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Wipe Away Your Offences

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Wipe Away Your Offences


Hare Krsna my dear devotees, I hope your week has been blessed and your japa peaceful. Today I will be sharing with you great preaching from H.H. Sacinandana Swami about aparadhas and how they can affect our chanting and spiritual life - I hope this nectar can add to your daily chanting and also to your spiritual progress.

Question: In our spiritual life and chanting we sometimes appear to arrive before a wall. How to cross over it?Answer: Jiva Gosvami, comments...from this we can understand that sometimes we are stopped by the reaction to past-life offences. The wall which we can’t cross could be due to different types of aparadhas (offenses).

The obvious question is, if it is possible to counteract the reaction to past-life offenses before they mature into reality? The answer is this: yes it is possible by wholesale surrender to Krsna. He can wipe away the past-life offences very easily.

I have just heard from a devotee who has visited the Brghu Samhita readings (Brghu Samhita tells of previous lifetimes and amongst others gives remedies how to overcome the sinful reactions occurred from past-life offences). This devotee had an incurable disease and tried really every remedial measure – there was no help. When he went to the Brghu Samhita reading he heard that the disease was a direct result of him offending a brahmana and it would only be possible to cure that disease by feeding brahmanas each day. He unfortunately had no faith in this and continued to look for therapies but for no avail. He is still sick. Another person had faith in the remedial measures given by the Brghu Samhita and cured his disease.

So, to answer your question, yes, there are offenses which keep us from progressing. But these offenses can be cleared by surrender to Krsna. We just have to do it and not only talk about it. We have to become real.

May our progress in spiritual life is always renewed and constant so we can be sure we will come back to Godhead and satisfy our spiritual master and Radha Krsna.your servant,Aruna devi

-- Take advantage of this rare opportunity of this human form of life.  There are 8,400,000 different species of life through which we are rotating lifetime after lifetime. So getting a human body is not an every day affair. This most auspicious opportunity only comes after many millions of lifetimes in the lower species. Anyone who does not utilize their human life for self-realization is making the greatest mistake. When this happens it is the greatest tragedy, and unfortunately today this neglect of the human form has become the standard behavior for the entire human society. What can be done? We must first ourselves become solidly situated in Krishna consciousness and then do the highest welfare activity of spreading to everyone else all over the world.

Chant:Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

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