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Namasthe- Njanappaana 11

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Onnu kondu chamachoru viswatthil

Moonnayittulla karmangalokkeyum

Punya karmangal paapa karmangalum

Punya paapangal misramaam karmavum

Moonu jaathi niroopichu kaanumbol

Moonnu kondum thalakkunna jeevane

In this universe (virtually) created (chamachoru viswatthil) by our own Avidya or ignorance (here " onnu kondu " means " due to avidya or ignorance " ), all karmaas (karmangalokkeyum) can be divided into three categories ( moonnaayittulla). They are namely Punya karmaas, Paapa karmaas and Punya-Paapa-misra karmaas. (lines 2 and 3) When we think (niroopicchu kaanumbol) about the above three types of karmaas (moonnu jaathi), we can see that jeevaathma (jeevane) is bound (thalakkunnu) by all three types of karmaas (moonnu kondum)..

Just like the moon is lit by the reflected light of the Sun, we are alive by the chaithanyam or light lit by the Light of Lights, Paramachaithanyam. A person who is ignorant of the fact that sun' light causes the moon-light, thinks that it is moon's own light. Similarly, this whole universe is not different from the paramaathma chaithanyam itself and with our inability to comprehend this and internalize the truth, we do three types of karmaas with " ahambhaavam " or feeling of " I and mine " and these sakaama karmaas (result oriented actions) bind us to the eternal cycle of birth and death. It is difficult to exactly differentiate punya karmaas and paapa karmaas. Some of them can be labelled with out any doubt. But, some of the karmaas can be classified only according to the context.That is why Poonthaanam mentions about the third type called mixed karmaas.

There is a small story to illustrate this point. Once a very pious sage was resting in his hermitage in the forest. A just and righteous King followed by a group of robbers entered the forest. King was running about one mile ahead of the robbers and turned east near the sage's hermitage. (Hermitage was in junction near a river and one can go in any direction from there). While running, he specifically told the sage not to disclose which way he ran to the robbers following him. As expected robbers came and asked the sage about the direction in which the King ran. This sage who had never spoken untruth in his life did not want to say a lie to the robbers. He could have either said " I do no know " or to save the King's life he could have even said  " west or south or north " . Instead he told them " east " to save his sathyavratham or vow of truth. Later he had to experience the negative results of his paapa karma because in that particular context, saying the truth was not a punya karma or dharmam. By saying an untruth he would have saved the life of a righteous king and his country. But he cared more for his own vow of truth than saving the life of a just and righteous King. Because of his selfishness, even though he told the truth. it became a paapa karmam.

Since all the three types of karmaas binds us, only destruction of all karmaas can free us from bondage. But it is impossible for ordinary people to live with out doing any karmaas. There is not even a moment when we are not doing karma either by body, by words or by thoughts. So the only solution is to do karmaas with renunciation of the fruits action which is called Nishkaamakarmam. Bhagavan says in Bhagavad Gita;

yasya sarve samarambha:

kama-sankalpa varjitha:

jnanagni dagdha karmanam

tam ahu: panditham budha:

He, all whose undertakings in this world are free from the bondage of expectation, who has sacrificed all the results of his actions in the fire of knowledge is a pandithan or scholar -so says intelligent people or (great seers)

Even though all these philosophical concepts are mind boggling to ordinary people like us, Poonthanam assures that Naamasnakeerthanam will clear our mind and help us to develop an attitude of surrender and intense devotion. Then Bhagavan takes over and assures us : Na mae bhaktha pranashyathi- my devotees will never perish. Bhagavan's grace will lead us from Rakthi ---> Bhakthi----> Mukthi.

Krishna! Krishna! Mukunda! Janaardana!

Krishna! Govinda! Naaraayana! Hare!

Achyuthaananda! Govinda! Maadhava!

Sachidaananda! Naaraayana! Hare!


Regards and prayers


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