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Vishnusahasranama 594 to 601

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594. SubhaangaH


The one whose limbs are

the eight angas of ahstangayoga.They are yama,

niyama,aasana, praNaayama, prathyaahaara, DhaaraNaa , Dhyaana and, samaaDhi. Yama is the inner control and niyama denotes

the outer control,aasana is the correct posture for yoga and praNaayaama is

breath control.Dhaarna Dhyaana and samaaDhi denote the stages of contemplation

respectively until the final state of samaaDhi is reached.


Subhaanga also means Subhaani angaani yasya , one who has

beautiful or auspicious limbs.




Through contemplation on

the Lord great peace results through His grace. Saanthim dhadhaathi ithi SaanthidhaH, one who bestows peace. In

Gita the Lord says tath prasaadhaath

paraam Santhim

sThaanam praapsyasi SaaSvatham.(BG.18.59), through the grace of the Lord one who surrenders to

Him gets great peace and also the place of no return.


596. srashtaa


The creator.




Ku means

earth, or prakrthimandalam, the gross universe. thathra modhathe ithi kumudhaH. The Lord creating the whole

universe makes it enjoyable for all beings and He Himself derives pleasure out

of it. Ku meaning earth, also

denotes the Bhoomafhevi with whom the Lord revels. Kou means Sabdhe, in

sound. He enjoys the sound of the Vedas and the namasankeerthana by His

devotees and modhathe, delights in it and with His devotees.


598. kuvaleSayaH



means earth, vala means moving and eeSa is the master or controller and ya denotes going. The one who goes

everywhere and control all that moves , controller of all movements on earth.

Kou kuthsitham vaa valanthe , aasamsaaram

bhramyanthi ithi kuvalaaH, jeevaaH. Those

who roam around in the samsara,the svadhehendhriyaaNaam eeSaah ithi

kuvalayeSaaH, they considerthemselves as the masters of thei body and

senses, Thaan niyacChan yaathi ithi

kuvaleSayaH, The Lord moves

around controlling them as their innerself.


The word could also be

derived as kuvale sayaH. Vala meaning valayathi ,

that is water which surrounds the earth, ku.

sayaH is one who reclines. The one

who reclines in water, that is ocean.In the word Narayana , naaraH also means waters that surround

the universe, and ayana is the

abode. Hence NrayayaNa is the one in

whom the cosmic waters abide.Vala

meaning movement ku+val may mean serpent which moves on

earth and the Lord is reclining on the serpent Adhisesha.


599. gohithaH


goH hithaH . Go meaning the prkrthi,the gross universe, and hitha is the welfare. The Lord is the cause of welfare of all

beings and by His incarnations brought about the welfare of the world by

destroying evil and protecting the good.



taken to mean the cattle this nama refers to the lifting of Giovrdhana mountain

to protect the cattle and the cowherds.



600. gopathiH


The Master of the world,

cattle,indhriyas, celestial world, go having different meanings.


601. gopthaa


The Protector. The verb gup means to protect as well as to

conceal. gopanaath gopaH. The Lord

conceals Himself till one acquires the knowledge of reality and is freed from

ignorance.Naaham prakaasaH sarvasya(BG.7.25)




Vrshabha means

dharma which showers the fruit of actions

Vrshabhah akshaH asya ithi

vrshabhaakshaH. The dharma is the axle , aksha, that supports the wheel of samsara. The Lord is the axle of samsara

in the form of dharma.


vrshabhaH eva akshiNee yasya saH ithi vaa. The

one for whom the dharma is the eyes. His objective is dharma and He gives the

fruits of karma to all according to dharma.


601. vrshapriyaH


Both pravrtthi and

nivrtthi marga according to dharma is

dear to Him. That is, He holds dear those who follow the pravrtthi marga,

performing the vedic rites and his duties according to dharma and akso those who

have given up all karma and resort to Him to attain moksha.
















































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