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Pitha rakshathi koumare..... [3 Attachments]

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Dear Panikkerji,


Thank you so much for your detailed mail. I have learned so many things from you.



Thank you again.


With Pranamam


Jayasankar Vattekkat





--- On Tue, 14/4/09, Udayabhanu Panickar <udhayabhanupanickar wrote:Udayabhanu Panickar <udhayabhanupanickarRe: [Guruvayur] "Pitha rakshathi koumare..... [3 Attachments]guruvayur Cc: vinodvattekkat, seemawarrierDate: Tuesday, 14 April, 2009, 10:10 PM








Dear Jayashankar, Seema and others,


It is opinioned that Smrithi’s origin was around 2000 to 2200 years ago. It is also opinioned that The Manu Smrihti has no connection with Adi Manu. There is no reference of such Smrithis in the Mahabharata or any other early texts of our spirituality.

Our concept of Adwaytham, derived from our ancestry, which is in fact the universal equality preached by Shankaracharya, Shree Narayana Gurudevan and Shree Chattambi Swamikal is all based on our Shruthis, not Smrithis. Our Shruthis are the Vedah, the eternally revealed scriptures. The Vedah also includes the Upanishads. And what is expounded in those ancient scriptures – the Shruthis are equality; universal equality and diversity not division and discrimination based on that division. Smrithis have little to do with the eternal values of our Dharmam. In fact they have been responsible for some gross discrimination that are very much alien to our spirituality and concept of the universal equality, that is expounded in our ancient Shrutis.


Even though Manu Smrithi contains some very good eternal values it also contains some very discriminatory statements and laws.


A good many of scholars believe that The Bhagavad Geetha is, in fact, the original Code or Adi Smrithi This was revealed and related by Bhagwan Shree Krishnan in Chapter four of the Geetha.

Caste, discrimination based on it and untouchability never existed in our ancient society. If it was we could never have gotten a Valmeeki, a Veda Vyasan or a Parasharan. It is all creations of a later time and date than the origin of Vedah. We must differentiate between the ‘scheduled castes’ and the Shudras; Shudras were held in esteem before the advent of the Smrithis and the scheduled castes are of a much later creation probably during the foreign rule which extended for a long time over our bhArath, the country of our origin. There was no discrimination amongst the four varnyam or the two genders. Of course there were restrictions and/or allocation for the genders and varnyam due to the physical conditions and physiological capabilities and responsibilities

to wards the society. The varnyam were based on the innate disposition (Gunam) and vocation (Karmam) of the individual. Men and Women the two integral and equal partners of the society, but are different in some ways. So the responsibility and duties of each gender to the society will differ accordingly. All are considered genius and masterminds in our own fields and our scriptures and ancestors were appreciative of this fact and looked upon all in that respect and with respect.


All spiritual practices irrespective of gender, caste or Varnyam, enabled us, the individuals to gradually unfold and expand our horizon of consciousness from our temporary micro-self to the Absolute, through our activities, be it through bhakthi, Karmam or intellect; it moves us towards The Absolute Truth irrespective of our caste, varnyam, family, creed or nationality. Ultimately we all will attain the absolute perfection by identifying with the Universal Self, the omnipresent Divine Self, which is The Absolute.


The confusion that persists is due to the fact that we forget that Manu Smrithi is only a Smrithi which is not eternal but a human creation and can often contradict the Shruthi which is the eternal Vedah. This could be on several important points including points relating to caste and gender. Philosophically, traditionally and practically, the Manu Smrithi was never much popular.


When contradictions do appear between Shruthi (Vedah) and Smrithi, Shruthi (Vedah) should be accepted. The Meemamasa states that The Smrithi texts, which are actually the documents on traditions and customs, should have corresponding Shruthi. If the case is different, as certain Smrithi do not have any matching Shruthi, it indicates that either the corresponding Shruthi was lost over time or the particular Smrithi is not authentic. Or it could be that the text or texts had been tampered with and altered. In this case we have Smrithi with the contradiction; and we have Shruthi which teaches us against the Smrithi. But we don’t have a Shruthi to support it. So it must be assumed that the Shruthi is wrong or fabricated and must be disregarded. Also when it is found out that

the Smrithis or part of it are laid down with a selfish interest, which are true in this case they must be disregarded or thrown out.. So in my opinion at least part of Manu Smrithi, having no precedence over Shruthi (Vedah), is deemed unreliable and therefore unacceptable as a scripture or social text. The signs of tampering and manipulations has been now been proven in some cases. I am attaching a few pages of the book “The True History and The Religion of India for your reading.


Even traditionally and practically women had many rights and freedoms, including in marriage, family life and intellectual pursuits in our society and examples for these are available in our history. Female had the freedom to choose her own husband in a swayamvaram. Our Upanishad (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad) shows that we had Gargi, a very highly educated woman who excelled in many intellectual and philosophical debates against even her male counterparts.


Manu Smrithi also refers to physicians in the same way as females. But Shruthis categorized them a very important place because of their special qualifications and service to the society. They were often identified with the highest positions in the society and even commanded the highest respect. They were also the favorites of the royalty and were recognized with many prestigious titles, and honors were bestowed on them such as Royal physician and Dhanvantri.


As I mentioned above, male and female always had distinct and well prescribed duties and responsibilities towards the society during the full length of our civilization, culture and spirituality. As in any system at times it often got corrupted and wrong laws and codes were written into our systems similar to what you have brought out. However as Shree Krishnan said in Geetha, from time to time Great Masters appear to remind us about our responsibilities. Shree Narayana Gurudevan through His “Narayana Smrithi†gave us this: “She who remains like an un-flickering flame of light, even in the high winds; who shines like Lakshmi, the embodiment of all the wealth; who is the abode of ideal and gentle character; is the greatest leader (grihanayika) of the family.†“Along with such a wife {by the side, not behind as many people say

– my addition}a husband should discharge his duties of a householder obstruction less, by doing the proper things intended to be done by him, constantly as and when such become necessary.†“The one who undergoes this house holder’s state of life (garhasthyam), the responsibility of infinite auspicious things, in a commendable and unadulterated manner, fulfils all the desires in life, and attains the blissful state of enjoying unbroken contentment.†[Narayana Smrithi – shlokam 242, 243 and 244]. I am also attaching two very important advices or code of conduct Shree Chattambi Swamikal gave us, on the role of male, female and family.





Udayabhanu Panickar

aum namaH ShivAya


Seema Ravindran <seemawarrier@ grouply.com>Re: [Guruvayur] "Pitha rakshathi koumare..... .guruvayur@grou ps.comThursday, April 2, 2009, 4:52 AM








In 10th standard malayalam, we had a lesson about this. As you wrote, a woman is to taken care of by father, husband and son and she doesnt deserve swathanthryam. But in the same manusmrithi is said, "Yethra narasthyu poojyanthe remanthe, thathra devatha", which means wherever women are respected, God will be there. So it is not very clear as to why the first sloka was like that.

Jai Sree Krishna


Seema--- On Wed, 4/1/09, jayasankar vattekkat <vinodvattekkat@ .co. in> wrote:

jayasankar vattekkat <vinodvattekkat@ .co. in>[Guruvayur] "Pitha rakshathi koumare....."GURUVAYURAPPAN" <guruvayur@grou ps.com>Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 6:32 AM








Aum Namo Narayanaya


Pranamam to all,


Our Manusmriti Says:

"Pitha rakshathi koumare.

Bhartha rakshathi Youvvane..

Purthra rakshathi vardhakhie.

Nah sthree swathnthria arhathi"


Why our manusmrithi says like this. Our ladies need protection. That iam agreeing. Same time they need freedom also.


Please clarify my doubt.


With Pranamam


Jayasankar Vattekkat




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