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asses' life, and Krsna's solution

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They are suffering, working day and night like an ass, and still, he'sthinking that he's very happy. But he does not know that there is alifewhere there is no such thing as to work hard. Just like Krsna andKrsna'sassociates in Vrndavana, they are jolly, tending their cows, gettingmilk inthe village, sufficient food, dancing with the gopis. That is life. Nomill,no slaughterhouse, no motorcar. You see? No skyscraper building. Heresee.So this is another philosophy, another philosophy: simple life, simplelifewith Krsna. Simple life we can live still, but we do not agree. If welivesimple life, people will criticize, "Oh, this is primitive, primitive.Whatyou have made advancement?" But they have no sense. Anyway... So if wereally want relief from this materialistic way of life, then we shouldtakeshelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His

sankirtana movement. Thenourmisunderstanding of existence will be cleansed. Ceto-darpana-marjanambhava-maha-davagni [Cc. Antya 20.12]. And we have created acivilizationwhich is blazing fire, blazing fire. Everyone, all politicians, evenordinary citizens, they are now suffering. The politicians cannot givethemenough food. They simply take vote, and the price of foodstuff isincreasing. This is a very precarious condition. It is calledsamsara-davanala, "the blazing fire of material existence." We mayextinguish for the time being, but again... Davanala is used for thispurpose. Nobody sets fire, but it takes place. That is called davanala.Inthe forest nobody goes to set fire, but it takes place by dealings. Sowhenwe deal in a different way than Krsna consciousness, then there will befireimmediately. This dealing will produce fire. That has come already. Sothisis the only remedy,

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's process:harer nama harer nama harer nama eva kevalamkalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva gatir anyatha[Cc. Adi 17.21]So here is the statement, panca-tattva lana karena sankirtana range.Youtake to this movement, chant and dance. All problems will be solved.>>> Ref. VedaBase => Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila 7.4 -- Mayapur,March4, 1974--------------------------www.krishna.com www.asitis.com www.srimadbhagavatam.com


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