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Vishnusahasranama-469to 478

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One who makes all sleep and the one who sleeps His yoganidhra. In His mohini avathra He lulled the asuras as though in sleep by His enchanting smile and sweet face and beauty.


He Himself slept peacefully as Koorma while the churning was going on His back.vide.Desika's dasavatharasthothram.


He makes all beings sleep at mahapralaya but He keeps awake. His sleep is only yoga nidhra, not a sleep of oblivion but a sleep of awareness.


470. svavaSaH


The whole world is under His maya which is in His control. dhaiveehyeshaa gunamayee mamamaayaa dhurathyayaa, He says in the gita, and that only those who resort to Him can transcend the Maya, maamevaye prapadhyanthe maayaam ethaam tharanthi the.


vaS kaanthou to desire, to wish.All are in His control, His wish.


471. vyaapee


All pervading. aakaaSavath sarvagathaScha nithyaH, Brahman is all pervading like aakaasa but eternal unlike aakaaSa which is also created.Thus He pervades and transcends all and eternal.


472.na ekaathmaa


The one who deos not have only one self.


While the previous nama describes the transcendence of the Lord this signifies the imminence. He is not one but multitudes in the sense that He is in everybeing sentient and insentient as their inner self. ajaayamaano bahuDhaavijaayathe, the unborn is born as many, says Purushasuktha.In the 10 th chapter of Bhagavat gita the Lord says that He is manifest in all species `yacchaapi sarvabhoothaanaam beejam thath aham.' "I am the essence of everything and I am the Self of all, aham aathmaa gudaakesa sarvabhoothaasayasThithah."


In amrthamaThana the Lord took several forms to secure the nectar for the devas. He lifted the mountain, supported it on His back as Koorma, joined them in churning with thousand arms , entered into all to give them strength, appeared with the amrtha-pot as Dhanvanthari and finally got it back from the asuras as Mohini.This is denoted by nama ekaathmaa.


473. na ekakarmakrth


The Lord has not one but many work to do such as creation , protection, annihilation and controlling the individual selves by becoming their innerself etc. Referring to amrthamaThana He took many roles to help the devas as mentioned in the previous nama. Hence He is na ekakarmakrth. In short whatever is done in all the worlds is His doing only as He says in the Gita, uthseedheyuH ime lokaah na kuryaam karma cheth aham, "the worlds will collapse if I do not work."


474. VathsaraH


vasathi ithi vathsaraH. He lives in all beinga and vice versa. Sarvasmin vasathi sarvam cha thasmin ithi

Vathsara also means a year . samvathsara. He is called vathsara because He is the time. kaalaH laklayathaam aham, "I am the time of count, he says in Gita.


475. vathsalaH


He loves His creations who are His children vathsaaH. Vathsa also means calf and the love of the Lord towards His devotees is like that of the cow to tha calf. Vathsa +la (for love) = vathsalaH




vathsaaH asya asthi ithi vathsee. One who has many children boing the jagatpitha. maathaa cha lakshmeedhevee pitha dhevo naaraayaNaH, baanDHavaaH vishnubhakthaaH cha vasuDhaiva kutumbakam. Mother of all is Goddess Lakshmi, Narayana is the father and the relations are the devotees and the whole world is the family for a devotee of the Lord.


In krishnavathra he may be called vathsee because he had many calves which he loved as children.




He is the treasure house like the ocean which is called rathnagarbha as it contains all precious gems in it. The giver of all and the true wealth of His devotees. He is wonderful, aascharya, joy to look at ,aanandha, unfathomable, gaambheerya like the ocean.




Hence He is Dhanesvara Lord of wealth. He gives not only wealth and happiness and also moksha in the end for those who resort to Him.




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