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Linga Purana .part 2

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Dear Dilip Ji,


Hare Krishna!


I have been closely following your articles. Thank you so much for the contribution. I have not got Linga Purana Part 3. Could you please forward to me? Thank you very much.


Pranams to Lord Guruvayoorappan.


Bindu Anand--- On Wed, 18/3/09, DILIP KUMAR RAVINDRAN <prdili wrote:

DILIP KUMAR RAVINDRAN <prdili[Guruvayur] Linga Purana .part 2"dilip kumar" <prdiliWednesday, 18 March, 2009, 4:54 PM



LINGA Purana part… 2 Namaste Let us Continue Reading Puranas.Puranas are also a Treasure to Sanathana Dharma.Agni Purana, Brahma Purana, Garuda Purana,Markandeya Purana, Varaha Purana, Matsya PuranaVishnu Purana, Linga Purana, Narada Purana,Padma Purana, Shiva Purana, Skanda Purana,Vamana Purana Let us start read one by one .We Finish reading AGNIPURANA , Brahma Purana ,Garuda Purana and Markandeya puranaNow we will continue reading Linga Purana .same like before I will post as part by part. I Know while reading Manusmriti to read Other puranas may be difficult , but as you know at least to taste our great values in Sananthana Dharma One Human life is not enough, so I try my level best to spread this values to my respected friends. If anyone miss to read

or interest to read my previous postings Chanakya Neetisastra, Kautiliya Arthasastra , Vidura niti or Tiruvallurs Tirukkural,and Uddhavagita or any part of Manusmriti ,Agnipurana, Brahma Purana,Garuda Purana, Markandeya purana pls mail to me , I will send again to you. I humbly request you to forward this values to your family, friends and to your groups. Allow all people from different religion to understand the value of our Sanathana Dharma. At least let them learn and then let them criticize. I am not a scholar to modify any of this laws or puranas or its languages suitable for modern life .I Humbly request you to read it and think in a modern scientific way. Like in Bhagavadgita Chapter 18 text 63 it is said by lord Krishna Thus I have explained to you knowledge still more confidential. Deliberate on this fully, and then do what you wish to do.As my Guru told

me One need not worry too much about the source of certain knowledge. Just adopt in our life if they are good. If needed refine the knowledge by way of addition, deletion, modification and correction. Also try to understand the meaning of Different Castes , it is not by birth it is by his performance.Here we continue the translation of the text of the Linga Purana in Short at the currently available form : Linga Purana .. part 2Yoga The sages told Lomaharshana, "Please tell us about yoga." Lomaharshana complied. (Yoga literally means union. It is a technique of meditation that enables one to realize the union between the divine soul (paramatman) and the individual human soul (atman or jivatman).) Shiva is also known as Pashupati. The technique of yoga that Shiva taught is known as pashupata yoga. To teach this yoga, Shiva has an incarnation

(avatara) in every kali yuga. In the present kalpa, there have been twenty-eight kali yugas and there have accordingly been twenty-eight incarnations of Shiva, all known as Yogeshvaras. Their names are as follows. (1) Shveta. (2) Sutara. (3) Madana. (4) Suhotra. (5) Kanchana. (6) Lokakshi. (7) Jaigishavya. (8) Dadhivahana. (9) Rishabha. (10) Muni. (11) Ugra. (12) Atri. (13) Vali. (14) Goutama. (15) Vedashirsha. (16) Gokarna. (17) Guhavasi. (18) Shikhandabhrit. (19) Jatamali. (20) Attahasa. (21) Daruka. (22) Langali. (23) Mahakaya. (24) Shuli. (25) Mundishvara. (26) Sahishnu. (27) Somasharma. (28)

Jagadguru. Every one of these Yogeshvarasas had four disciples each. In fact, it is also Shiva whose incarnation is born as Vedavyasa in every dvapara yuga. Since there have been twenty-eight dvapra yugas, there have also been twenty-eight Vedavyasas upto now. Their names are as follows. (1) Kratu. (2) Satya. (3) Bhargava. (4) Angira. (5) Mrityu. (6) Shatakratu. (7) Vashishtha. (8) Sarasvata. (9) Tridhama. (10) Trivrita. (11) Narayana. (12) Tarakshu. (13) Aruni. (14) Deva. (15) Kritanjaya. (16) Ritanjaya. (17) Bharadvaja. (18) Goutama. (19) Vachashrava. (20) Shushmayani. (21) Trinavindu. (22) Raksha. (23)

Shaktri. (24) Dhimana. (25) Shatateja. (26) Parashara (27) Jatukarna. (28) Krishna Dvaipayana. (The names given in these lists do not always agree wth the names given in similar lists in the other Puranas.) Yoga has eight components. These are known as yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. Yama is preparatory to meditation, it has to be backed up by the practice of non-voilence. Niyama means certain rules that have to be followd. These include truthfulness, celibacy and lack of jealousy. The rules also encompass cleanliness, the donation of alms and fasting at appointed times. Pranayama signifies the control of the breath of life. This must always be attempted in a proper asana (posture). Pratyahara implies the withdrawal of the mind from addiction to sensual and material pursuits. An image has to be decided on for purposes of

meditation. When this image is fixed in one’s mind, that is known as dharana, and the actual process of meditation is called dhyana. Samadhi is the final stage of meditation, when the union between the paramatman and the atman is realized. Yoga must always be practiced in an appropriate place. One must not be close to a fire, nor must the place chosen be a cremation-ground or a location frequented by wild beasts. There must not be any noise or insects that are likely to distract one’s attention. For example, a cave is a very good place to practise yoga in. Do not imagine for a moment that yoga is easy. There are numerous distractons and disturbances that make one deviate from the right path. One has to fight laziness and sloth. As one progresses, there are illusions that one hallucinates from. Demons are seen . There are powers that one attains and these also cause distractions. But if somehow one manages to conquer these,

true bliss can be attained. The Linga The sages said, "We know that a linga is Shiva’s image. But why is Shiva worshipped in the form of a linga?" Lomaharshana recounted the following story. Many years ago, at the end of a destruction, there was water everywhere in the universe and the universe was shrouded in darkness. Vishnu slept on the water in his form of Narayana. Brahma discovered Vishnu sleeping thus and woke him up. Failing to recognize Vishnu, he asked, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Vishnu woke up and noticed Brahma standing there. He smiled and said, "How are you, Brahma? Is everything well with my son?’ "How dare you call me your son?’ demanded Brahma. "I am Brahma, the lord of everything. I am the creator of the universe. How dare anyone call me his son?You seem to have forgotten everything," said Vishnu. "I am

Vishnu and you were born from me. That is the reason why I addressed you as my son." Brahma did not accept this and started to fight with Vishnu. While the two were thus grappling, a shining linga suddenly appeared. It was almost as if the linga had emerged to settle Brahma and Vishnu’s dispute. The linga rose way up into the sky and it seemed to have no beginning or end. "What on earth is this pillar of fire doing here?" Vishnu asked Brahma. "Let us investigate it. Why don’t you go up and see where it ends? As for me, I shall proceed downwards. Let us meet after a while and compare notes." Brahma agreed to do this. He adopted the form of a swan and flew up. Vishnu adopted the form of a boar and went down. No matter how further down Vishnu went, he could find no end to the linga. Nor could Brahma discover its upper extremity. They returned and were amazed to find that neither had been able to find

the end of the linga. They realized that they must be in the presence of a power that was greater than their own. They therefore began to pray to the linga and the sound of the mantra (incantation) om echoed all around the linga. Shiva appeared from within the linga in the form of a sage named Vedanama. He told them that it was the linga which was the origin of the universe. It was from the linga that the primordial egg (anda), the origin of the universe, had been created. Shiva also taught Brahma and Vishnu the sacred gayatri mantra. He told Brahma and Vishnu, "We are all three part of the same supreme brahman. Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the preserver and I am the destroyer. Don’t fight amongst yourselves." Ever since that day, Shiva has been worshipped in the form of a linga.. Will Be continue on part 3 This week message received from my GuruTHURSDAY MESSAGE, 19TH MARCH

2009 (SERIES 149)Pancha brahma Upanishad. This Upanishad is presented as a discussion between Lord Mahadeva and Maharshi Pippalaada. The Upanishad tells that there are three swaras and for the swaras there are three varnas ( three colors). The first color is yellow which the color of the Brahmam and it is very powerful but silent and calm . This color is evolved from the cosmic form itself. It is equated with millions of Suns of the universes. The second color is deep red or blood red color which is the basis of the creation, maintenance and annihilation of all living and non living beings. The blue color is the one which is seen from outside and it is how the universe is seen for an observer. These three colors are similar to three swaras of A U M

of AUM kar says the Upanishad. The Upanishad concludes by saying that everything about the universe is unclear and vague. Still the everything here is working with utmost specificity. ACHIEVEMENTS OF IISH IN THIS WEEK: One day seminar Rishi smarana was held in Palakkad with excellent response from all over the district. Lectures were organized in different districts. New admission for the BVV is taking place after the inauguration of the BVV building. New batches for the computer studies has been started from the BSS computer college of iish. Classes for university teachers for Kerala University has also been conducted. ADMISSION STARTED FOR THE COMPUTER COLLEGE OF IISH AND FOR VOCATION TRAINING COLLEGE FOR SHORT AND LONG TERM CLASSES, AT MAZHUVANCHERY, NATIONAL

HERITAGE CENTERhttp://www.iish. org/index. php?option= com_content & task=view & id=230 & Itemid= 0 ANCIENT INDIAN MANAGEMENT MESSAGES: VIDUROPADESAM: Never steal the properties of the asrams, great men, spiritual centers and scholars. Never harm others. Never be cruel to anyone. Never keep others wealth knowingly or unknowingly with you. Never degrade others and never degrade yourself by doing these activities. . SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL MESSAGE OF INDIA: Many ancient Indian iron mines are distributed in Komaranahalli, Tadanahalli, Atranjikhera, Pandu, Rajar, Dibi, Singhbum, Mangalkot, Noh, Jodhpura, Alamghir, Ujjain, Ddhatva, and Rajghat. These are the important iron ore mines of modern

India also. The above mines were used for mining of the ores from 1000 BC. THIS WEEK MESSAGE: We use spects for protecting our eyes, shoes for protecting our legs, cloth for protecting our body, bed for a sound sleep, food for our health. Thus we use many good things which are produced by many people. Like this let us use all the good from all the books and all the people for our good A SERIOUS INFORMATION: Two pastors (Christian priests) went to a slum type 61 huts in Chennai. They found that some of the children are suffering from health problem. They asked a question to the hut dwellers. Do you know why your are suffering ? They said we do not know. Immediately came the answer from the pastors. You worship Hindu

gods so you are suffering……….. The 61 families were converted into Christianity including the small temple priest within 3 days. This is what is happening through out India. (this is an incident occurred two weeks ago) YOUR QUESTIONS AND MY ANSWERS: Who is Sakir Naik ? A Muslim Missionary converting Hindu youths using all the wicked and crooked methods by denigrating Hindu dharma. …….How does he do the conversion ? He quotes some Sanskrit slokas and give different meanings arising from his crazy brain and say that these are all present in Vedas and create a complex for converting the Hindu youths ……… .Is there any truth in his speech? Absolute fraud and lie for cheating only. ……….. Can you give proof ? He says “the 13th chapter of Chandokhya Upanishad is on

burning the women when she becomes a widow….“. And quote a sloka and give his own meaning to justify the statement . The people believe it and feel bad. But remember there is sloka like this and there is no 13 chapter also for the Upanishad ( this is given as an example)……. Is this happening everywhere ? This is happening everywhere inthe world particularly in south India and middle east………What else he does ? He invites poor people in saffron clothes and project them as sanyasies who are not well versed in Indian heritage and make fun of them by asking many questions which Naik knows there is no answer. This he does in the public and make the VCDs of that and circulate through out the world………….. Why these sanyasies go to such invitation ? They are neither sanyaseis nor there is none to guide them . Naik invites with great enthusiasm

and respect initially. the sanyaasees think it is for a noble cause and they go…… Is this happening everywhere ? Some good capable sanyaasees are also invited. But they given the apt reply . This will never be projected in Niaik’s vcds . Only Naik’s wordings will be projected in their VCD………. Is there any one who dared to give good reply or counter act to this pseudo intellectual terrorism of Sakir Naik ? One Vedic scholar who is a doctor asked many questions to Naik with many counter questions like . “You are against idol worship but you worship the Ka ba and the stone inside, you throw the holy stones against saatan, how you say that Mohammed is the last prophet . Why the prophet married 11 girls . Why did he marry at the age of 56, a girl of 11

years , why Hindus are not permitted nearer to Ka aba if you are so open. Why only your religion propagates terrorism world over. If one man can marry many ladies why not the reverse permitted…like this the doctor asked many questions but none of the questions was projected in VCD. He himself and his own paid low standard Muslim audience got shocked . The show was closed within minutes. …….why many people are not countering like this ? You know that they create problems and the govt willkeep quite in the name minority freedom. WITH PRANAMS IISH COMMUNICATION TEAM -- With pranams !Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan, M. A.; M.Sc.;Ph.D.; D.Litt.; Director,

IISHdilip Bagavad Gita chapter 6 sloka 5 uddhared âtmanâtmânam nâtmânam avasâdayet âtmaiva hy âtmano bandhur âtmaiva ripur âtmanah noteyou are invited to visit my orkut accountdilipkumar Kuwait or dilipkumar thodupuzha

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