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absolutely agree with KVGji. Krishna was talking as the supreme self,

Brahman of the upanishads who is synonymous with Narayana of

visishtadvaita.He also says,


yepyanya devatabhakthaaH yajanthe SrddhayaanvithaaH

the api maameva kountheya yajanthi aviDhipoorvakam(BG9.23)

Even the devotees of other

deities who worship them with sacrifices etc. with faith , only worship Me in

reality but not in the proper way.


those who worship other deities, which includes

those who do sacrifices to please

Indra etc., actually worship only the Supreme Self, because He is the power

behind them. So, provided they worship their ishtsdevatha with faith, through

them the Lord gives results.

ye yaThaa maam prapadhyanthe thaan thaTha eva



mama varthmaa anuvarthanthe

manushyaaH paarTha


Who ever approaches me in whatever manner I show my favour to them in the

same manner. People proceed along the path only in all respects.

In whatever form

one seeks the Lord, He appears in the same form to the devotee. The

criticism of Hinduism being pantheistic is proved wrong by this. There is only

one God who can be called by any name or conceived in any form, provided the

worshipper remembers that He is not limited to that name or form. The Lord who

is everywhere, in and out of all being is naturally present also in the

particular form in which one thinks of Him. So Krishna

affirms that all men follow His path only.God is one says the upanishad. Eko dhevaH sarvabhootheshu gooDah sarvavyaapee sarvabhoothaantharaathma. The episode of maraprabhu also proves this.In Srimadhagavatha the Lord sayd that if anyone sees the difference between Him and Siva are fools because they are both one. Religion is a must but bigotry should be avoided, Decrying other deities faithfully worshipped by their followers is fanaticism similar to that of other religoions like Islama nd christianity. It si like saying " my father alone is good and your father is not" To each one his father and mother are sacred.saroja Ramanujam

Dr. SarojaRamanujam , M.A., Ph.D, sanskritsiromanireply to sarojram18 and to get the previous posts--- On Thu, 7/23/09, K.V Gopalakrishna <gopalakrishna.kv wrote:K.V Gopalakrishna <gopalakrishna.kvRe: [Guruvayur] re:discussionguruvayur Date: Thursday, July 23, 2009, 8:12 PM



Dear Krishnamoorthiji,Radhe Krishna!Krishna has said, "Ananyah Chinthayantho maam," etc., etc. No doubt. But to say that "all other deities are

useless" is wrong, as all deities are manifestations of the Supreme.

Only thing is that the other gods, according to Bhagavatam,

Bhagavadgita, Narayaneeyam, etc., give all purusharthas, except

"Mukti", which only Lord Vishnu can give. This is the belief of the

addict to Vishnu-bhakti, like me. This does not mean that other Gods

are inferior. To think that way is religious fanaticism.


Each Purana eulogises the particular deity around whom it is centred,

just like Bhagavatam giving importance to Vishnu. Siva Puranam gives

more importance to Lord Siva. Devi Puranam will say that Goddess

Durga-lakshmi- saraswati is superior to all.

Although all the 18 Puranas aare authored by the same Veda Vyasa,

He, an incarnation of the Supreme Himself, has made this

differentiation, not to wean away Bhaktas from other Gods, but just to

encourage them to enhance their belief in God, and increase their

Bhakti in their Ishta-deivatam. Misinterpretation is easy, but proper

understanding is difficult.

This is what Bhattatiri also says in dasakam 90 of Narayaneeyam.May your Bhakti in your Ishta-deivatam get enhanced, day by day.LoveK.V. Gopalakrishna.On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 12:21 AM, Krishnamoorthi Venkatraman <krishnamoorthi. venkatraman@ gmail.com> wrote:







new topic-when our supreme has made clear that-surrender to me- me alone-whyone should go to other smaller deitiesthey are useless,infactwhy not we confine to KRISHNA alone

krishnaOn Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 6:45 AM, sashikala srinivasan <sashikalasrinivasan @gmail.com> wrote:







Dear AnuradhaYour reply or

the opinion is apt especially in the modern days when male chauvanism

and womens liberation are the most talked about.Hare krishna Hare Hrishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 4:22 PM, anuradha iyer <anuiyer1973@ .co. in> wrote:





dear all the topic was started and now it is taking for a

discussion please not to be taken for any discussion it was only for

discourse... thx sarojaji



dear seema


Gandhari proved herself to be a woman of great wisdom,justice,

righteous, able to heed the advise of Krishna despite her

bitterness,highly dedicated to her husband though he was not heeding

her pleadings,wise counsel and all these qualities make her a great

woman of virtues.


From this we can deduce it is not simple serving husband the duty

of a woman ends but she should also be judicious in her words and

deeds,be impartial in her decisions,shouild hv the temerity to advise

that are noble,free from jealousy,ego, anger only then a woman gets

highly respected.I am sure the same applies to men also in equal

measure as virtuosity is not the domain of women only but men too.Than

only life becomes worthy and



Hare Krishna,



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Dear and respected KVGji, Sarojaji, and other Gurudevs,


I perfectly agree with you.


Akashath patitam toyam yadha gachati sagara

Sarva deva namaskaram kesavam pratigachati


As I understand Kesava stands for the one and only one God whom we can

see as we wish. Even if we have Krishna as Ishtadevatha, different

people see different forms of Vishnu or Krishna. Kurooramma always saw

Krishna as Balakrishna. Vilwamangalam saw Him most of the time as

Venugopalan. Some see Radha and Krishna together. Some see as

Narasimha, some as Srirama  etc etc. I do not find any difference in

worshipping Almighty in any form that appeals to you. A chirstian or

muslim who worships their God with sincere devotion is as pious and

blessed as a Hindu who worships Krishna, Siva bhagavan, subramanya

swami or Bhagavathi. Who can measure our Bhakthi, sincereity or who

are we to decide what is right for everybody?


If we were born in a pious Christian or Muslim family, we would be

worshipping their Gods, if were born in a Vaishnava family and trained

to see Vishnu as the Supreme Godhead, we will worship Vishnu, if we

were born in a Shaivite family, we will consider Shiva as supreme God

.. We did not choose our place of Janma or our parents. So we cannot

take any credit for being a Hindu, Christian or Muslim. As long as we

use our prayers and worship to purify our mind and become a better

person, how does it matter? I may be wrong. But this is my humble



Vedas and Upanishads describe Brahman as having two aspects; the one

without any qualifying characteristics and the other endowed with

qualities. The former is called Nirguna and the latter is known as

Saguna. But they are both Brahman.We are worshipping the saguna form

in different ways. Bur it is the same Brahma or Parmaathma. Beauty of

Hinduism is it's tolerance. In the same household, members have

different Ishtadevathaas.  My father's Ishtadevatha was

Thirumaandhakunnil Bhagavthy who is also our kuladevatha. But my

mother's Ishtadevatha was Guruvayurappan or Krishna. As far as I can

remember they visited both Guruvayoor and Thirumaandhaakunnu every

month (thinkal thozhal) and when we grew up we did not see any thing

abnormal in this. I always think Bhagavthy is my mother on whose lap I

was born and brought up and Krishna is everything to me! I have very

good Christian friends who are very pious, helpful and well wishers of

everybody around.


This is not to stir any controversy. Please forgive me if my words

cause hurt to anybody. I offer pranamam to that Paramaathma who dwells

in everybody and in whom everybody dwells!



Regards and prayers



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