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WHY DO WE FOLLOW THOSE? Bel leaf (Bilva Patra) There is mention of bilva tree in such ancient scriptures as Atharvaved, Aitereya Bramhan and Shatpath Bramhan. It is a sacred tree having sacrificial importance. The leaves of this sacred tree is generally trifoliate. This trifoliate leaf is symbolic of Trikal (three states in time), Trishakti (Volition, action and knowledge), three lingas and three syllables of Omkar. It is offered to Lord Shiva.

The proportion of sattva component is more in bilva patra and hence it has more capacity to absorb and emit sattvik frequencies. This has various effects. One of them is the reduction of raja-tama particles present in the atmosphere. A sattvik leaf like bilva patra when brought in proximity of a person suffering from negative energy distress then the black energy present within him is reduced.

Whenever a person is affected by the distress due to negative energies then his control over his physical body, mind and intellect is reduced and control of negative energy increases. Such a person when comes in contact with an environment not conducive for negative energy for instance in a sattvik environment then there is a battle between the negative energy and the satva predominant environment. This battle can manifest at various levels. The manifestation can vary from such simple thoughts like running away from the place to destructive thoughts also. Sometimes the negative energy present in the person manifests in gross form like sudden burst of anger, shouting, throwing articles and in fact any type of destructive act like actually breaking and plundering articles etc. To understand this further let us see the effect of keeping a bilva patra in front of a woman affected by negative energy distress.

The woman is visibly distressed when the bilva patra is taken in hand and applied to the neck and head. Thus we have seen the gross effect of bilva patra on the affected woman affected by negative energy.




The unmanifest-manifest frequencies of chaitanya of Shiva form are attracted to the bilva patra and absorbed there.


The unmanifest subtlemost frequencies of Shiva principle and frequencies of chaitanya are emitted from bilva patra in the form of circles.


Their effect take place on the subtlemost energy of the negative energy and the black energy is disintegrated.


Frequencies and particles of divine energy are projected towards the negative energy from bilva patra.


This energy then reduces the amount of black energy emanating from the negative energy.



We are looking at the subtle drawing of Bel leaf which is regularly used in the worship of Lord Shiva.

The nirgun or unmanifest (subtle most) frequencies of Lord Shiva present in the universe are attracted towards the Bel leaf.

These frequencies then activate the three components in every bel leaf in the form of circular and outpouring frequencies. The three components are sattva, raja and tama.

Orange coloured vibrations of divine energy are emitted from the bel leaf into the surrounding atmosphere.

Particles of peace are also simultaneously emitted.

The subtle drawing of a bel leaf must have helped you to understand that how through the medium of a bel leaf a worshipper receives Shiva principle and how because of increased Shiva principle the purity of the atmosphere increases. These are the effects happening on a subtle level.


dil se,


Doha, Qatar

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