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Prayer Request [1 Attachment]

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Wonderful video! Thanks for the link--- On Thu, 6/18/09, Udayabhanu Panickar <udhayabhanupanickar wrote:Udayabhanu Panickar <udhayabhanupanickarRe: [Guruvayur] Prayer Request [1 Attachment]guruvayur Received: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 7:29 PM


Dear Sukumar and others,Here is a video I got from a friend. Please watch it.Sincerely,Udayabhanu Panickaraum namaH Shivaaya The vow not to kill is great indeed, and greater still is non-eating of the flesh; there would be no butcher, if there is non to eat; in eating thus abides the cruder ill, as she/he is the reason for the killing. --- On Thu, 6/18/09, Sukumar <sukumarcanada@ > wrote:Sukumar <sukumarcanada@ >Re: [Guruvayur] Prayer Request - wonderful article by


Iswaranandajiguruvayur@grou ps.comThursday, June 18, 2009, 10:41 AM


LIVE WITH PROBLEMSSwami Ishwarananda============ ====When this topic was given to me, I was wondering what kind ofproblems we should talk about because, in life, everyone seems to behaving a certain amount of problems, whether it is at home, at office,in society, with the wife, the husband, or one's own children. EvenArjuna had a problem on the battlefield - he was our representativethen! Who does not have

problems? Don't think that Sannyasis are allliving in great joy - they also have problems.Now, when we look at the problem as a problem, it can never be solved.Great people have often said that problems are to be seen asopportunities to grow. The knife becomes sharper only when it isrubbed against a rough surface. There is a story usually told inBalavihars which shows that problems are only opportunities to grow.It is said that in a temple which is on a height, with five stepsleading to it made of marble and inside the idol is also made ofmarble. Devotees go there every day to worship. One day, the stepsstarted thinking, "Hey, we are also made up of marble just like theidol; is it not unfortunate that we are being stepped on by peoplewhile that idol marble is worshipped? What is it that we have donethat we are suffering like this? It's unfair that the idol isworshipped while we are not." On

hearing this, the idol said to them,"There is a reason. Remember 10 - 15 years ago, when this temple wasbeing built, the shilpi or sculptor or workers collected all themarble and started working on all of us? I remember distinctly thatwhen they were working on you to give the shape of the vigraha (idol),you started complaining of being

hurt by the instruments. Then theshilpi thought that you are useless and took another piece. Similarly,4 - 5 of them were removed. When my turn came, I allowed them to workon me because I knew that I was being shaped up for a higher purpose.Finally, I became what I am now only because I bore all that pain. Youpeople complained of pain and hurt at that time and therefore you arewhat you are."It is then that those steps realized that they themselves wereresponsible for what they are today. The idol continued in humility,"I am grateful to you because you help the devotees to come to me." Inthis world - karma jagat - everyone will have problems - 6000 yearsago Arjuna was complaining of the same thing which you and I todaycomplain. Lord Krishna tells him,Na Karmanaamanaarambha atNaishkarmyam PurushoshnuteNa Cha SannyasanaadevaSiddhim Samadhi Gacchati"By not starting any action

you cannot achieve anything nor can yougain anything by giving up action."Only a right attitude while working can give you peace. Let us look atproblems as opportunities to grow. Then our whole attitude willchange. I used to tell the parents that children are specially made bythe Lord to help them to develop patience!We will divide problems into three aspects - physical, psychologicaland spiritual. All of us face physical problems at some point of time- sickness, disease, old age, hearing problems, etc. Sometimes, I feelpeople who have a hearing problem are lucky - less complaints to hear(!) and therefore less problems..You may feel that you are deprived of certain things, but if you havethe right spirit, it is no longer a problem. Sometimes, the Lord givesus physical problems so

that we remember Him. If you believe in theLaw of Karma, you understand that it is a result of my own pastactions, so you handle it better. Blaming others or cursing your fatedoesn't solve the problem. In fact, others also feel bad about it. So,an intelligent person is onewho does not have anything to complain about. So, as far as physicalproblems are concerned, don't complain -- Have the attitude that they are there because of my own pastactions. - The Lord is testing me.- Look for solutions, otherwise live with them.Now, let us move onto the psychological level - these problems are

alittle more subtle than physical problems. Today's ManagementScientists would say “Emotional sickness ruins a person much more thanphysical sickness." Today, managing money matters are not so much aproblem as managing emotions.Our Pujya Gurudev started talking about this fifty years ago throughHis Gita Jnana Yajnas as to how to handle our mind - 'The Art of ManMaking' He called it. In this context, I must tell you - once I wentto a house where a picture was kept on a table which had 100 piecesput together - a puzzle. I tried to lift the picture and the wholething came apart. I

thought nobody had seen it, but a seven year oldboy shouted at me and said, "I spent 2 hours putting it together andyou have spoilt it all. Fix it for me or else my mom will not give youBhiksha! I struggled for one hour and managed to complete it. The boybrought the original picture, compared it and okayed it. Then hedisturbed all the pieces and I shouted at him, "I spent so much timedoing it and you disturbed it." He said, "Now do it from thebackside." I asked him how that was possible, but he insisted I do it.I took more time in doing it. Finally when I completed it and turnedit around, the picture did not make any sense although the pieceswerein the right slots.So, the lesson is when you have a picture in front of you, to assemblethe puzzle is a very easy job - not a problem; when you don't have apicture of what it should be, you may assemble it, but it won't makeany sense. The Lord has

given us a picture - you may call it as thescripture or a Guru. If you have even a glimpse of the picture, thenyou slowly assemble the pieces.. Any scripture which gives you thepurpose of your life or if you have attended a camp where you havebeen told that this is the purpose of your life, then you canintegrate yourself, but when we live an aimless life with no momentum,no purpose, no vision, then you live, but when you look back at 60 -70, life is full of regrets.So, problems will be there in everyone's life. As Gurudev used to say,the Ganges water comes down from the mountains, the Himalayan heights,and its final destination is the Bay of Bengal. During its journey itfaces all kinds of obstacles - small stones, big stones, etc. If it isa small stone going over it; if it is a boulder, pushing it. At someplaces when a mountain comes in its way, it even goes backwards -towards its source,

ultimatelyreaching the sea. Similarly, if we have a direction in life providedby the scriptures or the Acharyas; if we are inspired by that verygoal, then in spite of all the obstacles that you will have in life,you will move ahead. Unless you have a great vision or goal, problemswill stop you and stopped water, stagnated water is dirty water.Next is the spiritual personality - here also there are problems, butthen they are to be faced with a greater awareness, with proper values- like Satyam, Ahimsa, Asteya, selfless work, self - control, devotionto the Lord, etc.The problem of a spiritual person is

"Why am I not having love for theLord?" He looks at other Sadhaks and thinks "I don't have that kind ofsteadfastness in meditation." That can be overcome by higher ideals,more compassion for all and more practice of meditation. Thus, facethe world with a heart full of emotions and strength, with a highervision - as Vedanta would say "Uttishthat, Jagrat" Get up, wake up;arise and awake till you reach the goal - never stop. Have the highestinspiring goal, then no problem will stop you.--- On Thu, 6/18/09, Udayabhanu Panickar <udhayabhanupanickar @> wrote:Udayabhanu Panickar <udhayabhanupanickar @>Re: [Guruvayur] Prayer Request [1 Attachment]guruvayur@grou ps.comReceived: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 12:13





Respected Gurus, Elders, and Friends, specially the ones, going through the

difficult times, like Premji, Manjuji, Vineethji, Nisha Raj, Ram Kumar and any

one else (if I missed any one please forgive me), During

my daily prostrations, I always pray for all of us; and every time any of you

ask for a prayer it is always done with the at most dedication with the

greatest regards for HIS blessings for the benefit of all. So as usual the

prayer goes on every day. As you all may know by now, I am retired and I spend

a good time in the early morning hours for the benefit of all with HIM. I

also like to say few words, as I see it, because I feel that it may benefit

some of you. Life

is always strange, for us the mortals. As mortals, we can never expect what is

coming. Some times we may think that we know few things and even some times we

may even think we know every thing. But life is full of expected events, which

most of the time turn out to be pain full. But we can try to turn this into a

positive thing by approaching life in a slightly different way. Always remember

there is a reason for every thing. HE may test you, but HE has always a plan

for every one of us. It is just a fact that we don’t know it. So we try to

endure it the way we can. But remember, HE is always with us to recover from

every eventuality we face. It is only that we don’t know this fact and we get

worried a lot. But remember that HE is with us and HE will help us. HE will

never fail us. Our life aim should be to know this fact. Our

Spiritual Science is the best tool to learn this fact and we can use it for the

purpose of turning even the most bad and painful events in our life to our

benefit. And as I said before, in response to Premji, Bhagawad Geetha is the

best single most tool for this purpose and that is with in our Spiritual

Science. It is provided for this purpose and we must utilize IT. Remember it

came from our Guruvayurappan. HE gave it to us for this purpose. So let us

learn that Geetham HE gave us. It will help us. As

Balagopalji wrote earlier, the pain we suffer is a way for us to reach HIM

faster. It is an indication that we, when we suffer more than what we think we

deserve, is that we are at the end of the road of that samsAra sAgaram, and we

are about to merge with HIM for that Ultimate Bliss which is the inheritance of

every Athman. It is a way for us to remember HIM more and more and that

remembrance will lead us to HIM faster. When we suffer; let us believe that our

time has come and we don’t have to be born again and it is time for the

sufferings of all kind to end. We believe that “the

Self must be upheld by the Self; the Self should not be let down; the Self

indeed is its own dear relative; the Self indeed is the enemy of the Self.†For HIM, all beings are

equal. There is none hateful or dear, none chosen or un-chosen. However who

worship with devotion are in HIM and HE is in them. We believe that what

ever we do, what ever we eat, what ever we offer, what ever austerity we

practice, we do it as offering to HIM and it shall reach HIM. What ever we

offer, a leaf, a flower, a fruit, water, He accepts them if offered with

devotion and the right effort. So

to enjoy the Ultimate Bliss let us become one with HIM; be devoted to HIM;

sacrifice to HIM; let us bow down to HIM; unifying thus with HIM ourselves; we

shall surely reach HIM, our supreme Goal is none other than HIM. Let us become

one in mind with HIM; be devoted to HIM; sacrifice to HIM; bow down to HIM; we

shall go to HIM alone; He I promised this (in) truth; yes we are dear to HIM.â€

And believe that HE will help us in every way if we ask HIM. I am

also attaching a PP which I received on different occasions from

one of my friends. Regards

and Thanks. Sincerely,Udayabhanu Panickaraum namaH Shivaaya The vow not to kill is great indeed, and greater still is non-eating of the flesh; there would be no butcher, if there is non to eat; in eating thus abides the cruder ill, as she/he is the reason for the killing. --- On Thu, 6/18/09, Annapoorni Venkatesh <annapoornivenkatesh @.co. in> wrote:Annapoorni Venkatesh <annapoornivenkatesh @.co. in>Re: [Guruvayur] Prayer Requestguruvayur@grou ps.comThursday, June 18, 2009, 1:43 AM


Dear Ramkumarji,


May Guruvayoorappan bless you with a healthy child. Don't worry at all.. HE will take care.


With prayers,



(Annapoorni Venkatesh)--- On Wed, 17/6/09, Shoba Dilip <shobsdel > wrote:

Shoba Dilip <shobsdel >Re: [Guruvayur] Prayer Requestguruvayur@grou ps.comWednesday, 17 June, 2009, 2:58 PM







Ramkumarji.. ..Keep faith in Kannan.Surely HE will bless your family with a healthy ,cute little one.Pray well.Krishna will protect your wife.Jai Sree Krishna,with prayers,shoba.--- On Tue, 6/16/09, ramkumarravindran <no_reply@ s.com> wrote:

ramkumarravindran <no_reply@ s.com>[Guruvayur] Prayer Requestguruvayur@grou ps.comTuesday, June 16, 2009, 9:13 PM



Dear All,I have been a silent member of this group for quite some time.By Guruvayurappan' s blessings we are expecting our first baby next week.We are little bit worried but everything is normal till now.I humbly Request your prayers for my wife to have a normal and a healthy delivery.Thank YouRamkumar

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Pranamam to All


Very greatful to Udayabhanu Panickarji for this information given. I am sure it will definately beneficial to others also. May Kannan bless all of us.


With Prayers

Sushma Shreeyan--- On Thu, 18/6/09, Udayabhanu Panickar <udhayabhanupanickar wrote:

Udayabhanu Panickar <udhayabhanupanickarRe: [Guruvayur] Prayer Request [1 Attachment]guruvayur Date: Thursday, 18 June, 2009, 12:13 PM








My Respected Gurus, Elders, and Friends, specially the ones, going through the difficult times, like Premji, Manjuji, Vineethji, Nisha Raj, Ram Kumar and any one else (if I missed any one please forgive me),


During my daily prostrations, I always pray for all of us; and every time any of you ask for a prayer it is always done with the at most dedication with the greatest regards for HIS blessings for the benefit of all. So as usual the prayer goes on every day. As you all may know by now, I am retired and I spend a good time in the early morning hours for the benefit of all with HIM.


I also like to say few words, as I see it, because I feel that it may benefit some of you.


Life is always strange, for us the mortals. As mortals, we can never expect what is coming. Some times we may think that we know few things and even some times we may even think we know every thing. But life is full of expected events, which most of the time turn out to be pain full. But we can try to turn this into a positive thing by approaching life in a slightly different way. Always remember there is a reason for every thing. HE may test you, but HE has always a plan for every one of us. It is just a fact that we don’t know it. So we try to endure it the way we can. But remember, HE is always with us to recover from every eventuality we face. It is only that we don’t know this fact and we get worried a lot. But remember that HE is with us and HE will help us. HE will never fail us. Our life aim should be to know this fact.

Our Spiritual Science is the best tool to learn this fact and we can use it for the purpose of turning even the most bad and painful events in our life to our benefit. And as I said before, in response to Premji, Bhagawad Geetha is the best single most tool for this purpose and that is with in our Spiritual Science. It is provided for this purpose and we must utilize IT. Remember it came from our Guruvayurappan. HE gave it to us for this purpose. So let us learn that Geetham HE gave us. It will help us.


As Balagopalji wrote earlier, the pain we suffer is a way for us to reach HIM faster. It is an indication that we, when we suffer more than what we think we deserve, is that we are at the end of the road of that samsAra sAgaram, and we are about to merge with HIM for that Ultimate Bliss which is the inheritance of every Athman. It is a way for us to remember HIM more and more and that remembrance will lead us to HIM faster. When we suffer; let us believe that our time has come and we don’t have to be born again and it is time for the sufferings of all kind to end.

We believe that “the Self must be upheld by the Self; the Self should not be let down; the Self indeed is its own dear relative; the Self indeed is the enemy of the Self.â€


For HIM, all beings are equal. There is none hateful or dear, none chosen or un-chosen. However who worship with devotion are in HIM and HE is in them. We believe that what ever we do, what ever we eat, what ever we offer, what ever austerity we practice, we do it as offering to HIM and it shall reach HIM. What ever we offer, a leaf, a flower, a fruit, water, He accepts them if offered with devotion and the right effort.


So to enjoy the Ultimate Bliss let us become one with HIM; be devoted to HIM; sacrifice to HIM; let us bow down to HIM; unifying thus with HIM ourselves; we shall surely reach HIM, our supreme Goal is none other than HIM. Let us become one in mind with HIM; be devoted to HIM; sacrifice to HIM; bow down to HIM; we shall go to HIM alone; He I promised this (in) truth; yes we are dear to HIM.†And believe that HE will help us in every way if we ask HIM.


I am also attaching a PP which I received on different occasions from one of my friends.


Regards and Thanks.


Udayabhanu Panickaraum namaH Shivaaya

The vow not to kill is great indeed, and greater still is non-eating of the flesh; there would be no butcher, if there is non to eat; in eating thus abides the cruder ill, as she/he is the reason for the killing.--- On Thu, 6/18/09, Annapoorni Venkatesh <annapoornivenkatesh @.co. in> wrote:

Annapoorni Venkatesh <annapoornivenkatesh @.co. in>Re: [Guruvayur] Prayer Requestguruvayur@grou ps.comThursday, June 18, 2009, 1:43 AM








Dear Ramkumarji,


May Guruvayoorappan bless you with a healthy child. Don't worry at all. HE will take care.


With prayers,



(Annapoorni Venkatesh)--- On Wed, 17/6/09, Shoba Dilip <shobsdel > wrote:

Shoba Dilip <shobsdel >Re: [Guruvayur] Prayer Requestguruvayur@grou ps.comWednesday, 17 June, 2009, 2:58 PM







Ramkumarji.. ..Keep faith in Kannan.Surely HE will bless your family with a healthy ,cute little one.Pray well.Krishna will protect your wife.Jai Sree Krishna,with prayers,shoba.--- On Tue, 6/16/09, ramkumarravindran <no_reply@ s.com> wrote:

ramkumarravindran <no_reply@ s.com>[Guruvayur] Prayer Requestguruvayur@grou ps.comTuesday, June 16, 2009, 9:13 PM



Dear All,I have been a silent member of this group for quite some time.By Guruvayurappan' s blessings we are expecting our first baby next week.We are little bit worried but everything is normal till now.I humbly Request your prayers for my wife to have a normal and a healthy delivery.Thank YouRamkumar


ICC World Twenty20 England '09 exclusively on ! CRICKET


ICC World Twenty20 England '09 exclusively on ! CRICKET

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Pranamam Panickerji,


Thank you so much for your detailed email and attachment. From your mail we have learned so many things.


With Prayers,


Jayasankar Vattekkat

--- On Thu, 18/6/09, Udayabhanu Panickar <udhayabhanupanickar wrote:

Udayabhanu Panickar <udhayabhanupanickarRe: [Guruvayur] Prayer Request [1 Attachment]guruvayur Date: Thursday, 18 June, 2009, 5:43 PM








My Respected Gurus, Elders, and Friends, specially the ones, going through the difficult times, like Premji, Manjuji, Vineethji, Nisha Raj, Ram Kumar and any one else (if I missed any one please forgive me),


During my daily prostrations, I always pray for all of us; and every time any of you ask for a prayer it is always done with the at most dedication with the greatest regards for HIS blessings for the benefit of all. So as usual the prayer goes on every day. As you all may know by now, I am retired and I spend a good time in the early morning hours for the benefit of all with HIM.


I also like to say few words, as I see it, because I feel that it may benefit some of you.


Life is always strange, for us the mortals. As mortals, we can never expect what is coming. Some times we may think that we know few things and even some times we may even think we know every thing. But life is full of expected events, which most of the time turn out to be pain full. But we can try to turn this into a positive thing by approaching life in a slightly different way. Always remember there is a reason for every thing. HE may test you, but HE has always a plan for every one of us. It is just a fact that we don’t know it. So we try to endure it the way we can. But remember, HE is always with us to recover from every eventuality we face. It is only that we don’t know this fact and we get worried a lot. But remember that HE is with us and HE will help us. HE will never fail us. Our life aim should be to know this fact.

Our Spiritual Science is the best tool to learn this fact and we can use it for the purpose of turning even the most bad and painful events in our life to our benefit. And as I said before, in response to Premji, Bhagawad Geetha is the best single most tool for this purpose and that is with in our Spiritual Science. It is provided for this purpose and we must utilize IT. Remember it came from our Guruvayurappan. HE gave it to us for this purpose. So let us learn that Geetham HE gave us. It will help us.


As Balagopalji wrote earlier, the pain we suffer is a way for us to reach HIM faster. It is an indication that we, when we suffer more than what we think we deserve, is that we are at the end of the road of that samsAra sAgaram, and we are about to merge with HIM for that Ultimate Bliss which is the inheritance of every Athman. It is a way for us to remember HIM more and more and that remembrance will lead us to HIM faster. When we suffer; let us believe that our time has come and we don’t have to be born again and it is time for the sufferings of all kind to end.

We believe that “the Self must be upheld by the Self; the Self should not be let down; the Self indeed is its own dear relative; the Self indeed is the enemy of the Self.â€


For HIM, all beings are equal. There is none hateful or dear, none chosen or un-chosen. However who worship with devotion are in HIM and HE is in them. We believe that what ever we do, what ever we eat, what ever we offer, what ever austerity we practice, we do it as offering to HIM and it shall reach HIM. What ever we offer, a leaf, a flower, a fruit, water, He accepts them if offered with devotion and the right effort.


So to enjoy the Ultimate Bliss let us become one with HIM; be devoted to HIM; sacrifice to HIM; let us bow down to HIM; unifying thus with HIM ourselves; we shall surely reach HIM, our supreme Goal is none other than HIM. Let us become one in mind with HIM; be devoted to HIM; sacrifice to HIM; bow down to HIM; we shall go to HIM alone; He I promised this (in) truth; yes we are dear to HIM.†And believe that HE will help us in every way if we ask HIM.


I am also attaching a PP which I received on different occasions from one of my friends.


Regards and Thanks.


Udayabhanu Panickaraum namaH Shivaaya

The vow not to kill is great indeed, and greater still is non-eating of the flesh; there would be no butcher, if there is non to eat; in eating thus abides the cruder ill, as she/he is the reason for the killing.--- On Thu, 6/18/09, Annapoorni Venkatesh <annapoornivenkatesh @.co. in> wrote:

Annapoorni Venkatesh <annapoornivenkatesh @.co. in>Re: [Guruvayur] Prayer Requestguruvayur@grou ps.comThursday, June 18, 2009, 1:43 AM








Dear Ramkumarji,


May Guruvayoorappan bless you with a healthy child. Don't worry at all. HE will take care.


With prayers,



(Annapoorni Venkatesh)--- On Wed, 17/6/09, Shoba Dilip <shobsdel > wrote:

Shoba Dilip <shobsdel >Re: [Guruvayur] Prayer Requestguruvayur@grou ps.comWednesday, 17 June, 2009, 2:58 PM







Ramkumarji.. ..Keep faith in Kannan.Surely HE will bless your family with a healthy ,cute little one.Pray well.Krishna will protect your wife.Jai Sree Krishna,with prayers,shoba.--- On Tue, 6/16/09, ramkumarravindran <no_reply@ s.com> wrote:

ramkumarravindran <no_reply@ s.com>[Guruvayur] Prayer Requestguruvayur@grou ps.comTuesday, June 16, 2009, 9:13 PM



Dear All,I have been a silent member of this group for quite some time.By Guruvayurappan' s blessings we are expecting our first baby next week.We are little bit worried but everything is normal till now.I humbly Request your prayers for my wife to have a normal and a healthy delivery.Thank YouRamkumar


ICC World Twenty20 England '09 exclusively on ! CRICKET


ICC World Twenty20 England '09 exclusively on ! CRICKET

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