and love each.


I don't know whether I can send that to one and all.


All my Guru's please send ur wish on this. I liked it because a Muslim who listened to our KANNAN'S Gita which attracted me to write this to all of you.


If I was wrong in please pardon me.





Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now.

Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now.

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Kindly do send the attachment





On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Manjula Subramaniam <songs1980 wrote:








Om namo narayana,


I work for a freight forwarding company in India, we have an agent in Bangladesh and I coordinate with M.D of that Company on Gita and he used to listen and ask me more to talk. One day he told me that there is a similarity with their quaran on life after death and sent me the attachement.


He also quoted me that by reading this let people in the neighouring countries stop fighting and love each.


I don't know whether I can send that to one and all.


All my Guru's please send ur wish on this. I liked it because a Muslim who listened to our KANNAN'S Gita which attracted me to write this to all of you.


If I was wrong in please pardon me.





Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now.

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Dear hariji,


I have same opinion about this matter. we should always welcome new ideas.


Narayana Narayana


With pranamam



--- On Sat, 7/2/09, Hari Ramakrishnan <hari_082005 wrote:

Hari Ramakrishnan <hari_082005Re: [Guruvayur] Life after deathguruvayur Date: Saturday, 7 February, 2009, 8:57 AM








Sree Manjula Ji,


"Sanadana Dharma" instructs and advises us to receive any information coming from any source /directions. Even it goes on praying for new ideas to come all sides. Our Krishna also of the same opinion.


As far as it is not against to the PREVAILING rules and regulations of the present society, we should always welcome new ideas,


Just share with us.


Om Santhi Om Santhi Om Santhi.

Dr. Hari--- On Fri, 6/2/09, Manjula Subramaniam <songs1980 > wrote:

Manjula Subramaniam <songs1980 >[Guruvayur] Life after deathguruvayur@grou ps.comFriday, 6 February, 2009, 4:32 PM





Om namo narayana,


I work for a freight forwarding company in India, we have an agent in Bangladesh and I coordinate with M.D of that Company on Gita and he used to listen and ask me more to talk. One day he told me that there is a similarity with their quaran on life after death and sent me the attachement.


He also quoted me that by reading this let people in the neighouring countries stop fighting and love each.


I don't know whether I can send that to one and all.


All my Guru's please send ur wish on this. I liked it because a Muslim who listened to our KANNAN'S Gita which attracted me to write this to all of you.


If I was wrong in please pardon me.





Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now.


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Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now.

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