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Take rufuge in Prayer, receive God's grace.

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Take Refuge in Prayer, Receive God’s Grace

Endeavour, time and God’s grace are required for the successful accomplishment of any undertaking. Reaping a good harvest requires ploughing and sowing of seeds. Then we need to give time for the seeds to sprout and grow into crop.. But often, despite putting in best efforts, success somehow evades us. Besides endeavour and time, the third factor, God’s grace, is also required. The first two factors are relatively under our control but there are some things over which we have no control. For hasn’t it been said that there is many a slip between the cup and the lip?

What then should we do to obtain the desired result? By seeking the help of God, who governs Creation and its laws and also dispenses the result of action, not only would we take the path that would lead to greater knowledge and confidence; it would also prepare ourselves to receive His grace. Prayer is a means to win His grace.

Prayer is an entreaty. There is humility in prayer. It shows a keen awareness and acceptance of one’s own limitations as well as an acceptance of the limitless source. In prayer there is trust and conviction that God is not only omniscient and omnipotent but He is also benevolent. Prayer is also a way of examining ourselves and recognising our vulnerability.

There is doubt that if God is omniscient, He knows that the one who prays is confident of what he wants. Then, where is the need to pray? God is omniscient and yet we are expected to do our part to receive His grace, which is there for the asking. Here self-effort comes into play. Unlike other creatures, God has blessed human beings with the gift of free will. This enables us to perform deliberate action and navigate the path of life. Part of the effort is seeking help from the Almighty whenever it is required.

It appears, however, that free will is not all that free. There is something within, which does not permit everybody to acknowledge a greater source and seek His help. Krishna says in the Bhagavad-Gita that it is only virtuous and mature people who can reach out to Him. Again, the maturity level of people varies and, therefore, different people turn to God seeking different ends. Most people remember Him when they are in difficulty and they are desperate as they see no ray of hope, like Draupadi. There are others, like Sugriva, who pray to God to fulfill their desires for material benefit.

There is nothing wrong in seeking God’s favour for these reasons for it shows deep trust and conviction in God who will not fail them. There are also a few devotees like Arjuna who are interested in God for the sake of knowing God.. They seek to know Him. And yet, the rare few like Janaka who have known the truth of God and who have become one with Him do not see themselves and the world as standing apart from God.

Regardless of whether one seeks material or spiritual success, prayer is indispensable, for there are obstacles in any path. Also, prayer need not always be a demand; it could be a thanksgiving or expression of humility and gratitude.

Great people of all times have experienced and confirmed that prayer is the most powerful resort available to us and there is no obstacle coming from within or without which can stand against it.

(By Swami Viditatmananda)

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