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HINDU RITUALS AND ROUTINES - WHY DO WE FOLLOW THOSE? Yantra According to our shastras Yantra is a science which can be used through the five elements-earth, water, fire, sky and air and by recitation of mantras to control nature in one's own interest. Deities are worshiped in different forms and each form is linked to a yantra. Yantra uses signs and writings to remove a planet's malice effects and increase it's beneficial aspects. A bindu or zero is used to form various broad figures known as 'Yantras'. A yantra can be drawn by anybody but it is fruitful only when energised by a 'sidh mantra'. It is drawn and energised on a piece of silver, copper, etc which is worn by the person. The yantra hence becomes the medium through which the invisible forces of energy act on an individual. The preparation of yantra is difficult process as there are many prescribed steps and rituals that have to be followed exactly. There are different divisions of yantras based on their use, as sharir yantras, dharan yantras, asan yantras, mandal yantras, puja yantras, chhatar yantras, darshan yantras. All the yantras given above are placed at different places according to their use i.e. they may be placed below a house, tied on a part of body, etc. Yantra is a Sanskrit word that is derived from the root yam meaning to control or subdue or "to restrain, curb, check". Meanings for the noun derived from this root include:

"any instrument or machine" (i.e. that which is controlled or controls. For instance the body is said to be a yantra)

"any instrument for holding, restraining, or fastening" (for instance a symbol which 'holds' the essence of a concept, or helps the mind to 'fasten' on a particular idea)

"a mystical or astronomical diagram" (usually a symbol, often inscribed on an amulet) sometimes said to possess mystical or magical powers.

-tra is derived from the root word trayoti which means "liberation" (as in tantra and mantra). A yantra depicts both macrocosmic and microcosmic forces acting together - the movement towards and away from the centre - "control" and "liberation" within the one device. Using yantra in the tantric practice of controlled gaze will supposedly lead to liberation. How To Write Yantra A certain method must be followed while writing yantras. The sadhak must face certain direction and use different materials for different puposes. In this way the yantra used and recited are powerful and bestow the desired result. The lines of the figures are drawn in different directions according to the desired positive or negative results. The time or 'muhurat' to perform the yantra has a very important role. The time of day yantra is performed various according to the purpose of the yantra. Elements of Yantras

The most important aspects of yantras are the elements and their meaning. The seeker meditates on the central point or the dot, which is surrounded by the other elements such as triangles, circles, and squares. Dot: The dot or the bindu has great significance in Hinduism. Generally placed at the centre of the yantra, the bindu is the focal point of concentration, and must be as small as possible. In Hindu philosophy, the bindu also represents the one point from where the entire universe originated. Triangle: Upward-pointing equilateral triangles can variously represent the static principle or Purusha, linga (the male phallic symbol), male energy, or water. A downward-pointing equilateral triangle, on the other hand, represents the active principle or Prakriti, yoni (the female reproductive organ or womb), female energy, or fire.

Star: The Star of David, formed by the combination of two triangles, is common in yantras. It represents the union of Shiva and Shakti. Square: The square is usually the outer limit of the yantra, and represents the earth element.. Circle: Representing the air element, the circle also refers to the various solar plexi within the body and movement of energy. Lotus: A lotus has great metaphysical and philosophical significance in Hinduism. Just as the lotus grows in a muddy pond, yet remains unaffected by it, so should the individual live in the ocean of existence without being soiled by it. Materials Used In Yantra There are many materials prescribed to write yantras such as camphor, barley, sandal, etc. The materials differ according to the purpose and planet to be aroused. But the most commonly used material is 'Ashat Gandha'. It comprises of 8 materials - agar, tagar, gorochan, kasturi, white chandan, sandoor, lal chandan and kesar.The powder of these materials is mixed together with holy water. Scent or rose water may also be used. The combination of 8 materials can vary to some extent. Do yantras have any mystic power? The mystic power of Yantras has been narrated in many sacred books. Lord Shiva explains to his consort Parvati ,in Mahashiva Puran, that Yantra is as essential to the worship of Gods as a body is essential for a living being and as oil is essential to the oil lamps. A Yantra is helpful in every field of your life, to attain success in your profession, to acquire wealth, to win in court cases, to ward off diseases and to progress in meditation. By having a Yantra and keeping it in a sacred place in your house, worshipping it everyday one can fulfil ones desires and attain ones goals. Why is it important for a Yantra to be energized? Yantra has to be brought 'alive' through the specific ritual prescribed for it so that it can radiate its beneficent energies in an optimal manner. By energizing the Yantra it is immediately 'tuned and turned on' so as to speak. A Yantra will function even if not energized but it will take years, even decades, before it absorbs enough energy (from normal prayers and worship) to function as it should. Yantras are prepared under definite guidelines and with specific rituals, on an appropriate day, time & place, & energized thru' a 'Sidh mantra' a process which converts them from mere geometric diagrams to a proper vehicle of invisible forces of energy, are invoked to begin working for the benefit of the individual. The process is known as Pran Pritishta, it is done by invoking the specific God or planet and then putting its benefic powers into that Yantra.To be able to do this one is supposed to go into deep meditation --- be one with the forces of nature and then put the required power into the Yantra. Once these Yantras are abhimanrtit and empowered they give the desired results. How to get the benefits of possessing Yantras? What benefit can I get? The knowledge, skill & sincerity of purpose of the 'Sadhaka' or expert who energizes the Yantra through the "Avahan", enhances the advantages & benefits that the user can get from it. The primary or most important benefit of a Yantra is for spiritual purposes. Purely spiritual Yantras are handed out by gurus to the disciples they believe are at a level of awakened spirituality to deal with the power encased in a Yantra. Such Yantras can only be given by a guru even when they may look similar to an ordinary Yantra. Yantras focus the desires and aspirations and begin transforming the patterns of mind into habits of thought that will bring about the desired results. Since negative and evil desires can never be accomplished by using Yantras, the mental transformations a Yantra initiates always has a spiritual benefit. A Yantra is a exceptional focusing mechanism, especially for healing energies rather like crystals, and is thus regularly used to bring about healing and maintaining a state of health and abundance. Health is very often a reflection of the state of your personal relationships and Yantras have a very positive impact on them. Yantras attract prosperity, abundance and most of all good luck. The all-important 'breaks' are more liable to come your way if you have the appropriate Yantras radiating their beneficent energies into your home, than just hoping for the best. Since the easiest understood manifestation of abundance is money, Yantras do indeed help in increasing the inflow of money, but that is only one aspect of abundance. Yantras, because they are active energy systems, are very powerful in deflecting negative energies directed towards you whether they are spells of malice, psychic attacks, or simple jealousy. Yantras help in maintaining an internal harmony, hence one of their unusual uses, the prevention of accidents and thefts.. It is a psychological truism that such disasters always happen when one is in a disturbed and unaware state. Some Yantras have been known to subtly alter the energies around you by preventing the further entry of negative energy people into your life. It requires a high level of awareness to see this happening, however. The philosophical context of Yantra Yantra function as revelatory conduits of cosmic truths. Yantra, as instrument and spiritual technology, may be appropriately envisioned as prototypical and esoteric concept mapping machines or conceptual looms. Certain yantra are held to embody the energetic signatures of, for example, the Universe, consciousness, ishta-devata. Though often rendered in two dimensions through art, yantra are conceived and conceptualised by practitioners as multi-dimensional sacred architecture and in this quality are identical with their correlate the mandala. Meditation and trance induction that generates the yantra of the subtle body in the complementary modes of the utpatti-krama and sapanna-krama are invested in the various lineages of tantric transmission as exterior and interior sacred architecture that potentiate the accretion and manifestation of siddhi. Mantras, the Sanskrit syllables inscribed on yantras, are essentially 'thought forms' representing divinities or cosmic powers, which exert their influence by means of sound-vibrations.

Yantra is an aniconic temenos or tabernacle of deva, asura, genius loci or other archetypal entity. Yantra are theurgical device that engender entelecheia. Yantra are realised by sadhus through darshana and samyama. Yantra, or other permutations and cognate phenomena such as Mandala, Rangoli, Kolam, Rangavalli and other sacred geometrical traditions, are endemic throughout Dharmic Traditions. Some Hindu esoteric practitioners employ yantra, mantra and other items of the saṃdhyÄ-bhÄá¹£Ä in their sadhana, puja and yajna. Different Yantras And Their Uses Yantras must be prepared according to prescribed rituals and instructions. Yantras may be worn around the neck, finger or placed at prescribed place and each has different effect as described below. Shri Yantra : This is the most important yantra and is used to attain power, authority and financial success. It brings popularity to those already in power.Bagala Mukti Yantra : It is useful to achieve success in competitive exams, law suits and provides protection against scars, operation, etc.Kali Yantra : It bestows on the sadhak the fulfillment of desires, wealth and comforts of life. Also it provides guard against chronic diseases, misfortune and harmful effects of saturn that bring sorrow in human life.Shri Bhairon Yantra : It brings good luck and bestows the sadhak with fulfillment of desires. It is effective for Vashi karan, maran and removal of poverty.Saraswati Yantra : This yantra sharpens the intellect and ensures success in studies and high achievement in competitive examinations.Shri Ganesh Yantra : The sadhak will be blessed with fulfillment of desires, achievement of his goals of securing wealth, power and authority.Mrit Sanjivani Yantra : This yantra offers protection from all diseases bestows sadhak with wealth, good fortune, fame and happiness.Mangal Yantra : It provides protection from accidents and enables speedy recovery from operation. It frees the sadhak from debts and cures blood pressure and rash temper.Nava Graha Yantra : It is performed when a particular planet, or planets are positioned in a way that harms the individual's health, prosperity and peace of mind.Karia Siddhi Yantra : It ensures one's well being and success in one's all endeavours.Vashi Karan Yantra : It is used to win over the affections of one's lover. Pandhara Yantra : It is used to get love of the person of opposite sex. Success is assured in gaining the affection of the concerned man or woman.Kamakashya Yantra : The yantra is used for vashi karan of ladies of royal families or those connected with high status.Subhagaya Vijay Yantra : This is highly auspicious yantra for the control for the ladies to win over

members of the opposite sex.Shanti Karan Yantra : This yantra includes cure of diseases and warding off the evil influences of planets, the evil eye and spirits.Stambhan Yantra : Through this yantra a person can stop his/her enemies from bringing downfall or harm in anyway or by any means.Videshan Yantra : This is used to create differences between two persons, husband wife, friends or brother. But this should be used only in self defence.Uchchattan Yantra : This is best suited for uchchattan of a person.As the yantra is completed the enemy will face uchchattan.Maran Yantra : This is a death inflicting yantra. Varieties and Types of Yantra

Vaishnava Yantras : Vaishnava yantras are related to Vishnu and do not belong to the Mother-worshiping Shakta tradition (Yantras that represent any form of the Divine Mother are called Shakta Yantras). They include Ram Yantra, Vishnu Yantra, Shri Gopal Yantra, and Hunuman Yantra. In most cases their forms are identical to some of the Shakta Yantras, but the colors differ. This is also true of the Shaiva Yantras.

Shaiva Yantras : Shaiva Yantras are related to Shiva and the Shaiva tradition: Bhairav Yantra, Maha Mrityunjaya Yantra, and Mritsanjivni Yantra

Architectural Yantras : Architectural yantras are used for the ground plans of temples. They also include Mandala Yantras and Chatra Yantras. Mandala Yantras are to be engraved on the roof and Chatra Yantra on the top of the seat of the goddess.

Astrological Yantras : Astrological yantras are used in working with the energy of the nine planets: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu (the north node of the moon, known as Dragon's Head), and Ketu (the south node of the moon, known as Dragon's Tall).

Numerical Yantras : Numerical yantras are composed not of basic geometrical forms but of numbers. Some of them are composed as magic squares and are used as talismans. The yantras composed by numbers are most popular and are used by Tantrics for all kinds of purposes.

The yantras composed of geometrical forms are divided into two categories:

Bij Mantra Yukta: Those yantras in which the bij sound is engraved or written in the center.

Mantra Varna Yukta: Those yantras in which the Sanskrit letters are put in an order to create the mantra. In this type of yantra the alphabet can be arranged in bhupur (square form) or in the circular petals form; in the center is the Bij Mantra. Then there are numerical yantras classed according to their forms:

Bhu-Prashtha Yantras: Engraved or drawn on a flat surface.

Meru-Prashtha Yantras: Three-dimensional form composed of metal or stone or gemstones and shaped like a pyramid, having a broad base and narrowing gradually toward the top like a mountain (meru).

Patal Yantra: Deeply engraved-exactly the reverse of the pyramid yantra.

Meru-Prastar Yantra: Composed of pieces that are glued or welded to each other instead of being one solid piece

Practical Uses Of Yantras For Daily Life The yantras can be used for fulfillment of some daily life causes as protection of a child, to win gambling, to remove stammering, to prevent abortions, to find a suitable match for a girl, to stop drinking habbit and many other daily causes. 1. For wealth and happiness, bhuvaneshwari yantra is performed.2. For removal of poverty, prachand chandika yantra is performed.3. For improvement of speech and promotion of music, matangi yantra is used.4. For wealth, prosperity and fortune, kamala yantra is used.5. To win law suits, beesi yantra is performed.6. To acquire worldly objects, pandrah yantra is useful.7. For good health, wealth, good fortune and fame, mahamritanje yantra is very useful.8. For birth of son, mahammadan yantras can be used. All yantras should be performed by or under guidance of some competent person and at the right time. It is highly recomended that the given yantras should be used for welfare of the mankind.



dil se,



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