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Vishnusahasranama-489 to 506

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489. gabhasthinemiH


One who wields the wheel which has thousands spokes of brilliance.gabhasthi means Sun and nemi is the wheel. The other meaning given by Sankara is that The Lord is at the center of the planatery system as the Sun. gabhasthi chakrasya mahye sooryaathmanaa thishTathi. He is refeered to the purusha of Golden hue at the center of the orbit of the Sun, as declared in the upanishat, ya esho antharaadhithye hiraNmayaH purushaH dhrSyathe, and DhyeyaH sadhaa savithrmandalavarthee, He who is at the center of the Sun should be contemplated always.


490. satthvasThaH-


He is in the heart of those who have satthvaguna. Satthva also meanas sattha, or existence . Hence the one who is inside all beings He is also the abode of pure satthva.Brgu maharshi wanted to test who is of pure satthva and went ot Siva and Brahma and insulted thenm ,. They got angry but when he went to Vishnu and kicked Him at his heart He pressed the foot of the rshi saying that it may have been hurt by kicking the hard chest. Then the Rshi decided that Lord Vishnu alone is of pure satthva.


491. simhaH- This nama usually means Nrasimha but it ihas been used more than once and hence it is interopreted differently by commentators under the peresumption that the learned Bhishma would not have repeated the same nama to make up the number thousand. Same is true with other namas repeatd like Padhmanabha.


Here simhaH is eplained as sinchathi meghaiH prthivee karma phalaiH vaa jagathithi simhaH.




He is the overlord of the lords of the elements, bhoothesvaras. Bheesh asmaath vaatah pavate, says the upanishat, meaning that the wind blows out of fear from Him, that is , controlled by Him the wind and also all the devas function.


493. aadhidhevaH


aadhih – the first cause and is endowed with effulgence.dheevyathe ithi dhevaH.


494. mahaadhevaH


mahaan cha asou dhevaScha ithi. The great among devas.


495. dheveSaH


The master of devas.


496. dhevabhrth


The supporter of devas


497. guruH


The Lord is the guru of devas since He instructed them their duties and also in Mathsyavathara He retrieved the Vedas from Haygreevasura and instructed Brahma and others on it.


498. uttharaH


udh means to elevate. Udh tharathi ithi uttharaH.

The Lord lifted up the devas from the grasp of the asuras,and He lifts up the jeevas from the samsara. Utthara also means uthkrshtathva ro excellence.


499. gopathiH


The word go also means vaak or veda, besides cow. Indhriya, earth etc. The Lord is called gopathi as He is the Lord of speech, vaageesa meaning Hayagreeva. In the sense of the other meanings of the word also the Lord is ths gopathi as He protecta devas, kindhriyas, earth etc. (ref. to the nama govindha- nama 190)


500. gopthaa


He protects all beings and also all learning. The word gup means to protect as well as to hide. Hence it could mean that the Lord hides Himself from those who have no real knowledge of Him, meaning that they do not understand Him.In the Gita He says, naaham prakaaSaH sarvasya ,' "I am not visible to all." The Upanishad says eko dhevaH sarvabhootheshu gooDaH, The supreme Brahman is hidden in all beings.


501. jnaanagamyah


jnaanaadheva gamyaH. He could be attained only through jnana. The jnana referred to here is the brahmajnana and not the one gained by learning but it is the direct intuitive knowledge gained from the realization of Brahman.


502. puraathanaH


puraabhavathi ithi puraathanaH. The Lord is ancient because He ever existed. He imparts instruction to Brahma in every kalpa about the Vedas as He did in the earlier kalpas.


503. Sareerabhoothabrth


All the boothas , elements, form His body, not in the common meaning as the physical body of all beings which is made up of the five elements, but He is the innersoul of the elements as the Upanishad says yah prthivyaaha antharah thishTan , prthiveem yamayathi yam prthjivee na vedha , yasya prthivee Sareeam etc. meaning that the Brahman is in the elements such as earth as He is in all beings sentient and insentient, and controls it , and the earth does not know Him and it forms the His body of which He is the inner self. This statement is repeated with respect to every element and the individual soul etc.


504. bhokthaa


He is the enjoyer of the fruit of all karma as it is said in the Gita, aham hi sarva yajnaanaam bhokthaa (BG.9.24)


There are two explanations to this nama. One is , bhunakthi ithi, one who protects and the other bhunkthe ithi, one who enjoys.He is everything, the food, the eater the offering , the fire etc., as said in the Gita, brhamarpaNam brhmahaviH brhamaagnou brahmaNaa hutham(BG4.24) and hence He is the bhokthaa, enjoyer. When everything is done as an offering to the Lord naturally He is the bhoktha of all actions and the results of actions.


505. kapeendhraH


kapi samchakane. The word kapi means movement, monkey and boar. Hence kapendhra means that the Lord is the mastr of all that moves , meaning the whole univers. It also refers to Rama who was the Lord of the monkeys and also Mahaavaraaha.


506 bhooridhakshiNaH


The word bhoori means abundant and dhakshiNa is usually understood as the gifts of money or otherwise given in the sacrifices and other rituals.As such the reference here can be to the incarnations of the Lord such as Rama where he had given generious gifts on such occasions as can be founding Ramayana. Krishna also gave gurudjhakshina bybringing back the dead son of him guru alive.


As the word dhaksha means dexterity the nama could also be taken to mean that the Lord has abundant dexterity.
































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