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subhashithani-quotable quotes

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Dear shri. Viswanathan,

Radhe Krishna!





Also see the attachment in Devanagari. Kindly tell me whether the

Devanagari document has come out properly or garbled.

This is from Bharthruhari's







Viswanathan K wrote:




Dear Devotee,

Can you please give me the full verse of the following Subhashithani

which which reads like this:

Simha sisurapi nipathathi

Mada malina kapola bhikthishu gajeshu!

Prakrithiriyam satvavatham...Thereafter I dont remember.Perhaps

Theshveva loka sthithihi !

I learned this in 1942. Now I remember only this much>

Thanks a lot!







sarojram18 <sarojram18 >


Sunday, March

15, 2009 4:11:30 AM


subhashithani-quotable quotes



22. paropi hithavaan

banDhuH bandhurapi ahithaH paraH

ahitho dhehajo vyaaDhiH

hitham aaraNyam oushaDHam


Even a third person is a

relative if he is a benefactor and one who does harm is an enemy even

if he is a relative. A disease even born with is not

good and a medicinal herb even though it is in the forest is beneficial.


A relative is someone

about whom you do not have a choice. But a friend is one

whom you choose. One may not be a relative but he may wish well for you

and help you in need . he is a friend who is to be considered as a

relative and not the one who, though he may be a relative by birth,

even a close relative like a brother should be treated as one if he has

no love lost for you and tries to harm you. He is to be

treated like an enemy in reality, which means that you need have no

loyalty towards him.


The analogy given is that

of a disease that you are born with. You try to get rid of it even

though it always existed with you and hence stands in close relation

with your body than the herb that cures it which was from the forest

and hence alien to your surroundings.


There is no dearth of

examples in modern times to show this But even in the ancient times we

know of Sugriva to whom Vali, his own brother was an enemy while

Hanuman who was not related to him was more than a relative by looking

after his welfare.


I will steer towards the

spiritual significance of this sloka after dealing with the episode of

Vibheeshana. To say Ravana was an enemy to Vibheeshana may look like an

exaggeration since Ravana did not do any harm to him but only became

angry with him when he advised Ravana to give Seetha to Rama. But here

we should consider the concept of dharma. There is two kinds of dharma

, namely, saadhaaraNa or common dharma and viSesha dharma. The coomon

dharma here is that one should not leave his brother in time of need.

But the visesha dharma that applies to a righteous and a

devotee is that one can give up anything or anyone if they are against

dharma or God. Vibheeshana was a dharmathma and a devotee of Lord

Narayana and had the insight to see the real identity of Rama and hence

he could not compromise.


Now we come to the

spiritual significance of this sloka. Para also means an enemy besides

the other or distant. It also means the highest as we say paramaathman.

Hitham means that which is good for you. In this sense the Lord who is

para , the highest is the hithavaan , one who does what

is good for you and hence a bandhu, close relative. In fact he is the

only permanent relative to man because by approaching Him we get the

parama hitham, the highest benefit. The one who tries to stand between

you and the Lord is the real enemy even if he is the closest relative

like Hiranyakasipu was to Prahlada.

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