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648. kaalaneminihaa


Kaalanemi here means the wheel of

ignorance revolving from anaadhikala. The Lord is the destroyer of it.


Lord destroyed the asura named Kalanemi and he was born as Kamsa and was

destroyed again by Krishna.


649. veeraH



He is the valiant.


650. SouriH


SouryaH asya sthi ithi One who is valiant and

victorious. Also this means Soorasya apathyam pumaan, meaning Krishna who was born in the clan of Soora.Parasarabhattar

sees a reference to SourirajaPerumal of ThirukkaNNapuram.





He is the master of Sooras, the valiant.


652. thrilokaathmaa


thrayaaNaam lokanaam

antharyaamithayaa aathmaa. He is the Self of all beings in the three worlds.


653. thrilokeSaH



of the three lokas.


654. keSavaH



svaangajathvaath. Brahma, (ka) and Siva(Esa) were born from Him.



also means ray and the Lord is the source of the rays of the Sun.

keSa samjnithaH

sooryaadhisankraanthaah amSavaH Thadhvatthayaa kesavaH.

Sankraantha means going from one

point to another


655. keSihaa



of the demon Kesi




Sahethuka samsaaram

harathi. He

removes the samsara along with its cause, namely the ignorance.

harathi ithi hariH- He removes the sins of

His devotees.


means green.The Lord is described as green hued. `Pachaimaamalai pOl mEni,'

says Thondardippodi azavr in his Thirmaalai. In Mahabharatha The Lord Himself



varNaSca me harih SreshThah tasmAd

harir-iti smRtah ||

(mahA. SAnti.

343. 39)




Kaamaan dheevyathi ithi

kaamadhevaH. One who gives what is desired.


is the name of the god of love ManmaTha.The Lord is kaamajanaka , the father of

Kaama and hence he is the giver of Kama in that sense also. In srimadbhagavaTha Krishna is

described when he appeared in front of gopis, after disappearing from them, as saakshaath

manmaTha manmaThaH , one who attracts even the mind of the god of love.


658. kaamapaalaH


Kaamaan dhdhaathi thaan

paalayathi cha.


bestows what is desired and also protects them till the life time of the



659. kaamee



all desirable things and He is paripoorNakaama, or avaapthasamastha kaama, one

who has everything.




Svayameva kaamaneeyaH. He Himself is the object

of desire . kasya, brahmaNaH anthaH asmaath ithi vaa. He causes the end of Brahma at the

end of his lifetime.

kaanthiH asya asthi

ithi vaa, He is effulgent.


661. krthaagamaH


Prepounder of Vedas and Pancharathra aagama.

vedhaaH SaasthraaNi

vijnaanam ethath sarvam janaardhanaath, The veda-s, SaSthra-s, wisdom, and

all these, came from JanArdana





is of indefinable form. idham thath eedhrSam ithi vaa nirdheshtum na SakyaH.

Vedantadesika says in his Yadhavbhyudhaya that all the Vedas starting to

describe His gunas, became fatigued even before they finished with one guna of

the Lord.





Lord is called Vishnu because He is allpervading. Krishna

says to Arjuna in Mahabharatha,


vyaapthe me rodhasee

paarTha kaanthirapyaDhikaasThithaa

kramaaNaam chapyaham

paarThavishnurithi abhi samjnithaH



heaven and earth were pervaded by Me and My effulgence was even greater.And due

to My stride also (refers to the Thrivikramaavathaara) I am called Vishnu.



664. veeraH


veeH means gathiH and has

relevance to the previous nama, meaning all pervading.


665. ananthaH


Limitless. dheSa kaala vasthu avaDhayaH naasthi

thasya ithi.


cannot be limited by time , space or entity because He is eternal, allpervading

and therefore His form is not limited like any other





Dhanam jayathi ithi




Lord excels in all wealth , being the greatest wealth.

Krishna says in Gita , paandavaanaam



am Dhananjaya, that is , Arjuna among the Pandavas.






















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