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Namasthe- Njanappaana 57

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Njanappaana 57

Vidhicheetunna karmam odungumbol Pathichidunnu deha moretathuKothicheetunna brahmathe kandittu Kuthicheetunnu jeevanum appozhe 

When the karmaas allotted for that particular body ends, body falls dead (line 1,2) and Jeevathma realizing (the oneness with) Brahmam immediately merges into it. (line 3,4).

  " Vidhucheetunna karmam " is the same as " prarabdha karma " . There are three types of karmaas and some scholars mention a fourth one. They are

1. Sanchita karmaas: These are the accumulated karmaas of all our past lives that were not exhausted by experiencing. Some people call this " cosmic debt " . Every moment we are either depositing into or withdrawing from this account of karmaas!

2. Prabdha Karmaas: These karmaas are actually sanchitha karmaas which are ripe and ready to be experienced by the present body. We cannot escape the results of these karmaas because they are already in motion towards us. Only one person can help us from suffering the results of these karmaas. That is Bhagavaan. By surrendering to Him completely, we can change our so called " fate " or at least reduce the severity of the suffering. Naamasankeerthanam in Kaliyuga nullifies the negative effects of our past karmaas.

3. Aagama Karma or Agaami Karma: These are some of the kaamya karmaas (result oriented karmaas) we do that will get added to the sanchitha karma and results of those will be experienced in future janmaas.

4. Kriyamaana Karmaas: Karmaas that we do in this life whose effect will be experienced in the present life itself either immediately or in a few months or years time.

Njaanananda Saraswathi has given an analogy which helps us to understand the different types of karmaas. A hunter has several arrows in his quiver. Sanchitha karmaas (sum total of all the past karmaas) are like these collection of arrows in the quiver. The one arrow hunter has already aimed at and already sent represents Prarabdha karmaas. He cannot recall it and it will hit the target unless somebody comes in between and redirects or takes it on him. This somebody is Easwaran who can stop it, or change the direction of it or take it on himself. The arrow which he plans to send is Aagama karmaas. So one has perfect control of agama karmaas like the hunter can decide not to send the arrows or or decide to send them anytime. Also Sanchitha karmaas can be nullified by naamasankeerthanam or other nishkaama karmaas and we can say that one can take control of that also with the blessings of the Lord.  But God and only God has to intervene (or can intervene) to change the praarabdha karmaas that are already set in motion.

As soon as the body falls, noble souls realize the truth " aham brahmasmi " and with in moments unite with Paramaathma. In other words, he realizes that the jeevaathma that was covered with his body is actually Paramaathma Himself. This realization is salvation or moksham and he will not be subjected to the cycle of birth and death any more. The word " kuthiccheetunnu " indicates that Jeevaathma is always yearning to merge with Paramaathma. So the moment body falls, Jeevan mukthaas rush to unite with Parmaathma.  

Let us chant Bhagavvan's divine names that protect us from all dangers along with Shri Poonthaanam and millions of other devotees around the world;

Krishna! Krishna! Mukunda! Janaardana!

Krishna! Govinda! naaraayana! Hare!

Achyuthaananda! Govinda! Maadhava!

Sachidaananda! Naaraayana! Hare!

Samasthaaparaadham kshamaswa.


Regards and prayers


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