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nirvedham klesam aalasyam vaa na praapnothi, avaaptha samasthakaamthvaath


He is not affected by nirveda, despair, klesa, sorrow or aalasya, sloth because as he says in the Gita,

na me paartha asthi karthavyam thrishu lokeshu kinchana

na anavaaptham avaapthavyam vartha eva cha karmaNi


"There is nothing I should do in all the three worlds and nothing that I should get which I do not have already. But still I am continuously at work." The motive for work normally is to acquire something one does not have and the despondency or indolence is due to the inability to attain the desired object. But the Lord is avaaptha smastha kaama, has all that He desires as everything happens thorugh His will but at the same time He does not cease to work.




440. sThavishTaH


He is huge because he is all pervading.sa bhoomim visvatho vrthvaa athaDhishtath dhasangulam, He covered the whole universe and extended beyond by ten fingers.The words beyond ten fingers signify beyond count as the ten finers are used for counting.




Taken as abhooH it means the one who is unborn. But the alternate version as bhooh means one who is existence , sath. Brhaman is defined in the upanisgads as sath chith ananda, existence knowledge and bliss.


442.Dharma yoopaH


yoope paSuvath dharmaah asmin baDhyanthe. Yoopa means the sacrificial post to which the animal to be sacrificed is tied to. To Him the dharmas are teid to as the cow is tied to the sacrificial post.


443. mahaamakhaH


Makha means yajna which gives what ever desired by the one who performs it.The Lord is mahaamakha as He gives everything.




nayathi prapayathi ithi nemiH. One who leads everything. Nakshathra means na kshrathi ithi, that which does not change. It denotes the light which is the source of the luminous bodies. The Lord is the nemi, the carrier of the stars. The whole constellation of stars is decribed as sismsumara a porpoise , similar to a huge whale,with dhruva, pole star as its tail. The heart of it is the light personified by the Lord. In Gita He says eesvaraH sarvabhoothaanaam hrddheSe arjuna thishTathi bhraamayan sarvabhoothaani ynthraarooDaani maayayaa. The Lord is the self of all by whom all go round as though mounted on agiant wheel.


445. nakshathree


nakshthraaNi santhi asmin ithi nakshathree. The one who is the force behind the nakshathras. Or it may mean the moon who is always accompanied by the stars. This has the support of the Gita where the Lord says nakshathraaNaam aham SaSee, "I am the moon among the stars".


446. kshamaH


One who is patient and tolerant and also competent. The Lord is competent in creation, sustenance and annihilation but also is patient towards the wrongdoers and the faults of His devotees. The competence and patience found in the world together is by the grace of the Lord only.


447. kshaamaH


He who alone remains in a diminished form when the whole universe is merged into Him at the time of deluge. Kshaayanthe, vileeyanthe asmin iti kshaamaH


448. sameehanaH


One who makes everyone worthy of their posts. The Lord appoints the devas to do their work after creation and also gives them the power to do so. This is also explained as to mean a wellwisher.samyak eehathe ithi , eehana meaning to wish.


449. yajnaH


The Lord is yajnasvaroopa. Yajno vai vishNuh. In Gita it is said that the allpervading Brahman is established in yajna. thasmaath sarvagatham brahma nithyam yajne prathishTitham. But the yajna described in Gita is the work done with the spirit of sacrifice.


450. ijyaH


yashtum arhaH. One who is worthy of being worshipped through yajna.


451. mahejyaH


mahaan cha sou ijyaScha. One who is the superior object of worship through sacrifice.




A krathu is the sacrifice done for the specific period. This refers to the pancha mahaayajnas prescribed for a house holder, namely bramayajna, study, teaching and practice of Vedas, deva yajna, the sacrificial offering to the devas, pithryajna, offering oblations to pithrs, manushyayajna, hospitality and praaNiyajna, giving food to the other creatures. Since all these are done as His worship the Lord is tha krthu. The Lord says in Gita, aham krathuh aham yajnah. "I am the krathu and I am the yajna."


Another meaning of the word is kriyatha ithi krathuh. He by whom everything is done.


453. sathram


Sathram is a sacrifice that is performed for an unlimited period of time. It is done for the welfare of the world involving many people and things. Since the Lord is only is worshipped by the sathram He is called sathram as He is called yajna and krthu.


sathaH thraayathi ithi sathraH one who protects the good is another meaning of the nama.


Sathrayathe ithi sathram- One who makes everything go, that is he activates everything.


454. sathaam gathiH


He is the goal as well as the means of the good.




sarvadhaa sarvam pasyathi ithi. The one who sees everything always.


456. nivrtthaathamaa


The Lord taught nivrtthi dharma as Nara-Narayana. He is the self of those who practice nivrtthi marga, the path of total detachment.


457. sarvajnaH


He is omniscient. Knows all.


458. jnaanam utthamam


Brahman is sath chith ananda, existence knowledge and bliss. Chith is jnana . He is the source of highest knowledge. All sasthras including paancharaathra are learnt from Him


















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