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Bhagavatgita a detailed study chapter 18-Liberation through renunciation

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sanjaya uvaacha


74.ithyaham vaasudhevasya paarThasya

cha mahaathmanaH


Samvaadham imam aSrousham adhbhutham




I heard the wonderful and

exhilarating conversation between the

great Vasudeva and Arjuna.


75. vyaasaparasaadhaath Sruthavaan

ethath guhyam aham



Yogam yogeSvaraath krshNaath saakshaath kaThayathaH



the grace of the sage Vyasa I have heard this most secret yoga expounded by the yogesvara Krishna Himself.



76. raajan samsmrthya samsmrthya

samvaadham imam



keSavaarjunayoH puNyam hrshyaami cha muhurmuhuH



King, remembering this wonderful conversation between Krishna

and Arjuna I am enjoying it again and again.


77.thaccha samsmrthya samsmrthya roopam




vismayo me mahaan raajan hrshyaami

cha punaH punaH



remembering the magnificent form of Lord Hari I am filled with wonder Oh king

and feeling elated again and again



Not only Arjuna but also Sanjaya was

elated to have heard the conversation between Krishna and Arjuna due to the

grace of the sage Vyasa and extols the discourse as `yogam yogesvarAth

krishnAth sAkshAth kaThayathah svayam,' the

highest knowledge from the mouth of the Lord Himself, who is the master of all

yoga, and says that remembering it he rejoices at his good fortune again and

again and filled with wonder. He concludes by saying,



78. yathre yogeSvaraH krshNaH yathra

paarTho DhanurDharaH


Thathra Sreeh vijayo bhoothiH DhruvaaneethiH




Wherever there is Sri Krishna, the Lord

of the yoga and Arjuna the archer, there is always fortune, victory, wealth and

firm justice .


The implied meaning of this statement is

that when the Lord is there to command and when the individual is fully

equipped to do His command and acts as the instrument in the hands of God

always ready to listen to the voice within, the success is waiting for such an



Let us also be like Arjuna , armed with

detachment and discrimination born out of devotion, act on in this world as the

servants of the Lord to do His bidding out of love and attain peace and joy.


This is the end of the great gospel of

humanity, the Bhagavatgita.



OM thath sath

KrishNaaya vaasudhevaaya

dhevakee nandhanaaya cha


Nandhagopakumaaraaya govindhaaya namo namaH


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Respected Sarojam ji,


No words to express our thanks. Great work.

May Bhagwan shower his blessings upon you

to continue guiding us through Bhakthimarga.


Om Namo Narayanaya.


Regards and Prayers.


Sajan--- On Tue, 9/8/09, sarojram18 <sarojram18 wrote:

sarojram18 <sarojram18[Guruvayur] Bhagavatgita a detailed study chapter 18-Liberation through renunciationguruvayur Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 7:17 AM


sanjaya uvaacha


74.ithyaham vaasudhevasya paarThasya cha mahaathmanaH


Samvaadham imam aSrousham adhbhutham



Thus I heard the wonderful and exhilarating conversation between the great Vasudeva and Arjuna.


75. vyaasaparasaadhaath Sruthavaan ethath guhyam aham



Yogam yogeSvaraath krshNaath saakshaath kaThayathaH


By the grace of the sage Vyasa I have heard this most secret yoga expounded by the yogesvara Krishna Himself.



76. raajan samsmrthya samsmrthya samvaadham imam



keSavaarjunayoH puNyam hrshyaami cha muhurmuhuH


Oh King, remembering this wonderful conversation between Krishna and Arjuna I am enjoying it again and again.


77.thaccha samsmrthya samsmrthya roopam athyadhbhutham



vismayo me mahaan raajan hrshyaami cha punaH punaH


And remembering the magnificent form of Lord Hari I am filled with wonder Oh king and feeling elated again and again



Not only Arjuna but also Sanjaya was elated to have heard the conversation between Krishna and Arjuna due to the grace of the sage Vyasa and extols the discourse as `yogam yogesvarAth krishnAth sAkshAth kaThayathah svayam,' the highest knowledge from the mouth of the Lord Himself, who is the master of all yoga, and says that remembering it he rejoices at his good fortune again and again and filled with wonder. He concludes by saying,



78. yathre yogeSvaraH krshNaH yathra paarTho DhanurDharaH


Thathra Sreeh vijayo bhoothiH DhruvaaneethiH




Wherever there is Sri Krishna, the Lord of the yoga and Arjuna the archer, there is always fortune, victory, wealth and firm justice .


The implied meaning of this statement is that when the Lord is there to command and when the individual is fully equipped to do His command and acts as the instrument in the hands of God always ready to listen to the voice within, the success is waiting for such an individual.


Let us also be like Arjuna , armed with detachment and discrimination born out of devotion, act on in this world as the servants of the Lord to do His bidding out of love and attain peace and joy.


This is the end of the great gospel of humanity, the Bhagavatgita.



OM thath sath

KrishNaaya vaasudhevaaya dhevakee nandhanaaya cha


Nandhagopakumaaraay a govindhaaya namo namaH


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