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Namasthe- Njanappaana 60

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Njanappaana 60 

Aamodam poondu choolluvin naamangal

Aanandam poondu brahmathil cheruvaan

Chant (divine) names happily and enjoy the bliss of merging with the Brahmam.

The words " aamodam poondu " indirectly suggests that all other paths for salvation are harder than this path and Naamasankeerthanam is the most enjoyable path. What is the result of happily chanting divine names? You attain the bliss of Brahmasaayujyam or the bliss of being one with the Supreme. By chanting naamam we attain eternal happiness.  

Naama sankeerthanam is capable of burning even the ten types of naama aparadhams or offenses against Lord's name. Chaitanya Charithamrutham says that there is a great difference between other sins and offense against Bhagavaan and His divine names. Even a glimpse of devotion destroys heaps of other sins as fire easily burns heaps of cotton. But offense against divine names and Lord are not destroyed easily and the best way to absolve these offenses is to accept one's mistake and repent deeply by chanting Bhgavaan's divine names.


The ten offences are 1. Showing disrespect to devoteesor sajjanaas 2. Differentiating among divine names or Hariharabhedabudhi 3. Irreverence to the chosen Guru 4. Speaking lightly or jokingly about scriptures 5. Performing bad actions under the cover of Naamam 6. Not believing in the greatness of Naamam 7. Belittling divine names 8. Talking about the greatness or power of Naamam to atheists 9. Lack of interest in Naamam even after knowing the greatness of chanting it. 10. Ego and pride or the feeling " I " and " mine " .

There is a good possibility that ordinary human beings like us purposely or inadvertently will lapse in to any of the above or all of the above sins and Poonthaanam along with Chaitanya Mahaprabhu tells us that Naamamsankeerthanam is the best atonement for all sins committed and we will finally enjoy the divine bliss of the Lord. 

Let us chant Bhgavaan's divine names along with Shri Poonthaanam and millions of devotees around the world.

Krishna! Krishna! Mukunda! Janaardana!

Krishna! Govinda! naaraayana! Hare!

Achyuthaananda! Govinda! Maadhava!

Sachidaananda! Naaraayana! Hare!

Samasthaaparaadham kshamswa


Regards and prayers


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