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33. uthsaahasampannam adheerghasoothram

kriyaaviDhijnam vyasaneshu asaktham


Sooram krthajnam dhrDam souhrdham cha


Lakshmee svayam yaathi nivaasa hethoH


To the one who is enterprising, not procrastinates, knows how to act, not affected by adversity, has fortitude, is grateful and of steady friendship, Lakshmi,the goddess of fortune comes of her own accord to dwell in him.


uthsaaha sampannam- one who is endowed with enterprise. Only if one enters into a venture with enthusiasm and determination he can succeed and good fortune comes only to him. If you want to achieve something you have work for it diligently with enthusiasm and not be riddled with doubts.



adheergha soothram- dheerghasoothra is procrastination. One may have 100 plans for success but if he goes on postponing the action he will never reap the benefit. Like the rabbit in the fable of rabbit and the tortoise he lags behind even if he possesses the required ability. In Gita Krishna says vishaadhee dheerghasoothree cha karthaa thaamasa uchyathe , the one who is despondent and procrastinates is called thaamsik and does not achieve his ends.


kriyaaviDhijnam means one who knows how to do a thing. Success in any endeavour needs the knowledge necessary for the deed. In any profession only those who has the proper knowledge can prosper. Even though there is a saying that fortune favours fools, the foolishness or lack of knowledge will be exposed one day or other. The difficulty lies in not getting good fortune but in retaining it.


Vyasaneshu asaktham- unaffected by adversity. There is another subhashitha relevant to this statement that Goddess of fortune favours only those who are undaunted by obstacles.


praarabDham na khalu vighnabhayena neechaiH


praarabhya vighnavihathaaH viramanthi maDhyaaH


vighnaiH punaH punarapi prathihanyamaanaaH


praarabDham utthama janaaH na parithyajanthi


An action is not started at all by the low-minded for the fear of obstacles. (This includes the dheerghasoothree and one without uthsaha mentioned at first)


The ordinary people start an action but leave off in the middle prevented by obstacles.


The high-minded , even though obstructed again and again do not forsake what they have started and it goes without saying that they alone succeed in life.


Sooram- Surely to get success one must be dexterous and also must have fortitude in order to be not affected by adversity.

Krthajnam- One who is grateful. Gratitude is a great virtue which we have seen in the instances in the life of many great men who were successful in their lives.


Lord Narayana, in whose chest Lakshmi abides forever, thadhvakshasThala nithya vaasarasika, remembers even the smallest service of His devotees and returns it manifold. It is said that a man went round the temple of Guruvyurappan chasing his cow. The Lord thought that he should do that man some good since he went round his temple eventhough unintentionally. Krishna regretted that He did not go to the rescue of Draupadhi as soon as she called. There is a story behind this incident even though it was all the leela of the Lord only.


Once Krishna was bathing in a river with pandavas and his clothes were carried away by the current of the water. All the rest had come out but Krishna was still standing in the river. Draupadhi who guessed what happened tore off her saree and threw it to him. Krishna then said he will recompense the gift manifold and he did by supplying clothes to her when she was disrobed by Dussasana who reeled off yards and yards of cloth until he became exhausted and fainted. Still the Lord was not satisfied with what He had done and that is the krthajnathaa displayed by the Lord Himself to the world.


Rama is described by Valmiki as kathamchidhupakaareNa krthenai kena thushhyati na smarathyapakaaraaNaaM Sathamapi, he remembers even a single service done by anyone but never remembers even a hundred disservice.


When the Lord Himself is like that how much more we should be grateful for all that have been given by Him to us! How can one expect Lakshmi to come to one who is ungrateful. When some one does anything good it is the Lord Himself who helps us through them. Hence if we forget and do harm in return it is done to the Lord Himself.


Last but not least is the quality dhrDam souhrdham, meanimg steady friendship. It follows from what has been said above that one who betrays his friends and true and sincere to them will cause his own misfortune.


Let us see who is a friend . The word suhrdh means the one who has love in his heart towards others. The Lord is the greatest suhrdh , friend of all. Hence sincere friendship is a divine quality.

There are others who befriend us for some reason or other. They are termed as mithram in Sanskrit and suhrd is the one who is sincere and affectionate.


Thiruvalluvar defines friendship as


udukkai izandhavan kai pOla aangE

idukkaN kalaivadhaam natpu.


Friendship is like the hand that holds up the cloth that falls from one's waist by reflex action, in helping out from difficulties. He further says that it is not necessary to have a long time friendship because it is the feeling that counts and not the duration.


Hence in him, who is endowed with all the above qualities the goddess of fortune, Lakshmi comes and abides.

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