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Build bridges of loving Kindness

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Build Bridges of Loving Kindness

Rama stood facing the ocean. His army had arrived. Even Vibhishana had come across from Lanka and taken refuge in him. Thoughts of Vaidehi were tormenting Rama. And everyone now pointed to the ocean saying that was the first challenge they had to meet. As he stood watching the vast, deep ocean, Rama wondered how they would cross it.

For three days and nights Rama prayed to Lord Sagara, who had been created by his ancestors by excavating the land and seeking the grace of Varuna, the water god. Yet Sagara did not respond to Rama’s prayers. Since time was running out, Rama began to string his bow declaring his intention to shoot an arrow that would be so powerful as to dry up the ocean.

Hearing Rama’s plans, cries rang through the air, birds flew home and animals ran hither and thither. The waters rose in agony. Seeing that his brother was determined to carry out his threat, Lakshmana pleaded with Rama to show restraint. “Great people like you do not fall into the trap of anger that blinds reason and thinking. All that is born of anger does not last. That which is born of consultation and conciliation alone, lives long after man. Your purpose should be achieved without resorting to such an extreme step. Devise some more durable way of crossing the seas,†implored Lakshmana.

With his bow still in hand, Rama sees reason in his brother’s argument. Sagara appeared before Rama with this appeal: “We, the earth, air, ether, water and fire are bound by the eternal laws governing nature. It is in my nature, therefore, to be fathomless and incapable of being swum across. We cannot break those laws. Not for greed, desire or out of fear will I solidify so that you and the army can walk over me for that would endanger the lives of beings that live in me. I will not part or move my course by transgressing limits. However, I will help you and your army crosses the ocean by bearing everything that I can without overstepping my limits. Build on my chest a bridge and the well endowed son of Vishwakarma, the monkey Nala, is capable of doing that. I will sustain the bridge.â€

The ocean lord advises Rama to shoot his arrow at a region that has polluted waters, so that it is cleansed of that impurity. Once the bow is strung, the arrow has to be released and so Rama decides to follow Sagara’s advice. Nala comes forth to build the bridge. Says Nala, “The ocean responded only to punishment and not to request, this is true. But it is not just because it is ungrateful. It is also because it wants to provoke you to build a bridge on it, so that it sees a lasting solution to the problem it presents to many travelers.â€

The bridge was built and the war won, and good triumphed over evil. The bridge was more than a physical entity. It was a symbol of the need to find ways to preserve sanctity of life. Every form of life is subject to eternal laws. That which is sustainable is that which takes into consideration the aspirations and commitment of all beings, be they dangerous animals or fathomless waters.

Equally, Rama’s mission was important. To find solutions within the given constraints was the true challenge. When he faced this truth, nature became his supporter and instead of fighting it he became empowered with its support. Because he was able to work in consonance with nature to achieve his desired goal, Rama’s bridge symbolised the importance of understanding, compassion and harmony.

(From Spirituality)

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