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Scientific Importance of Early sleep - to be thought everyday.

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Article By HH Mahanidhi SwamiThis short essay based on scientific research, is presented to help aspiringKrsna devotees recognise the need to take rest early each night (latest by10p. m.) and to rise by 4 a. m. each morning in order to chant the HareKrsna Mahamantra and attain the perfection of human life.Special thanks goes to Kirti Mataji for I-net researching the topic of sleepand providing the printed scientific reports and conclusions which form thebasis of this article. After conducting hundreds of experiments on sleep andhealth, the world's leading scientists have discovered that to keep optimumhealth, one should sleep early and rise before sunrise. The best hours ofsleep for your body are between 10 p. m. and 6 a. m. going to bed at 11p.m., 12 p.m. or 1 p. m. is extremely harmful to human health, and is adirect cause of many modern "killer diseases" such as heart disease

andcancer.Nature acts and moves according to precise rhythm cycles influenced by therotation of the earth, sun and moon. Daily the sun rises and sets, theseasons come and go, the moon waxes and wanes, and the ocean tides rise andfall. The function of sleeping and wakefulness is part of this naturalrhythm. In Nature,one finds that the animals and plants are awake and asleepin tune with these rhythms. human beings also have natural rhythms.Our human bodies, like Mother Nature, function according to natural cycles,body rhythms commonly called the internal body clock or the biologicalclock.Disruptions of the natural functions of our biological clock due to improperhabits and incorrect sleeping patterns cause many different diseases. Whenour bodies are out of balance and not functioning in harmony with nature,nothing seems to feel right. This is because hormones, chemicals

andneurotransmitters that determine our energy levels, vitality, and how wefeel, sleep and eat are out of sync. In other words, we are imbalanced andout of tune with our biological clock and going against the natural harmonyestablished by mother nature. Prior to the widespread use of electricity, asseen in Indian villages fifty years ago, people would go to bed shortlyafter sunset, as most animals do and which Nature intended for humans aswell.The best hours of sleep for your body are the hours of 10 p.m.- 6 a.m.These hours and what your body is naturally programmed to do during thesehours(see chart below), are governed by the movements of the sun and the24-hour natural rhythm cycle of your internal body clock - both of which arebeyond your control. During these times (10 p. m. -6 a. m.), human body isdesigned to be at a state of rest, repair, detoxification (elimination ofwaste products and

poisons) and rejuvenation. Our bodies are produced byMother Nature. If we act foolishly and go against the natural order anddesign of our body, we will pay the price by getting various diseases andproblems. For example, if your body is overtaxed digesting a heavy late mealor you are up late (after 10 p.m.) working, playing, watching TV orcomputer, your vital body energy is focused there and not available for restand rejuvenation. The biological clock and your internal organs The maininternal organs of your body work according to a "Time Schedule". Knowinghow your body works can help you regulate your schedule in order to attainthe optimum level of health and well-being.9.00 p. m. - 11.00 p. m. : At this time, your body eliminates toxicchemicals from the immune system (lymph nodes).**It is best to be soundasleep by 9 p. m.or 10 p. m. for your body to properly execute thisimportant function.11.00

p. m. - 1.00 a. m. : This is the time your liver eliminates poisonsand rejuvenates itself.**It is best to be sound asleep by 9 p. m. or 10 p.m. for your body to properly execute this important function.12.00 midnight - 4.00 a.m. : this is the time your bone marrow producesblood.**1.00 a. m. - 3.00 a. m. : This is the time your gall bladder eliminatestoxins and rejuvenates itself.**3.00 a. m. - 5.00 a. m. : This is the time your lungs eliminate toxins andrejuvenate themselves.**5.00 a. m. - 7.00 a. m. : This is the time your colon eliminates poisons andrejuvenates itself. This is the proper time to empty your bowel.**7.00 a. m. - 9.00 a. m. : This is the time that vitamins, minerals, proteinsand nutrients are absorbed in your small intestines. You should definitelyeat breakfast at this time.** Global scientists have concluded thateverybody should go to bed early (falling asleep by 10 p. m.) to

obtainQuality Sleep,which will ensure proper physical regeneration. When youco-operate with your internal biological clock and allow Nature to take hercourse, you will feel refreshed, joyful and energized when you wake up (by 4a. m., of course!).Going to bed before 10 p. m. is essential to keep the human body in tunewith Nature and to remain healthy, happy and holy. material scientists haveconcluded that the average human being needs 8 hours of sleep per day, whichis best obtained by sleeping between 10 p. m. - 6 a. m. when you follow thespiritual path, however, by eating sattvik vegetarian Krsna prasada, yourbody becomes sanctified. And by chanting the Hare Krsna Mahamantra andengaging in Krsna's devotion, your mind becomes purified, pacified andrelaxed. Although,most people require 8 hours daily sleep, Krsna devoteesusually only need 6 hours daily rest to maintain ideal health because

theirspiritual practices produce tremendous physical and mental peace, purity andinternal harmony.Besides, all sincere devotees want to follow the teachings of the scripturesand saints like his Divine grace Srila Prabhupada, who said, "In this Krsnaconscious movement, we request everyone to rise early in the morning by FourA.M." (NOI Pg. 34). Someone may think the Srila Prabhupada phrase, "Krsnaconscious movement" refers only to ISKCON temples and the devotees livingtherein, and it does not apply to anyone living outside the temples in theirown homes or apartments. This is incorrect! Actually, Srila Prabhupada issaying that "Everyone should rise by 4 a. m."In other words, if you are conscious, alive and serious about moving towardsKrsna and attaining pure love of God then you are, regardless of where youlive, in the Krsna conscious movement. Aspiring practitioners of Krsnaconsciousness and

initiated devotees should remember that rising by 4 a. m.and chanting the Hare Krsna Mahamantra between 4 a. m. and 7 a. m. is anabsolute requirement. Everyone must follow this golden rule to be mentallyhappy and progress nicely in spiritual life. It is a fact - early to bed,early to rise,makes one healthy, wealthy and wise. of course, to rise by 4a. m or before,you must sleep early. Practice makes perfect.You have to try sincerely to change your schedule and work towards this goalof taking rest at 10 p. m. and rising at 4 a. m. We hope this short essaywill help the devotees understand the extreme importance of sleeping andrising early in order to realize the full potential of this rare andvaluable form of human life. Our heartfelt desire is that each and everyoneof you will live long healthy life full of Krsna conscious happiness, andattain the ultimate perfection of Radha Govinda's eternal loving

service inthe groves of Vrndavana.Scientific tips for good rest1. Cave - Like darkness: The bedroom should be pitch-black, so you can'teven see your hand in front of your face, which means no bright lights,clock lights or any light coming in from the windows. why? When we sleep intotal darkness,the human brain produces a hormone called melatonin.Melatonin is an important antioxidant which protects our DNA structure andprevents cancer. Tests prove that even a small amount of light hitting theskin almost immediately shuts off the production of melatonin. Therefore,scientists say, never turn on the light should you need to get up from sleepand go to the toilet. And as everyone knows, black (Syama) is beautiful!2. Daily go outside and get natural sunlight: This helps regulate yourbiological clock and increases the production of melatonin, which promoteswell-balanced sleeping patterns.3.

Daily exercise: At least thirty minutes a day will help improve thequality of your sleep.4. Avoid bright lights: One should avoid keeping bright lights on inside thehouse before going to bed. At this time, bright light hitting the eyedisrupts the bio-rhythm of the pineal gland and shuts off your melatoninproduction.5. Hot shower before bed: This relaxes the body and helps you fall asleepquickly.6. Sleep as early as possible: You should be in bed and asleep by 10 p. m.7. Wear Socks to Bed.8. the bedroom should be free from electromagnetic field: Do not keep a TV,computer or any other electronic item in your bedroom because they createstrong electromagnetic field which disrupts the quality of your sleep.9. Fresh Air: Open the window at least a crack to get fresh air to circulatewhile sleeping.10. Avoid fluids: Do not drink any fluids two hours before sleep.11. Sleep Regulation: Get up and go

to sleep at the same time everyday. Ifyou are up late one night, still rise at your usual time and nap later inthe day.12. Daytime Nap: If one needs to take a nap in the day, it should not belonger than one hour for optimal rejuvenation, rest and repair. If you naplonger, it will disrupt the night-time sleep quality.13. Avoid Noise: Because it disrupts sleep.14. Hot Water Bottle: To relieve tension and anxiety, place a hot waterbottle between the navel and the bottom of your ribcage.15. Head Massage: To relax before sleeping.16. Foot Rub: Rub ghee or sesame oil on the bottom of your feet and promoterestful sleep.17. Read Sastras: Everyone knows that reading Srimad Bhagavatam or chantingHare Krsna is a guaranteed method of instant sleep!!**************************************************************************www.krishna.com www.asitis.com www.srimadbhagavatam.com


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