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Don't violate Sri Krishna's instructions !!!!

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Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,

In Krishna-bhakti , there is no scope for "Fear" . Bhagavan does not view us as "Sinners". On the other hand, He lovingly views His Bhaktas as replicas of Himself . On their part, Bhaktas faithfully follow the footsteps of their Role models ie, Sri Rama and Sri Krishna . Bhagavan took His incarnations to teach His Bhaktas , by His own personal example, how to lead a Dharmic life . If we look closely at Rama or Krishna's life, we can see that they strictly followed Varnashrama-dharma . As kids they lived as Brahmacharis, as householders they lived a pleasant life with their Wives , in Vanaprastha they groomed their Sons and in Sannyasa they renounced life .

It is "Adharmic" for a House holder to abandon his wife and return back to *Brahmacharya* . Those who justify it must give scriptural evidence to prove their point . Sri Krishna or Sri Rama never did that . One's wife is like Sita-devi or Rukmini-devi . She has a precious role in helping her husband and children to complete their life's mission ( Swa-dharma) . If a husband abandons his young wife abruptly, it will not please Sri Krishna . In Bhagavan's life , He has shown utmost mercy to his woman-bhaktas . The famous book *Kuchelavrutham* says "It is adharmic for even a Jeevanmukta to do injustice to his wife" . Only when the wife is safe under the protection of their sons, a person can move on from Grihastasrama to the next one .

A Boss has the right to chastise his subordinate . The junior should learn from his mistakes and try to follow the Senior's instructions just like a Sisya does with his Guru . It is a question of *Swa-dharma* ( prescribed duties) . Outsiders have no role in this business . It is true that Bhagavan Sri Krishna dwells in all living beings . That does not stop us from eating vegetables or fruits . Everyone is being bound by his Karma . However, the point is not to poke nose in other's *Karma* , unless being specifically asked for some help .

I had a very strict and fire spitting Boss . He used to blast me severely for simple mistakes and was never satisfied with my work. In spite of this , I never hated him but adored as my Guru . People around me was saying bad things about my Boss, but I ignored their advice. Gradually , I realized that , my Boss has great compassion in his heart and he was mercifully grooming me to take over from him . While leaving his job , he revealed that confidential information only to me among all his subordinates . I was struggling hard to control my tears but he pacified me with soothing words . If I ever disobeyed him , I would have had fallen as a "Guru-drohi". Though I failed to rise upto his high level , today I am surviving on the basis of his training . Everyday, I remember with gratitude the training he had given me .

Bhagavan Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita ( 9.35) : " It is far better to execute one's *Sva-dharma* ( prescribed duties) , even though imperfectly, than to perform another's Duty perfectly. It is better to die discharging one's own duty in accordance with the varnasrama system than to engage in another's duty because it is dangerous to follow another's path ".

Om Namo Narayanaya !!!!


----------------------------guruvayur , "Viks" <vikramrajan wrote:>> Dear Savithri ji> > It was a beautiful story which should be told to all children, for them to realize the importance of good friends. > > Thai, I have two doubts in context of my daily life: > > In my office when I see a senior tormenting the Junior. > > What do I see in the Senior – I see that Sri Krishna is within that person who has come only as a Nimit to complete the Karma of the Junior. > > In the Junior also I see Sri Krishna within him and body is undergoing the pending Karma. And it is only through nimits like the Senior he/she can complete his\her Karma and get out of this material world and join Sri Krishna. > > Thai, Is this philosophy correct, please advise. > > I do not keep any negative feelings for the senior in me at all, as I know that all is only Sri Krishna wish and this is all only a game he is playing to help all of us to leave this world and reach him. When a leaf itself cannot move without his direction then what to say of anything else.> > Now when I go to advice and console the Junior, I am doing what the Swan did that extending her wings to provide shade > > But When it says > > "Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who did not deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help."> > How do I make a decision who deserves to be helped and should we not help and console when someone does not ask. > > Thai, I feel that this story also is only Sri Krishna game of keeping all his bhaktas thinking of him, so we only think of him at our deathbed and reach him. Govinda Govinda. All is only his will. > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev. > Sri Krishna Dasa> Vikram Rajan> > guruvayur , Savitri Puram savitriopuram@ wrote:> >> > Dear all,> > > > There are lot of stories in our puraanaas illustrating the importance of> > satsangam. Here is one that advises us to be beware of Dussangam or> > association of evil minded people or association of people with negative> > energy.> > > > There was a huge Banyan tree in a village and lot of travellers rested under> > the shadow of the tree. After walking a long distance in the scorching sun,> > a traveller came to rest under the tree. On that tree, two bird families of> > very different nature were living. One was a family of swans with saatwic> > (refined, kind, considerate and loving) nature and another one was a family> > of crows with thaamasic (unkind, inconsiderate, lazy and greedy) nature.> > > > At times, when the leaves of the tree were moving in the breeze, sun was> > falling on the traveller's face. Swan saw this and felt sorry for him and> > tried to spread it's wings across the branches above him to give shade on> > his face. Crow was sitting next to the swan and chatting continuously. After> > a few minutes, it had an urge for getting rid of it's droppings. He was so> > lazy to fly away from that branch and was reluctant to break his interesting> > conversation with the swan. So without even thinking how wrong it was to> > leave it's droppings on a sleeping man's body, it let the excretions fall> > on the traveller's chest. After this inappropriate action, it flew in> > search of food.> > > > The man got up when the droppings fell on him and was very angry and upset.> > He thought it was the swan's droppings that fell on him and wanted to scare> > the swan away. He took his bow and arrow and aimed at the swan sitting on> > the branch above him. Unfortunately it hit the swan on it's chest, just> > below the spread wings that gave him added protection from the sun and it> > fell dead.> > > > Even though the swan did everything right, it was misunderstood and became a> > victim of the wrath of the traveller. The only reason for this was> > it's association with the crow. Crow and swan were close friends and hence> > they were sitting and talking together. It should have stayed away from the> > crow.> > > > Also in this story, we have to see how the traveller acted. He succumbed to> > his anger and acted in haste, He did not have the patience to see and> > appreciate how the swan was providing him additional protection from the> > sun. Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who did not> > deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help.> > > > In real life also we see the effect of bad company especially among children> > in their teens. Just by being in the company of crooked people, so many> > children take wrong steps and get into trouble.> > > > May Guruvayurappan bless all of us especially our youngsters to choose good> > company!> > > > Regards and prayers> > > > savitri> >>

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namo narayana


While I completely agree and undersand that Lord Sri Krishna's commands in His Bhagavad Gita need to be followed at all times, I do not understand the concept of varnashrama in this present age.


With my limited understanding, I see that many in todays world are not purely from one particular varna/caste, but most of the people I know have either inter-caste, inter-religion or even inter-race marriages.


In such times what will happen to such people from these mixed marriages according to Bhagavad Gita, will they all go to hell or be trapped in this samsaara because they did not know what their actual varna was?


Furthermore, is birth (caste/varna) more important than ones sincere devotion for the Lord?


I request the learned members of this group to please explain this concept about devotees not transgressing the caste/varna lines in order to please Lord Sri Krishna.




Kamlesh--- On Tue, 5/26/09, krishnadaya <krishna.daya wrote:

krishnadaya <krishna.daya[Guruvayur] Don't violate Sri Krishna's instructions !!!!guruvayur Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 11:13 AM




Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,

In Krishna-bhakti , there is no scope for "Fear" . Bhagavan does not view us as "Sinners". On the other hand, He lovingly views His Bhaktas as replicas of Himself . On their part, Bhaktas faithfully follow the footsteps of their Role models ie, Sri Rama and Sri Krishna . Bhagavan took His incarnations to teach His Bhaktas , by His own personal example, how to lead a Dharmic life . If we look closely at Rama or Krishna 's life, we can see that they strictly followed Varnashrama- dharma . As kids they lived as Brahmacharis, as householders they lived a pleasant life with their Wives , in Vanaprastha they groomed their Sons and in Sannyasa they renounced life .

It is "Adharmic" for a House holder to abandon his wife and return back to *Brahmacharya* . Those who justify it must give scriptural evidence to prove their point . Sri Krishna or Sri Rama never did that . One's wife is like Sita-devi or Rukmini-devi . She has a precious role in helping her husband and children to complete their life's mission ( Swa-dharma) . If a husband abandons his young wife abruptly, it will not please Sri Krishna . In Bhagavan's life , He has shown utmost mercy to his woman-bhaktas . The famous book *Kuchelavrutham* says "It is adharmic for even a Jeevanmukta to do injustice to his wife" . Only when the wife is safe under the protection of their sons, a person can move on from Grihastasrama to

the next one .

A Boss has the right to chastise his subordinate . The junior should learn from his mistakes and try to follow the Senior's instructions just like a Sisya does with his Guru . It is a question of *Swa-dharma* ( prescribed duties) . Outsiders have no role in this business . It is true that Bhagavan Sri Krishna dwells in all living beings . That does not stop us from eating vegetables or fruits . Everyone is being bound by his Karma . However, the point is not to poke nose in other's *Karma* , unless being specifically asked for some help .

I had a very strict and fire spitting Boss . He used to blast me severely for simple mistakes and was never satisfied with my work. In spite of this , I never hated him but adored as my Guru . People around me was saying bad things about my Boss, but I ignored their advice. Gradually , I realized that , my Boss has great compassion in his heart and he was mercifully grooming me to take over from him . While leaving his job , he revealed that confidential information only to me among all his subordinates . I was struggling hard to control my tears but he pacified me with soothing words . If I ever disobeyed him , I would have had fallen as a "Guru-drohi". Though I

failed to rise upto his high level , today I am surviving on the basis of his training . Everyday, I remember with gratitude the training he had given me .

Bhagavan Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita ( 9.35) : " It is far better to execute one's *Sva-dharma* ( prescribed duties) , even though imperfectly, than to perform another's Duty perfectly. It is better to die discharging one's own duty in accordance with the varnasrama system than to engage in another's duty because it is dangerous to follow another's path ".

Om Namo Narayanaya !!!!


------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----guruvayur@grou ps.com, "Viks" <vikramrajan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Savithri ji> > It was a beautiful story which should be told to all children, for them to realize the importance of good friends. > > Thai, I have two doubts in context of my daily life: > > In my office when I see a senior tormenting the Junior. > > What do I see in the Senior – I see that Sri Krishna is within that person who has come only as a Nimit to complete the Karma of the Junior. > > In the Junior also I see Sri Krishna within him and body is undergoing the pending Karma. And it is only through nimits like the Senior he/she can complete his\her Karma and get out of this material

world and join Sri Krishna. > > Thai, Is this philosophy correct, please advise. > > I do not keep any negative feelings for the senior in me at all, as I know that all is only Sri Krishna wish and this is all only a game he is playing to help all of us to leave this world and reach him. When a leaf itself cannot move without his direction then what to say of anything else.> > Now when I go to advice and console the Junior, I am doing what the Swan did that extending her wings to provide shade > > But When it says > > "Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who did not deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help."> > How do I make a decision who deserves to be helped and should we not help and console when someone does not ask. > > Thai, I feel that this story also is only Sri Krishna game of keeping all his bhaktas thinking of him,

so we only think of him at our deathbed and reach him. Govinda Govinda. All is only his will. > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev. > Sri Krishna Dasa> Vikram Rajan> > guruvayur@grou ps.com, Savitri Puram savitriopuram@ wrote:> >> > Dear all,> > > > There are lot of stories in our puraanaas illustrating the importance of> > satsangam. Here is one that advises us to be beware of Dussangam or> > association of evil minded people or association of people with negative> > energy.> > > > There was a huge Banyan tree in a village and lot of travellers rested under> > the shadow of the tree. After walking a long distance in the scorching sun,> > a traveller came to rest under the tree. On that tree, two bird families of> > very different nature were living. One was a family of

swans with saatwic> > (refined, kind, considerate and loving) nature and another one was a family> > of crows with thaamasic (unkind, inconsiderate, lazy and greedy) nature.> > > > At times, when the leaves of the tree were moving in the breeze, sun was> > falling on the traveller's face. Swan saw this and felt sorry for him and> > tried to spread it's wings across the branches above him to give shade on> > his face. Crow was sitting next to the swan and chatting continuously. After> > a few minutes, it had an urge for getting rid of it's droppings. He was so> > lazy to fly away from that branch and was reluctant to break his interesting> > conversation with the swan. So without even thinking how wrong it was to> > leave it's droppings on a sleeping man's body, it let the excretions fall> > on the traveller's chest. After this

inappropriate action, it flew in> > search of food.> > > > The man got up when the droppings fell on him and was very angry and upset.> > He thought it was the swan's droppings that fell on him and wanted to scare> > the swan away. He took his bow and arrow and aimed at the swan sitting on> > the branch above him. Unfortunately it hit the swan on it's chest, just> > below the spread wings that gave him added protection from the sun and it> > fell dead.> > > > Even though the swan did everything right, it was misunderstood and became a> > victim of the wrath of the traveller. The only reason for this was> > it's association with the crow. Crow and swan were close friends and hence> > they were sitting and talking together. It should have stayed away from the> > crow.> > > > Also in this story, we

have to see how the traveller acted. He succumbed to> > his anger and acted in haste, He did not have the patience to see and> > appreciate how the swan was providing him additional protection from the> > sun. Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who did not> > deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help.> > > > In real life also we see the effect of bad company especially among children> > in their teens. Just by being in the company of crooked people, so many> > children take wrong steps and get into trouble.> > > > May Guruvayurappan bless all of us especially our youngsters to choose good> > company!> > > > Regards and prayers> > > > savitri> >>

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Dear Krishnadaya Prabhu,



Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev for your posting. I will remember and

imbibe this knowledge in my daily life and try never to poke around anyone or

help until asked, as I understand he/she is also undergoing his Karma.


Regarding Brahmachiriam, I am not leaving my wife abruptly, We have married for

4 years and now we are also tired in Sense pleasure we get from ___. I am still

working and taking care of my family members and from next month we are going to

a new house gifted by Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev. So I am doing all my duties,

I have 3 year old daughter also. So I am doing all my duties as a Husband and

still love and care for my wife from my heart. The only difference being we are

no longer doing sense pleasure.


Maybe if a time comes when my wife is interested, I understand that it is my

duty to satisfy her needs as stated.


All Bhaktas please throw some light and remove my ignorance. Please advice if I

am correct.


Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev

Sri Krishna Dasa

Vikram Rajan





guruvayur , " krishnadaya " <krishna.daya wrote:



> Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,


> In Krishna-bhakti , there is no scope for " Fear " . Bhagavan does

> not view us as " Sinners " . On the other hand, He lovingly views

> His Bhaktas as replicas of Himself . On their part, Bhaktas faithfully

> follow the footsteps of their Role models ie, Sri Rama and Sri Krishna

> . Bhagavan took His incarnations to teach His Bhaktas , by His own

> personal example, how to lead a Dharmic life . If we look closely at

> Rama or Krishna's life, we can see that they strictly followed

> Varnashrama-dharma . As kids they lived as Brahmacharis, as householders

> they lived a pleasant life with their Wives , in Vanaprastha they

> groomed their Sons and in Sannyasa they renounced life .


> It is " Adharmic " for a House holder to abandon his wife and

> return back to *Brahmacharya* . Those who justify it must give

> scriptural evidence to prove their point . Sri Krishna or Sri Rama never

> did that . One's wife is like Sita-devi or Rukmini-devi . She has a

> precious role in helping her husband and children to complete their

> life's mission ( Swa-dharma) . If a husband abandons his young wife

> abruptly, it will not please Sri Krishna . In Bhagavan's life , He

> has shown utmost mercy to his woman-bhaktas . The famous book

> *Kuchelavrutham* says " It is adharmic for even a Jeevanmukta to do

> injustice to his wife " . Only when the wife is safe under the

> protection of their sons, a person can move on from Grihastasrama to the

> next one .


> A Boss has the right to chastise his subordinate . The junior should

> learn from his mistakes and try to follow the Senior's instructions

> just like a Sisya does with his Guru . It is a question of *Swa-dharma*

> ( prescribed duties) . Outsiders have no role in this business . It is

> true that Bhagavan Sri Krishna dwells in all living beings . That does

> not stop us from eating vegetables or fruits . Everyone is being bound

> by his Karma . However, the point is not to poke nose in other's

> *Karma* , unless being specifically asked for some help .


> I had a very strict and fire spitting Boss . He used to blast me

> severely for simple mistakes and was never satisfied with my work. In

> spite of this , I never hated him but adored as my Guru . People around

> me was saying bad things about my Boss, but I ignored their advice.

> Gradually , I realized that , my Boss has great compassion in his heart

> and he was mercifully grooming me to take over from him . While leaving

> his job , he revealed that confidential information only to me among

> all his subordinates . I was struggling hard to control my tears but he

> pacified me with soothing words . If I ever disobeyed him , I would

> have had fallen as a " Guru-drohi " . Though I failed to rise upto

> his high level , today I am surviving on the basis of his training .

> Everyday, I remember with gratitude the training he had given me .


> Bhagavan Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita ( 9.35) : " It is far

> better to execute one's *Sva-dharma* ( prescribed duties) , even though

> imperfectly, than to perform another's Duty perfectly. It is better to

> die discharging one's own duty in accordance with the varnasrama system

> than to engage in another's duty because it is dangerous to follow

> another's path " .




> Om Namo Narayanaya !!!!


> Krishnadaya.


> ------\

> -


> guruvayur , " Viks " <vikramrajan@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Savithri ji

> >

> > It was a beautiful story which should be told to all children, for

> them to realize the importance of good friends.

> >

> > Thai, I have two doubts in context of my daily life:

> >

> > In my office when I see a senior tormenting the Junior.

> >

> > What do I see in the Senior – I see that Sri Krishna is within

> that person who has come only as a Nimit to complete the Karma of the

> Junior.

> >

> > In the Junior also I see Sri Krishna within him and body is undergoing

> the pending Karma. And it is only through nimits like the Senior he/she

> can complete his\her Karma and get out of this material world and join

> Sri Krishna.

> >

> > Thai, Is this philosophy correct, please advise.

> >

> > I do not keep any negative feelings for the senior in me at all, as I

> know that all is only Sri Krishna wish and this is all only a game he is

> playing to help all of us to leave this world and reach him. When a leaf

> itself cannot move without his direction then what to say of anything

> else.

> >

> > Now when I go to advice and console the Junior, I am doing what the

> Swan did that extending her wings to provide shade

> >

> > But When it says

> >

> > " Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who did not

> deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help. "

> >

> > How do I make a decision who deserves to be helped and should we not

> help and console when someone does not ask.

> >

> > Thai, I feel that this story also is only Sri Krishna game of keeping

> all his bhaktas thinking of him, so we only think of him at our deathbed

> and reach him. Govinda Govinda. All is only his will.

> >

> > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev.

> > Sri Krishna Dasa

> > Vikram Rajan

> >

> > guruvayur , Savitri Puram savitriopuram@ wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear all,

> > >

> > > There are lot of stories in our puraanaas illustrating the

> importance of

> > > satsangam. Here is one that advises us to be beware of Dussangam or

> > > association of evil minded people or association of people with

> negative

> > > energy.

> > >

> > > There was a huge Banyan tree in a village and lot of travellers

> rested under

> > > the shadow of the tree. After walking a long distance in the

> scorching sun,

> > > a traveller came to rest under the tree. On that tree, two bird

> families of

> > > very different nature were living. One was a family of swans with

> saatwic

> > > (refined, kind, considerate and loving) nature and another one was a

> family

> > > of crows with thaamasic (unkind, inconsiderate, lazy and greedy)

> nature.

> > >

> > > At times, when the leaves of the tree were moving in the breeze, sun

> was

> > > falling on the traveller's face. Swan saw this and felt sorry for

> him and

> > > tried to spread it's wings across the branches above him to give

> shade on

> > > his face. Crow was sitting next to the swan and chatting

> continuously. After

> > > a few minutes, it had an urge for getting rid of it's droppings. He

> was so

> > > lazy to fly away from that branch and was reluctant to break his

> interesting

> > > conversation with the swan. So without even thinking how wrong it

> was to

> > > leave it's droppings on a sleeping man's body, it let the excretions

> fall

> > > on the traveller's chest. After this inappropriate action, it flew

> in

> > > search of food.

> > >

> > > The man got up when the droppings fell on him and was very angry and

> upset.

> > > He thought it was the swan's droppings that fell on him and wanted

> to scare

> > > the swan away. He took his bow and arrow and aimed at the swan

> sitting on

> > > the branch above him. Unfortunately it hit the swan on it's chest,

> just

> > > below the spread wings that gave him added protection from the sun

> and it

> > > fell dead.

> > >

> > > Even though the swan did everything right, it was misunderstood and

> became a

> > > victim of the wrath of the traveller. The only reason for this was

> > > it's association with the crow. Crow and swan were close friends and

> hence

> > > they were sitting and talking together. It should have stayed away

> from the

> > > crow.

> > >

> > > Also in this story, we have to see how the traveller acted. He

> succumbed to

> > > his anger and acted in haste, He did not have the patience to see

> and

> > > appreciate how the swan was providing him additional protection from

> the

> > > sun. Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who did

> not

> > > deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help.

> > >

> > > In real life also we see the effect of bad company especially among

> children

> > > in their teens. Just by being in the company of crooked people, so

> many

> > > children take wrong steps and get into trouble.

> > >

> > > May Guruvayurappan bless all of us especially our youngsters to

> choose good

> > > company!

> > >

> > > Regards and prayers

> > >

> > > savitri

> > >

> >


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Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,

Sri Kamalesh ji has raised an interesting question . He has rightly said that , now a days we can see many cases of "Varna-sangaram" .

Sri Krishna's *Gita-rahasya* is ever green . The more a person complies with it , the better his God-realization will be .

Of course, the situation is variant for Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dwapara-yuga and Kali-yuga . In this age Kali-yugam , *Varnashrama Dharma* is destined to be compromised. Bhagavan Himself had forewarned His Bhaktas and manifested as *Guruvayoorappan* to protect them . Also, through His messengers like Ramanujacharya, Chaithanya Mahaprabhu , Melpathur, Poonthanam, Kurooramma and Periaval , Bhagavan has taught His Bhaktas how to remain steadfast in Krishna-Bhakti . Even today, His messengers like Malliyoor Thirumeni and Channas Tantris are readily available for our guidance .

Brahmins having aptitude for Vedic path, should adhere to their *Swa-dharma* . They should lead a *sattvic* life according to vedic injunctions . This will enable the survival of Temples and Vedic Dharma . Hindus born in other casts should perform *Karma* , according to their aptitude . The more a Hindu complies with *SharanAgathi* to Ishta-deva and His *Nama-japam* , the better will be his God-realization . Even a person born as Mlecha can elevate himself spiritually and attain God-realization by following the above .

Why not *Varna-Sangaram*??

Those who are adhering to their traditional profession, should marry from same *Varna* in order to remain steadfast in their traditional *Swa-dharma* ( prescribed duties) .

Those Hindus who take up non-traditional professions, can marry Hindu spouses according to convenience . In the present scenario, it cannot be seen as *Varna-sangara* , as long as the spouses remain steadfast in their devotion to *Ishta-deva* .

However, inter-religious marriage is *Varna-sangara* and it is not desirable for a devout Hindu . Let me narrate the case of my one close relative .

He was born in a devout Hindu family . He fell in love with a Christian girl and married her , against the wishes of his parents . The girl is from a very orthodox Christian background. Both of them agreed to forget their past and start a new "Secular" life . As agreed, the husband gave up all his "Hindu-faith" . But that was not the case with the wife though she did her church-worship secretly . The couple begot two children . He did not mention any caste or religion name in the children's school register . After about (10) years of marriage, he started facing financial problems due to frequent job losses . He was forced to accept financial help from his own parents and his wife's relatives . While his parents helped him selflessly , wife qualified her family's help to force her religious views on her husband and children . Meanwhile, the fast deteriorating situation prompted the husband to consult a Jyothishi who revealed " You are suffering the sins for forgetting your *Family-deities* . Go to the family temple , beg for their pardon and do some atonements . Also worship Sri Krishna, the bestower of good fortune " .

The husband was shocked by this miraculous revelation and decided to follow suit . He told his wife that he will do it personally without involving her or their children . However, the wife became furious and she insisted him to stop all such "Satanic" activities forthwith and instead of that convert to Christianity . She immediately baptized both the children to Christianity and got them admitted to Sunday school. Meanwhile , the husband continued his temple-worship and very soon he got a lucrative foreign job which increased his faith in Bhagavan . All their financial problems are over within months and they became rich . However, the couple is on the verge of diverse . Wife and Children are 100% Christian adherents whereas the husband is an ardent Bhakta of Guruvayoorappan . What hurts him the most is that his Children too are viewing his Bhagavan as "Satan" . He laments that his Christian-children are ineligible to conduct his *SrAdham* ( post death vedic rituals), and this will land him in hell . Despite this, he is deeply attached to his children , and fulfills all their needs most enthusiastically . He is the sole-bread earner for the family and he showers them with money . However, his fanatic Christian children are thankless to their Father and they miss no opportunity to ill-treat him . Consequently, he is totally upset and has narrowly escaped from two major road accidents recently . Seeing his sufferings , I lovingly advised the children to be more merciful to their Father to keep him alive since without him they can not survive in life . Unfortunately , the situation is just deteriorating further .

Om Namo Narayanaya!!!!

Krishnadaya---------guruvayur , Veryytterium <veryytterium wrote:>> namo narayana>  > While I completely agree and undersand that Lord Sri Krishna's commands in His Bhagavad Gita need to be followed at all times, I do not understand the concept of varnashrama in this present age.>  > With my limited understanding, I see that many in todays world are not purely from one particular varna/caste, but most of the people I know have either inter-caste, inter-religion or even inter-race marriages.>  > In such times what will happen to such people from these mixed marriages according to Bhagavad Gita, will they all go to hell or be trapped in this samsaara because they did not know what their actual varna was?>  > Furthermore, is birth (caste/varna) more important than ones sincere devotion for the Lord?>  > I request the learned members of this group  to please explain this concept about devotees not transgressing the caste/varna lines in order to please Lord Sri Krishna.>  > Thanks,> Sincerely,> Kamlesh> > --- On Tue, 5/26/09, krishnadaya krishna.daya wrote:> > > krishnadaya krishna.daya [Guruvayur] Don't violate Sri Krishna's instructions !!!!> guruvayur > Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 11:13 AM> > > > > > > > > > Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas, > In Krishna-bhakti , there is no scope for "Fear" . Bhagavan does not view us as "Sinners". On the other hand,  He lovingly views His Bhaktas as replicas of Himself . On their part, Bhaktas faithfully follow the footsteps of their Role models ie, Sri Rama and Sri Krishna . Bhagavan took His incarnations to teach His Bhaktas , by His own personal example,  how to lead a Dharmic life . If we look closely at Rama or Krishna 's life, we can see that they strictly followed Varnashrama- dharma . As kids they lived as Brahmacharis, as householders they lived a pleasant life with their Wives , in Vanaprastha they groomed their Sons and in Sannyasa they renounced life . > It is "Adharmic" for a House holder to abandon his wife and return back to *Brahmacharya*  . Those who justify it must give scriptural evidence to prove their point . Sri Krishna or Sri Rama never did that . One's wife is like Sita-devi or Rukmini-devi . She has a precious role in helping her husband and children to complete their life's mission ( Swa-dharma)  . If a husband abandons his young wife abruptly, it will not please Sri Krishna . In Bhagavan's life , He has shown utmost mercy to his woman-bhaktas . The famous book *Kuchelavrutham*  says "It is adharmic for even a Jeevanmukta to do injustice to his wife" . Only when the wife is safe under the protection of their sons, a person can move on from Grihastasrama to the next one  . > A Boss has the right to chastise his subordinate . The junior should learn from his mistakes and try to follow the Senior's instructions just like a Sisya does with his Guru .  It is a question of *Swa-dharma* ( prescribed duties) . Outsiders have no role in this business . It is true that Bhagavan Sri Krishna dwells in all  living beings . That does not stop us from eating vegetables or fruits . Everyone is being bound by his Karma . However, the point is not to poke nose in other's *Karma* ,  unless being specifically  asked  for  some help . > I had a very strict  and fire spitting Boss . He used to blast me severely  for simple mistakes and was never satisfied with my work. In spite of this , I never hated him but adored as my Guru .  People around me was saying bad things about my Boss, but I ignored their advice. Gradually , I realized that , my Boss has great compassion in his heart and he  was mercifully grooming me to take over from him . While leaving his job  , he revealed that confidential information only to me among all his subordinates  . I was struggling hard to control my tears but he pacified me with soothing words . If  I ever disobeyed him , I would have had fallen as a "Guru-drohi". Though I failed to rise upto his high  level , today I am surviving on the basis of his training . Everyday, I remember with gratitude the training he had given me .   > Bhagavan Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita ( 9.35) : " It is far better to execute one's *Sva-dharma* ( prescribed duties) , even though imperfectly, than to perform another's Duty perfectly. It is better to die discharging one's own duty in accordance with the varnasrama system than to engage in another's duty because  it is dangerous to follow another's path ". > > > Om Namo Narayanaya !!!!  > Krishnadaya. > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----> guruvayur@grou ps.com, "Viks" <vikramrajan@ ...> wrote:> >> > Dear Savithri ji> > > > It was a beautiful story which should be told to all children, for them to realize the importance of good friends. > > > > Thai, I have two doubts in context of my daily life: > > > > In my office when I see a senior tormenting the Junior. > > > > What do I see in the Senior â€" I see that Sri Krishna is within that person who has come only as a Nimit to complete the Karma of the Junior. > > > > In the Junior also I see Sri Krishna within him and body is undergoing the pending Karma. And it is only through nimits like the Senior he/she can complete his\her Karma and get out of this material world and join Sri Krishna. > > > > Thai, Is this philosophy correct, please advise. > > > > I do not keep any negative feelings for the senior in me at all, as I know that all is only Sri Krishna wish and this is all only a game he is playing to help all of us to leave this world and reach him. When a leaf itself cannot move without his direction then what to say of anything else.> > > > Now when I go to advice and console the Junior, I am doing what the Swan did that extending her wings to provide shade > > > > But When it says > > > > "Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who did not deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help."> > > > How do I make a decision who deserves to be helped and should we not help and console when someone does not ask. > > > > Thai, I feel that this story also is only Sri Krishna game of keeping all his bhaktas thinking of him, so we only think of him at our deathbed and reach him. Govinda Govinda. All is only his will. > > > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev. > > Sri Krishna Dasa> > Vikram Rajan> > > > guruvayur@grou ps.com, Savitri Puram savitriopuram@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear all,> > > > > > There are lot of stories in our puraanaas illustrating the importance of> > > satsangam. Here is one that advises us to be beware of Dussangam or> > > association of evil minded people or association of people with negative> > > energy.> > > > > > There was a huge Banyan tree in a village and lot of travellers rested under> > > the shadow of the tree. After walking a long distance in the scorching sun,> > > a traveller came to rest under the tree. On that tree, two bird families of> > > very different nature were living. One was a family of swans with saatwic> > > (refined, kind, considerate and loving) nature and another one was a family> > > of crows with thaamasic (unkind, inconsiderate, lazy and greedy) nature.> > > > > > At times, when the leaves of the tree were moving in the breeze, sun was> > > falling on the traveller's face. Swan saw this and felt sorry for him and> > > tried to spread it's wings across the branches above him to give shade on> > > his face. Crow was sitting next to the swan and chatting continuously. After> > > a few minutes, it had an urge for getting rid of it's droppings. He was so> > > lazy to fly away from that branch and was reluctant to break his interesting> > > conversation with the swan. So without even thinking how wrong it was to> > > leave it's droppings on a sleeping man's body, it let the excretions fall> > > on the traveller's chest. After this inappropriate action, it flew in> > > search of food.> > > > > > The man got up when the droppings fell on him and was very angry and upset.> > > He thought it was the swan's droppings that fell on him and wanted to scare> > > the swan away. He took his bow and arrow and aimed at the swan sitting on> > > the branch above him. Unfortunately it hit the swan on it's chest, just> > > below the spread wings that gave him added protection from the sun and it> > > fell dead.> > > > > > Even though the swan did everything right, it was misunderstood and became a> > > victim of the wrath of the traveller. The only reason for this was> > > it's association with the crow. Crow and swan were close friends and hence> > > they were sitting and talking together. It should have stayed away from the> > > crow.> > > > > > Also in this story, we have to see how the traveller acted. He succumbed to> > > his anger and acted in haste, He did not have the patience to see and> > > appreciate how the swan was providing him additional protection from the> > > sun. Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who did not> > > deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help.> > > > > > In real life also we see the effect of bad company especially among children> > > in their teens. Just by being in the company of crooked people, so many> > > children take wrong steps and get into trouble.> > > > > > May Guruvayurappan bless all of us especially our youngsters to choose good> > > company!> > > > > > Regards and prayers> > > > > > savitri> > >> >>

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Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Vikramji ,


I am happy to note your response . You and wife are like Sri Krishna and

Rukmini-devi . You two and your lovely daughter should lead a pleasant

life just like Bhagavan , Rukmini-devi and their children . Your

Grihasta-life is a great service to Bhagavan . When your wife cooks and

serves food , she is not only feeding her husband and child but also

feeds Bhagavan, Devatas and numereous God in-dwelling beings in your

house . If eveyone is Brahmachari, who will feed the world .


There is no need for you to follow celibacy at this stage of life . You

should enjoy the bliss of married life with steadiness of mind . The

relation between husband and wife is in accordance with scriptural

injuncions . Bhagavan Krishna always took great care to please His wives

.. He even fought with the Devatas to fulfill their wishes . As Husband ,

it was His *Dhaama* . Similarly , you should be most loving to your wife

and lead a happy life . Your life is a practical lesson to your Daughter

as well . She too will learn from your life how to lead a family life

and follow-suit in her life . Your married-bliss is Bhagavan's

" prasadam " and it is not at all illegal . He will be pleased to see

your joy . If you two unnecessarily renounce your married-bliss and live

as " artificical " celibates , it will sadden Bhagavan . It is not your

" Swa-dharma " .


When I had read your first mail , it broke my heart . Tears filled my

eyes thinking about the ill-fate of you and your wife . For a moment ,

I considered her to me my daughter and I could not control grief . This

was the first time in my life , I was noticing negative side of Bhakti .

Christians aim for such impractical non-sense . Vedic dharma is most

practical and it doesnot prescribe celibacy for Grihastas. The

Siva-Sakthi conjugal dance is the foundation of world's existence . The

concept of " Ardha-nareeswara " is most important in Vedic faith .


I sincerly pray to Bhagavan Sri Krishna to shower His blessings on you

Vikaramji , your wife and daughter !!!!





guruvayur , " Viks " <vikramrajan wrote:


> Dear Krishnadaya Prabhu,



> Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev for your posting. I will

remember and imbibe this knowledge in my daily life and try never to

poke around anyone or help until asked, as I understand he/she is also

undergoing his Karma.


> Regarding Brahmachiriam, I am not leaving my wife abruptly, We have

married for 4 years and now we are also tired in Sense pleasure we get

from ___. I am still working and taking care of my family members and

from next month we are going to a new house gifted by Sri Krishna and

Sri GuruDev. So I am doing all my duties, I have 3 year old daughter

also. So I am doing all my duties as a Husband and still love and care

for my wife from my heart. The only difference being we are no longer

doing sense pleasure.


> Maybe if a time comes when my wife is interested, I understand that it

is my duty to satisfy her needs as stated.


> All Bhaktas please throw some light and remove my ignorance. Please

advice if I am correct.


> Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev

> Sri Krishna Dasa

> Vikram Rajan





> guruvayur , " krishnadaya " krishna.daya@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,

> >

> > In Krishna-bhakti , there is no scope for " Fear " . Bhagavan does

> > not view us as " Sinners " . On the other hand, He lovingly views

> > His Bhaktas as replicas of Himself . On their part, Bhaktas


> > follow the footsteps of their Role models ie, Sri Rama and Sri


> > . Bhagavan took His incarnations to teach His Bhaktas , by His own

> > personal example, how to lead a Dharmic life . If we look closely at

> > Rama or Krishna's life, we can see that they strictly followed

> > Varnashrama-dharma . As kids they lived as Brahmacharis, as


> > they lived a pleasant life with their Wives , in Vanaprastha they

> > groomed their Sons and in Sannyasa they renounced life .

> >

> > It is " Adharmic " for a House holder to abandon his wife and

> > return back to *Brahmacharya* . Those who justify it must give

> > scriptural evidence to prove their point . Sri Krishna or Sri Rama


> > did that . One's wife is like Sita-devi or Rukmini-devi . She has a

> > precious role in helping her husband and children to complete their

> > life's mission ( Swa-dharma) . If a husband abandons his young wife

> > abruptly, it will not please Sri Krishna . In Bhagavan's life , He

> > has shown utmost mercy to his woman-bhaktas . The famous book

> > *Kuchelavrutham* says " It is adharmic for even a Jeevanmukta to do

> > injustice to his wife " . Only when the wife is safe under the

> > protection of their sons, a person can move on from Grihastasrama to


> > next one .

> >

> > A Boss has the right to chastise his subordinate . The junior should

> > learn from his mistakes and try to follow the Senior's instructions

> > just like a Sisya does with his Guru . It is a question of


> > ( prescribed duties) . Outsiders have no role in this business . It


> > true that Bhagavan Sri Krishna dwells in all living beings . That


> > not stop us from eating vegetables or fruits . Everyone is being


> > by his Karma . However, the point is not to poke nose in other's

> > *Karma* , unless being specifically asked for some help .

> >

> > I had a very strict and fire spitting Boss . He used to blast me

> > severely for simple mistakes and was never satisfied with my work.


> > spite of this , I never hated him but adored as my Guru . People


> > me was saying bad things about my Boss, but I ignored their advice.

> > Gradually , I realized that , my Boss has great compassion in his


> > and he was mercifully grooming me to take over from him . While


> > his job , he revealed that confidential information only to me among

> > all his subordinates . I was struggling hard to control my tears but


> > pacified me with soothing words . If I ever disobeyed him , I would

> > have had fallen as a " Guru-drohi " . Though I failed to rise upto

> > his high level , today I am surviving on the basis of his training .

> > Everyday, I remember with gratitude the training he had given me .

> >

> > Bhagavan Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita ( 9.35) : " It is far

> > better to execute one's *Sva-dharma* ( prescribed duties) , even


> > imperfectly, than to perform another's Duty perfectly. It is better


> > die discharging one's own duty in accordance with the varnasrama


> > than to engage in another's duty because it is dangerous to follow

> > another's path " .

> >

> >

> >

> > Om Namo Narayanaya !!!!

> >

> > Krishnadaya.

> >

> >



> > -

> >

> > guruvayur , " Viks " <vikramrajan@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Savithri ji

> > >

> > > It was a beautiful story which should be told to all children, for

> > them to realize the importance of good friends.

> > >

> > > Thai, I have two doubts in context of my daily life:

> > >

> > > In my office when I see a senior tormenting the Junior.

> > >

> > > What do I see in the Senior – I see that Sri Krishna is within

> > that person who has come only as a Nimit to complete the Karma of


> > Junior.

> > >

> > > In the Junior also I see Sri Krishna within him and body is


> > the pending Karma. And it is only through nimits like the Senior


> > can complete his\her Karma and get out of this material world and


> > Sri Krishna.

> > >

> > > Thai, Is this philosophy correct, please advise.

> > >

> > > I do not keep any negative feelings for the senior in me at all,

as I

> > know that all is only Sri Krishna wish and this is all only a game

he is

> > playing to help all of us to leave this world and reach him. When a


> > itself cannot move without his direction then what to say of


> > else.

> > >

> > > Now when I go to advice and console the Junior, I am doing what


> > Swan did that extending her wings to provide shade

> > >

> > > But When it says

> > >

> > > " Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who did


> > deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help. "

> > >

> > > How do I make a decision who deserves to be helped and should we


> > help and console when someone does not ask.

> > >

> > > Thai, I feel that this story also is only Sri Krishna game of


> > all his bhaktas thinking of him, so we only think of him at our


> > and reach him. Govinda Govinda. All is only his will.

> > >

> > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev.

> > > Sri Krishna Dasa

> > > Vikram Rajan

> > >

> > > guruvayur , Savitri Puram savitriopuram@


> > > >

> > > > Dear all,

> > > >

> > > > There are lot of stories in our puraanaas illustrating the

> > importance of

> > > > satsangam. Here is one that advises us to be beware of Dussangam


> > > > association of evil minded people or association of people with

> > negative

> > > > energy.

> > > >

> > > > There was a huge Banyan tree in a village and lot of travellers

> > rested under

> > > > the shadow of the tree. After walking a long distance in the

> > scorching sun,

> > > > a traveller came to rest under the tree. On that tree, two bird

> > families of

> > > > very different nature were living. One was a family of swans


> > saatwic

> > > > (refined, kind, considerate and loving) nature and another one

was a

> > family

> > > > of crows with thaamasic (unkind, inconsiderate, lazy and greedy)

> > nature.

> > > >

> > > > At times, when the leaves of the tree were moving in the breeze,


> > was

> > > > falling on the traveller's face. Swan saw this and felt sorry


> > him and

> > > > tried to spread it's wings across the branches above him to give

> > shade on

> > > > his face. Crow was sitting next to the swan and chatting

> > continuously. After

> > > > a few minutes, it had an urge for getting rid of it's droppings.


> > was so

> > > > lazy to fly away from that branch and was reluctant to break his

> > interesting

> > > > conversation with the swan. So without even thinking how wrong


> > was to

> > > > leave it's droppings on a sleeping man's body, it let the


> > fall

> > > > on the traveller's chest. After this inappropriate action, it


> > in

> > > > search of food.

> > > >

> > > > The man got up when the droppings fell on him and was very angry


> > upset.

> > > > He thought it was the swan's droppings that fell on him and


> > to scare

> > > > the swan away. He took his bow and arrow and aimed at the swan

> > sitting on

> > > > the branch above him. Unfortunately it hit the swan on it's


> > just

> > > > below the spread wings that gave him added protection from the


> > and it

> > > > fell dead.

> > > >

> > > > Even though the swan did everything right, it was misunderstood


> > became a

> > > > victim of the wrath of the traveller. The only reason for this


> > > > it's association with the crow. Crow and swan were close friends


> > hence

> > > > they were sitting and talking together. It should have stayed


> > from the

> > > > crow.

> > > >

> > > > Also in this story, we have to see how the traveller acted. He

> > succumbed to

> > > > his anger and acted in haste, He did not have the patience to


> > and

> > > > appreciate how the swan was providing him additional protection


> > the

> > > > sun. Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who


> > not

> > > > deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help.

> > > >

> > > > In real life also we see the effect of bad company especially


> > children

> > > > in their teens. Just by being in the company of crooked people,


> > many

> > > > children take wrong steps and get into trouble.

> > > >

> > > > May Guruvayurappan bless all of us especially our youngsters to

> > choose good

> > > > company!

> > > >

> > > > Regards and prayers

> > > >

> > > > savitri

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Guest guest

Dear Krishnadaya Prabhuji,


Gratitude to your posting and showing me the right way. I understand and

will imbibe what you have said in my life immediately (from now) and I will

print and show this to my wife also.


I take a solemn promise that whatever you have said, I will follow and know

that It is only Sri Krishna who has told me this through you and is guiding me.

Hare Krishna. Govinda Govinda.




Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev

Sri Krishna Dasa

Vikram Rajan





guruvayur , " krishnadaya " <krishna.daya wrote:



> Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Vikramji ,


> I am happy to note your response . You and wife are like Sri Krishna and

> Rukmini-devi . You two and your lovely daughter should lead a pleasant

> life just like Bhagavan , Rukmini-devi and their children . Your

> Grihasta-life is a great service to Bhagavan . When your wife cooks and

> serves food , she is not only feeding her husband and child but also

> feeds Bhagavan, Devatas and numereous God in-dwelling beings in your

> house . If eveyone is Brahmachari, who will feed the world .


> There is no need for you to follow celibacy at this stage of life . You

> should enjoy the bliss of married life with steadiness of mind . The

> relation between husband and wife is in accordance with scriptural

> injuncions . Bhagavan Krishna always took great care to please His wives

> . He even fought with the Devatas to fulfill their wishes . As Husband ,

> it was His *Dhaama* . Similarly , you should be most loving to your wife

> and lead a happy life . Your life is a practical lesson to your Daughter

> as well . She too will learn from your life how to lead a family life

> and follow-suit in her life . Your married-bliss is Bhagavan's

> " prasadam " and it is not at all illegal . He will be pleased to see

> your joy . If you two unnecessarily renounce your married-bliss and live

> as " artificical " celibates , it will sadden Bhagavan . It is not your

> " Swa-dharma " .


> When I had read your first mail , it broke my heart . Tears filled my

> eyes thinking about the ill-fate of you and your wife . For a moment ,

> I considered her to me my daughter and I could not control grief . This

> was the first time in my life , I was noticing negative side of Bhakti .

> Christians aim for such impractical non-sense . Vedic dharma is most

> practical and it doesnot prescribe celibacy for Grihastas. The

> Siva-Sakthi conjugal dance is the foundation of world's existence . The

> concept of " Ardha-nareeswara " is most important in Vedic faith .


> I sincerly pray to Bhagavan Sri Krishna to shower His blessings on you

> Vikaramji , your wife and daughter !!!!


> Krishnadaya.



> guruvayur , " Viks " <vikramrajan@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Krishnadaya Prabhu,

> >

> >

> > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev for your posting. I will

> remember and imbibe this knowledge in my daily life and try never to

> poke around anyone or help until asked, as I understand he/she is also

> undergoing his Karma.

> >

> > Regarding Brahmachiriam, I am not leaving my wife abruptly, We have

> married for 4 years and now we are also tired in Sense pleasure we get

> from ___. I am still working and taking care of my family members and

> from next month we are going to a new house gifted by Sri Krishna and

> Sri GuruDev. So I am doing all my duties, I have 3 year old daughter

> also. So I am doing all my duties as a Husband and still love and care

> for my wife from my heart. The only difference being we are no longer

> doing sense pleasure.

> >

> > Maybe if a time comes when my wife is interested, I understand that it

> is my duty to satisfy her needs as stated.

> >

> > All Bhaktas please throw some light and remove my ignorance. Please

> advice if I am correct.

> >

> > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev

> > Sri Krishna Dasa

> > Vikram Rajan

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > guruvayur , " krishnadaya " krishna.daya@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,

> > >

> > > In Krishna-bhakti , there is no scope for " Fear " . Bhagavan does

> > > not view us as " Sinners " . On the other hand, He lovingly views

> > > His Bhaktas as replicas of Himself . On their part, Bhaktas

> faithfully

> > > follow the footsteps of their Role models ie, Sri Rama and Sri

> Krishna

> > > . Bhagavan took His incarnations to teach His Bhaktas , by His own

> > > personal example, how to lead a Dharmic life . If we look closely at

> > > Rama or Krishna's life, we can see that they strictly followed

> > > Varnashrama-dharma . As kids they lived as Brahmacharis, as

> householders

> > > they lived a pleasant life with their Wives , in Vanaprastha they

> > > groomed their Sons and in Sannyasa they renounced life .

> > >

> > > It is " Adharmic " for a House holder to abandon his wife and

> > > return back to *Brahmacharya* . Those who justify it must give

> > > scriptural evidence to prove their point . Sri Krishna or Sri Rama

> never

> > > did that . One's wife is like Sita-devi or Rukmini-devi . She has a

> > > precious role in helping her husband and children to complete their

> > > life's mission ( Swa-dharma) . If a husband abandons his young wife

> > > abruptly, it will not please Sri Krishna . In Bhagavan's life , He

> > > has shown utmost mercy to his woman-bhaktas . The famous book

> > > *Kuchelavrutham* says " It is adharmic for even a Jeevanmukta to do

> > > injustice to his wife " . Only when the wife is safe under the

> > > protection of their sons, a person can move on from Grihastasrama to

> the

> > > next one .

> > >

> > > A Boss has the right to chastise his subordinate . The junior should

> > > learn from his mistakes and try to follow the Senior's instructions

> > > just like a Sisya does with his Guru . It is a question of

> *Swa-dharma*

> > > ( prescribed duties) . Outsiders have no role in this business . It

> is

> > > true that Bhagavan Sri Krishna dwells in all living beings . That

> does

> > > not stop us from eating vegetables or fruits . Everyone is being

> bound

> > > by his Karma . However, the point is not to poke nose in other's

> > > *Karma* , unless being specifically asked for some help .

> > >

> > > I had a very strict and fire spitting Boss . He used to blast me

> > > severely for simple mistakes and was never satisfied with my work.

> In

> > > spite of this , I never hated him but adored as my Guru . People

> around

> > > me was saying bad things about my Boss, but I ignored their advice.

> > > Gradually , I realized that , my Boss has great compassion in his

> heart

> > > and he was mercifully grooming me to take over from him . While

> leaving

> > > his job , he revealed that confidential information only to me among

> > > all his subordinates . I was struggling hard to control my tears but

> he

> > > pacified me with soothing words . If I ever disobeyed him , I would

> > > have had fallen as a " Guru-drohi " . Though I failed to rise upto

> > > his high level , today I am surviving on the basis of his training .

> > > Everyday, I remember with gratitude the training he had given me .

> > >

> > > Bhagavan Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita ( 9.35) : " It is far

> > > better to execute one's *Sva-dharma* ( prescribed duties) , even

> though

> > > imperfectly, than to perform another's Duty perfectly. It is better

> to

> > > die discharging one's own duty in accordance with the varnasrama

> system

> > > than to engage in another's duty because it is dangerous to follow

> > > another's path " .

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Om Namo Narayanaya !!!!

> > >

> > > Krishnadaya.

> > >

> > >

> ------\

> \

> > > -

> > >

> > > guruvayur , " Viks " <vikramrajan@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Savithri ji

> > > >

> > > > It was a beautiful story which should be told to all children, for

> > > them to realize the importance of good friends.

> > > >

> > > > Thai, I have two doubts in context of my daily life:

> > > >

> > > > In my office when I see a senior tormenting the Junior.

> > > >

> > > > What do I see in the Senior – I see that Sri Krishna is within

> > > that person who has come only as a Nimit to complete the Karma of

> the

> > > Junior.

> > > >

> > > > In the Junior also I see Sri Krishna within him and body is

> undergoing

> > > the pending Karma. And it is only through nimits like the Senior

> he/she

> > > can complete his\her Karma and get out of this material world and

> join

> > > Sri Krishna.

> > > >

> > > > Thai, Is this philosophy correct, please advise.

> > > >

> > > > I do not keep any negative feelings for the senior in me at all,

> as I

> > > know that all is only Sri Krishna wish and this is all only a game

> he is

> > > playing to help all of us to leave this world and reach him. When a

> leaf

> > > itself cannot move without his direction then what to say of

> anything

> > > else.

> > > >

> > > > Now when I go to advice and console the Junior, I am doing what

> the

> > > Swan did that extending her wings to provide shade

> > > >

> > > > But When it says

> > > >

> > > > " Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who did

> not

> > > deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help. "

> > > >

> > > > How do I make a decision who deserves to be helped and should we

> not

> > > help and console when someone does not ask.

> > > >

> > > > Thai, I feel that this story also is only Sri Krishna game of

> keeping

> > > all his bhaktas thinking of him, so we only think of him at our

> deathbed

> > > and reach him. Govinda Govinda. All is only his will.

> > > >

> > > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev.

> > > > Sri Krishna Dasa

> > > > Vikram Rajan

> > > >

> > > > guruvayur , Savitri Puram savitriopuram@

> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear all,

> > > > >

> > > > > There are lot of stories in our puraanaas illustrating the

> > > importance of

> > > > > satsangam. Here is one that advises us to be beware of Dussangam

> or

> > > > > association of evil minded people or association of people with

> > > negative

> > > > > energy.

> > > > >

> > > > > There was a huge Banyan tree in a village and lot of travellers

> > > rested under

> > > > > the shadow of the tree. After walking a long distance in the

> > > scorching sun,

> > > > > a traveller came to rest under the tree. On that tree, two bird

> > > families of

> > > > > very different nature were living. One was a family of swans

> with

> > > saatwic

> > > > > (refined, kind, considerate and loving) nature and another one

> was a

> > > family

> > > > > of crows with thaamasic (unkind, inconsiderate, lazy and greedy)

> > > nature.

> > > > >

> > > > > At times, when the leaves of the tree were moving in the breeze,

> sun

> > > was

> > > > > falling on the traveller's face. Swan saw this and felt sorry

> for

> > > him and

> > > > > tried to spread it's wings across the branches above him to give

> > > shade on

> > > > > his face. Crow was sitting next to the swan and chatting

> > > continuously. After

> > > > > a few minutes, it had an urge for getting rid of it's droppings.

> He

> > > was so

> > > > > lazy to fly away from that branch and was reluctant to break his

> > > interesting

> > > > > conversation with the swan. So without even thinking how wrong

> it

> > > was to

> > > > > leave it's droppings on a sleeping man's body, it let the

> excretions

> > > fall

> > > > > on the traveller's chest. After this inappropriate action, it

> flew

> > > in

> > > > > search of food.

> > > > >

> > > > > The man got up when the droppings fell on him and was very angry

> and

> > > upset.

> > > > > He thought it was the swan's droppings that fell on him and

> wanted

> > > to scare

> > > > > the swan away. He took his bow and arrow and aimed at the swan

> > > sitting on

> > > > > the branch above him. Unfortunately it hit the swan on it's

> chest,

> > > just

> > > > > below the spread wings that gave him added protection from the

> sun

> > > and it

> > > > > fell dead.

> > > > >

> > > > > Even though the swan did everything right, it was misunderstood

> and

> > > became a

> > > > > victim of the wrath of the traveller. The only reason for this

> was

> > > > > it's association with the crow. Crow and swan were close friends

> and

> > > hence

> > > > > they were sitting and talking together. It should have stayed

> away

> > > from the

> > > > > crow.

> > > > >

> > > > > Also in this story, we have to see how the traveller acted. He

> > > succumbed to

> > > > > his anger and acted in haste, He did not have the patience to

> see

> > > and

> > > > > appreciate how the swan was providing him additional protection

> from

> > > the

> > > > > sun. Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who

> did

> > > not

> > > > > deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help.

> > > > >

> > > > > In real life also we see the effect of bad company especially

> among

> > > children

> > > > > in their teens. Just by being in the company of crooked people,

> so

> > > many

> > > > > children take wrong steps and get into trouble.

> > > > >

> > > > > May Guruvayurappan bless all of us especially our youngsters to

> > > choose good

> > > > > company!

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards and prayers

> > > > >

> > > > > savitri

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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As far as the Lord is concerned, there is no caste, creed or religion. He treats

everyone equal. Once can call the Lord by any name and he will listen.


guruvayur , Veryytterium <veryytterium wrote:


> namo narayana


> While I completely agree and undersand that Lord Sri Krishna's commands in His

Bhagavad Gita need to be followed at all times, I do not understand the concept

of varnashrama in this present age.


> With my limited understanding, I see that many in todays world are not purely

from one particular varna/caste, but most of the people I know have either

inter-caste, inter-religion or even inter-race marriages.


> In such times what will happen to such people from these mixed marriages

according to Bhagavad Gita, will they all go to hell or be trapped in this

samsaara because they did not know what their actual varna was?


> Furthermore, is birth (caste/varna) more important than ones sincere devotion

for the Lord?


> I request the learned members of this group  to please explain this concept

about devotees not transgressing the caste/varna lines in order to please Lord

Sri Krishna.


> Thanks,

> Sincerely,

> Kamlesh


> --- On Tue, 5/26/09, krishnadaya <krishna.daya wrote:



> krishnadaya <krishna.daya

> [Guruvayur] Don't violate Sri Krishna's instructions !!!!

> guruvayur

> Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 11:13 AM




Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,

> In Krishna-bhakti , there is no scope for " Fear " . Bhagavan does not view us

as " Sinners " . On the other hand,  He lovingly views His Bhaktas as replicas of

Himself .  On their part, Bhaktas faithfully follow the footsteps of  their

Role models ie, Sri Rama and Sri Krishna .  Bhagavan took His incarnations to

teach His Bhaktas , by His own personal example,  how to lead a Dharmic life .

If we look closely at Rama or Krishna 's  life, we can see that they strictly

followed  Varnashrama- dharma . As kids they lived as Brahmacharis, as

householders they lived a pleasant life with their Wives , in Vanaprastha they

groomed their Sons and in Sannyasa they renounced life .

> It is " Adharmic " for a House holder to abandon his wife and return back to

*Brahmacharya*  . Those who justify it must give scriptural evidence to prove

their point . Sri Krishna or Sri Rama never did that . One's wife is like

Sita-devi or Rukmini-devi . She has a precious role in helping her husband and

children  to complete their life's mission ( Swa-dharma)  . If a husband

abandons his young wife abruptly, it will not please Sri Krishna .  In

Bhagavan's life , He has shown utmost mercy to his woman-bhaktas . The famous

book *Kuchelavrutham*  says " It is adharmic for even a Jeevanmukta to do

injustice to  his wife " . Only when the wife is safe under the protection of

their sons, a person can move on from Grihastasrama to the next one  .

> A Boss has the right to chastise his subordinate . The junior should learn

from his mistakes and try to follow the Senior's instructions just like a Sisya

does with his Guru .  It is a question of *Swa-dharma* ( prescribed duties) .

Outsiders have no role in this business . It is true that Bhagavan Sri Krishna

dwells in all  living beings . That does not stop us from eating vegetables or

fruits . Everyone is being bound by his Karma . However, the point is not to

poke nose in other's *Karma* ,  unless being specifically  asked  for  some

help .

> I had a very strict  and fire spitting Boss . He used to blast me severely

 for simple mistakes and was never satisfied with my work. In spite of this , I

never hated him but adored as my Guru .  People around me was saying bad things

about my Boss, but I ignored their advice. Gradually , I realized that , my Boss

has great compassion in his heart and he  was mercifully grooming me to take

over from him . While leaving his  job  , he revealed that confidential

information only to me among all his subordinates  . I was struggling hard to

control my tears but he pacified me with soothing words . If  I ever disobeyed

him , I would have had fallen as  a " Guru-drohi " . Though I failed to rise upto

his high  level , today I am surviving on the basis of his training . Everyday,

I remember with gratitude the training he had given me .   

> Bhagavan Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita ( 9.35) : " It is far better to

execute one's *Sva-dharma* ( prescribed duties) , even though imperfectly, than

to perform another's Duty perfectly. It is better to die discharging one's own

duty in accordance with the varnasrama system than to engage in another's duty

because  it is dangerous to follow another's path " .



> Om Namo Narayanaya !!!!  

> Krishnadaya.

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- --------- --------- --------- ----

> guruvayur@grou ps.com, " Viks " <vikramrajan@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Savithri ji

> >

> > It was a beautiful story which should be told to all children, for them to

realize the importance of good friends.

> >

> > Thai, I have two doubts in context of my daily life:

> >

> > In my office when I see a senior tormenting the Junior.

> >

> > What do I see in the Senior †" I see that Sri Krishna is within that person

who has come only as a Nimit to complete the Karma of the Junior.

> >

> > In the Junior also I see Sri Krishna within him and body is undergoing the

pending Karma. And it is only through nimits like the Senior he/she can complete

his\her Karma and get out of this material world and join Sri Krishna.

> >

> > Thai, Is this philosophy correct, please advise.

> >

> > I do not keep any negative feelings for the senior in me at all, as I know

that all is only Sri Krishna wish and this is all only a game he is playing to

help all of us to leave this world and reach him. When a leaf itself cannot move

without his direction then what to say of anything else.

> >

> > Now when I go to advice and console the Junior, I am doing what the Swan did

that extending her wings to provide shade

> >

> > But When it says

> >

> > " Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who did not deserve

help or somebody who did not ask for help. "

> >

> > How do I make a decision who deserves to be helped and should we not help

and console when someone does not ask.

> >

> > Thai, I feel that this story also is only Sri Krishna game of keeping all

his bhaktas thinking of him, so we only think of him at our deathbed and reach

him. Govinda Govinda. All is only his will.

> >

> > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev.

> > Sri Krishna Dasa

> > Vikram Rajan

> >

> > guruvayur@grou ps.com, Savitri Puram savitriopuram@ wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear all,

> > >

> > > There are lot of stories in our puraanaas illustrating the importance of

> > > satsangam. Here is one that advises us to be beware of Dussangam or

> > > association of evil minded people or association of people with negative

> > > energy.

> > >

> > > There was a huge Banyan tree in a village and lot of travellers rested


> > > the shadow of the tree. After walking a long distance in the scorching


> > > a traveller came to rest under the tree. On that tree, two bird families


> > > very different nature were living. One was a family of swans with saatwic

> > > (refined, kind, considerate and loving) nature and another one was a


> > > of crows with thaamasic (unkind, inconsiderate, lazy and greedy) nature.

> > >

> > > At times, when the leaves of the tree were moving in the breeze, sun was

> > > falling on the traveller's face. Swan saw this and felt sorry for him and

> > > tried to spread it's wings across the branches above him to give shade on

> > > his face. Crow was sitting next to the swan and chatting continuously.


> > > a few minutes, it had an urge for getting rid of it's droppings. He was so

> > > lazy to fly away from that branch and was reluctant to break his


> > > conversation with the swan. So without even thinking how wrong it was to

> > > leave it's droppings on a sleeping man's body, it let the excretions fall

> > > on the traveller's chest. After this inappropriate action, it flew in

> > > search of food.

> > >

> > > The man got up when the droppings fell on him and was very angry and


> > > He thought it was the swan's droppings that fell on him and wanted to


> > > the swan away. He took his bow and arrow and aimed at the swan sitting on

> > > the branch above him. Unfortunately it hit the swan on it's chest, just

> > > below the spread wings that gave him added protection from the sun and it

> > > fell dead.

> > >

> > > Even though the swan did everything right, it was misunderstood and became


> > > victim of the wrath of the traveller. The only reason for this was

> > > it's association with the crow. Crow and swan were close friends and hence

> > > they were sitting and talking together. It should have stayed away from


> > > crow.

> > >

> > > Also in this story, we have to see how the traveller acted. He succumbed


> > > his anger and acted in haste, He did not have the patience to see and

> > > appreciate how the swan was providing him additional protection from the

> > > sun. Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who did not

> > > deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help.

> > >

> > > In real life also we see the effect of bad company especially among


> > > in their teens. Just by being in the company of crooked people, so many

> > > children take wrong steps and get into trouble.

> > >

> > > May Guruvayurappan bless all of us especially our youngsters to choose


> > > company!

> > >

> > > Regards and prayers

> > >

> > > savitri

> > >

> >


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Krishnadaya Prabhuji,


I have been following this very interesting discussion and would like to extend

Mr. Vikram's question.


I have travelled abroad extensively and have witnessed the global acceptance of

same-sex relationships. Not only is the taboo around this vanishing, people are

accepting this as a way of life and even legalising such 'marriages'.


What is your opinion on this? While you mentioned that God does not see us as

sinners, is same-sex relationship considered acceptable in Hinduism?

Alternately, is it 'illegal'? My Christian friends consider this 'a sexual sin',

but I just want to understand what our Hinduism has to say about it.


Any advice you could give me is much appreciated.






guruvayur , " Viks " <vikramrajan wrote:


> Dear Krishnadaya Prabhuji,


> Gratitude to your posting and showing me the right way. I understand and

will imbibe what you have said in my life immediately (from now) and I will

print and show this to my wife also.


> I take a solemn promise that whatever you have said, I will follow and

know that It is only Sri Krishna who has told me this through you and is guiding

me. Hare Krishna. Govinda Govinda.




> Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev

> Sri Krishna Dasa

> Vikram Rajan





> guruvayur , " krishnadaya " <krishna.daya@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Vikramji ,

> >

> > I am happy to note your response . You and wife are like Sri Krishna and

> > Rukmini-devi . You two and your lovely daughter should lead a pleasant

> > life just like Bhagavan , Rukmini-devi and their children . Your

> > Grihasta-life is a great service to Bhagavan . When your wife cooks and

> > serves food , she is not only feeding her husband and child but also

> > feeds Bhagavan, Devatas and numereous God in-dwelling beings in your

> > house . If eveyone is Brahmachari, who will feed the world .

> >

> > There is no need for you to follow celibacy at this stage of life . You

> > should enjoy the bliss of married life with steadiness of mind . The

> > relation between husband and wife is in accordance with scriptural

> > injuncions . Bhagavan Krishna always took great care to please His wives

> > . He even fought with the Devatas to fulfill their wishes . As Husband ,

> > it was His *Dhaama* . Similarly , you should be most loving to your wife

> > and lead a happy life . Your life is a practical lesson to your Daughter

> > as well . She too will learn from your life how to lead a family life

> > and follow-suit in her life . Your married-bliss is Bhagavan's

> > " prasadam " and it is not at all illegal . He will be pleased to see

> > your joy . If you two unnecessarily renounce your married-bliss and live

> > as " artificical " celibates , it will sadden Bhagavan . It is not your

> > " Swa-dharma " .

> >

> > When I had read your first mail , it broke my heart . Tears filled my

> > eyes thinking about the ill-fate of you and your wife . For a moment ,

> > I considered her to me my daughter and I could not control grief . This

> > was the first time in my life , I was noticing negative side of Bhakti .

> > Christians aim for such impractical non-sense . Vedic dharma is most

> > practical and it doesnot prescribe celibacy for Grihastas. The

> > Siva-Sakthi conjugal dance is the foundation of world's existence . The

> > concept of " Ardha-nareeswara " is most important in Vedic faith .

> >

> > I sincerly pray to Bhagavan Sri Krishna to shower His blessings on you

> > Vikaramji , your wife and daughter !!!!

> >

> > Krishnadaya.

> >

> >

> > guruvayur , " Viks " <vikramrajan@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Krishnadaya Prabhu,

> > >

> > >

> > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev for your posting. I will

> > remember and imbibe this knowledge in my daily life and try never to

> > poke around anyone or help until asked, as I understand he/she is also

> > undergoing his Karma.

> > >

> > > Regarding Brahmachiriam, I am not leaving my wife abruptly, We have

> > married for 4 years and now we are also tired in Sense pleasure we get

> > from ___. I am still working and taking care of my family members and

> > from next month we are going to a new house gifted by Sri Krishna and

> > Sri GuruDev. So I am doing all my duties, I have 3 year old daughter

> > also. So I am doing all my duties as a Husband and still love and care

> > for my wife from my heart. The only difference being we are no longer

> > doing sense pleasure.

> > >

> > > Maybe if a time comes when my wife is interested, I understand that it

> > is my duty to satisfy her needs as stated.

> > >

> > > All Bhaktas please throw some light and remove my ignorance. Please

> > advice if I am correct.

> > >

> > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev

> > > Sri Krishna Dasa

> > > Vikram Rajan

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > guruvayur , " krishnadaya " krishna.daya@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,

> > > >

> > > > In Krishna-bhakti , there is no scope for " Fear " . Bhagavan does

> > > > not view us as " Sinners " . On the other hand, He lovingly views

> > > > His Bhaktas as replicas of Himself . On their part, Bhaktas

> > faithfully

> > > > follow the footsteps of their Role models ie, Sri Rama and Sri

> > Krishna

> > > > . Bhagavan took His incarnations to teach His Bhaktas , by His own

> > > > personal example, how to lead a Dharmic life . If we look closely at

> > > > Rama or Krishna's life, we can see that they strictly followed

> > > > Varnashrama-dharma . As kids they lived as Brahmacharis, as

> > householders

> > > > they lived a pleasant life with their Wives , in Vanaprastha they

> > > > groomed their Sons and in Sannyasa they renounced life .

> > > >

> > > > It is " Adharmic " for a House holder to abandon his wife and

> > > > return back to *Brahmacharya* . Those who justify it must give

> > > > scriptural evidence to prove their point . Sri Krishna or Sri Rama

> > never

> > > > did that . One's wife is like Sita-devi or Rukmini-devi . She has a

> > > > precious role in helping her husband and children to complete their

> > > > life's mission ( Swa-dharma) . If a husband abandons his young wife

> > > > abruptly, it will not please Sri Krishna . In Bhagavan's life , He

> > > > has shown utmost mercy to his woman-bhaktas . The famous book

> > > > *Kuchelavrutham* says " It is adharmic for even a Jeevanmukta to do

> > > > injustice to his wife " . Only when the wife is safe under the

> > > > protection of their sons, a person can move on from Grihastasrama to

> > the

> > > > next one .

> > > >

> > > > A Boss has the right to chastise his subordinate . The junior should

> > > > learn from his mistakes and try to follow the Senior's instructions

> > > > just like a Sisya does with his Guru . It is a question of

> > *Swa-dharma*

> > > > ( prescribed duties) . Outsiders have no role in this business . It

> > is

> > > > true that Bhagavan Sri Krishna dwells in all living beings . That

> > does

> > > > not stop us from eating vegetables or fruits . Everyone is being

> > bound

> > > > by his Karma . However, the point is not to poke nose in other's

> > > > *Karma* , unless being specifically asked for some help .

> > > >

> > > > I had a very strict and fire spitting Boss . He used to blast me

> > > > severely for simple mistakes and was never satisfied with my work.

> > In

> > > > spite of this , I never hated him but adored as my Guru . People

> > around

> > > > me was saying bad things about my Boss, but I ignored their advice.

> > > > Gradually , I realized that , my Boss has great compassion in his

> > heart

> > > > and he was mercifully grooming me to take over from him . While

> > leaving

> > > > his job , he revealed that confidential information only to me among

> > > > all his subordinates . I was struggling hard to control my tears but

> > he

> > > > pacified me with soothing words . If I ever disobeyed him , I would

> > > > have had fallen as a " Guru-drohi " . Though I failed to rise upto

> > > > his high level , today I am surviving on the basis of his training .

> > > > Everyday, I remember with gratitude the training he had given me .

> > > >

> > > > Bhagavan Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita ( 9.35) : " It is far

> > > > better to execute one's *Sva-dharma* ( prescribed duties) , even

> > though

> > > > imperfectly, than to perform another's Duty perfectly. It is better

> > to

> > > > die discharging one's own duty in accordance with the varnasrama

> > system

> > > > than to engage in another's duty because it is dangerous to follow

> > > > another's path " .

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Om Namo Narayanaya !!!!

> > > >

> > > > Krishnadaya.

> > > >

> > > >

> > ------\

> > \

> > > > -

> > > >

> > > > guruvayur , " Viks " <vikramrajan@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Savithri ji

> > > > >

> > > > > It was a beautiful story which should be told to all children, for

> > > > them to realize the importance of good friends.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thai, I have two doubts in context of my daily life:

> > > > >

> > > > > In my office when I see a senior tormenting the Junior.

> > > > >

> > > > > What do I see in the Senior – I see that Sri Krishna is within

> > > > that person who has come only as a Nimit to complete the Karma of

> > the

> > > > Junior.

> > > > >

> > > > > In the Junior also I see Sri Krishna within him and body is

> > undergoing

> > > > the pending Karma. And it is only through nimits like the Senior

> > he/she

> > > > can complete his\her Karma and get out of this material world and

> > join

> > > > Sri Krishna.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thai, Is this philosophy correct, please advise.

> > > > >

> > > > > I do not keep any negative feelings for the senior in me at all,

> > as I

> > > > know that all is only Sri Krishna wish and this is all only a game

> > he is

> > > > playing to help all of us to leave this world and reach him. When a

> > leaf

> > > > itself cannot move without his direction then what to say of

> > anything

> > > > else.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now when I go to advice and console the Junior, I am doing what

> > the

> > > > Swan did that extending her wings to provide shade

> > > > >

> > > > > But When it says

> > > > >

> > > > > " Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who did

> > not

> > > > deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help. "

> > > > >

> > > > > How do I make a decision who deserves to be helped and should we

> > not

> > > > help and console when someone does not ask.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thai, I feel that this story also is only Sri Krishna game of

> > keeping

> > > > all his bhaktas thinking of him, so we only think of him at our

> > deathbed

> > > > and reach him. Govinda Govinda. All is only his will.

> > > > >

> > > > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev.

> > > > > Sri Krishna Dasa

> > > > > Vikram Rajan

> > > > >

> > > > > guruvayur , Savitri Puram savitriopuram@

> > wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear all,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There are lot of stories in our puraanaas illustrating the

> > > > importance of

> > > > > > satsangam. Here is one that advises us to be beware of Dussangam

> > or

> > > > > > association of evil minded people or association of people with

> > > > negative

> > > > > > energy.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There was a huge Banyan tree in a village and lot of travellers

> > > > rested under

> > > > > > the shadow of the tree. After walking a long distance in the

> > > > scorching sun,

> > > > > > a traveller came to rest under the tree. On that tree, two bird

> > > > families of

> > > > > > very different nature were living. One was a family of swans

> > with

> > > > saatwic

> > > > > > (refined, kind, considerate and loving) nature and another one

> > was a

> > > > family

> > > > > > of crows with thaamasic (unkind, inconsiderate, lazy and greedy)

> > > > nature.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > At times, when the leaves of the tree were moving in the breeze,

> > sun

> > > > was

> > > > > > falling on the traveller's face. Swan saw this and felt sorry

> > for

> > > > him and

> > > > > > tried to spread it's wings across the branches above him to give

> > > > shade on

> > > > > > his face. Crow was sitting next to the swan and chatting

> > > > continuously. After

> > > > > > a few minutes, it had an urge for getting rid of it's droppings.

> > He

> > > > was so

> > > > > > lazy to fly away from that branch and was reluctant to break his

> > > > interesting

> > > > > > conversation with the swan. So without even thinking how wrong

> > it

> > > > was to

> > > > > > leave it's droppings on a sleeping man's body, it let the

> > excretions

> > > > fall

> > > > > > on the traveller's chest. After this inappropriate action, it

> > flew

> > > > in

> > > > > > search of food.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The man got up when the droppings fell on him and was very angry

> > and

> > > > upset.

> > > > > > He thought it was the swan's droppings that fell on him and

> > wanted

> > > > to scare

> > > > > > the swan away. He took his bow and arrow and aimed at the swan

> > > > sitting on

> > > > > > the branch above him. Unfortunately it hit the swan on it's

> > chest,

> > > > just

> > > > > > below the spread wings that gave him added protection from the

> > sun

> > > > and it

> > > > > > fell dead.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Even though the swan did everything right, it was misunderstood

> > and

> > > > became a

> > > > > > victim of the wrath of the traveller. The only reason for this

> > was

> > > > > > it's association with the crow. Crow and swan were close friends

> > and

> > > > hence

> > > > > > they were sitting and talking together. It should have stayed

> > away

> > > > from the

> > > > > > crow.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Also in this story, we have to see how the traveller acted. He

> > > > succumbed to

> > > > > > his anger and acted in haste, He did not have the patience to

> > see

> > > > and

> > > > > > appreciate how the swan was providing him additional protection

> > from

> > > > the

> > > > > > sun. Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who

> > did

> > > > not

> > > > > > deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > In real life also we see the effect of bad company especially

> > among

> > > > children

> > > > > > in their teens. Just by being in the company of crooked people,

> > so

> > > > many

> > > > > > children take wrong steps and get into trouble.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > May Guruvayurappan bless all of us especially our youngsters to

> > > > choose good

> > > > > > company!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Regards and prayers

> > > > > >

> > > > > > savitri

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,

Hinduism is the way of living according to the Vedic scriptural injunctions . A Hindu marriage is consecrated according to Vedic rites with *Agni-deva* as witness . Only such a consecrated couple deserve to be called as Husband and Wife . The "animal-type" sexual relation outside this authorized marriage is forbidden in Hinduism .

Please find below a write-up on this subject by Jagathguru Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Swamigal , the renowned Shankaracharya of Kanchi Mutt :

Ideals of Marriage

( By Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Swamigal)

The Vedas are learned during the years of student-bachelorhood. Then the "theory" taught has to be put into practice; in other words the rites prescribed in the Vedas must be performed. For this purpose a man has to take a helpmate after he has completed his brahmacaryasrama . This helpmate is a "property" that can never be separated from him. She is not meant not only to be a cook for him, not only one to give sensual gratification. She is called "dharma-patni" and also "yajna-patni". She has to be with her husband in the pursuit of dharma and has also to be a source of encouragement in it. As a dharma patni, she has to be by his side during the performance of sacrifices; she must also play a supportive role in all those rituals that have the purpose of making the divine powers favourable to mankind.

It must be noted that a wife creates well-being for the world even as she does the work of cooking or as a source of sensual gratification for her husband. I will tell you how. It is not that she cooks for the husband alone. She has to provide food every day to the guests, to the sick and to the birds and beasts and other creatures. This is how she serves the purpose of "atithyam" and "vaisvadevam". The children born to here are not to be taken as the product of pleasure she affords her husband. She gives birth to them to perpetuate the Vedic dharma. Yes, even the raising of sons is intended for the dharmic life of the future. No other religion has before it such a goal for the marriage samskara.


In our religion the man-wife relationship is not concerned with the mundane alone. It serves the Atman as well as the good of mankind. In other religions too marriages are conducted, say, in a church with God as witness. But ideal of marriage is not as lofty as ours. The purpose of marriage in our religion is to purify the husband further and to impact the wife fullness as his devoted and self-effacing companion. There is no such high purpose in the marriage of other religion. In other countries the man-woman relationship is akin to a family or social contract. Here it is an Atman connection. But this very connection is a means of disconnection also - of freeing the Atman, the self, from the bondage of worldly existence. There is no room for divorce in it. Even to think of it is sinful.

[To sum up and further explain] the three objectives of a samskara of so elevated a character as marriage. The first is to unite a man with a helpmate after he has completed the study of Vedas. This helpmate is expected not only to run his household but assist him in the practice of the Vedic dharma. The second is to bring forth into this world children of noble outlook and character who are to be heirs to the great Vedic tradition, citizens of the future who will be the source of happiness in this world. The third is to create a means for women to be freed from worldly existence. A man who is not yet fully mature inwardly is assisted in his karma by his wife. By doing so, by being totally devoted to her husband, she achieves maturity to a degree greater than he does. The fourth objective is the subordination of sensual gratification to the other three.

We have forgotten the first three important objectives. All that remains is the fourth, the enjoyment of carnal pleasure. If people take my advice in respect of the noble ideals of marriage as taught in the sastras a way will open out to them for their inner advancement. May Candramaulisvara bless them

Om Namo Narayanaya!!!!




guruvayur , whacky_chic <no_reply wrote:>> Krishnadaya Prabhuji,> > I have been following this very interesting discussion and would like to extend Mr. Vikram's question.> > I have travelled abroad extensively and have witnessed the global acceptance of same-sex relationships. Not only is the taboo around this vanishing, people are accepting this as a way of life and even legalising such 'marriages'.> > What is your opinion on this? While you mentioned that God does not see us as sinners, is same-sex relationship considered acceptable in Hinduism? Alternately, is it 'illegal'? My Christian friends consider this 'a sexual sin', but I just want to understand what our Hinduism has to say about it.> > Any advice you could give me is much appreciated.> > Thanks,> AK> > > guruvayur , "Viks" vikramrajan@ wrote:> >> > Dear Krishnadaya Prabhuji,> > > > Gratitude to your posting and showing me the right way. I understand and will imbibe what you have said in my life immediately (from now) and I will print and show this to my wife also. > > > > I take a solemn promise that whatever you have said, I will follow and know that It is only Sri Krishna who has told me this through you and is guiding me. Hare Krishna. Govinda Govinda.> > > > OM NAMO BHAGVATE VASUDEVAYA> > > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev> > Sri Krishna Dasa> > Vikram Rajan> > > > > > > > > > guruvayur , "krishnadaya" <krishna.daya@> wrote:> > >> > > > > > Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Vikramji ,> > > > > > I am happy to note your response . You and wife are like Sri Krishna and> > > Rukmini-devi . You two and your lovely daughter should lead a pleasant> > > life just like Bhagavan , Rukmini-devi and their children . Your> > > Grihasta-life is a great service to Bhagavan . When your wife cooks and> > > serves food , she is not only feeding her husband and child but also> > > feeds Bhagavan, Devatas and numereous God in-dwelling beings in your> > > house . If eveyone is Brahmachari, who will feed the world .> > > > > > There is no need for you to follow celibacy at this stage of life . You> > > should enjoy the bliss of married life with steadiness of mind . The> > > relation between husband and wife is in accordance with scriptural> > > injuncions . Bhagavan Krishna always took great care to please His wives> > > . He even fought with the Devatas to fulfill their wishes . As Husband ,> > > it was His *Dhaama* . Similarly , you should be most loving to your wife> > > and lead a happy life . Your life is a practical lesson to your Daughter> > > as well . She too will learn from your life how to lead a family life> > > and follow-suit in her life . Your married-bliss is Bhagavan's> > > "prasadam" and it is not at all illegal . He will be pleased to see> > > your joy . If you two unnecessarily renounce your married-bliss and live> > > as "artificical" celibates , it will sadden Bhagavan . It is not your> > > "Swa-dharma" .> > > > > > When I had read your first mail , it broke my heart . Tears filled my> > > eyes thinking about the ill-fate of you and your wife . For a moment ,> > > I considered her to me my daughter and I could not control grief . This> > > was the first time in my life , I was noticing negative side of Bhakti .> > > Christians aim for such impractical non-sense . Vedic dharma is most> > > practical and it doesnot prescribe celibacy for Grihastas. The> > > Siva-Sakthi conjugal dance is the foundation of world's existence . The> > > concept of "Ardha-nareeswara" is most important in Vedic faith .> > > > > > I sincerly pray to Bhagavan Sri Krishna to shower His blessings on you> > > Vikaramji , your wife and daughter !!!!> > > > > > Krishnadaya.> > > > > > > > > guruvayur , "Viks" <vikramrajan@> wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Krishnadaya Prabhu,> > > >> > > >> > > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev for your posting. I will> > > remember and imbibe this knowledge in my daily life and try never to> > > poke around anyone or help until asked, as I understand he/she is also> > > undergoing his Karma.> > > >> > > > Regarding Brahmachiriam, I am not leaving my wife abruptly, We have> > > married for 4 years and now we are also tired in Sense pleasure we get> > > from ___. I am still working and taking care of my family members and> > > from next month we are going to a new house gifted by Sri Krishna and> > > Sri GuruDev. So I am doing all my duties, I have 3 year old daughter> > > also. So I am doing all my duties as a Husband and still love and care> > > for my wife from my heart. The only difference being we are no longer> > > doing sense pleasure.> > > >> > > > Maybe if a time comes when my wife is interested, I understand that it> > > is my duty to satisfy her needs as stated.> > > >> > > > All Bhaktas please throw some light and remove my ignorance. Please> > > advice if I am correct.> > > >> > > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev> > > > Sri Krishna Dasa> > > > Vikram Rajan> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > guruvayur , "krishnadaya" krishna.daya@ wrote:> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,> > > > >> > > > > In Krishna-bhakti , there is no scope for "Fear" . Bhagavan does> > > > > not view us as "Sinners". On the other hand, He lovingly views> > > > > His Bhaktas as replicas of Himself . On their part, Bhaktas> > > faithfully> > > > > follow the footsteps of their Role models ie, Sri Rama and Sri> > > Krishna> > > > > . Bhagavan took His incarnations to teach His Bhaktas , by His own> > > > > personal example, how to lead a Dharmic life . If we look closely at> > > > > Rama or Krishna's life, we can see that they strictly followed> > > > > Varnashrama-dharma . As kids they lived as Brahmacharis, as> > > householders> > > > > they lived a pleasant life with their Wives , in Vanaprastha they> > > > > groomed their Sons and in Sannyasa they renounced life .> > > > >> > > > > It is "Adharmic" for a House holder to abandon his wife and> > > > > return back to *Brahmacharya* . Those who justify it must give> > > > > scriptural evidence to prove their point . Sri Krishna or Sri Rama> > > never> > > > > did that . One's wife is like Sita-devi or Rukmini-devi . She has a> > > > > precious role in helping her husband and children to complete their> > > > > life's mission ( Swa-dharma) . If a husband abandons his young wife> > > > > abruptly, it will not please Sri Krishna . In Bhagavan's life , He> > > > > has shown utmost mercy to his woman-bhaktas . The famous book> > > > > *Kuchelavrutham* says "It is adharmic for even a Jeevanmukta to do> > > > > injustice to his wife" . Only when the wife is safe under the> > > > > protection of their sons, a person can move on from Grihastasrama to> > > the> > > > > next one .> > > > >> > > > > A Boss has the right to chastise his subordinate . The junior should> > > > > learn from his mistakes and try to follow the Senior's instructions> > > > > just like a Sisya does with his Guru . It is a question of> > > *Swa-dharma*> > > > > ( prescribed duties) . Outsiders have no role in this business . It> > > is> > > > > true that Bhagavan Sri Krishna dwells in all living beings . That> > > does> > > > > not stop us from eating vegetables or fruits . Everyone is being> > > bound> > > > > by his Karma . However, the point is not to poke nose in other's> > > > > *Karma* , unless being specifically asked for some help .> > > > >> > > > > I had a very strict and fire spitting Boss . He used to blast me> > > > > severely for simple mistakes and was never satisfied with my work.> > > In> > > > > spite of this , I never hated him but adored as my Guru . People> > > around> > > > > me was saying bad things about my Boss, but I ignored their advice.> > > > > Gradually , I realized that , my Boss has great compassion in his> > > heart> > > > > and he was mercifully grooming me to take over from him . While> > > leaving> > > > > his job , he revealed that confidential information only to me among> > > > > all his subordinates . I was struggling hard to control my tears but> > > he> > > > > pacified me with soothing words . If I ever disobeyed him , I would> > > > > have had fallen as a "Guru-drohi". Though I failed to rise upto> > > > > his high level , today I am surviving on the basis of his training .> > > > > Everyday, I remember with gratitude the training he had given me .> > > > >> > > > > Bhagavan Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita ( 9.35) : " It is far> > > > > better to execute one's *Sva-dharma* ( prescribed duties) , even> > > though> > > > > imperfectly, than to perform another's Duty perfectly. It is better> > > to> > > > > die discharging one's own duty in accordance with the varnasrama> > > system> > > > > than to engage in another's duty because it is dangerous to follow> > > > > another's path ".> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Om Namo Narayanaya !!!!> > > > >> > > > > Krishnadaya.> > > > >> > > > >> > > ------\> > > \> > > > > -> > > > >> > > > > guruvayur , "Viks" <vikramrajan@> wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > > Dear Savithri ji> > > > > >> > > > > > It was a beautiful story which should be told to all children, for> > > > > them to realize the importance of good friends.> > > > > >> > > > > > Thai, I have two doubts in context of my daily life:> > > > > >> > > > > > In my office when I see a senior tormenting the Junior.> > > > > >> > > > > > What do I see in the Senior – I see that Sri Krishna is within> > > > > that person who has come only as a Nimit to complete the Karma of> > > the> > > > > Junior.> > > > > >> > > > > > In the Junior also I see Sri Krishna within him and body is> > > undergoing> > > > > the pending Karma. And it is only through nimits like the Senior> > > he/she> > > > > can complete his\her Karma and get out of this material world and> > > join> > > > > Sri Krishna.> > > > > >> > > > > > Thai, Is this philosophy correct, please advise.> > > > > >> > > > > > I do not keep any negative feelings for the senior in me at all,> > > as I> > > > > know that all is only Sri Krishna wish and this is all only a game> > > he is> > > > > playing to help all of us to leave this world and reach him. When a> > > leaf> > > > > itself cannot move without his direction then what to say of> > > anything> > > > > else.> > > > > >> > > > > > Now when I go to advice and console the Junior, I am doing what> > > the> > > > > Swan did that extending her wings to provide shade> > > > > >> > > > > > But When it says> > > > > >> > > > > > "Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who did> > > not> > > > > deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help."> > > > > >> > > > > > How do I make a decision who deserves to be helped and should we> > > not> > > > > help and console when someone does not ask.> > > > > >> > > > > > Thai, I feel that this story also is only Sri Krishna game of> > > keeping> > > > > all his bhaktas thinking of him, so we only think of him at our> > > deathbed> > > > > and reach him. Govinda Govinda. All is only his will.> > > > > >> > > > > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev.> > > > > > Sri Krishna Dasa> > > > > > Vikram Rajan> > > > > >> > > > > > guruvayur , Savitri Puram savitriopuram@> > > wrote:> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Dear all,> > > > > > >> > > > > > > There are lot of stories in our puraanaas illustrating the> > > > > importance of> > > > > > > satsangam. Here is one that advises us to be beware of Dussangam> > > or> > > > > > > association of evil minded people or association of people with> > > > > negative> > > > > > > energy.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > There was a huge Banyan tree in a village and lot of travellers> > > > > rested under> > > > > > > the shadow of the tree. After walking a long distance in the> > > > > scorching sun,> > > > > > > a traveller came to rest under the tree. On that tree, two bird> > > > > families of> > > > > > > very different nature were living. One was a family of swans> > > with> > > > > saatwic> > > > > > > (refined, kind, considerate and loving) nature and another one> > > was a> > > > > family> > > > > > > of crows with thaamasic (unkind, inconsiderate, lazy and greedy)> > > > > nature.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > At times, when the leaves of the tree were moving in the breeze,> > > sun> > > > > was> > > > > > > falling on the traveller's face. Swan saw this and felt sorry> > > for> > > > > him and> > > > > > > tried to spread it's wings across the branches above him to give> > > > > shade on> > > > > > > his face. Crow was sitting next to the swan and chatting> > > > > continuously. After> > > > > > > a few minutes, it had an urge for getting rid of it's droppings.> > > He> > > > > was so> > > > > > > lazy to fly away from that branch and was reluctant to break his> > > > > interesting> > > > > > > conversation with the swan. So without even thinking how wrong> > > it> > > > > was to> > > > > > > leave it's droppings on a sleeping man's body, it let the> > > excretions> > > > > fall> > > > > > > on the traveller's chest. After this inappropriate action, it> > > flew> > > > > in> > > > > > > search of food.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > The man got up when the droppings fell on him and was very angry> > > and> > > > > upset.> > > > > > > He thought it was the swan's droppings that fell on him and> > > wanted> > > > > to scare> > > > > > > the swan away. He took his bow and arrow and aimed at the swan> > > > > sitting on> > > > > > > the branch above him. Unfortunately it hit the swan on it's> > > chest,> > > > > just> > > > > > > below the spread wings that gave him added protection from the> > > sun> > > > > and it> > > > > > > fell dead.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Even though the swan did everything right, it was misunderstood> > > and> > > > > became a> > > > > > > victim of the wrath of the traveller. The only reason for this> > > was> > > > > > > it's association with the crow. Crow and swan were close friends> > > and> > > > > hence> > > > > > > they were sitting and talking together. It should have stayed> > > away> > > > > from the> > > > > > > crow.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Also in this story, we have to see how the traveller acted. He> > > > > succumbed to> > > > > > > his anger and acted in haste, He did not have the patience to> > > see> > > > > and> > > > > > > appreciate how the swan was providing him additional protection> > > from> > > > > the> > > > > > > sun. Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who> > > did> > > > > not> > > > > > > deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > In real life also we see the effect of bad company especially> > > among> > > > > children> > > > > > > in their teens. Just by being in the company of crooked people,> > > so> > > > > many> > > > > > > children take wrong steps and get into trouble.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > May Guruvayurappan bless all of us especially our youngsters to> > > > > choose good> > > > > > > company!> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Regards and prayers> > > > > > >> > > > > > > savitri> > > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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But he (Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati ) was a caste fanatic who believed that

Non Brahmin should not learn Vedas.


His very book is in my Hand If you have doubt I will quote from his book on

Hindu Dharma- Person like him is and will be responsible for the degeneration of

Hindu Dharma


Ishwaro sarvabhootanam Hrideshfyarjunatishtati Lord Told in Bh. Gita.


Is this Lord residing in the Poonooldhari( Not Brahmin_ One who knows/treads in

Brahma) brahmin's heart only? That is what this great Paramacharya believed and

It was because of his narrow minded vision.


Let the lord forgive him


love not hatred, construction not destruction, nonviolence not violence, truth

not untruth, kindness not cruelty towards allcreatures up on this beautiful







krishnadaya <krishna.daya


Monday, 1 June, 2009 12:15:02 PM

[Guruvayur] Re: Don't violate Sri Krishna's instructions !!!!






Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,

Hinduism is the way of living according to the Vedic scriptural injunctions.  A

Hindu marriage is consecrated according to Vedic rites with *Agni-deva* as

witness.  Only such a consecrated couple deserve to be called as Husband and

Wife.  The " animal-type " sexual relation outside this authorized marriage is

forbidden in Hinduism.   

Please find below a write-up on this subject by Jagathguru Sri

Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Swamigal , the renowned Shankaracharya of Kanchi

Mutt :

Ideals of Marriage

( By Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Swamigal)

The Vedas are learned during the years of student-bachelorhoo d. Then the

" theory " taught has to be put into practice; in other words the rites prescribed

in the Vedas must be performed. For this purpose a man has to take a helpmate

after he has completed his brahmacaryasrama. This helpmate is a " property " that

can never be separated from him. She is not meant not only to be a cook for him,

not only one to give sensual gratification. She is called " dharma-patni " and

also " yajna-patni " . She has to be with her husband in the pursuit of dharma and

has also to be a source of encouragement in it. As a dharma patni, she has to be

by his side during the performance of sacrifices; she must also play a

supportive role in all those rituals that have the purpose of making the divine

powers favourable to mankind.

It must be noted that a wife creates well-being for the world even as she does

the work of cooking or as a source of sensual gratification for her husband. I

will tell you how. It is not that she cooks for the husband alone. She has to

provide food every day to the guests, to the sick and to the birds and beasts

and other creatures. This is how she serves the purpose of " atithyam " and

" vaisvadevam " . The children born to here are not to be taken as the product of

pleasure she affords her husband. She gives birth to them to perpetuate the

Vedic dharma. Yes, even the raising of sons is intended for the dharmic life of

the future. No other religion has before it such a goal for the marriage


In our religion the man-wife relationship is not concerned with the mundane

alone. It serves the Atman as well as the good of mankind. In other religions

too marriages are conducted, say, in a church with God as witness. But ideal of

marriage is not as lofty as ours. The purpose of marriage in our religion is to

purify the husband further and to impact the wife fullness as his devoted and

self-effacing companion. There is no such high purpose in the marriage of other

religion. In other countries the man-woman relationship is akin to a family or

social contract. Here it is an Atman connection. But this very connection is a

means of disconnection also - of freeing the Atman, the self, from the bondage

of worldly existence. There is no room for divorce in it. Even to think of it is


[To sum up and further explain] the three objectives of a samskara of so

elevated a character as marriage. The first is to unite a man with a helpmate

after he has completed the study of Vedas. This helpmate is expected not only to

run his household but assist him in the practice of the Vedic dharma. The second

is to bring forth into this world children of noble outlook and character who

are to be heirs to the great Vedic tradition, citizens of the future who will be

the source of happiness in this world. The third is to create a means for women

to be freed from worldly existence. A man who is not yet fully mature inwardly

is assisted in his karma by his wife. By doing so, by being totally devoted to

her husband, she achieves maturity to a degree greater than he does. The fourth

objective is the subordination of sensual gratification to the other three.

We have forgotten the first three important objectives. All that remains is the

fourth, the enjoyment of carnal pleasure. If people take my advice in respect of

the noble ideals of marriage as taught in the sastras a way will open out to

them for their inner advancement. May Candramaulisvara bless them

OmNamo Narayanaya!! !!


------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -------


guruvayur@grou ps.com, whacky_chic <no_reply wrote:


> Krishnadaya Prabhuji,


> I have been following this very interesting discussion and would like to

extend Mr. Vikram's question.


> I have travelled abroad extensively and have witnessed the global acceptance

of same-sex relationships. Not only is the taboo around this vanishing, people

are accepting this as a way of life and even legalising such 'marriages'.


> What is your opinion on this? While you mentioned that God does not see us as

sinners, is same-sex relationship considered acceptable in Hinduism?

Alternately, is it 'illegal'? My Christian friends consider this 'a sexual sin',

but I just want to understand what our Hinduism has to say about it.


> Any advice you could give me is much appreciated.


> Thanks,

> AK



> guruvayur@grou ps.com, " Viks " vikramrajan@ wrote:

> >

> > Dear Krishnadaya Prabhuji,

> >

> > Gratitude to your posting and showing me the right way. I understand and

will imbibe what you have said in my life immediately (from now) and I will

print and show this to my wife also.

> >

> > I take a solemn promise that whatever you have said, I will follow and know

that It is only Sri Krishna who has told me this through you and is guiding me.

Hare Krishna. Govinda Govinda.

> >


> >

> > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev

> > Sri Krishna Dasa

> > Vikram Rajan

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > guruvayur@grou ps.com, " krishnadaya " <krishna.daya@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Vikramji ,

> > >

> > > I am happy to note your response . You and wife are like Sri Krishna and

> > > Rukmini-devi . You two and your lovely daughter should lead a pleasant

> > > life just like Bhagavan , Rukmini-devi and their children . Your

> > > Grihasta-life is a great service to Bhagavan . When your wife cooks and

> > > serves food , she is not only feeding her husband and child but also

> > > feeds Bhagavan, Devatas and numereous God in-dwelling beings in your

> > > house . If eveyone is Brahmachari, who will feed the world .

> > >

> > > There is no need for you to follow celibacy at this stage of life . You

> > > should enjoy the bliss of married life with steadiness of mind . The

> > > relation between husband and wife is in accordance with scriptural

> > > injuncions . Bhagavan Krishna always took great care to please His wives

> > > . He even fought with the Devatas to fulfill their wishes . As Husband ,

> > > it was His *Dhaama* . Similarly , you should be most loving to your wife

> > > and lead a happy life . Your life is a practical lesson to your Daughter

> > > as well . She too will learn from your life how to lead a family life

> > > and follow-suit in her life . Your married-bliss is Bhagavan's

> > > " prasadam " and it is not at all illegal . He will be pleased to see

> > > your joy . If you two unnecessarily renounce your married-bliss and live

> > > as " artificical " celibates , it will sadden Bhagavan . It is not your

> > > " Swa-dharma " .

> > >

> > > When I had read your first mail , it broke my heart . Tears filled my

> > > eyes thinking about the ill-fate of you and your wife . For a moment ,

> > > I considered her to me my daughter and I could not control grief . This

> > > was the first time in my life , I was noticing negative side of Bhakti .

> > > Christians aim for such impractical non-sense . Vedic dharma is most

> > > practical and it doesnot prescribe celibacy for Grihastas. The

> > > Siva-Sakthi conjugal dance is the foundation of world's existence . The

> > > concept of " Ardha-nareeswara " is most important in Vedic faith .

> > >

> > > I sincerly pray to Bhagavan Sri Krishna to shower His blessings on you

> > > Vikaramji , your wife and daughter !!!!

> > >

> > > Krishnadaya.

> > >

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

> > > guruvayur@grou ps.com, " Viks " <vikramrajan@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Krishnadaya Prabhu,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev for your posting. I will

> > > remember and imbibe this knowledge in my daily life and try never to

> > > poke around anyone or help until asked, as I understand he/she is also

> > > undergoing his Karma.

> > > >

> > > > Regarding Brahmachiriam, I am not leaving my wife abruptly, We have

> > > married for 4 years and now we are also tired in Sense pleasure we get

> > > from ___. I am still working and taking care of my family members and

> > > from next month we are going to a new house gifted by Sri Krishna and

> > > Sri GuruDev. So I am doing all my duties, I have 3 year old daughter

> > > also. So I am doing all my duties as a Husband and still love and care

> > > for my wife from my heart. The only difference being we are no longer

> > > doing sense pleasure.

> > > >

> > > > Maybe if a time comes when my wife is interested, I understand that it

> > > is my duty to satisfy her needs as stated.

> > > >

> > > > All Bhaktas please throw some light and remove my ignorance. Please

> > > advice if I am correct.

> > > >

> > > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev

> > > > Sri Krishna Dasa

> > > > Vikram Rajan

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > guruvayur@grou ps.com, " krishnadaya " krishna.daya@ wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,

> > > > >

> > > > > In Krishna-bhakti , there is no scope for " Fear " .. Bhagavan does

> > > > > not view us as " Sinners " . On the other hand, He lovingly views

> > > > > His Bhaktas as replicas of Himself . On their part, Bhaktas

> > > faithfully

> > > > > follow the footsteps of their Role models ie, Sri Rama and Sri

> > > Krishna

> > > > > . Bhagavan took His incarnations to teach His Bhaktas , by His own

> > > > > personal example, how to lead a Dharmic life . If we look closely at

> > > > > Rama or Krishna's life, we can see that they strictly followed

> > > > > Varnashrama- dharma . As kids they lived as Brahmacharis, as

> > > householders

> > > > > they lived a pleasant life with their Wives , in Vanaprastha they

> > > > > groomed their Sons and in Sannyasa they renounced life .

> > > > >

> > > > > It is " Adharmic " for a House holder to abandon his wife and

> > > > > return back to *Brahmacharya* . Those who justify it must give

> > > > > scriptural evidence to prove their point . Sri Krishna or Sri Rama

> > > never

> > > > > did that . One's wife is like Sita-devi or Rukmini-devi . She has a

> > > > > precious role in helping her husband and children to complete their

> > > > > life's mission ( Swa-dharma) . If a husband abandons his young wife

> > > > > abruptly, it will not please Sri Krishna . In Bhagavan's life , He

> > > > > has shown utmost mercy to his woman-bhaktas . The famous book

> > > > > *Kuchelavrutham* says " It is adharmic for even a Jeevanmukta to do

> > > > > injustice to his wife " . Only when the wife is safe under the

> > > > > protection of their sons, a person can move on from Grihastasrama to

> > > the

> > > > > next one .

> > > > >

> > > > > A Boss has the right to chastise his subordinate . The junior should

> > > > > learn from his mistakes and try to follow the Senior's instructions

> > > > > just like a Sisya does with his Guru . It is a question of

> > > *Swa-dharma*

> > > > > ( prescribed duties) . Outsiders have no role in this business . It

> > > is

> > > > > true that Bhagavan Sri Krishna dwells in all living beings . That

> > > does

> > > > > not stop us from eating vegetables or fruits . Everyone is being

> > > bound

> > > > > by his Karma . However, the point is not to poke nose in other's

> > > > > *Karma* , unless being specifically asked for some help .

> > > > >

> > > > > I had a very strict and fire spitting Boss . He used to blast me

> > > > > severely for simple mistakes and was never satisfied with my work.

> > > In

> > > > > spite of this , I never hated him but adored as my Guru . People

> > > around

> > > > > me was saying bad things about my Boss, but I ignored their advice.

> > > > > Gradually , I realized that , my Boss has great compassion in his

> > > heart

> > > > > and he was mercifully grooming me to take over from him . While

> > > leaving

> > > > > his job , he revealed that confidential information only to me among

> > > > > all his subordinates . I was struggling hard to control my tears but

> > > he

> > > > > pacified me with soothing words . If I ever disobeyed him , I would

> > > > > have had fallen as a " Guru-drohi " . Though I failed to rise upto

> > > > > his high level , today I am surviving on the basis of his training .

> > > > > Everyday, I remember with gratitude the training he had given me ..

> > > > >

> > > > > Bhagavan Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita ( 9.35) : " It is far

> > > > > better to execute one's *Sva-dharma* ( prescribed duties) , even

> > > though

> > > > > imperfectly, than to perform another's Duty perfectly. It is better

> > > to

> > > > > die discharging one's own duty in accordance with the varnasrama

> > > system

> > > > > than to engage in another's duty because it is dangerous to follow

> > > > > another's path " .

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Om Namo Narayanaya !!!!

> > > > >

> > > > > Krishnadaya.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------


> > > \

> > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ----

> > > > >

> > > > > guruvayur@grou ps.com, " Viks " <vikramrajan@> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Savithri ji

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It was a beautiful story which should be told to all children, for

> > > > > them to realize the importance of good friends.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thai, I have two doubts in context of my daily life:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > In my office when I see a senior tormenting the Junior.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > What do I see in the Senior – I see that Sri Krishna is within

> > > > > that person who has come only as a Nimit to complete the Karma of

> > > the

> > > > > Junior.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > In the Junior also I see Sri Krishna within him and body is

> > > undergoing

> > > > > the pending Karma. And it is only through nimits like the Senior

> > > he/she

> > > > > can complete his\her Karma and get out of this material world and

> > > join

> > > > > Sri Krishna.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thai, Is this philosophy correct, please advise.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I do not keep any negative feelings for the senior in me at all,

> > > as I

> > > > > know that all is only Sri Krishna wish and this is all only a game

> > > he is

> > > > > playing to help all of us to leave this world and reach him. When a

> > > leaf

> > > > > itself cannot move without his direction then what to say of

> > > anything

> > > > > else.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Now when I go to advice and console the Junior, I am doing what

> > > the

> > > > > Swan did that extending her wings to provide shade

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But When it says

> > > > > >

> > > > > > " Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who did

> > > not

> > > > > deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help. "

> > > > > >

> > > > > > How do I make a decision who deserves to be helped and should we

> > > not

> > > > > help and console when someone does not ask.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thai, I feel that this story also is only Sri Krishna game of

> > > keeping

> > > > > all his bhaktas thinking of him, so we only think of him at our

> > > deathbed

> > > > > and reach him. Govinda Govinda. All is only his will.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev.

> > > > > > Sri Krishna Dasa

> > > > > > Vikram Rajan

> > > > > >

> > > > > > guruvayur@grou ps.com, Savitri Puram savitriopuram@

> > > wrote:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Dear all,

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > There are lot of stories in our puraanaas illustrating the

> > > > > importance of

> > > > > > > satsangam. Here is one that advises us to be beware of Dussangam

> > > or

> > > > > > > association of evil minded people or association of people with

> > > > > negative

> > > > > > > energy.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > There was a huge Banyan tree in a village and lot of travellers

> > > > > rested under

> > > > > > > the shadow of the tree. After walking a long distance in the

> > > > > scorching sun,

> > > > > > > a traveller came to rest under the tree. On that tree, two bird

> > > > > families of

> > > > > > > very different nature were living. One was a family of swans

> > > with

> > > > > saatwic

> > > > > > > (refined, kind, considerate and loving) nature and another one

> > > was a

> > > > > family

> > > > > > > of crows with thaamasic (unkind, inconsiderate, lazy and greedy)

> > > > > nature.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > At times, when the leaves of the tree were moving in the breeze,

> > > sun

> > > > > was

> > > > > > > falling on the traveller's face. Swan saw this and felt sorry

> > > for

> > > > > him and

> > > > > > > tried to spread it's wings across the branches above him to give

> > > > > shade on

> > > > > > > his face. Crow was sitting next to the swan and chatting

> > > > > continuously. After

> > > > > > > a few minutes, it had an urge for getting rid of it's droppings.

> > > He

> > > > > was so

> > > > > > > lazy to fly away from that branch and was reluctant to break his

> > > > > interesting

> > > > > > > conversation with the swan. So without even thinking how wrong

> > > it

> > > > > was to

> > > > > > > leave it's droppings on a sleeping man's body, it let the

> > > excretions

> > > > > fall

> > > > > > > on the traveller's chest. After this inappropriate action, it

> > > flew

> > > > > in

> > > > > > > search of food.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > The man got up when the droppings fell on him and was very angry

> > > and

> > > > > upset.

> > > > > > > He thought it was the swan's droppings that fell on him and

> > > wanted

> > > > > to scare

> > > > > > > the swan away. He took his bow and arrow and aimed at the swan

> > > > > sitting on

> > > > > > > the branch above him. Unfortunately it hit the swan on it's

> > > chest,

> > > > > just

> > > > > > > below the spread wings that gave him added protection from the

> > > sun

> > > > > and it

> > > > > > > fell dead.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Even though the swan did everything right, it was misunderstood

> > > and

> > > > > became a

> > > > > > > victim of the wrath of the traveller. The only reason for this

> > > was

> > > > > > > it's association with the crow. Crow and swan were close friends

> > > and

> > > > > hence

> > > > > > > they were sitting and talking together. It should have stayed

> > > away

> > > > > from the

> > > > > > > crow.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Also in this story, we have to see how the traveller acted. He

> > > > > succumbed to

> > > > > > > his anger and acted in haste, He did not have the patience to

> > > see

> > > > > and

> > > > > > > appreciate how the swan was providing him additional protection

> > > from

> > > > > the

> > > > > > > sun. Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who

> > > did

> > > > > not

> > > > > > > deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > In real life also we see the effect of bad company especially

> > > among

> > > > > children

> > > > > > > in their teens. Just by being in the company of crooked people,

> > > so

> > > > > many

> > > > > > > children take wrong steps and get into trouble.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > May Guruvayurappan bless all of us especially our youngsters to

> > > > > choose good

> > > > > > > company!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Regards and prayers

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > savitri

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >






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Krishna , Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,

It is true that Paramacharya Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Swamigal has strictly adhered to the Specifications of Vedic scriptures . He once said " Some people ask me why I being a RIshi do not amend the Vedas to suit with the time . My answer to them is that today if I remove some portions as "weeds", tomorrow another Acharya will remove some other portion as "weeds". And ultimately nothing notable will remain in the Vedas "

Sri Ramana Maharishi's disciples had complained to Him about Paramacharya's focus on Brahmins . Ramana Maharishi stated then , " We two are non-different . He is doing His divine mission . As the Peethathipathi , He is obliged to do such things ".

Paramacharya asked the Brahmins to fulfill their *Swa-dharma* ( prescribed duties) of learning , teaching and practicing the Vedas . He held them responsible for the deterioration of Vedic Dharma and pointed out that they had abandoned their traditional vocation ( handling the Vedas) to take up lucrative government jobs . While doing so, it was unrighteous on their part to utilize their Vedic intelligence to defeat fellow Hindu competitors . Therefore, non-Brahmins are justified in their hatred towards such selfish Brahmins . He strongly advised the Brahmins that, dying for *Swa-dharma* is far meritorious than living for *Para-dharma* . Also, Paramacharya had urged other Hindus not to allow , those Brahmins adhering to the Swa-dharma , starving to death . He reminded all Hindus that all of them are equal in status though they may be involved in different vocations . His popular statement is , "Brahmin is doing just his prescribed duty. That does not mean that he has any superiority over other castes ".

Although , Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati as Kanchi Seer , was one of the religious heads of Saivism , He was not at all sectarian . He always mentioned *Sri Krishna Paramathma* and has profusely quoted Bhagavad-Gita . Some Saivites complained about his emphasis on Bhakti-yoga , but Paramcharya lovingly corrected their misunderstandings. He is revered by all sections of Hindus as Jagath Guru . Many Western and Indian scholars have hailed Him as "Living God" . Muslims and Christians too have respected Him greatly . Even atheists like M. Karunanidhi respect Him . I am not narrating His miracles here due to lack of space .

Sri Krishna's one name is *Brahmana-priya* . Bhagavan has authorized Brahmanas to handle the Vedas . His Deities do spot sacred thread, the symbol of *Shodasa-Samskara* . A Brahmin attains the *Shodasa-Samskara* from his family tradition . It is due to this reason that he is known as *Twice-born* . The following are the (16) *Shodasa-Kriyas" :

1. Sekom (Garbhaadhaanam) : A rite to be performed just before the first sexual intercourse after marriage. 2. Pumsavanom : To be performed just after conception. 3. Seemantham : Performed after Pumsavanom. 4. Jathakarmam : Performed just after birth. 5. Naamakaranam : Christening. 6. (Upa)nishkramanam (Vaathilpurappadu) : Involves taking the child out of the house for the first time. 7. Choroonu : The first ceremonial intake of rice by the child. 8. Choulam : The first hair-cut ceremony of the boy/ girl. 9. Upanayanam : (Only for boys) A fairly long ritual of converting/ confirming a Namboothiri boy into a Brahmanaan and for initiating him to Brahmachaari. 10. Mahaanamneevrutham (Aanduvrutham) : An year-long process of studying Vedams by chanting it under strict guidance. Muthalmura is part of it. Those Namboothiri classes which are excluded from Vedam, perform this but stops at Muthalmura. 11. Mahaavrutham : Study of Braahmanam and Aaranyakam through chanting under strict guidance. Those Namboothiri classes which are excluded from Vedam, do not perform this. 12. Upanishadvrutham : Studying Upanishads. Namboothiris who are excluded from Vedam, do not perform this. 13. Godaanam : Rites as part of thanks-giving to the Aacharyan (priest or teacher). 14. Samaavarthanam : A long ritual for the completion of the above said Vedic education. 15. Marriage 16. Agniadhaanam : A rite performed as an extension of Oupaasanam and introduction to Sroutha rites

The most widely used anti-Hinduism tool is rejecting the Vedas as fake "Brahmin creation" and "Brahmin exploitation" . In reality , the low caste Sri Veda Vyasa was the one who has re-grouped the Vedas in the present form . All the Puranas and Mahabharata-epic were compiled by Him from the historical archive . The second epic Ramayana was written by Sri Valmiki another low-caste . In all these books , Brahmins are entrusted with the responsibility to handle the Vedas . If this scriptural stipulation is unacceptable to a Hindu , he is questioning the basic tenets of Hinduism . There is no point in quoting a sentence from Gita out of context to reject the fundamental Vedic regulations .

Uddhava-Gita , Chapter Twenty-One ; Bhagavan Krishna Explains the Vedic Path

1. The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Those who give up these methods for achieving Me, which consist of devotional service, analytic philosophy and regulated execution of prescribed duties, and instead, being moved by the material senses, cultivate insignificant sense gratification, certainly undergo the continual cycle of material existence.

2. Steadiness in one's own position is declared to be actual piety, whereas deviation from one's position is considered impiety. In this way the two are definitely ascertained.

3. O sinless Uddhava, in order to understand what is proper in life one must evaluate a given object within its particular category. Thus, in analyzing religious principles one must consider purity and impurity. Similarly, in one's ordinary dealings one must distinguish between good and bad, and to insure one's physical survival one must recognize that which is auspicious and inauspicious.

4. I have revealed this way of life for those bearing the burden of mundane religious principles.

5. Earth, water, fire, air and ether are the five basic elements that constitute the bodies of all conditioned souls, from Lord Brahma himself down to the nonmoving creatures. These elements all emanate from the one Personality of Godhead.

6. My dear Uddhava, although all material bodies are composed of the same five elements and are thus equal, the Vedic literatures conceive of different names and forms in relation to such bodies so that the living entities may achieve their goal of life.

7. O saintly Uddhava, in order to restrict materialistic activities, I have established that which is proper and improper among all material things, including time, space and all physical objects.

8. Among places, those bereft of the spotted antelope, those devoid of devotion to the brahmanas, those possessing spotted antelopes but bereft of respectable men, provinces like Kikata and places where cleanliness and purificatory rites are neglected, where meat-eaters are prominent or where the earth is barren, are all considered to be contaminated lands.

9. A specific time is considered pure when it is appropriate, either by its own nature or through achievement of suitable paraphernalia, for the performance of one's prescribed duty. That time which impedes the performance of one's duty is considered impure.

10. An object's purity or impurity is established by application of another object, by words, by rituals, by the effects of time or according to relative magnitude.

11. Impure things may or may not impose sinful reactions upon a person, depending on that person's strength or weakness, intelligence, wealth, location and physical condition.

12. Various objects such as grains, wooden utensils, things made of bone, thread, liquids, objects derived from fire, skins and earthy objects are all purified by time, by the wind, by fire, by earth and by water, either separately or in combination.

13. A particular purifying agent is considered appropriate when its application removes the bad odor or dirty covering of some contaminated object and makes it resume its original nature.

14. The self can be cleansed by bathing, charity, austerity, age, personal strength, purificatory rituals, prescribed duties and, above all, by remembrance of Me. The Brahmana and other twice-born men should be duly purified before performing their specific activities.

15. A mantra is purified when chanted with proper knowledge, and one's work is purified when offered to Me. Thus by purification of the place, time, substance, doer, mantras and work, one becomes religious, and by negligence of these six items one is considered irreligious.

16. Sometimes piety becomes sin, and sometimes what is ordinarily sin becomes piety on the strength of Vedic injunctions. Such special rules in effect eradicate the clear distinction between piety and sin.

17. The same activities that would degrade an elevated person do not cause fall down for those who are already fallen. Indeed, one who is lying on the ground cannot possibly fall further. The material association that is dictated by one's own nature is considered a good quality.

18. By refraining from a particular sinful or materialistic activity, one becomes freed from its bondage. Such renunciation is the basis of religious and auspicious life for human beings and drives away all suffering, illusion and fear.

19. One who accepts material sense objects as desirable certainly becomes attached to them. From such attachment lust arises, and this lust creates quarrel among men.

20. From quarrel arises intolerable anger, followed by the darkness of ignorance. This ignorance quickly overtakes a man's broad intelligence.

21. O saintly Uddhava, a person bereft of real intelligence is considered to have lost everything. Deviated from the actual purpose of his life, he becomes dull, just like a dead person.

22. Because of absorption in sense gratification, one cannot recognize himself or others. Living uselessly in ignorance like a tree, one is merely breathing just like a bellows.

23. Those statements of scripture promising fruitive rewards do not prescribe the ultimate good for men hut are merely enticements for executing beneficial religious duties, like promises of candy spoken to induce a child to take beneficial medicine.

24. Simply by material birth, human beings become attached within their minds to personal sense gratification, long duration of life, sense activities, bodily strength, sexual potency and friends and family. Their minds are thus absorbed in that which defeats their actual self-interest.

25. Those ignorant of their real self-interest are wandering on the path of material existence, gradually heading toward darkness. Why would the Vedas further encourage them in sense gratification if they, although foolish, submissively pay heed to Vedic injunctions?

26. Persons with perverted intelligence do not understand this actual purpose of Vedic knowledge and instead propagate as the highest Vedic truth the flowery statements of the Vedas that promise material rewards. Those in actual knowledge of the Vedas never speak in that way.

27. Those who are full of lust, avarice and greed mistake mere flowers to be the actual fruit of life. Bewildered by the glare of fire and suffocated by its smoke, they cannot recognize their own true identity.

28. My dear Uddhava, persons dedicated to sense gratification obtained through honoring the Vedic rituals cannot understand that I am situated in everyone's heart and that the entire universe is nondifferent from Me and emanates from Me. Indeed, they are just like persons whose eyes are covered by fog.

29-30. Those who are sworn to sense gratification cannot understand the confidential conclusion of Vedic knowledge as explained by Me. Taking pleasure in violence, they cruelly slaughter innocent animals in sacrifice for their own sense gratification and thus worship demigods, forefathers and leaders among ghostly creatures. Such passion for violence, however, is never encouraged within the process of Vedic sacrifice.

31. Just as a foolish businessman gives up his real wealth in useless business speculation, foolish persons give up all that is actually valuable in life and instead pursue promotion to material heaven, which although pleasing to hear about is actually unreal, like a dream. Such bewildered persons imagine within their hearts that they will achieve all material blessings.

32. Those established in material passion, goodness and ignorance worship the particular demigods and other deities, headed by Indra, who manifest the same modes of passion, goodness or ignorance. They fail, however, to properly worship Me.

33-34. The worshipers of demigods think, "We shall worship the demigods in this life, and by our sacrifices we shall go to heaven and enjoy there. When that enjoyment is finished we shall return to this world and take birth as great householders in aristocratic families." Being excessively proud and greedy, such persons are bewildered by the flowery words of the Vedas. They are not attracted to topics about Me, the Supreme Lord.

35. The Vedas, divided into three divisions, ultimately reveal the living entity as pure spirit soul. The Vedic seers and mantras, however, deal in esoteric terms, and I also am pleased by such confidential descriptions.

36. The transcendental sound of the Vedas is very difficult to comprehend and manifests on different levels within the prana, senses and mind. This Vedic sound is unlimited, very deep and unfathomable, just like the ocean.

37. As the unlimited, unchanging and omnipotent Personality of Godhead dwelling within all living beings, I personally establish the Vedic sound vibration in the form of omkara within all living entities. It is thus perceived subtly, just like a single strand of fiber on a lotus stalk.

38-40. Just as a spider brings forth from its heart its web and emits it through its mouth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead manifests Himself as the reverberating primeval vital air, comprising all sacred Vedic meters and full of transcendental pleasure. Thus the Lord, from the ethereal sky of His heart, creates the great and limitless Vedic sound by the agency of His mind, which conceives of variegated sounds such as the sparsas. The Vedic sound branches out in thousands of directions, adorned with the different letters expanded from the syllable om : the consonants, vowels, sibilants and semivowels. The Veda is then elaborated by many verbal varieties, expressed in different meters, each having four more syllables than the previous one. Ultimately the Lord again withdraws His manifestation of Vedic sound within Himself.

41. The Vedic meters are Gayatri, Usnik, Anustup, Brhati, Pankti, Tristup, Jagati, Aticchanda, Atyasti, Atijagati and Ativirat.

42. In the entire world no one but Me actually understands the confidential purpose of Vedic knowledge. Thus people do not know what the Vedas are actually prescribing in the ritualistic injunctions of karma-kanda, or what object is actually being indicated in the formulas of worship found in the upasana-kanda, or that which is elaborately discussed through various hypotheses in the jnana-kanda section of the Vedas.

43. I am the ritualistic sacrifice enjoined by the Vedas, and I am the worshippable Deity. It is I who am presented as various philosophical hypotheses, and it is I alone who am then refuted by philosophical analysis. The transcendental sound vibration thus establishes Me as the essential meaning of all Vedic knowledge. The Vedas, elaborately analyzing all material duality as nothing but My illusory potency, ultimately completely negate this duality and achieve their own satisfaction.

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!!!




guruvayur , vradhakrishnan nair <vrkrishnannair wrote:>> But he (Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati ) was a caste fanatic who believed that Non Brahmin should not learn Vedas.> > His very book is in my Hand If you have doubt I will quote from his book on Hindu Dharma- Person like him is and will be responsible for the degeneration of Hindu Dharma> > Ishwaro sarvabhootanam Hrideshfyarjunatishtati Lord Told in Bh. Gita.> > Is this Lord residing in the Poonooldhari( Not Brahmin_ One who knows/treads in Brahma) brahmin's heart only? That is what this great Paramacharya believed and It was because of his narrow minded vision.> > Let the lord forgive him> > love not hatred, construction not destruction, nonviolence not violence, truth not untruth, kindness not cruelty towards allcreatures up on this beautiful earth.> > > ________________________________> krishnadaya krishna.daya guruvayur > Monday, 1 June, 2009 12:15:02 PM> [Guruvayur] Re: Don't violate Sri Krishna's instructions !!!!> > > Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,> Hinduism is the way of living according to the Vedic scriptural injunctions.  A Hindu marriage is consecrated according to Vedic rites with *Agni-deva* as witness.  Only such a consecrated couple deserve to be called as Husband and Wife.  The "animal-type" sexual relation outside this authorized marriage is forbidden in Hinduism.   > Please find below a write-up on this subject by Jagathguru Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Swamigal , the renowned Shankaracharya of Kanchi Mutt :> Ideals of Marriage> ( By Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Swamigal)> The Vedas are learned during the years of student-bachelorhoo d. Then the "theory" taught has to be put into practice; in other words the rites prescribed in the Vedas must be performed. For this purpose a man has to take a helpmate after he has completed his brahmacaryasrama. This helpmate is a "property" that can never be separated from him. She is not meant not only to be a cook for him, not only one to give sensual gratification. She is called "dharma-patni" and also "yajna-patni". She has to be with her husband in the pursuit of dharma and has also to be a source of encouragement in it. As a dharma patni, she has to be by his side during the performance of sacrifices; she must also play a supportive role in all those rituals that have the purpose of making the divine powers favourable to mankind.> It must be noted that a wife creates well-being for the world even as she does the work of cooking or as a source of sensual gratification for her husband. I will tell you how. It is not that she cooks for the husband alone. She has to provide food every day to the guests, to the sick and to the birds and beasts and other creatures. This is how she serves the purpose of "atithyam" and "vaisvadevam". The children born to here are not to be taken as the product of pleasure she affords her husband. She gives birth to them to perpetuate the Vedic dharma. Yes, even the raising of sons is intended for the dharmic life of the future. No other religion has before it such a goal for the marriage samskara.> In our religion the man-wife relationship is not concerned with the mundane alone. It serves the Atman as well as the good of mankind. In other religions too marriages are conducted, say, in a church with God as witness. But ideal of marriage is not as lofty as ours. The purpose of marriage in our religion is to purify the husband further and to impact the wife fullness as his devoted and self-effacing companion. There is no such high purpose in the marriage of other religion. In other countries the man-woman relationship is akin to a family or social contract. Here it is an Atman connection. But this very connection is a means of disconnection also - of freeing the Atman, the self, from the bondage of worldly existence. There is no room for divorce in it. Even to think of it is sinful.> [To sum up and further explain] the three objectives of a samskara of so elevated a character as marriage. The first is to unite a man with a helpmate after he has completed the study of Vedas. This helpmate is expected not only to run his household but assist him in the practice of the Vedic dharma. The second is to bring forth into this world children of noble outlook and character who are to be heirs to the great Vedic tradition, citizens of the future who will be the source of happiness in this world. The third is to create a means for women to be freed from worldly existence. A man who is not yet fully mature inwardly is assisted in his karma by his wife. By doing so, by being totally devoted to her husband, she achieves maturity to a degree greater than he does. The fourth objective is the subordination of sensual gratification to the other three.> We have forgotten the first three important objectives. All that remains is the fourth, the enjoyment of carnal pleasure. If people take my advice in respect of the noble ideals of marriage as taught in the sastras a way will open out to them for their inner advancement. May Candramaulisvara bless them> OmNamo Narayanaya!! !!> Krishnadaya> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -------> > guruvayur@grou ps.com, whacky_chic no_reply@ wrote:> >> > Krishnadaya Prabhuji,> >> > I have been following this very interesting discussion and would like to extend Mr. Vikram's question.> >> > I have travelled abroad extensively and have witnessed the global acceptance of same-sex relationships. Not only is the taboo around this vanishing, people are accepting this as a way of life and even legalising such 'marriages'.> >> > What is your opinion on this? While you mentioned that God does not see us as sinners, is same-sex relationship considered acceptable in Hinduism? Alternately, is it 'illegal'? My Christian friends consider this 'a sexual sin', but I just want to understand what our Hinduism has to say about it.> >> > Any advice you could give me is much appreciated.> >> > Thanks,> > AK> >> >> > guruvayur@grou ps.com, "Viks" vikramrajan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Krishnadaya Prabhuji,> > >> > > Gratitude to your posting and showing me the right way. I understand and will imbibe what you have said in my life immediately (from now) and I will print and show this to my wife also.> > >> > > I take a solemn promise that whatever you have said, I will follow and know that It is only Sri Krishna who has told me this through you and is guiding me. Hare Krishna. Govinda Govinda.> > >> > > OM NAMO BHAGVATE VASUDEVAYA> > >> > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev> > > Sri Krishna Dasa> > > Vikram Rajan> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > guruvayur@grou ps.com, "krishnadaya" <krishna.daya@> wrote:> > > >> > > >> > > > Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Vikramji ,> > > >> > > > I am happy to note your response . You and wife are like Sri Krishna and> > > > Rukmini-devi . You two and your lovely daughter should lead a pleasant> > > > life just like Bhagavan , Rukmini-devi and their children . Your> > > > Grihasta-life is a great service to Bhagavan . When your wife cooks and> > > > serves food , she is not only feeding her husband and child but also> > > > feeds Bhagavan, Devatas and numereous God in-dwelling beings in your> > > > house . If eveyone is Brahmachari, who will feed the world .> > > >> > > > There is no need for you to follow celibacy at this stage of life . You> > > > should enjoy the bliss of married life with steadiness of mind . The> > > > relation between husband and wife is in accordance with scriptural> > > > injuncions . Bhagavan Krishna always took great care to please His wives> > > > . He even fought with the Devatas to fulfill their wishes . As Husband ,> > > > it was His *Dhaama* . Similarly , you should be most loving to your wife> > > > and lead a happy life . Your life is a practical lesson to your Daughter> > > > as well . She too will learn from your life how to lead a family life> > > > and follow-suit in her life . Your married-bliss is Bhagavan's> > > > "prasadam" and it is not at all illegal . He will be pleased to see> > > > your joy . If you two unnecessarily renounce your married-bliss and live> > > > as "artificical" celibates , it will sadden Bhagavan . It is not your> > > > "Swa-dharma" .> > > >> > > > When I had read your first mail , it broke my heart . Tears filled my> > > > eyes thinking about the ill-fate of you and your wife . For a moment ,> > > > I considered her to me my daughter and I could not control grief . This> > > > was the first time in my life , I was noticing negative side of Bhakti .> > > > Christians aim for such impractical non-sense . Vedic dharma is most> > > > practical and it doesnot prescribe celibacy for Grihastas. The> > > > Siva-Sakthi conjugal dance is the foundation of world's existence . The> > > > concept of "Ardha-nareeswara" is most important in Vedic faith .> > > >> > > > I sincerly pray to Bhagavan Sri Krishna to shower His blessings on you> > > > Vikaramji , your wife and daughter !!!!> > > >> > > > Krishnadaya.> > > >> > > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------> > > > guruvayur@grou ps.com, "Viks" <vikramrajan@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Dear Krishnadaya Prabhu,> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev for your posting. I will> > > > remember and imbibe this knowledge in my daily life and try never to> > > > poke around anyone or help until asked, as I understand he/she is also> > > > undergoing his Karma.> > > > >> > > > > Regarding Brahmachiriam, I am not leaving my wife abruptly, We have> > > > married for 4 years and now we are also tired in Sense pleasure we get> > > > from ___. I am still working and taking care of my family members and> > > > from next month we are going to a new house gifted by Sri Krishna and> > > > Sri GuruDev. So I am doing all my duties, I have 3 year old daughter> > > > also. So I am doing all my duties as a Husband and still love and care> > > > for my wife from my heart. The only difference being we are no longer> > > > doing sense pleasure.> > > > >> > > > > Maybe if a time comes when my wife is interested, I understand that it> > > > is my duty to satisfy her needs as stated.> > > > >> > > > > All Bhaktas please throw some light and remove my ignorance. Please> > > > advice if I am correct.> > > > >> > > > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev> > > > > Sri Krishna Dasa> > > > > Vikram Rajan> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > guruvayur@grou ps.com, "krishnadaya" krishna.daya@ wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > > Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,> > > > > >> > > > > > In Krishna-bhakti , there is no scope for "Fear" .. Bhagavan does> > > > > > not view us as "Sinners". On the other hand, He lovingly views> > > > > > His Bhaktas as replicas of Himself . On their part, Bhaktas> > > > faithfully> > > > > > follow the footsteps of their Role models ie, Sri Rama and Sri> > > > Krishna> > > > > > . Bhagavan took His incarnations to teach His Bhaktas , by His own> > > > > > personal example, how to lead a Dharmic life . If we look closely at> > > > > > Rama or Krishna's life, we can see that they strictly followed> > > > > > Varnashrama- dharma . As kids they lived as Brahmacharis, as> > > > householders> > > > > > they lived a pleasant life with their Wives , in Vanaprastha they> > > > > > groomed their Sons and in Sannyasa they renounced life .> > > > > >> > > > > > It is "Adharmic" for a House holder to abandon his wife and> > > > > > return back to *Brahmacharya* . Those who justify it must give> > > > > > scriptural evidence to prove their point . Sri Krishna or Sri Rama> > > > never> > > > > > did that . One's wife is like Sita-devi or Rukmini-devi . She has a> > > > > > precious role in helping her husband and children to complete their> > > > > > life's mission ( Swa-dharma) . If a husband abandons his young wife> > > > > > abruptly, it will not please Sri Krishna . In Bhagavan's life , He> > > > > > has shown utmost mercy to his woman-bhaktas . The famous book> > > > > > *Kuchelavrutham* says "It is adharmic for even a Jeevanmukta to do> > > > > > injustice to his wife" . Only when the wife is safe under the> > > > > > protection of their sons, a person can move on from Grihastasrama to> > > > the> > > > > > next one .> > > > > >> > > > > > A Boss has the right to chastise his subordinate . The junior should> > > > > > learn from his mistakes and try to follow the Senior's instructions> > > > > > just like a Sisya does with his Guru . It is a question of> > > > *Swa-dharma*> > > > > > ( prescribed duties) . Outsiders have no role in this business . It> > > > is> > > > > > true that Bhagavan Sri Krishna dwells in all living beings . That> > > > does> > > > > > not stop us from eating vegetables or fruits . Everyone is being> > > > bound> > > > > > by his Karma . However, the point is not to poke nose in other's> > > > > > *Karma* , unless being specifically asked for some help .> > > > > >> > > > > > I had a very strict and fire spitting Boss . He used to blast me> > > > > > severely for simple mistakes and was never satisfied with my work.> > > > In> > > > > > spite of this , I never hated him but adored as my Guru . People> > > > around> > > > > > me was saying bad things about my Boss, but I ignored their advice.> > > > > > Gradually , I realized that , my Boss has great compassion in his> > > > heart> > > > > > and he was mercifully grooming me to take over from him . While> > > > leaving> > > > > > his job , he revealed that confidential information only to me among> > > > > > all his subordinates . I was struggling hard to control my tears but> > > > he> > > > > > pacified me with soothing words . If I ever disobeyed him , I would> > > > > > have had fallen as a "Guru-drohi" . Though I failed to rise upto> > > > > > his high level , today I am surviving on the basis of his training .> > > > > > Everyday, I remember with gratitude the training he had given me ..> > > > > >> > > > > > Bhagavan Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita ( 9.35) : " It is far> > > > > > better to execute one's *Sva-dharma* ( prescribed duties) , even> > > > though> > > > > > imperfectly, than to perform another's Duty perfectly. It is better> > > > to> > > > > > die discharging one's own duty in accordance with the varnasrama> > > > system> > > > > > than to engage in another's duty because it is dangerous to follow> > > > > > another's path ".> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > > Om Namo Narayanaya !!!!> > > > > >> > > > > > Krishnadaya.> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------\> > > > \> > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ----> > > > > >> > > > > > guruvayur@grou ps.com, "Viks" <vikramrajan@> wrote:> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Dear Savithri ji> > > > > > >> > > > > > > It was a beautiful story which should be told to all children, for> > > > > > them to realize the importance of good friends.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Thai, I have two doubts in context of my daily life:> > > > > > >> > > > > > > In my office when I see a senior tormenting the Junior.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > What do I see in the Senior â€" I see that Sri Krishna is within> > > > > > that person who has come only as a Nimit to complete the Karma of> > > > the> > > > > > Junior.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > In the Junior also I see Sri Krishna within him and body is> > > > undergoing> > > > > > the pending Karma. And it is only through nimits like the Senior> > > > he/she> > > > > > can complete his\her Karma and get out of this material world and> > > > join> > > > > > Sri Krishna.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Thai, Is this philosophy correct, please advise.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > I do not keep any negative feelings for the senior in me at all,> > > > as I> > > > > > know that all is only Sri Krishna wish and this is all only a game> > > > he is> > > > > > playing to help all of us to leave this world and reach him. When a> > > > leaf> > > > > > itself cannot move without his direction then what to say of> > > > anything> > > > > > else.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Now when I go to advice and console the Junior, I am doing what> > > > the> > > > > > Swan did that extending her wings to provide shade> > > > > > >> > > > > > > But When it says> > > > > > >> > > > > > > "Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who did> > > > not> > > > > > deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help."> > > > > > >> > > > > > > How do I make a decision who deserves to be helped and should we> > > > not> > > > > > help and console when someone does not ask.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Thai, I feel that this story also is only Sri Krishna game of> > > > keeping> > > > > > all his bhaktas thinking of him, so we only think of him at our> > > > deathbed> > > > > > and reach him. Govinda Govinda. All is only his will.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Gratitude to Sri Krishna and Sri GuruDev.> > > > > > > Sri Krishna Dasa> > > > > > > Vikram Rajan> > > > > > >> > > > > > > guruvayur@grou ps.com, Savitri Puram savitriopuram@> > > > wrote:> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > Dear all,> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > There are lot of stories in our puraanaas illustrating the> > > > > > importance of> > > > > > > > satsangam. Here is one that advises us to be beware of Dussangam> > > > or> > > > > > > > association of evil minded people or association of people with> > > > > > negative> > > > > > > > energy.> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > There was a huge Banyan tree in a village and lot of travellers> > > > > > rested under> > > > > > > > the shadow of the tree. After walking a long distance in the> > > > > > scorching sun,> > > > > > > > a traveller came to rest under the tree. On that tree, two bird> > > > > > families of> > > > > > > > very different nature were living. One was a family of swans> > > > with> > > > > > saatwic> > > > > > > > (refined, kind, considerate and loving) nature and another one> > > > was a> > > > > > family> > > > > > > > of crows with thaamasic (unkind, inconsiderate, lazy and greedy)> > > > > > nature.> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > At times, when the leaves of the tree were moving in the breeze,> > > > sun> > > > > > was> > > > > > > > falling on the traveller's face. Swan saw this and felt sorry> > > > for> > > > > > him and> > > > > > > > tried to spread it's wings across the branches above him to give> > > > > > shade on> > > > > > > > his face. Crow was sitting next to the swan and chatting> > > > > > continuously. After> > > > > > > > a few minutes, it had an urge for getting rid of it's droppings.> > > > He> > > > > > was so> > > > > > > > lazy to fly away from that branch and was reluctant to break his> > > > > > interesting> > > > > > > > conversation with the swan. So without even thinking how wrong> > > > it> > > > > > was to> > > > > > > > leave it's droppings on a sleeping man's body, it let the> > > > excretions> > > > > > fall> > > > > > > > on the traveller's chest. After this inappropriate action, it> > > > flew> > > > > > in> > > > > > > > search of food.> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > The man got up when the droppings fell on him and was very angry> > > > and> > > > > > upset.> > > > > > > > He thought it was the swan's droppings that fell on him and> > > > wanted> > > > > > to scare> > > > > > > > the swan away. He took his bow and arrow and aimed at the swan> > > > > > sitting on> > > > > > > > the branch above him. Unfortunately it hit the swan on it's> > > > chest,> > > > > > just> > > > > > > > below the spread wings that gave him added protection from the> > > > sun> > > > > > and it> > > > > > > > fell dead.> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > Even though the swan did everything right, it was misunderstood> > > > and> > > > > > became a> > > > > > > > victim of the wrath of the traveller. The only reason for this> > > > was> > > > > > > > it's association with the crow. Crow and swan were close friends> > > > and> > > > > > hence> > > > > > > > they were sitting and talking together. It should have stayed> > > > away> > > > > > from the> > > > > > > > crow.> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > Also in this story, we have to see how the traveller acted. He> > > > > > succumbed to> > > > > > > > his anger and acted in haste, He did not have the patience to> > > > see> > > > > > and> > > > > > > > appreciate how the swan was providing him additional protection> > > > from> > > > > > the> > > > > > > > sun. Swan should have been careful to offer help to somebody who> > > > did> > > > > > not> > > > > > > > deserve help or somebody who did not ask for help.> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > In real life also we see the effect of bad company especially> > > > among> > > > > > children> > > > > > > > in their teens. Just by being in the company of crooked people,> > > > so> > > > > > many> > > > > > > > children take wrong steps and get into trouble.> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > May Guruvayurappan bless all of us especially our youngsters to> > > > > > choose good> > > > > > > > company!> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > Regards and prayers> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > savitri> > > > > > > >> > > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > >> >> > > > > Bollywood news, movie reviews, film trailers and more! Go to http://in.movies./>

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Hare Krishna!


" The Brahmins " that is referred to in the Vedas and other scriptures don't exist

at all. If there are 50 million Brahmins (by birth) in India now, there may be

less than a thousand who is worthy of called a Brahmin. In Kaliyuga every one

is born a 'Sudra' anyway.






guruvayur , " krishnadaya " <krishna.daya wrote:


> Krishna , Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,


> It is true that Paramacharya Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Swamigal has

> strictly adhered to the Specifications of Vedic scriptures . He once

> said " Some people ask me why I being a RIshi do not amend the

> Vedas to suit with the time . My answer to them is that today if I

> remove some portions as " weeds " , tomorrow another Acharya will

> remove some other portion as " weeds " . And ultimately nothing

> notable will remain in the Vedas "


> Sri Ramana Maharishi's disciples had complained to Him about

> Paramacharya's focus on Brahmins . Ramana Maharishi stated then ,

> " We two are non-different . He is doing His divine mission . As the

> Peethathipathi , He is obliged to do such things " .


> Paramacharya asked the Brahmins to fulfill their *Swa-dharma* (

> prescribed duties) of learning , teaching and practicing the Vedas . He

> held them responsible for the deterioration of Vedic Dharma and pointed

> out that they had abandoned their traditional vocation ( handling the

> Vedas) to take up lucrative government jobs . While doing so, it was

> unrighteous on their part to utilize their Vedic intelligence to defeat

> fellow Hindu competitors . Therefore, non-Brahmins are justified in

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Krishna , Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,


Many Hindus have a self-defeating negative mindset that , Brahmins

available now are not genuine . According to Bhagavan Sri Krishna's

divine will , thousands of Brahmins are still adhering to their

traditional VEDIC vocation . Vedic rituals of ancient temples like

Guruvayoor, Tirupati, Mookambika and Jagannatha Puri are faithfully

performed by them . It is true that the present " Vedas-destruction

" environment prevailing all around is discouraging the Brahmins .

The negative propaganda, " Most Brahmins are fake " will only

destroy Hinduism .


A Hindu is obliged to follow the requirements of his Vedic scriptures

and Acharya's advice . Great Acharyas like Adi Shankaracharya,

Periaval , Vilwamanagalam ,etc, have advised us to trust those

Brahmins who perform the traditional Vedic vocation . Present Acharyas

like Malliyoor Tirumeni and Chennas Raman Namboothirippadu too advise

the same .


Preserving the Vedas : Why it is a Lifetime Mission

(by Jagathguru Sri Chandrasekharenda Sarasvati Swamigal )


" If the divisions of labour on a hereditary basis is good for all

society, what specifically is the benefit gained from the vocation of

Brahmins, that is preserving the Vedas? " is a question frequently



The potter makes pots for you; the washerman launders your clothes; the

weaver weaves clothes for you to wear; the cowherd brings you your milk;

the peasant tills the land to grow rice for you to cook and eat.

Everyone does some work or other essential in the life of everybody

else. The rice (or wheat ) grown by the tiller sustains us all. The

cloth woven by the weaver is indispensable to our modesty, it is also

needed to keep us warm in the cold season. We drink the milk brought by

the cowherd and also use it to make buttermilk; we cook our food in the

pot made by the potter. We find that all jatis provide commodities

useful for the society. What is the Brahmin's contribution in this

context? What vocation is assigned to him by the Sastras which are the

basis of varna dharma?


The Brahmin has to learn the Vedas by listening to his teacher chanting

them; this is adhyayana. If adhyayana is chanting the Vedas, adhyapana

is teaching the same. The sastras have charged the Brahmin with the

additional duty of performing various rites including Vedic sacrifices.


The Vedas contain lofty truths. People in modern times may not be averse

to the idea that these truths are worthy of being cherished. Society

requires knowledge, arts, etc. The Vedas are a storehouse of knowledge.

So the idea that we must have a special class of people to propagate the

truths contained in the Vedas may seem reasonable enough. According to

the sastras, however, such a special class is needed to preserve the

sound of these scriptures. This class is constituted by the Brahmins and

they perform their function on a hereditary basis. The idea that

propagating the truths of the Vedas will help mankind may be acceptable

to many, but not the belief that a small group of people can contribute

to the good of the world by preserving the sound of the Vedas. The

community stands to lose if the peasant does not till the land and the

potter, weaver, carpenter, etc., do not do their respective jobs. But

would you say the same thing about the work of the Brahmin? What

difference would it make to the society if he ceased intoning the Vedas?


To understand the questions raised above we must first try to find out

the nature of the Vedas. No purpose is served by approaching three

subject entirely on an intellectual level. We must accept the words of

great men who know the Vedas deep in their hearts. " How can we do that,

sir? " some people might protest. " We are rationalists and we can be

convinced of a truth or statement only on the basis of reason or direct

knowledge. "


What do we do then? How can anyone claim, as a matter of right, that all

subjects ought to be brought within the ken of human reasoning? Man is

but one among countless creatures. Take for instance the experiments

conducted by a physicist in his laboratory. Does a cow understand them?

If the scientist formulates certain laws on the basis on his

experiments, does the cow say that " These laws of physics do not exist " ?

But how are humans ignorant of physics to know about such laws? They

trust the statements made by people proficient in the subject.


To illustrate, take the example of any common appliance. Let us assume

that you are told that it works on the basis of certain principles of

science. Don't you accept these principles by observing how the

appliance works? In the same way we must have faith in what great men

say about the Vedas, great men who live strictly adhering to the

sastras. We must also place our faith on our scripture on the basis of

the fruits or benefits yielded by them, the benefits we directly

perceive. One such " fruit " is till there for all of us to see. It is

Hinduism itself, the religion that has withstood the challenges of all

these millennia. Our religion has produced more great men than any other

faith. People have been rewarded with the highest inner well-being [the

highest bliss] as a result of their faith in the Vedic tradition. There

is no insistence on their part that everything on earth must be brought

within the realm of reason or direct perception.


" The sages transcended the frontiers of human knowledge and became one

with the Universal Reality. It is through them that the world received

the Vedic mantras, " this is one of the basic concepts of our religion.

If you do not accept that human beings can obtain such Atmic power as

exemplified by these seers, any further talk on the subject would be

futile. One could point to you great men whom you can see for yourself,

great men who have perfected themselves and acquired powers not shared

by the common people. But if you think of them to be cheats or

fraudulent men, any further talk would again be useless. In your present

state of limited understanding, the argument that denies the existence

of anything beyond the range of human reason and comprehension itself

betrays the height of rationalism.


You have come here to listen to me instead of going to a political

meeting where you can hear interesting speeches. So I believe that few

of you here are full-fledged rationalists. You may not therefore refuse

to listen to me if I speak to you about why the Vedas should be

preserved according to the time-honoured tradition. But it is also

likely that even if some of you happen to be rationalists, you may still

be willing to listen to me thinking that there may be some point in what

the Svamiyar has to say.


Some people are at a loss to understand why the sound of the Vedas is

given so much importance. How does sound originate or how is it caused?

Where there is vibration, where there is movement or motion, there is

sound. This is strictly according to rational science. Speech is

constituted of vibrations of many kinds. We hear sounds with our ears.

But these are sounds that are converted into electric waves and these we

cannot hear. We know this from the working of the radio and the

telephone. All that we hear or perceive others are indeed electric

waves. Science has come to the point of recognizing all to be electric

waves- the man who sees and listens, his brains, all are electric waves.


There are countless numbers of inert objects in the world- land masses

and mountains, rivers and oceans, and so on. Also there are sentient

creatures of many kinds. All of them must have been created out of

something. During creation this something must have vibrated in many

different ways and given rise to all that we see today. If all movements

are sound, there must have existed numerous different kinds of sound

before creation. In this creation one is sustained by another. In the

process of mutual sustenance, different movements and sounds must be

produced. It is not necessary that vibrations should form a part only of

gross activities. Science has discovered that even our thinking process

is a kind of electric current or energy. Each thought process is a form

of electric current or energy and it must produce a vibration and a

sound. This kind of sound being very subtle we do not hear it with our

ears. Just as there are bacteria which we do not see with our naked eye,

there are many sound that our ears do not pick up. According to science

any physical or mental movement must produce a sound.


The idea that each movement produces its own sound may be put

differently thus: to create a particular sound a particular movement

must be produced. Take the case of vidvan singing. If you want to sing

like him or creates birquas like him, you will have produce the same

vibrations that he creates in his throat.


Sound and vibration(or motion) go together. The vibrations produce

either a gross object or a mental state. We come to the conclusion that

creation is a product of sound. This ancient concept is substantiated by

science itself.


Creation, the many things connected with it, thoughts and movements and

the sound associated with them fill space. What happens to the sound

produced by the clapping of our hands? It remains in space. Good as well

as bad action produce their own sounds as well as movements associated

with them. Conversely, the creation of these types of movements will

result in good as well as evil. To produce good thoughts in people, good

movements must be created: the sounds corresponding to them must be

produced. If we can generate such sounds for the good of mankind than

such good thoughts? The mantras of the Vedas are sounds that have the

power to inspire good thoughts in people.


One more thing. We need food for our sustenance. And to grow food there

must be rain. The formation of clouds and their precipitation are

dependent on certain vibrations. Rainfall depends on the production of

particular sounds which, in turn, create particular vibrations. The same

applies to all our needs in life. It is true that unnecessary and evil

objects are also produced by sound. But the one and only goal of the

sound of the Vedas is the creation of well-being throughout the world.


But are sound and vibrations spontaneously produced? If vibrations arise

on their own they will be erratic and confusing and not related to one

another. But what do we see in the cosmos? There is a certain

orderliness about it and one thing in it is linked to another. What do

we infer form this? That a Great Intelligence has formulated this scheme

that we see, that it has created it from its own vibrations.


The Vedas are sounds emanating from the vibrations of this Great

Intelligence, the Great Gnosis. That is why we believe that the mantras

of the Vedas originate from the Paramatman himself. We must take special

care of such sounds too ensure the good of the world. Yes, the Vedic

mantras are sequences of sounds that are meant for the good of the



Doubts are expressed on this point. People argue: " We hear the mantras

of the Vedic distinctly. But we do not hear the sounds in space, the

sounds of creation. How can the two be the same? "


What exists in the cosmos in present in the individual being. The belief

that the " microcosm " inherits the " macrocosm " is not in keeping with our

commonsense view of things. But all people, including atheists, will

agree that there are " instruments " in our body in the form of the senses

that we can grasp what exists in the macrocosm. The sun in the macrocosm

is felt by our body as heat. We perceive the flower in our garden

through its scent. We savour the sweet taste of sugarcane with our

tongue. With our eyes we learn that one object is red, that another it



Unless the macrocosm and microcosm are constituted of the same substance

the one will not be able to be aware of the other. Indeed the very

conduct of life will not be possible otherwise. If we go one step

further, the truth will dawn on us that it is not merely that the

macrocosm and the microcosm are constituted of the same substance but

that it is the same substance that becomes the macrocosm and the

microcosm. The yogins know this truth directly from their experience.


Whatever is present in space is also present in the individual being.

These elements exists in the human body in a form that is accessible to

the senses. The sounds a person makes in his throat have their source in

space in a form not audible to us. The radio transforms electrical waves

into sound waves. If a man can grasp the sounds in space and make them

audible, he will be able to create with them what is needed for the good

of the world. Yoga is the science that accomplishes such a task. Through

yogic practice (perfection) one can become aware of what is in the

macrocosm and draw it into the microcosm. I shall not be able to give

you proof of this in a form acceptable to human reason. Yoga transcends

our limited reason and understanding. The purpose of the Vedas is to

speak about matters that are beyond the comprehension of the human mind.


You must have faith in the words of great men or else, to know the truth

of such matters, you must practise yoga strictly observing its rules. It

may not be practicable for all those who ask questions or harbour doubts

about the Vedas to practice yoga in this manner. Even if you are

prepared to accept the words of a true yogin, how are you, in the first

place, to be convinced that he in indeed a true yogin and not a fraud?

Altogether it means that you must have faith in someone, in something.

Later such faith will be strengthened from your own observations,

inference and experience. There is no point in speaking to people who

have either no faith or refuse to develop it through their own



There is a state in which the macrocosm and the microcosm are perceived

as one. Great men there who have reached such a state and are capable of

transforming what is subtle in the one into what is gross in the other.

I am speaking here to those who believe in such a possibility.


When we look at this universe and their complex manner in which it

functions, we realise that there must be a Great Wisdom that has created

it and sustains it. It is from this Great Wisdom, that is the

Paramatman, that all that we see are born and it is from It that all the

sounds that we hear have emanated. First came the universe of sound and

then the universe that we observe. Most of the former still exists in

space. The space that exists outside us exists also in our heart. The

yogins have experience of this hrdayakasa, this heart-sky or this

heart-space, when they are in samadhi (absorbed in the Infinite). In

this state of theirs all differences between the outward and the inward

vanish and the two become one. The yogins can now grasp the sounds of

space and bestow the same on mankind. These successions of sounds that

bring benefits to the world are indeed the mantras of the Vedas.


These mantras are not the creation of anyone. Though each of them is in

the name of a rsi or seer, in reality it is not his creation. When we

say that a certain mantra has a certain sage associated with it, all

that we mean is that it was he who first " saw " it existing without a

beginning in space and revealed it to the world. The very word " rsi "

means " mantra-drasta " (one who saw- discovered- the mantra), not

" mantra-karta " (one who created the mantra). Our life is dependent on

how our breathing functions. In the same way the cosmos functions in

accordance with the vibrations of the Vedic sounds- so the Vedic mantras

are the very breath of the Supreme Being. We must thus conclude that,

without the Vedas, there is no Brahman: To put it differently, the Vedas

are self-existent like the Paramatman.


The mantras of the Vedas are remarkable in that they bring blessings to

the world in the form of sound- even if their meaning is not understood.

Of course, they are pregnant with meaning and represent the lofty

principle that it is the One Truth that is manifested as all that we

perceive. They also confer blessing on us by taking the form of deities

appropriate to the different sounds (of the mantras).


Sound does not bring any benefits, any fruits, by itself. Isvara alone

is the bestower of benefits. However, instead of making the fruits

available to us directly, he appoints deities to distribute them in the

same manner as the king or president of a country appoints officials to

carry out his dictates. The mantras represent various deities in the

form of sound. If we attain perfection (siddhi) by constant chanting and

meditation of a mantra, it should be possible for us to see the deity

invoked in his physical form. The deities also arise if we make

offerings into the sacrificial fire reciting specific mantras. If a

sacrifice is conducted in this manner, the deities give us their special

blessings. We do not pay taxes directly to the king or president. In the

same way, we pay taxes in the form of sacrifices and Vedic chanting to

the aides of the Paramatman for the sake of the welfare of the world.

The sounds of the mantras constitute their form.


The Vedas have won the admiration of Western scholars for their poetic

beauty. They bring us face to face with many deities- they bring us also

their grace. Above all, through the Upanisads they teach us the great

truths relating to the Self. The Vedas are thus known for the profundity

of the truths contained in them, but their sound is no less important.

Indeed their sound has its own significance and power. All mantras, it

must be noted have power, not only Vedic mantras.


The sound of some mantras have greater value than their meaning. Their

syllables chanted in a particular manner create a special energy, but

their meaning has no special significance. Take the mantra recited to

cure a man stung by a scorpion. The words, the syllables, constituting

the mantra have no special meaning. Indeed, they say, the meaning is not

to be told. But by chanting the mantra, the vibrations are caused in

space and one stung by a scorpion will be cured: the potency of the

syllables of the mantra is such. The efficacy of sounds varies with the

difference mantras. Evil is caused by reciting certain mantras or

formulae: this is called " abhicara " [understood as the black magic in the

West]. In all this the clarity with which the syllables are enunciated

is important. There was the practice of knocking off the teeth of those

who practiced billi sunyam (a form of black magic). The black magician,

if toothless, will not be able to articulate the mantras properly and so

his spells will not have the intended effect. If the syllables of the

spell are not clearly and properly enunciated, they will not give us the

desired benefit. If we appreciate the fact that sounds have such power,

the question of the language of the mantras loses it importance. It

would be meaningless then to demand that the mantras must be expressed

in some other language [that we understand]. It would be equally

meaningless to wonder whether the mantras of the sraddha ceremony should

be rendered into English, Tamil or some other language so that our

departed parents would understand them better.


The Vedic mantras do good to all creatures in this world and the

hereafter: we must have implicit faith in this belief. It is not proper

to ask whether what we ourselves cannot here with our ears will be heard

by the seers. There is such a thing as the divine power of seeing and

hearing. Our sight is dependent on the lens in our eyes. Were this lens

different what we observe would also be different. Through the intense

practice of yoga we can obtain the divine power of seeing and hearing.


We must not inquire into the Vedas with our limited powers of perception

and with our limited capacity to reason and comprehend. The Vedas speak

to us about what is beyond the reach of our eyes and ears and reasoning-

that is their purpose. There are things that we comprehend through

direct perception. We do not need the help of the Vedas to know about

them. What cannot be provoked by reasoning and what is beyond the reach

of our intellect- these the seers have gifted us in the form of the

Vedas with their divine perception. How do we learn about the affairs of

other countries? We are not eyewitnesses to them but we depend on

newspaper reports of these affairs. There is another kind of newspaper

which tells us about matters that cannot be known through any worldly

means and this newspaper is constituted of the Vedic mantras that are

the gift of the seers.


We have to accept the Vedas in faith. Develop a little faith in them and

experience for your self the fruits yielded by them. In due course you

will be convinced about the truths told about them.


Even today we see how mantras are efficacious though what we see is more

often their power to do evil rather than good. The very word " mantrikam "

inspires dread in us. If mantras have the power to do evil, they must

also have the power to do good. We do hear reports of how mantras are

beneficent, for instance how the mantras invoking the god Varuna produce



It may be that sometimes the " Varunajapa

<http://www.kamakoti.org/hindudharma/part3/referp3.htm#VARUNA JAPA> "

does not succeed in bringing rains. But this is no reason why all

mantras should be rejected outright as of no value. Sick people die even

after the regular administration of medicine. For this reason do we

condemn medical science as worthless? We have an explanation for the

patient's failure to recover: his illness and reached such an advanced

stage that no medicine could be of any avail. Similarly, no mantra is of

any help when it has to contend against the working of powerful karma.

There is also another reason. If you are not strict about your diet, the

medicine taken may not work. Similarly, if we are lax in the observance

of certain rules, the mantras will not produce the desired result. Yoga

is a science. In a scientific laboratory, certain rules have to be

observed in the conduct of experiments. If the electrician refuses to

wear gloves or to stand on a wooden stool during his work, what will

happen? So too, anyone practising yoga has to follow the rules governing

it. To return to Varuna japa. If the japa is not always successful, it

is because- as I have found out through inquires- of the failure of

those performing the rite to observe the rule of " alavana " [taking food

without salt].


In Tirivanaikka (near Tirucirapalli) people have seen with their own

eyes a tree bare of foliage putting forth green shoots under the spell

of mantras. The sthalavrksa here [the tree sacred to a place or temple]

in the white jambu. That is why the place (Tiruvanaikka) is also called

Jambukesvaram. Once the tree was dead expect for one branch or so. Then

the cettiars- the trustees of the temple- had an Ekadasa-Rudrabhiseka

conducted for it. And behold, by the power of mantras the tree put forth

fresh leaves.


Each sound has a specific impact on the outward world. Experiments were

once conducted by a lakeside by producing a certain pattern of svaras on

an instrument. It was observed that as a result of the vibrations so

created the light on the water shone as particles. Later these particles

took a specific shape. From such scientific proof it is possible to

believe that we can perceive the form of a deity through chanting the

appropriate Veda mantras. It is not that sound is transformed into light

alone in the outward world. It is pervasive in many ways and produces

various kind of impacts. The sound of the Vedic mantras pervading the

atmosphere is extremely beneficial. There are ways in which sound is to

be produced to make it advantageous to us. Some notes are to be raised,

some lowered and some to be uttered in an even manner. The Vedas have to

be chanted in this way. The three different ways of chanting are

" udatta " , " anudatta " and " svarita " . The sound and svara together will

turn the powers of the cosmos favourable to us.


The question that now occurs is why there should be a separate caste

committed to Vedic learning practices even if it is conceded that Vedic

mantras have the power to do good.


In answering this question we must first remember that the Vedas are not

to be read from the written text. They have to be memorized by constant

listening and repeated chanting. The learner then becomes a teacher

himself and in this manner the process goes on from generation to

generation. Maintaining such a tradition of learning and teaching is a

whole-time occupation. Neither the teacher nor the taught may take up

any other work.


We must also remember that the Brahmin is expected to master subjects

other than the Vedas also, like the arts and crafts and the various

sciences(sastras). He has in fact to learn the vocations of other jatis

(but he must not take up any for his own livelihood). It is the

responsibility of the Brahmin to promote knowledge and culture. He is

expected to learn the hereditary skills of all jatis, including the art

of warfare, and pass on these skills to the respective jatis to help

them earn their livelihood. The Brahmin's calling is adhyayana and

adhyapana (learning and teaching the Vedas). According to the sastras he

must live in a modest dwelling, observe strict rules and vows so as to

gain mastery of the mantras. He must eat only as much as is needed keep

body and soul together. All temptations to make money and enjoy sensual

pleasures he must sternly resist. All his actions must be inspired by

the spirit of sacrifice and he must pass his days sustaining the Vedic

tradition and practices for the good of mankind.


It is the duty of other jatis to see that the Brahmin does not die of

starvation. They must provide him with bare necessities of life and such

materials as re needed for the performance of sacrifices. Wages are paid

to those who do other jobs or a price is paid for what they produce. The

Brahmin works for the whole community and serves it by chanting mantras,

by performing sacrifices and by leading a life according to the dictates

of religion. That is why he must be provided with his upkeep. The

canonical texts do not say that we must build him palace or that he must

be given gifts of gold. The Brahmin must be provided with the

wherewithal for the proper performance of sacrifices. In his personal

life he must eschew all show and luxury. It is by taming his senses- by

burning away all desire- that he gains mastery over the mantras.


I have said more than once that the Vedas are to be learned by constant

listening, that they are not to be learned from the written text. Let me

tell you why. The sound of the Vedas must pervade the world. This is of

paramount importance, not that the text itself should be maintained in

print. Indeed, the Vedas must not be kept in book form. If the printed

text is available all the time, we are likely to neglect the habit of

memorizing the hymns and chanting them. There is not the slightest doubt

about this. " After all it is in the book. When the need arises we can

always refer to it. Why should we waste our time in memorizing the

mantras? " Thus an attitude of indifference will develop among those

charged with the duty of maintaining the Vedic tradition.


Nowadays we have what is called the " pancanngaran " (pancangakkaran),

that is the " almanac-man " . We understand his job to be that of

officiating at the rites performed by members of the fourth varna. But

from the term " almanac " -man " we know that this is not his main duty. The

pancangakkaran or almanac-man is truly one who determines the five

angas " or components of the almanac. Each day has five angas: tithi,

vara, naksatra, yoga and karana. To find out whether a particular day is

auspicious or whether a certain work or function may be performed on a

particular day, all these five factors have to be taken into account.

Today astronomers in Greenwich observe the sun, the moon and the stars

to fix the timings of sunrise and sunset. Three or four generations ago,

every village had an almanac-man who was an expert in such matters. He

could predict eclipses, their exact timings, with the precision of

present-day astronomers. He inscribed the five angas relating to the day

on a palm-leaf and took it round from house to house to help people in

their worldly and religious duties. In the past he had also another name

" Kuttai Cuvadi " (meaning " Shortened Palm-leaf " ).


How have the present day almanac-men forgotten their great science? With

the advent of the printing press the almanac could be printed for a

whole year and made available to people. There was no longer any need

for the old, type of almanac to pancanga, an important part of

astronomy, is now on the verge of extinction.


The Vedas would have suffered a similar fate had we stuck to a system of

learning them from written or printed texts. Their sound would not have

then filled the world and created all-round well-being.


Our forefathers realised that to put anything in writing was not the

best way of preserving it since it bred indifference to the subject so

preserved. One who recited the Vedas from the written text

( " likhita-pathaka " ) was looked down upon as an " adhama " (one belonging

to the lowest order among those chanting the Vedas). In Tamil the Vedas

are known as the " unwritten old text " (ezhutakilavi). In Sanskrit the

Vedas are also called " Sruti " , which means " that which is heard " , that

is to say not be learned from any written text. Since listening to the

Vedas as they were chanted and then memorizing them was the practice,

preserving the Vedic tradition came to be full-time vocation. The

teacher taught pada by pada(foot by foot) and the student repeated each

pada twice. In this way the sound of the Vedas filled the whole place.

It was thus that the study of our own scripture, with all its recessions

which are like the expanse of a great ocean, was maintained in the oral

tradition until the turn of the century. This treasure, this timeless

crop that sustains our inner beings, has come to us through the ages as

ordained by the Lord. There can be no greater sin that that of

neglecting this treasure and allowing it to perish.


If the Vedic tradition becomes extinct there is no need for a separate

caste called Brahmins. Nowadays the cry is often heard, " Brahmin, get

out " . But do we hear cries like, " Potter, get out " or " Washerman, go

away? " If the potter and the washerman leave the village they will be

brought back by force and retained. Why so? Because the community need

their services.


So long as the Brahmin possessed sattva-guna(the quality of goodness and

purity) and so long as he kept the Vedic tradition going and lived a

simple life, others recognized his value for society. They regarded him

with affection and respect and paced their trust in him. They realised

that if society was not afflicted by famine and disease (as in the case

today), it was because the sound of the Vedas pervaded everywhere and

the performance of Vedic recites created a healthy atmosphere around and

brought its own blessings.


This was not the only way in which the Brahmin served society. His

personal example was itself a source of inspiration to people. They saw

how he curbed his sensual appetites, how he lived a life of peace, how

he was compassionate to all creatures, how he mediated on the Lord, how

he performed a variety of rites strictly adhering to sastric rules and

without any expectations of rewards. They saw a whole case living a life

of selflessness and sacrifice. Naturally, they too were drawn to the

qualities exemplified by its members. They emulated their example,

observed fasts and vows to the extent permitted by the nature of their

occupations. It is preposterous to accuse the Brahmin of having kept

other jatis suppressed. There is a special way of life that the

scriptures have prescribed for him and in remaining true to it he

becomes a personal example for others desirous of raising themselves.


It is equally preposterous to suggest that other where kept down because

they were denied the right to learn the Vedas. I have already spoken to

you that preserving the Vedic tradition is a hereditary and lifelong

vocation. Any calling must be pursued on a hereditary basis. Otherwise,

there is the risk of society being torn asunder by jealousies and

rivalries. The maintenance of the Vedic tradition is a calling by

itself. There will be confusion and chaos in the system of division of

labour if people whose vocations are different are allowed to pursue one

common tradition. Also, as a consequence, will not the social structure

be disturbed? Every vocation has as high a place on the social scale as

any other. Why should anyone nurse the ideas that the pursuit of the

Vedic dharma belongs to a plane higher than all other types of work?


Some castes are not permitted to learn the Vedas but there is no bar on

their learning the truths contained in them. This is all that is needed

for their Atmic advancement. We need only one class of people charged

with the mission of keeping the sound of the Vedas alive in the world.

The ideas contained in them for spiritual uplift are open to all. The

songs of non-Brahmin saints like Appar and Nammazhvar are replete with

Vedic and Vedantic thoughts.


Were it true that Brahmins had monopolised Atmic knowledge and devotion

and kept others downtrodden, how would you explain the rise among the

non-Brahmin jatis of so many great saints, not only the examples just

mentioned above, Appar and Nammazhvar, but a number of other Nayanmars

and Azhvars? The Nayanmars included men belonging even to jatis regarded

as " low " . Where do you find men of inner enlightenment like Tayumanavar

and Pattiinattar? Apart from the fact that there were among non-Brahmin

men worthy of being lauded by Brahmins for other enlightenment and

devotion, there were individuals from the fourth varna who established

empires and gave new life and vigour to the Vedic dharma. That Brahmins

exploited other castes is a recently invented myth.


I do not claim that Brahmins are free from faults or are not guilty of

lapses. Nobody is free from faults. But on the whole the Brahmin has

done good to society and has been a guide to all its members. That is

why he was enabled to live with dignity all these centuries.


When other communities now see that the Brahmin no longer serves society

in any manner, they raise the cry, " Brahmin, get out " . If they do not

serve society and if all they do is to join others in the scramble for

money, where is the need for a separate caste called Brahmins? It occurs

to me that, if the caste called Brahmins serves no purpose to society, I

shall be the first to seek its destruction. Nothing has any right to

exist if it has no utility value. There is no need for a caste called

Brahmin if the world does not stand to benefit from it.


Now there are " toll-gates " located in many places but often without any

" gate " . In the past a toll used to be collected from people crossing the

boundary marked by these " gates " . Later such a system was discontinued

and no purpose was served by the gate. Nothing exists without a purpose.

Now, if the Brahmin without Vedic learning has become as purposeless as

the toll-gate without any toll actually charged, with what reason or

justice can we say that he must not be thrown out?


The Brahmin today deserves to be reproved, if he expects to be treated

with any special respect. Criticism, however, should be it. The Brahmin

must be faulted for abandoning his dharma, but the dharma itself, the

Vedic dharma, is another matter. It is not proper to find fault with the

dharma itself and it is the duty of others to help the Brahmin practice

it. the Vedic dharma must be sustained so as to ensure the well-being of

the world. Other jatis must support the principle that there must be a

caste whose hereditary calling it is to maintain the Vedic tradition. If

they themselves have lost faith in the Vedic dharma, they cannot find

fault with the Brahmin for having forsaken it. If they believe that the

Vedic dharma is not wanted, then it would mean (according to their own

logic) that the Brahmin is not committing any offence by giving up his

hereditary vocation. It also follows that for the sake of his livelihood

he will have too take up some other job, competing with the others for

the same. So to hold that there is no need for the Vedic dharma and

that, at the same time, the Brahmin should not do any work other than

the pursuit of that dharma does not stand to reason. On the other hand,

it is proclaimed that the Vedic dharma is all wrong and must cease to

exist but, on the other, the man whose duty it is to practice that

dharma is hated for trying to do some other work. Is this just? It is

part of humanity to see that not even a dog or a jackal goes hungry and

it is a dharma common to all religions. Even those who maintain that we

do not need any religion speak for compassion and the spirit of

sacrifice in all our actions. So it is not just to insist that a man

must not pursue his hereditary vocation and that he must not, at the

same time, do any other work but die of starvation.


Others can help greatly by making the Brahmin true to himself as the

upholder of the Vedic dharma. I have heard it said that in the old days

some Brahmins would go to the untouchable quarter and tell people there:

" You and we, let us become one. " Whereupon the untouchables would

reply: " No. no. You keep doing your work. That is for the good of both

of us. Don't come here again " . They would prevent the Brahmins from

approaching them again by breaking their pots in front of them, the pots

which were their only asset. Though people then were divided in the

matter of work and did not mix together, they had affection for one

another and believed that each did his work for the common good.


Even today the common people are not non-believers, nor have they lost

faith in the Vedas. I feel that they will continue too have respect for

the Vedic dharma and that the propaganda of hate [against Brahmins and

the Vedas] is all to be attributed to political reasons. People, I

repeat, do have faith in the Vedas, in Vedic rites and customs and if

the Brahmin becomes a little better [that is by being true to his

vocation] all hatred will vanish. As I said before, instead of expecting

respect from others, he must remain true to his dharma even at the risk

of his life. It is my belief that society will not allow him to suffer

such an extreme fate. But my stand is that, even if it does, he must not

forsake his dharma. Whatever the attitude of others, whether they help

him or whether they run him down, the Brahmin must uphold the Vedic

tradition for the well-being of all.


What I have spoken for the Brahmin community applies in principle too

other also. The duties about which I have to speak to them

(non-Brahmins) are many. They too are eager to know about them and I am

confident that, things are properly explained, they will pursue

faithfully their respective dharmas. I must, however, be qualified to

give them advice. It is generally believed that I have a special

relationship with the Brahmin community. In the Matha a number of Vedic

rites are performed. So, rightly or wrongly, the impression has gained

around that I have much to do with the case whose duty it is to uphold

the Vedic dharma. That being the case, a question will arise in the

minds of people belonging to other communities if I speak to them on

matters of dharma, even if it is assumed that they will listen to me

with affection and respect. The question is this: " Brahmins are so much

dependent on his support . Yet we don't see them acting on his advice

and correcting themselves. So why should he come to speak to us of our

duties? "


As a matter of fact, both are same to me, Brahmins and non-Brahmins. I

am indeed more dissatisfied with Brahmins than with the others because

they have abandoned the Vedic dharma, the dharma that confers the

highest inner well-being on all. Even so, since it is believed that

Brahmins are specially attached to me, I keep admonishing them to go

back to the Vedic dharma with all their hearth, with all their strength.

If Brahmins observe in practice a fraction of what is expected of them,

then alone shall I be qualified to remind other communities of their

duties. Brahmins must try as best they can to keep up the Vedic

tradition. That is how they will help me to speak to other communities

of their duties.


All mankind, all creatures of earth, must live in happiness. Everybody

must practise his allotted dharma for the good of all with the

realisation that there is no question of any work being " higher " than

any other or " lower " . Preserving the sound of the Vedas must remain the

duty of one class so as to ensure plenty in this world as well as to

create universal Atmic uplift. To revert to the question I put to you

first. Leaving aside the vocation of the Vedic dharma, let us assume

that the hereditary system is beneficial in respect of all types of

work. But why should the preservation of the Vedic dharma be the

lifelong vocation of one class? It is now established, as I conclude,

that however it may be with the other vocations, whether or not they

exist, whether or not there is a mix-up in them, the pursuit of the

Vedic dharma must remain a separate calling.


…………..End of Quote……………


Om Namo Narayanaya !!!!





-- In guruvayur , " Ajith " <vengellur wrote:


> Hare Krishna!


> " The Brahmins " that is referred to in the Vedas and other scriptures

don't exist at all. If there are 50 million Brahmins (by birth) in India

now, there may be less than a thousand who is worthy of called a

Brahmin. In Kaliyuga every one is born a 'Sudra' anyway.



> Ajith





> guruvayur , " krishnadaya " krishna.daya@ wrote:

> >

> > Krishna , Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,

> >

> > It is true that Paramacharya Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Swamigal


> > strictly adhered to the Specifications of Vedic scriptures . He once

> > said " Some people ask me why I being a RIshi do not amend the

> > Vedas to suit with the time . My answer to them is that today if I

> > remove some portions as " weeds " , tomorrow another Acharya will

> > remove some other portion as " weeds " . And ultimately nothing

> > notable will remain in the Vedas "

> >

> > Sri Ramana Maharishi's disciples had complained to Him about

> > Paramacharya's focus on Brahmins . Ramana Maharishi stated then ,

> > " We two are non-different . He is doing His divine mission . As the

> > Peethathipathi , He is obliged to do such things " .

> >

> > Paramacharya asked the Brahmins to fulfill their *Swa-dharma* (

> > prescribed duties) of learning , teaching and practicing the Vedas .


> > held them responsible for the deterioration of Vedic Dharma and


> > out that they had abandoned their traditional vocation ( handling


> > Vedas) to take up lucrative government jobs . While doing so, it was

> > unrighteous on their part to utilize their Vedic intelligence to


> > fellow Hindu competitors . Therefore, non-Brahmins are justified in


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