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somam paathi ithi somapaaH. The one who drinks soma juice, which is offered in the yajna as He is the sacrifice, sacrificer and sacrificial offe4ring as said In tha Gita., aham hi sarva yajnaanaam bhokhaa cha prabhurevacha. (9.24) "I am the masterof al yajnas and the enjoyer of all.Soma denotes all living beings . thaan paathi, rakshathi ithi somapaaH, the one who protects all.


508. amrthapaH


amrtham paathi ithi. The sacrificial offering is transformed into nectar which the Lord partakes. amrtham paayayathi ithi vaa. He made the devas drink amrtha by assuming the form of Mohini.


509. somaH


He is not only somapaa but soma itself. In Gita the Lord says aham krthurham yajnaH svaDhaaham aham aoushaDham manthroham aham evaajyam aham agniH aham hutham, "I am the krathu, I am the yajna, sacrifice, I am svadhaa, the offering made to pithrs, I am the herbs , I am the manthra, I am the clarified butter, I am the fire and the act of offering."


Soma is the name of the Moon.He is supposed to be full of rasa, or life giving elixirand also pleases everyone. The Lord is like the moon since He is the life giving elixir of all and also gives joy to all. Brahman is described in the Upanishad as raso vai saH, He is the essence. The xprince of Naryana is the nctar for the devotees.


510. purujith


puroon jayathi ithi purujith. Puru denotes all beings and He conquers all. Valmiki says in Ramayana.

Sathyena lokaana jayathi dheenaan dhaanena raaghavaH

Guroon SuSrooshyaa veero dhanushaa yuDhi saathravaan


Rama wins the worlds by truth, the poor by gifts, the elders by service and the enemies by his bow in battle.


511. purusatthamaH


Puru refers to the visvaroopa of the Lord.satthama means uthkrshtaH, supreme.purushu satthaavathsu athisayena satthaavaan , of those who have great power, He is the supreme.



512. vinayaH


As Rama and Krishna He is vinayaH humble. VinayaH is also derived as viSesheNa neeyathe ithi The Lord leads all who wish to attain Him.

Vineeyanthe anena ithi vaa. He humbles those who oppose Him


513. jayaH


He conquers all and is conquered by His devotees




sathyaasanDhaaprathijnaa asya ithi. True to His word. In Ramayana Rama tells Kaikeyi 'raamo dhvirnaabhibhaashathe.'

Rama never speaks two things.


515 . dhaaSaarhaH


dhaasa means to give. The nama means one who gives gifts and also one who is the gift. He gives away His boons to His devotees and Himself as a gift. Thus He deserves to be called the gift as well as the one who can give gifts.daasaarha also means the yadhava clan and thus means Krishna.


516. saathvathaam pathiH


He is the Lord of bhagavathas. Sath means Brahman or Narayana. Saathvathaa are those who know Brahman , His devotees. He is the Lord of saathvathaas sathvathaam pathiH. As yadhavas are also called saathvathaas this refers to Krishna as well.


517. jeevaH


jeevayathi praaNaan. He makes all beings live.


518. vinayithaa


visesheNa nayithaa. He leads everyone who resort to Him towards salvation.


519. saakshee


saakshee naam sakshaath dhrashtaa. The witness self of all. He sees everything and remains a witness to all that happens and is not

affected by anything like the Sun.


520. mukundhaH


mukthim dhadhaathi ithi mukundhaH. The one who gives moksha, salvation. He says in Gita maam upethya thu kountheya punarjanam na vidhyathe, attaining Me there is no more birth.


521. amithavikramaH


mitha means measured and amitha means immeasurable. One who se valour vikrama is


522. ambhoniDhiH


The word means the sea derived as ambhasaam niDhiH. The Lord is called ambhoniDhi for three reasons. He himself has said in the Gita sarasaam asmi saagaraH(BG.10.24) And also because He placed Himself in the sea as Koorma. Ambhasi niDeeyathe ithi, thirdly, the word ambhas also means the devas, and the Lord is the the abode of devas, that is they exist in Him.


523. ananthaathmaa


He is the inner self of Anantha, Adhisesha who bears the universe on his head. Also it means that he is the aathmaa inner self of all (anantha meaning sarva) and as such He is anantha endless and eternal.




mahodhaDhi may mean the milky ocean, where the Lord is reclining on Ananatha , or the waters at praylaya where He is resting on a fig leaf as an infant. mahodhDhou Sethe ithi mahodhaDhiSayaH.




anthem karothi ithi anthakaH. One who is the annihilator of all, ends all. He has said in the Gita kaalo asmi lokakhayakrth pravrttho, I am the Kala , god of death or Time , intent on abnnihilating the world.








































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