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Vishnusahasranama-564 to 581_corrected-please delete the earlier one

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564. bhagavaan


bhajyathe (that which worshiiped) ithi bhagaH. bhagaH asya asthi ithi bhagavaan. The one who is worshipped.


bhaga also means the six qualities that go to make the bhagavan. Vishnu purana says,


aiSvaryasya samagrasya veeryasya yaSasah Sriyah

jnaana vairaagya yoSchaiva shaNNAm bhaga itheeranaa


Supreme lordship, valiance, fame, glory,wisdom, and detachment are the eight qualities that are called bhaga and bhagavan is the one who has them all.


There is another definition of bhagavan in Vishnupurana.

uthpatthim pralayam chaiva bhoothaanaam agathim gathim

Vetthi vidhyaam avidhyaam cha sa vaachyo bhagavaan ithi

The Lord is bhagavan also because He does creation, sustenance and annihilation and also knows the origination and destruction of all beings and their knowledge and ignorance.

565. bhagahaa


One who expands or contracts His bhagas as He wills.


566. aanandhee


Blissful and gives bliss.


567. vanamaalee


One who wears the garland of vyjayanthi, which stands for the five subtle elements, space, air, fire water and earth and five thanmathras, sound,touch,sight,taste and smell. That is the Lord is wearing the whole universe as a garland.


568. halaayuDhaH


hala meaning the plough this may mean the incarnation of Balarama or it could mean that the Lord wields the plough to bring out whole creation.


569. aadhithyaH


adhithyaaH apathyam pumaan, the son of Adhithi, meaning the incarnation as Vamana, who was born to Adhithi and Kasyap.


As the syllable aa is the beeja manthra of sankarshana this could also refer to sankarshana, one of the four vyuha forms of the Lord. Since Devaki was Adhithii in her previous birth this could also mean Balarama who was also called Sankarshana and also Krishna himself.


As akaara denotes Vishnu, the nama can be derived as aath ithyaH , that which is got from `a' that is moksha.



570. jyothiraadhithyaH


dhivyaacharyajyothirmayaH- One whose effulgence is spectacular.


He is the jyothi of the Sun and meditated upon as being inside the orb of the Sun. dhyeyaH sadhaa savithrmandalamaDhyavarthi naaraayaNaH




One who is patient with His devotees as well as His enemies. Rama is described kshamayaa prithiveesamaH, patient like the earth. In all His incarnations we see that the Lord never destroys the wicked at once but gives them enough opportunities to reform themselves.He puts up with the ignorance and the faults committed by His devotees as well and protects them. He protects not only those who believe Him bit also those who do not.


572. gathisatthamaH


gathiH means aaSraya- the goal or the one who is resorted to. He is the satthama, the best among all the asrayas. In fact he is the only refuge.


573. suDhanvaa


One with splendid bow. The bow of the Lord is Saarnga which protects the good and punishes tha wicked. The reference may also be to Rama with his invincible bow kodhanda.


574. khandaparaSuH


param SrNaathi ithi patraSuH. The Axe whch kills the foes, the word para meaning an enemy. It has become blunt by cutting the heas of the kashathruiyas in Parasurmavathara. It can also be interpreted as akhanda paraSu read together with the nama suDhnvaa, which means invincible axe.


575. dhaaruNah


Killer of enemies internal and external for the devotees.


576. dhrvaiNaprdhaH


Bestower of wealth. The Lord gives all the real wealth that is imperishable to the devotees.This name is also considered as the one denoting the incarnation of the Lord as Vyasa, which name occurs subsequently as well. AS Vyasa He gave out the wealth of the sasthras and their meaning by codifying the Vedas and composing the puranasand Ithihasas.




He touched the skies as Thrivikrama. dhivi sprSathi ithi. He pervades and extends beyond the heanvens.Paadho asya sarvabhoothaani thripaadhasya amrtham dhivi.


This also has the reference to His jnana which touches the etrnal abode. This nama can also be taken to denote Vyasa whose knowledge is boundless.


578. sarvadhrk


One who sees everywhere. Denoting saasthradhrk or the eye of knowledge this also means Vyasa.


579. vyaasaH


Vyasa is mentioned here by name, as he is supposed to be the incarnation of the Lord. Krishna says in Gita,(ch10.37) muneenaam api aham vyaasaH. The word vyasa means vyasthaani vedapuraaNaani anena ithi vyaasaH, one who expounded the Vedas, puranas etc.


580. vachaspathiH


vaachaH pathiH. Master of words. Also refers to Vyasa.



581. ayonijaH


Vyasa was born out of words and not yoni, womb. Only the father of Vyasa is known and not mother. He was created from the sound. In Mahabharatha the mother of Vyasa was mentioned as Sathyavathi and father as Parasara. But thereis also a sloka in Mahabharatha which says that Vyasa was created from sound whih is quoted by parasarv bhataa in his bhashya on Vishnusahasranama.


bhooyo jagat srshtvA "bho" Sabdena anuvaadayan

saarasvateem uccacAra tatra saarasvato abhavat (MB.Shanthiparva.350.37)


Saarasvatha seems to be the name of Vyasa.






































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