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Namasthe- Njanappaana 28

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Njanappaana 28Krishna! Krishna! Mukunda! Janaardana! Krishna! Govinda! Rama! enninganeThirunaama sankeerthanamenniye Mattaethumilla yathnamarijaalum

Know (arinjaalum) that there is no other effort or attempt (that lead to salvation--mattaethumilla yathnam) other than chanting of the divine names (naamasankeerthanamenniye) like (ingane) Krishna! Krishna! Mukunda! Janaaradana! Krishna! Govinda! Rama! etc (ennu).

It is interesting to note that the word " arinjaalum " means more than just " know. The truth of his statement that there is no other effort or yathnam other than naamasankeerthanam that leads us to moksham in Kaliyuga is stated in several authoritative scriptures and proclaimed by several great sages. Because of this scriptural support Poonthaanam is able to emphatically glorify the greatness of naamam. He says there is nothing superior to japayanjnam and what does Bhagavan say in Gita: " Yanjnaanaam japayanjnosmi " .

Now, let us look at the great meanings of each naama. Krishna naamam can have many meanings and we will take different meaning for each Krishna naamam. (There are several meanings for each naamam and one is chosen for convenience)

Krishna-   " One who ploughs the field. Here field is our heart or mind. If we sow the seeds of Krishna naamam, all other dangerous weeds of Kamam, krodham, lobham, madam, moham and maathsaryam will be destroyed.

Krishna- " Karshathi ithi Krishna " means one who attracts. He is the Parmaathma  who is constantly attracting the Jeevathmas. But unfortunately most of the time we swim against the current of spirituality right into the deep ocean of samsaaram. 

Mukunda: " Mukthim dadaadeethi Mukunda " means one who gives salvation or moksham. Mukunda is ever ready to give  freedom from the cycle of birth and death. Janaardana: One who is prayed to (ardana) by all people (jana). He hears the prayers of all people and redeems the sufferings of His bhakthas.

Krishna: " Krushyathi-ithi Krishna " meaning one who imparts Sat-Chit-Anandam or Existence- Knowledge- Bliss. Govinda:   " Gam vindathi ithi " Govinda means one who protects cows or land or one's senses. 

Rama: " Ramayathi ithi Rama " : One who gives joy or one who attracts others. (Rama naamam is formed by taking the beejaksharaas " RA " and " MA " - seed letters that give meaning to the word- from the two divine names of Vishnu Bhgavaan and Shiva Bhagavaan namely NaRAyana NaMAssivaya.) Rama namam helps the union of Jeevaathma and Paramaathma

By chanting the above naamas one clears all the impure weeds of one's mind (Krishna), moves towards Paramaathma (Krishna), become eligible to attain salvation (Mukunda) protected from the sufferings (Janardana) and attains bliss (Krishna) with the blessings of the protector of cows, land and senses (Govinda)  and finally merges with the Paramaathma (Rama).

Let us chant the divine names of Bhagavan along with Shri Poonthaanam and millions of other devotees Krishna! Krishna! Mukunda! Janaardana!Krishna! Govinda! Naarayana! Hare!

Achyuthaananda! Govinda! maadhava!Sachidaananda! Naaraayna! Hare!Samasthaaparaadham kshamaswa.SrekrishnaarpanamasthuRegards and prayers


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