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some doubts

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Respected members,

I have a few queries.

1. I have heard that Narakasura is the son of Goddess Earth from Maha Vishnu's Koormavathara. And he was killed by Satyabhama and Krishna. How can a person, that too so wicked, live for such long time - about 4 avatharams took place in between and I think, 2 or 3 yugas.

2. speaking of which, I have read somewhere the number of years in each yugam. But how is it possible to know which year of Kali Yuga are we in now? When is Kalki avataram going to be? Is it mentioned anywhere? I read somewhere that Kalki avataram is going to take birth in South India, Tamil Nadu if I remember correctly. How is it known? Photos and statues of Kalki Bhagavan describes Him as riding a horse with a sword in hand. How is it known that He will be like that?

3. I have heard from one of the poojaris in the temple in my home town that while Vishnu Sahasranamam is to be chanted loudly, Lalitha Sahasranamam should be chanted silently. Is there any restriction like that? I chant Vishnu Sahasranamam silently. Is it ok?

4. This is a very practical doubt. I take bath and do prayers in the morning before entering the kitchen. But some prayers are chanted after all the morning chores are over. I am a vegeterian. But my son take non-veg food, and once or twice a week, he takes chicken cutlet or nuggets to school, which I fry for him. Is there any restriction to chant any slokas or mantras after I cook non-veg food?

Can the Gurudevas please enlighten me on this.

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Dear Seemaji,

RE-your question No. 1-- The puranas are not to be considered as a chronological record of events as in a historical treatise. The object of the puranas is to engender devotion in us and to convey to us the teachings of the Upanishads in an easily ubderstandable manner through stories. We should not try to connect one episode in a Purana with another chronologically or in any other manner. There are actually clear contradictions among different Puranas. For example, Suka is a life-long celibate in Srimad Bhagavatam, but in Devi Bhagavatam the same Suka gets married and begets four children. You can read the Devi Bhagavatam story at the following website under the heading "Bondage and Liberation are only in the mind":--




THe Vedantic significance of the slaying of Narakasura is given at the following website under the heading "The slaying of Narakasura":--




You will see from this that the stories have the purpose of conveying the teachings of vedanta (upanishads). THe question whether Narakasura lived for such along time is not at all relevant and one should not spend time in going into such matters.


Our Panchangams show this year as 5111of Kaliyuga. Nothing definite is known as to when Kali avatara will come. It is not likely to happen during our present lifetime. These are not points worth bothering about. The total period of one kaliyuga is 432000 human years.

I have not heard anything about whether Vishnu or Lalita sahasranamam should be chanted loudky or not. The general rule is, mental chanting is the best, next comes chanting so that you alone can hear and last is loud chanting. But these are all best left to one's own inclination.

You can chant slokas throughout the day. Preparing non-veg for your son is your duty as a mother. This need not come in the way of your chanting. This is my peraonal view. Others may or may not agree.

Best wishes,

S.N.Sastri--- On Thu, 7/9/09, Seema Warrier <seemawarrier wrote:

Seema Warrier <seemawarrier[Guruvayur] some doubts"Guruvayur" <guruvayur >Thursday, July 9, 2009, 1:39 PM





Respected members,

I have a few queries.

1. I have heard that Narakasura is the son of Goddess Earth from Maha Vishnu's Koormavathara. And he was killed by Satyabhama and Krishna. How can a person, that too so wicked, live for such long time - about 4 avatharams took place in between and I think, 2 or 3 yugas.

2. speaking of which, I have read somewhere the number of years in each yugam. But how is it possible to know which year of Kali Yuga are we in now? When is Kalki avataram going to be? Is it mentioned anywhere? I read somewhere that Kalki avataram is going to take birth in South India, Tamil Nadu if I remember correctly. How is it known? Photos and statues of Kalki Bhagavan describes Him as riding a horse with a sword in hand. How is it known that He will be like that?

3. I have heard from one of the poojaris in the temple in my home town that while Vishnu Sahasranamam is to be chanted loudly, Lalitha Sahasranamam should be chanted silently. Is there any restriction like that? I chant Vishnu Sahasranamam silently. Is it ok?

4. This is a very practical doubt. I take bath and do prayers in the morning before entering the kitchen. But some prayers are chanted after all the morning chores are over. I am a vegeterian. But my son take non-veg food, and once or twice a week, he takes chicken cutlet or nuggets to school, which I fry for him. Is there any restriction to chant any slokas or mantras after I cook non-veg food?

Can the Gurudevas please enlighten me on this.

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namo narayana


Respected Devotee,


With my limited understanding, here are the answers to your questions 3 and 4


3. Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam and in fact all the nama stotrams of Lord Sri Vishnu is supposed to be ideally chanted aloud. This has many benefits, it helps you concentrate better, it helps to purify the nearby surroundings and also lets other people hear the namas even if they are not devotees.

Such unintentional hearing (sravanam) will gradually draw these people to the path of devotion of the Lord. The power of His namaas can be compared to that of fire which burns everything which falls in its path whether accidentally or deliberately.



4. Anyone who kills animals, sells/buys the meat, transports it and cooks it are all considered to be meat eaters. So it is best to avoid cooking meat even if one is not eating it because cooking the meat also entails accruing bad karma and very seriously hampering our devotional path. As a parent one is not only responsible for the physical/educational up-liftment of the children but also responsible for their spiritual development.


It is said that those who eat meat will definitely be reborn as the same animals they ate in their next lives. They then will eaten by others themselves and hence suffer the same pain and torture which they inflicted just to satisfy their cravings to satisfy their tongues!


Eating meat is the WORST thing which an aspiring devotee can do, as how can he expect compassion from the Lord when he himself is so in-compassionate and cruel to innocent animals (also God's children) just to satisfy his cravings of the tongue???


Many people then say that eating plants/fruits also amounts to a sin?


Answer. This material world is called as mrutyu-loka (planet of death) where millions of jivas are dying every moment and the life of a jiva is dependent upon a number of other jivas.


In the human birth, we have been given a bhoga-sharira according to our past karmas with plants, vegetables and fruits have been designated as our food for our sustenance. This is not only scientific, but also amounts to minimum sufferings to other jivas. But eating them still does not relive us of absolving bad karma of injuring life.


Now comes the role of Lord Sri Krishna, He says in His Gita, that those devottes who offer all their food to Him and only eat His prasadam will be freed from all sin and hence not be karmically entangled.


People who eat voraciously not for sustenance by only to satisfy their sense for self-gratification WILL suffer the natural reactions of karmic cycle.


Hence not only it is very important to eat only pure stavic (completely vegetarain food) for sustenance, but it is very very crucial to eat only those things which have been previously offered to the Lord.


It not only has numerous heatlh benefits, but also calms the mind and such a calm mind can perform better devotion to the Lord and hence ultimately helps in reaching His lotus feet, giving a great meaning to. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.


I sincerely ask for forgiveness it my reply was objectional in anyway to you.



Kamlesh--- On Thu, 7/9/09, Seema Warrier <seemawarrier wrote:

Seema Warrier <seemawarrier[Guruvayur] some doubts"Guruvayur" <guruvayur >Thursday, July 9, 2009, 4:09 AM





Respected members,

I have a few queries.

1. I have heard that Narakasura is the son of Goddess Earth from Maha Vishnu's Koormavathara. And he was killed by Satyabhama and Krishna. How can a person, that too so wicked, live for such long time - about 4 avatharams took place in between and I think, 2 or 3 yugas.

2. speaking of which, I have read somewhere the number of years in each yugam. But how is it possible to know which year of Kali Yuga are we in now? When is Kalki avataram going to be? Is it mentioned anywhere? I read somewhere that Kalki avataram is going to take birth in South India, Tamil Nadu if I remember correctly. How is it known? Photos and statues of Kalki Bhagavan describes Him as riding a horse with a sword in hand. How is it known that He will be like that?

3. I have heard from one of the poojaris in the temple in my home town that while Vishnu Sahasranamam is to be chanted loudly, Lalitha Sahasranamam should be chanted silently. Is there any restriction like that? I chant Vishnu Sahasranamam silently. Is it ok?

4. This is a very practical doubt. I take bath and do prayers in the morning before entering the kitchen. But some prayers are chanted after all the morning chores are over. I am a vegeterian. But my son take non-veg food, and once or twice a week, he takes chicken cutlet or nuggets to school, which I fry for him. Is there any restriction to chant any slokas or mantras after I cook non-veg food?

Can the Gurudevas please enlighten me on this.

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Dear Devotee of the Lord,

I am not that much knowledgeable to answer all your questions, but as a

humble member of this

great group, I would like to suggest a site where you can expect answers to

your questions, though

of course there may be numerous other sources to explore. Sometimes it may

necessitate to become a

member there, which is free. The link to that site is :



(Please highlight the above link, press and hold CTRL and click the link;

it will open in a separate window)

Padaravindame Saranam, Guruvayoorappa saranam.



Thank you,

Have a great day,




# 281 573 8087 / Cell- 281 948 7339.





guruvayur [guruvayur ] On Behalf

Of Seema Warrier

Thursday, July 09, 2009 3:09 AM


[Guruvayur] some doubts





Respected members,

I have a few queries.

1. I have heard that Narakasura is the son of Goddess Earth from Maha

Vishnu's Koormavathara. And he was killed by Satyabhama and Krishna. How can

a person, that too so wicked, live for such long time - about 4 avatharams

took place in between and I think, 2 or 3 yugas.

2. speaking of which, I have read somewhere the number of years in each

yugam. But how is it possible to know which year of Kali Yuga are we in now?

When is Kalki avataram going to be? Is it mentioned anywhere? I read

somewhere that Kalki avataram is going to take birth in South India, Tamil

Nadu if I remember correctly. How is it known? Photos and statues of Kalki

Bhagavan describes Him as riding a horse with a sword in hand. How is it

known that He will be like that?

3. I have heard from one of the poojaris in the temple in my home town that

while Vishnu Sahasranamam is to be chanted loudly, Lalitha Sahasranamam

should be chanted silently. Is there any restriction like that? I chant

Vishnu Sahasranamam silently. Is it ok?

4. This is a very practical doubt. I take bath and do prayers in the morning

before entering the kitchen. But some prayers are chanted after all the

morning chores are over. I am a vegeterian. But my son take non-veg food,

and once or twice a week, he takes chicken cutlet or nuggets to school,

which I fry for him. Is there any restriction to chant any slokas or mantras

after I cook non-veg food?

Can the Gurudevas please enlighten me on this.


1 of 1 File(s)







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Namaste!I strongly agree with Sastriji on the first three items and support Kamaleshji on the fourth.  Both of them have presented excellent explanations for all the questions.  That is just my opinion and nothing more.

I need to memorize the answers so that I can answer someone else on these topics.Hari Om!Chith PuramOn Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Veryytterium <veryytterium wrote:








namo narayana


Respected Devotee,


With my limited understanding, here are the answers to your questions 3 and 4


3. Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam and in fact all the nama stotrams of Lord Sri Vishnu is supposed to be ideally chanted aloud. This has many benefits, it helps you concentrate better, it helps to purify the nearby surroundings and also  lets other people hear the namas even if they are not devotees.

Such unintentional hearing (sravanam) will gradually  draw these people to the path of devotion of the Lord. The power of His namaas can be compared to that of fire which burns everything which  falls in its path whether accidentally or deliberately.



4. Anyone who kills animals, sells/buys the meat, transports it and cooks it are all considered to be meat eaters. So it is best to avoid cooking meat even if one is not eating it because cooking the meat also entails accruing bad karma  and very seriously hampering our devotional path. As a parent one is not only responsible for the physical/educational up-liftment of the children but also responsible for their spiritual development.


It is said that those who eat meat will definitely be reborn as the same animals they ate in their next lives. They then will eaten by others themselves and hence suffer the same pain and torture which they inflicted just to satisfy their cravings to satisfy their tongues!


Eating meat is the WORST thing which an aspiring devotee can do, as how can he expect compassion from the Lord when he himself is so in-compassionate and cruel to innocent animals  (also God's children) just to satisfy his cravings of the tongue???



Many people then say that eating plants/fruits also amounts to a sin?


Answer. This material world is called as mrutyu-loka  (planet of death) where millions of jivas are dying every moment and the life of a jiva is dependent upon a number of other jivas.


In the human birth, we have been given a bhoga-sharira according to our past karmas with  plants, vegetables and fruits have been designated as our food for our sustenance. This is not only scientific, but also amounts to minimum  sufferings to other jivas. But eating them still does not relive us of absolving bad karma of injuring life.


Now comes the role of Lord Sri Krishna, He says in His Gita, that those devottes who offer all their food to Him and only eat His  prasadam will be freed from all sin  and hence not  be karmically entangled.


People who eat voraciously not for sustenance by only to satisfy their sense for self-gratification WILL suffer the natural reactions of karmic cycle.


Hence not only it is very important to eat only pure stavic (completely vegetarain food) for sustenance, but it is very very crucial to eat only those things which have been previously offered to the Lord.


It not only has numerous heatlh benefits, but also calms the mind and such a calm mind can perform better devotion to the Lord and hence ultimately helps in reaching His lotus feet, giving a great meaning to. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.


I sincerely ask for forgiveness it my reply was objectional  in anyway to you.



Kamlesh--- On Thu, 7/9/09, Seema Warrier <seemawarrier wrote:

Seema Warrier <seemawarrier[Guruvayur] some doubts

" Guruvayur " <guruvayur >Thursday, July 9, 2009, 4:09 AM





Respected members,

I have a few queries.

1. I have heard that Narakasura is the son of Goddess Earth from Maha Vishnu's Koormavathara. And he was killed by Satyabhama and Krishna. How can a person, that too so wicked, live for such long time - about 4 avatharams took place in between and I think, 2 or 3 yugas.

2. speaking of which, I have read somewhere the number of years in each yugam. But how is it possible to know which year of Kali Yuga are we in now? When is Kalki avataram going to be? Is it mentioned anywhere? I read somewhere that Kalki avataram is going to take birth in South India, Tamil Nadu if I remember correctly. How is it known? Photos and statues of Kalki Bhagavan describes Him as riding a horse with a sword in hand. How is it known that He will be like that?

3. I have heard from one of the poojaris in the temple in my home town that while Vishnu Sahasranamam is to be chanted loudly, Lalitha Sahasranamam should be chanted silently. Is there any restriction like that? I chant Vishnu Sahasranamam silently. Is it ok?

4. This is a very practical doubt. I take bath and do prayers in the morning before entering the kitchen. But some prayers are chanted after all the morning chores are over. I am a vegeterian. But my son take non-veg food, and once or twice a week, he takes chicken cutlet or nuggets to school, which I fry for him. Is there any restriction to chant any slokas or mantras after I cook non-veg food?

Can the Gurudevas please enlighten me on this.

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guruvayur , Nilakantan sastri <snsastri wrote:



> I have not heard anything about whether Vishnu or Lalita sahasranamam should

be chanted loudky or not. The general rule is, mental chanting is the best, next

comes chanting so that you alone can hear and last is loud chanting. But these

are all best left to one's own inclination.

> Best wishes,

> S.N.Sastri


Hari Om Shri Sastriji, Pranaams!


In his VS bAshya on pada kim japan mucyate jantuH AcAryaji explains japan as

ucca-upAmshu-mAnasa-lakShaNaM japaM kurvan -- hence all three ways of muttering

- loudly, lowly or silently are approved by him.


In Shri Guru Smriti,

Br. Pranipata Chaitanya

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Respected Sasthriji,

Thank you for your answers. I consider it a blessing.

Jai Sree Krishna




Nilakantan sastri <snsastriguruvayur Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 5:00:32 PMRe: [Guruvayur] some doubts







Dear Seemaji,

RE-your question No. 1-- The puranas are not to be considered as a chronological record of events as in a historical treatise. The object of the puranas is to engender devotion in us and to convey to us the teachings of the Upanishads in an easily ubderstandable manner through stories. We should not try to connect one episode in a Purana with another chronologically or in any other manner. There are actually clear contradictions among different Puranas. For example, Suka is a life-long celibate in Srimad Bhagavatam, but in Devi Bhagavatam the same Suka gets married and begets four children. You can read the Devi Bhagavatam story at the following website under the heading "Bondage and Liberation are only in the mind":--


http://www.geocitie s.com/snsastri/ glimpses. html#_1054571

THe Vedantic significance of the slaying of Narakasura is given at the following website under the heading "The slaying of Narakasura": -- http://www.geocitie s.com/snsastri/ episodes. html#_TOC1079212 09


You will see from this that the stories have the purpose of conveying the teachings of vedanta (upanishads) . THe question whether Narakasura lived for such along time is not at all relevant and one should not spend time in going into such matters.


Our Panchangams show this year as 5111of Kaliyuga. Nothing definite is known as to when Kali avatara will come. It is not likely to happen during our present lifetime. These are not points worth bothering about. The total period of one kaliyuga is 432000 human years.

I have not heard anything about whether Vishnu or Lalita sahasranamam should be chanted loudky or not. The general rule is, mental chanting is the best, next comes chanting so that you alone can hear and last is loud chanting. But these are all best left to one's own inclination.

You can chant slokas throughout the day. Preparing non-veg for your son is your duty as a mother. This need not come in the way of your chanting. This is my peraonal view. Others may or may not agree.

Best wishes,

S.N.Sastri--- On Thu, 7/9/09, Seema Warrier <seemawarrier@ grouply.com> wrote:

Seema Warrier <seemawarrier@ grouply.com>[Guruvayur] some doubts"Guruvayur" <guruvayur@grou ps.com>Thursday, July 9, 2009, 1:39 PM





Respected members,

I have a few queries.

1. I have heard that Narakasura is the son of Goddess Earth from Maha Vishnu's Koormavathara. And he was killed by Satyabhama and Krishna. How can a person, that too so wicked, live for such long time - about 4 avatharams took place in between and I think, 2 or 3 yugas.

2. speaking of which, I have read somewhere the number of years in each yugam. But how is it possible to know which year of Kali Yuga are we in now? When is Kalki avataram going to be? Is it mentioned anywhere? I read somewhere that Kalki avataram is going to take birth in South India, Tamil Nadu if I remember correctly. How is it known? Photos and statues of Kalki Bhagavan describes Him as riding a horse with a sword in hand. How is it known that He will be like that?

3. I have heard from one of the poojaris in the temple in my home town that while Vishnu Sahasranamam is to be chanted loudly, Lalitha Sahasranamam should be chanted silently. Is there any restriction like that? I chant Vishnu Sahasranamam silently. Is it ok?

4. This is a very practical doubt. I take bath and do prayers in the morning before entering the kitchen. But some prayers are chanted after all the morning chores are over. I am a vegeterian. But my son take non-veg food, and once or twice a week, he takes chicken cutlet or nuggets to school, which I fry for him. Is there any restriction to chant any slokas or mantras after I cook non-veg food?

Can the Gurudevas please enlighten me on this.

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Thank you Sastriji, Chith Puramji and Kamleshji for the answers.

Jai Sree Krishna




Chith Puram <krsnakrpaguruvayur Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 5:04:35 AMRe: [Guruvayur] some doubts


Namaste!I strongly agree with Sastriji on the first three items and support Kamaleshji on the fourth. Both of them have presented excellent explanations for all the questions. That is just my opinion and nothing more.I need to memorize the answers so that I can answer someone else on these topics.Hari Om!Chith Puram

On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Veryytterium <veryytterium@ > wrote:











namo narayana


Respected Devotee,


With my limited understanding, here are the answers to your questions 3 and 4


3. Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam and in fact all the nama stotrams of Lord Sri Vishnu is supposed to be ideally chanted aloud. This has many benefits, it helps you concentrate better, it helps to purify the nearby surroundings and also lets other people hear the namas even if they are not devotees.

Such unintentional hearing (sravanam) will gradually draw these people to the path of devotion of the Lord. The power of His namaas can be compared to that of fire which burns everything which falls in its path whether accidentally or deliberately.



4. Anyone who kills animals, sells/buys the meat, transports it and cooks it are all considered to be meat eaters. So it is best to avoid cooking meat even if one is not eating it because cooking the meat also entails accruing bad karma and very seriously hampering our devotional path. As a parent one is not only responsible for the physical/educationa l up-liftment of the children but also responsible for their spiritual development.


It is said that those who eat meat will definitely be reborn as the same animals they ate in their next lives. They then will eaten by others themselves and hence suffer the same pain and torture which they inflicted just to satisfy their cravings to satisfy their tongues!


Eating meat is the WORST thing which an aspiring devotee can do, as how can he expect compassion from the Lord when he himself is so in-compassionate and cruel to innocent animals (also God's children) just to satisfy his cravings of the tongue???


Many people then say that eating plants/fruits also amounts to a sin?


Answer. This material world is called as mrutyu-loka (planet of death) where millions of jivas are dying every moment and the life of a jiva is dependent upon a number of other jivas.


In the human birth, we have been given a bhoga-sharira according to our past karmas with plants, vegetables and fruits have been designated as our food for our sustenance. This is not only scientific, but also amounts to minimum sufferings to other jivas. But eating them still does not relive us of absolving bad karma of injuring life.


Now comes the role of Lord Sri Krishna, He says in His Gita, that those devottes who offer all their food to Him and only eat His prasadam will be freed from all sin and hence not be karmically entangled.


People who eat voraciously not for sustenance by only to satisfy their sense for self-gratification WILL suffer the natural reactions of karmic cycle.


Hence not only it is very important to eat only pure stavic (completely vegetarain food) for sustenance, but it is very very crucial to eat only those things which have been previously offered to the Lord.


It not only has numerous heatlh benefits, but also calms the mind and such a calm mind can perform better devotion to the Lord and hence ultimately helps in reaching His lotus feet, giving a great meaning to. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.


I sincerely ask for forgiveness it my reply was objectional in anyway to you.




--- On Thu, 7/9/09, Seema Warrier <seemawarrier@ grouply.com> wrote:


Seema Warrier <seemawarrier@ grouply.com>[Guruvayur] some doubts"Guruvayur" <guruvayur@grou ps.com>Thursday, July 9, 2009, 4:09 AM






Respected members,

I have a few queries.

1. I have heard that Narakasura is the son of Goddess Earth from Maha Vishnu's Koormavathara. And he was killed by Satyabhama and Krishna. How can a person, that too so wicked, live for such long time - about 4 avatharams took place in between and I think, 2 or 3 yugas.

2. speaking of which, I have read somewhere the number of years in each yugam. But how is it possible to know which year of Kali Yuga are we in now? When is Kalki avataram going to be? Is it mentioned anywhere? I read somewhere that Kalki avataram is going to take birth in South India, Tamil Nadu if I remember correctly. How is it known? Photos and statues of Kalki Bhagavan describes Him as riding a horse with a sword in hand. How is it known that He will be like that?

3. I have heard from one of the poojaris in the temple in my home town that while Vishnu Sahasranamam is to be chanted loudly, Lalitha Sahasranamam should be chanted silently. Is there any restriction like that? I chant Vishnu Sahasranamam silently. Is it ok?

4. This is a very practical doubt. I take bath and do prayers in the morning before entering the kitchen. But some prayers are chanted after all the morning chores are over. I am a vegeterian. But my son take non-veg food, and once or twice a week, he takes chicken cutlet or nuggets to school, which I fry for him. Is there any restriction to chant any slokas or mantras after I cook non-veg food?

Can the Gurudevas please enlighten me on this.

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Dear Seema and others,I am attaching few quotes on Vegetarianism. If any one who needs an English translation of the Malayalam part, please let me know. I will do that after the 20th of July.Sincerely,Udayabhanu Panickaraum namaH Shivaaya The vow not to kill is great indeed, and greater still is non-eating of the flesh; there would be no butcher, if there is non to eat; in eating thus abides the cruder ill, as she/he is the reason for the killing. --- On Sat, 7/11/09, Seema Warrier <seemawarrier wrote:

Seema Warrier <seemawarrierRe: [Guruvayur] some doubtsguruvayur Date: Saturday, July 11, 2009, 8:21 AM



Thank you Sastriji, Chith Puramji and Kamleshji for the answers.

Jai Sree Krishna




Chith Puram <krsnakrpa (AT) gmail (DOT) com>guruvayur@grou ps.comSaturday, July 11, 2009 5:04:35 AMRe: [Guruvayur] some doubts


Namaste!I strongly agree with Sastriji on the first three items and support Kamaleshji on the fourth. Both of them have presented excellent explanations for all the questions. That is just my opinion and nothing more..I need to memorize the answers so that I can answer someone else on these topics.Hari Om!Chith Puram

On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Veryytterium <veryytterium@ > wrote:











namo narayana


Respected Devotee,


With my limited understanding, here are the answers to your questions 3 and 4


3. Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam and in fact all the nama stotrams of Lord Sri Vishnu is supposed to be ideally chanted aloud. This has many benefits, it helps you concentrate better, it helps to purify the nearby surroundings and also lets other people hear the namas even if they are not devotees.

Such unintentional hearing (sravanam) will gradually draw these people to the path of devotion of the Lord. The power of His namaas can be compared to that of fire which burns everything which falls in its path whether accidentally or deliberately.



4. Anyone who kills animals, sells/buys the meat, transports it and cooks it are all considered to be meat eaters. So it is best to avoid cooking meat even if one is not eating it because cooking the meat also entails accruing bad karma and very seriously hampering our devotional path. As a parent one is not only responsible for the physical/educationa l up-liftment of the children but also responsible for their spiritual development.


It is said that those who eat meat will definitely be reborn as the same animals they ate in their next lives. They then will eaten by others themselves and hence suffer the same pain and torture which they inflicted just to satisfy their cravings to satisfy their tongues!


Eating meat is the WORST thing which an aspiring devotee can do, as how can he expect compassion from the Lord when he himself is so in-compassionate and cruel to innocent animals (also God's children) just to satisfy his cravings of the tongue???


Many people then say that eating plants/fruits also amounts to a sin?


Answer. This material world is called as mrutyu-loka (planet of death) where millions of jivas are dying every moment and the life of a jiva is dependent upon a number of other jivas.


In the human birth, we have been given a bhoga-sharira according to our past karmas with plants, vegetables and fruits have been designated as our food for our sustenance. This is not only scientific, but also amounts to minimum sufferings to other jivas. But eating them still does not relive us of absolving bad karma of injuring life.


Now comes the role of Lord Sri Krishna, He says in His Gita, that those devottes who offer all their food to Him and only eat His prasadam will be freed from all sin and hence not be karmically entangled.


People who eat voraciously not for sustenance by only to satisfy their sense for self-gratification WILL suffer the natural reactions of karmic cycle.


Hence not only it is very important to eat only pure stavic (completely vegetarain food) for sustenance, but it is very very crucial to eat only those things which have been previously offered to the Lord.


It not only has numerous heatlh benefits, but also calms the mind and such a calm mind can perform better devotion to the Lord and hence ultimately helps in reaching His lotus feet, giving a great meaning to. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.


I sincerely ask for forgiveness it my reply was objectional in anyway to you.




--- On Thu, 7/9/09, Seema Warrier <seemawarrier@ grouply.com> wrote:


Seema Warrier <seemawarrier@ grouply.com>[Guruvayur] some doubts"Guruvayur" <guruvayur@grou ps.com>Thursday, July 9, 2009, 4:09 AM






Respected members,

I have a few queries.

1. I have heard that Narakasura is the son of Goddess Earth from Maha Vishnu's Koormavathara. And he was killed by Satyabhama and Krishna. How can a person, that too so wicked, live for such long time - about 4 avatharams took place in between and I think, 2 or 3 yugas.

2. speaking of which, I have read somewhere the number of years in each yugam. But how is it possible to know which year of Kali Yuga are we in now? When is Kalki avataram going to be? Is it mentioned anywhere? I read somewhere that Kalki avataram is going to take birth in South India, Tamil Nadu if I remember correctly. How is it known? Photos and statues of Kalki Bhagavan describes Him as riding a horse with a sword in hand. How is it known that He will be like that?

3. I have heard from one of the poojaris in the temple in my home town that while Vishnu Sahasranamam is to be chanted loudly, Lalitha Sahasranamam should be chanted silently. Is there any restriction like that? I chant Vishnu Sahasranamam silently. Is it ok?

4. This is a very practical doubt. I take bath and do prayers in the morning before entering the kitchen. But some prayers are chanted after all the morning chores are over. I am a vegeterian. But my son take non-veg food, and once or twice a week, he takes chicken cutlet or nuggets to school, which I fry for him. Is there any restriction to chant any slokas or mantras after I cook non-veg food?

Can the Gurudevas please enlighten me on this.



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