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Namasthe- Njanappaana 53

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Njanappaana 53

Bhuvanathile bhoothikalokkeyum Bhavanam namukkayathithu thanne

All the wealth of the Universe belongs to us because our Bhavanam or house is Bhuvanam or Universe itself.

" Bhooti " does not mean wealth, or prosperity, but it is " Aishwaryam " and I do not know any equivalent English word for Aishwaryam. Universe is filled with all types of wealth and if we consider Universe as our house, we will never feel the shortage of anything. Poet wants us to feel " vasudhaiva kumtumbakam " or " the entire world is one family " . Mahopanishad says:

ayam bandhu: ayam neti gananaa laghu chethasaamudaara charitaanaam thu vasudhaiva kutumbhakam

" This one is my relative and that a stranger’ – is the calculation of the narrow-mindedFor the magnanimous hearts however, the entire earth is but a family " .

The next few lines in Njanappaana also reinforces the importance of considering the whole Universe as our home. This concept is present through out our prayers also. The prayer " Loka: samastha: sukhino Bhavanthu: " is also an extension of this concept.

This attitude of " vasudhaiva kumtumbakam " encourages to share what one has with less fortunate people.

Poonthaanam says that once we start feeling Bhgavaan's presence in every animate and inanimate things in the world, we become a world citizen loving everybody and everything equally. Then one sees the same Bhagavaan who dwells in Himself in others and this realization leads to salvation.

Naamasankeerthanam is the best way to purify our mind and power of naamam will guide us through the path of Bhakthi to Njaanam and moksham. In Kaliyuga, this is the method prescribed by scriptures and seers. Towards the end of Dwaapara yugam, Brahma Devan told Narada Maharshi:


Bhagavatha Aadipurushasya Naaraayanasya naamocchaarana maathrena nirdhootha kalirbhavathi- just chant Naarayana naamam in this Kaliyuga.  

Let us chant Bhagavaan's divine names along with Brahma Devan, sage Narada, Shri Poonthaanam, and millions of devotees around the world:

Krishna! Krishna! Mukunda! Janaardana!

Krishna! Govinda! Naaraayana! Hare!

Achyuthaananda! Govinda! Maadhava!

Sachidaananda! Naaraayna! Hare!

Smasthaaparaadham kshamaswa.


Regards andprayers


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