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Namasthe- Njanappaana 36 B

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Njnanappaana 36 B

Sathukkal kandu sikshichu chollumbol

Sathruveppole krudhikkunnoo chilarVandithanmaare-kkaanunna nerathu

Nindichathre parayunnithu chilar;Kaanka nammude samsaaram kondathre

Viswameevannam nilpuvennum chilarBrahmanyam kondu kunthichu kunthichu

Brahmavu-meni-kkokkayennu chilarArdhaasaykku viruthu vilippaan

Agnihothraathi cheyyunnithu chilarSwarnangal navaratnagale-kkondum

Ennam koodaathe vilkkunnithu chilar

Sajjanaas or good people see this and advise them, they see them as enemies and get angry with them (lines fifteen and sixteen). Some people when they see individuals who are worthy of respect, behaves disrespectfully.(lines seventeen and eighteen). Some people think that the whole universe has a stable existence because of their capability to talk (lines nineteen and twenty). Some people think that they are better than even Brahma because of their undue pride as a Brahmana (lines twenty one and twenty two). Some people do Yanjnas like Agnihothram to get money and titles (lines twenty three and twenty four). Some people sell huge quantities of gold and gems (to make money with out limit) (last two lines).

Who is satthukkal or sajjana or good people? " Sajjanasya hrudayam navaneetham, yadvadanthi kavayashtadaleekam, anyadehavilasath parithaapa sajjano dravathi no navaneetham " - " the heart of sajjanaas or good people are softer than even butter. Butter melts only when it gets heated. But the hearts of sajjanaas melt when they see the sufferings of others or by the heat of other's suffering " . 


Sajjanaas try to advise when they see others following the wrong path . They want to save them from disaster and miseries. But because of the lack of knowledge to understand the good intentions behind their advice, fools see them as their enemies. They only want to hear what is pleasing or " preyaskaram " and give a deaf year to the words that are good or " sreyaskaram " . The most surprising thing is that even when these fools get angry, sajjanaas do not get angry at their anger. They peacefully pray Lord to give them good mind (satbuddhi) and stay away from them.

We should be very blessed to meet mahaatmas or great souls. When we get such a chance we should pay respect to them and seek their advice and blessings to advance ourselves in our spiritual path. Instead some egoistic people treats them disrespectfully. Poonthanam is hurt to see such people wasting their precious life in ignorance.

When somebody tries to act like he is the most indispensable individual, often he is compared to a house lizard sitting on the ceiling. If the lizard thinks that he is the one who supports the ceiling, what is more ridiculous than this? But in real life, Poonthanam says there are people who really think and act as if they are the architects of the destiny of everybody in this world. He ridicules them saying that they think the stability of the universe rests in the words that come out of their mouth.

A Brahmin is a person who has the highest spiritual knowledge (brahmavidya). It is a very difficult process of discipline of body, mind and senses, and people irrespective of their birth or class, who successfully completes this spiritual training are recognized as brahmins. Athri maharshi says:

" By birth, every man is a Shudra (an ignorant person). Through various types of disciplines (samskaras), he becomes a dwija (twice born). Through the studies of scriptures, he becomes a vipra (or a scholar). Through realization of supreme spirit(brahmajnana), he becomes a brahmin. "

Poonthaanam says that some who are not Brahmins in the real sense of the word (with out spiritual knowledge), takes pride in their false Braahmanyam and acts as if they are superior even to Brahma Devan!! In other words, they raise their false Brahminhood even above Brahma!

When people perform yaagas or yanjnaas, they get different titles. These titles are only to show how knowledgeable they are. Because of their knowledge ordinary people show lot of respect for them by giving gifts and money as dakshina. But some people do yaagaas and get the titles like Agnihothri for the sole purpose of collecting money and gifts. They see it as a money making business. Desire for money (arthaasha) eliminates the element of spirituality in performing the yaagaas like Agnihothram.

When one sells things like rice, vegetables etc for profit, their desire for money can be some what justified because they are at least selling things people need to survive. As long as they do not exploit the clients, we can see an element of " helping others attitude " or " Paropakara manasthithi " in that. But what if somebody sells limitless quantity of gold and gems? They are doing this only to make money and in reality they are encouraging client's attachment to those material possessions. They who sell these in abundance are actually pulling ignorant people more towards materialism and Poonthanam says there is no dharmam or punyam in their action.

Poonthaanam ridicules several kinds of people that he see around him. He is sad that they are wasting their precious time. He hopes these lines ridiculing different kinds of people will help to open the eyes of at least some fortunate and blessed people and they will turn to Bhagavan. He begs us to start chanting naamam and promises that it will guide us through out our journey of life and lead us to salvation.

Let us chant Bhagavaan's divine names along with Shri Poonthaanam and millions of other devotees around the world:

Krishna! Krishna! Mukunda! Janaardana!

Krishna! Govinda! Naaraayana! Hare!

Achyuthaananda! Govinda! Maadhava!

Sachidaananda! Naaraayana! Hare!

Samasthaaparaadham kshamaswa


Regards and prayers


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