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Loving Divine,

Humble pranams.

One more view...

1. There is no place for Vairagya (dispassion) in True Love.

* Love is the height of vairagya. On one side is beloved and on the other rest of the pleasures of the world, a true lover will choose only beloved.

2. We assume ignorance as knowledge and then do devotion of God.

* Hummm..., the height of knowledge is love and the height of love is true knowledge - two sides of the same coin, can't separate... Devotion w/o true knowledge is as good as ignorance. When you don't know yourself, what good it is to know rest of the world?


3. Does time move in a straight line or in a circle? All our scientific deductions are based on the basis of time moving in a straight line whereas all spiritual truths are based on the fact that time moves in a circle.


* No, there is no such thing as time in the spiritual truth so it is neither straight nor circular. It all exist for a person prior to reaching the spiritual truth..

4. You are the master of time if you act in accordance with nature - you are its slave if you want nature to act in accordance with 'you' (your true form + nature).

* Once you realize/master the timeless Self, you can manipulate the time bound world, i.e., nature/prakruti.

5. We control the world and God controls Time. Let us act in a manner that God is compelled to turn the clock back to when the world was exactly as God intended - a Beautiful Blissful World of Divine Love.

* Neither we control the world nor God controls the time. God doesn't do anything, all is the creation of our mind so God will not turn the clock forward or backward, it is us humans, who have created the clock and wants to control things by clock. His world was/is/will be always beautiful, blissful and filled with divine love - no changes have occurred since its inception! This is how it is for the one who lives in Self.


6. Life is a spiral, not a straight line. It becomes a circle of Love as soon as you realize that it begins exactly where it last ended.

* Spiral or straight, just a view point. I could say life is a zig-zag, up & down but the mean line is straignt and going upward or circles back to its source. All is one and the same thing. I can also say, no all this is wrong Life is infinite no spiral, no straight, no zig-zag, nothing, it is all pervading, it is in living being and non living space. Life is there regardless of our perception of it. Does it make sense?



But I can also say that when one starts so called spiritual journey, one evolves like a spiral, one comes back at the starting point with different attitude towards the world, different understanding of the world, different tolerance for the world. One was born in Love and ultimately dissolves in love - completes the circle, e.g., balloon existed because of air, when burst, merges back in air. This body is made up of panchatattva, at end merges in them. This soul becomes individualized because of our samskaras, when done with them, it merges back with the Cosmic Soul. Due to our samskaras/desires/karma, when we are born again, we pick-up exactly from where we had left off, just like accounting balance sheet - the debit and credit has to balance, i.e., become zero

7. Let us Merge Religion and Science to reach the Absolute Truth.

* They are already one and the same in Absolute Truth, no distinction exist so let's start perceiving it that way.

8. The secret of life lies in the navel. The navel is the '10th door' which we have closed and are trying to find the secret of life through the other 9 doors. The navel is our life line.

* In Gitaji & Upnishads, there are variations in number of doors - 9, 10, 11, Endless. For so called normal human being, the naval is strength and the strength comes from food (annamaya kosh - this is the 1st realization). When in womb, through navel, the baby is fed. Food also feeds the mind and mind creates the life (manomay kosh, the 2nd sheath out of 5. Most of us just know about these 2 sheaths. Praan, Vijnan (Ultimate Truth) and Anand are realized by very few)). We become, what we think. In spiritual world, the secret of life lies in the Sahastrar (top of the head - fontanel) from where the soul enters in the body of a baby in womb and ideally should leave the body to be liberated completely. All other doors are considered as the cause of rebirth - the spiral life as you mentioned before (3 doors associated with muladhaar - anus, right & left nostrils. 3 drs w/ swadhisthan - genital, procreation, mouth. 3 w/ manipur - naval (how we were fed when we were in mother's womb) right & left eyes. Endless drs w/ anahad - skin. 2 drs w/ vishuddha - right & left ears) .


9. You become complete only when you become one with your nature.

* Yes, this is what you said before, from where you start you return that same point. Water in pot becomes that pot but the moment pot merges in ocean, the water in it becomes ocean.

10. Praan Shakti = Heart Beat

* No, not really, go beyond, you will realize that praan shakti is beyond heart beat, it is that shakti which makes heart actually beat.

11. Karmayog is the simplest and easiest means for the awakening of the Kundalini Power.

* Yes, breathing itself is a karma, be conscious of it in every act, and one will realize the power behind it.

12. The path of Gyaan and Karma are worldly and naturally take you downwards - where as the path of devotion is unworldly and naturally takes you upwards. In the end, all three meet and cumulate in Love.

* Yes, the outward knowledge and karma or the knowledge and action of 'I, the ego', takes you downwards - keeps you in lower 5 chakras but the devotion - the love for the Truth or devotion with true knowledge and action - i.e., action done with the acknowledgement of the True Doer, takes you upward. When all path followed with the inner knowledge of the True Doer, the love springs that is the true action, knowledge and devotion.

13. Satsang - is the relation between the heart and the navel. You do not do satsang - Satsang happens - it is the cause of your very existence.'You' came into existence only because of Satsang - the connection of the heart (Praan) and navel.


* Satsang = union. You have established two energy sources/centers, i.e., food and air, as the vital source of life and that's why it is easy to establish this relationship. For our physical existence it is absolutely true. However, in my opinion Satsang is the relation between that shukshma energy and our body with its bodily functions, i.e., The Soul and Body. In the presence of Soul the naval functions and heart beats, if no Soul, no satsang. Think about it.



always at Thy Holy Feet

On 3/9/07, Gita Prapann Parivar <sadasya wrote:






Ram RamSet out below are a few random thoughts that have been coming in my mindsince the past few days. By the Grace of God, I have got a lot of answers topreviously unanswered questions just by pondering on the same and I am very

confident that all our family members who will ponder on the same and whobelieve in the Grace of God will also get similar experiences. I wouldrequest everyone not to look at the words but at the thought behind the

words because I have not framed the words intellectually and they couldcontain many mistakes. The words are derived and based on the little that Ihave heard from saints as I have understood them to be. If there are any

mistakes in the same, the same is only due to my understanding and the wordsof saints are in no manner erroneous.I am sure that the thoughts would be very beneficial to all the readers whoponder on the same and send in their views for the benefit of all. My

thoughts are not at all connected - and a number of them may seem illogicaland without any intellectual basis, but they have all given me insights topreviously 'unknown' truths by me - truths which I firmly believed in but

did not know.1. There is no place for Vairagya (dispassion) in True Love.2. We assume ignorance as knowledge and then do devotion of God.3. Does time move in a straight line or in a circle? All our scientific

deductions are based on the basis of time moving in a straight line whereasall spiritual truths are based on the fact that time moves in a circle.4. You are the master of time if you act in accordance with nature -

you are its slave if you want nature to act in accordance with 'you' (yourtrue form + nature).5. We control the world and God controls Time. Let us act in a mannerthat God is compelled to turn the clock back to when the world was exactly

as God intended - a Beautiful Blissful World of Divine Love.6. Life is a spiral, not a straight line. It becomes a circle of Loveas soon as you realize that it begins exactly where it last ended.7. Let us Merge Religion and Science to reach the Absolute Truth. 8. The secret of life lies in the navel. The navel is the '10th door'which we have closed and are trying to find the secret of life through theother 9 doors. The navel is our life line.9. You become complete only when you become one with your nature.

10. Praan Shakti = Heart Beat11. Karmayog is the simplest and easiest means for the awakening of theKundalini Power.12. The path of Gyaan and Karma are worldly and naturally take youdownwards - where as the path of devotion is unworldly and naturally takes

you upwards. In the end, all three meet and cumulate in Love. 13. Satsang - is the relation between the heart and the navel. You donot do satsang - Satsang happens - it is the cause of your very existence.

'You' came into existence only because of Satsang - the connection of theheart (Praan) and navel.Ram Ram

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Koti koti Pranam,

Great thoughts but unable to understand. Where to begin?

How to begin? How to march forward?

Thank you.





> " Manjula Patel "


> Re: Food for Thought

>Tue, 20 Mar 2007 04:46:06 -0400


>Loving Divine,

>Humble pranams.

>One more view...

>1. There is no place for Vairagya (dispassion) in True Love.

>* Love is the height of vairagya. On one side is beloved and on the other

>rest of the pleasures of the world, a true lover will choose only beloved.


>2. We assume ignorance as knowledge and then do devotion of God.

>* Hummm..., the height of knowledge is love and the height of love is true

>knowledge - two sides of the same coin, can't separate... Devotion w/o


>knowledge is as good as ignorance. When you don't know yourself, what good

>it is to know rest of the world?


>3. Does time move in a straight line or in a circle? All our scientific

>deductions are based on the basis of time moving in a straight line whereas

>all spiritual truths are based on the fact that time moves in a circle.

>* No, there is no such thing as time in the spiritual truth so it is


>straight nor circular. It all exist for a person prior to reaching the

>spiritual truth..


>4. You are the master of time if you act in accordance with nature - you


>its slave if you want nature to act in accordance with 'you' (your true


>+ nature).

>* Once you realize/master the timeless Self, you can manipulate the time

>bound world, i.e., nature/prakruti.


>5. We control the world and God controls Time. Let us act in a manner that

>God is compelled to turn the clock back to when the world was exactly as


>intended - a Beautiful Blissful World of Divine Love.

>* Neither we control the world nor God controls the time. God doesn't do

>anything, all is the creation of our mind so God will not turn the clock

>forward or backward, it is us humans, who have created the clock and wants

>to control things by clock. His world was/is/will be always beautiful,

>blissful and filled with divine love - no changes have occurred since its

>inception! This is how it is for the one who lives in Self.


>6. Life is a spiral, not a straight line. It becomes a circle of Love as

>soon as you realize that it begins exactly where it last ended.

>* Spiral or straight, just a view point. I could say life is a zig-zag,


> & down but the mean line is straignt and going upward or circles back to


>source. All is one and the same thing. I can also say, no all this is

>wrong Life is infinite no spiral, no straight, no zig-zag, nothing, it is

>all pervading, it is in living being and non living space. Life is there

>regardless of our perception of it. Does it make sense?


>But I can also say that when one starts so called spiritual journey, one

>evolves like a spiral, one comes back at the starting point with different

>attitude towards the world, different understanding of the world, different

>tolerance for the world. One was born in Love and ultimately dissolves in

>love - completes the circle, e.g., balloon existed because of air, when

>burst, merges back in air. This body is made up of panchatattva, at end

>merges in them. This soul becomes individualized because of our samskaras,

>when done with them, it merges back with the Cosmic Soul. Due to

>our samskaras/desires/karma, when we are born again, we pick-up exactly


>where we had left off, just like accounting balance sheet - the debit and

>credit has to balance, i.e., become zero


>7. Let us Merge Religion and Science to reach the Absolute Truth.

>* They are already one and the same in Absolute Truth, no distinction exist

>so let's start perceiving it that way.


>8. The secret of life lies in the navel. The navel is the '10th door' which

>we have closed and are trying to find the secret of life through the other


>doors. The navel is our life line.

>* In Gitaji & Upnishads, there are variations in number of doors - 9, 10,

>11, Endless. For so called normal human being, the naval is strength and

>the strength comes from food (annamaya kosh - this is the 1st realization).

>When in womb, through navel, the baby is fed. Food also feeds the mind and

>mind creates the life (manomay kosh, the 2nd sheath out of 5. Most of us

>just know about these 2 sheaths. Praan, Vijnan (Ultimate Truth) and Anand

>are realized by very few)). We become, what we think. In spiritual world,

>the secret of life lies in the Sahastrar (top of the head - fontanel) from

>where the soul enters in the body of a baby in womb and ideally should


>the body to be liberated completely. All other doors are considered as the

>cause of rebirth - the spiral life as you mentioned before (3

>doors associated with muladhaar - anus, right & left nostrils. 3 drs w/

>swadhisthan - genital, procreation, mouth. 3 w/ manipur - naval (how we


>fed when we were in mother's womb) right & left eyes. Endless drs w/ anahad

>- skin. 2 drs w/ vishuddha - right & left ears) .


>9. You become complete only when you become one with your nature.

>* Yes, this is what you said before, from where you start you return that

>same point. Water in pot becomes that pot but the moment pot merges in

>ocean, the water in it becomes ocean.


>10. Praan Shakti = Heart Beat

>* No, not really, go beyond, you will realize that praan shakti is beyond

>heart beat, it is that shakti which makes heart actually beat.


>11. Karmayog is the simplest and easiest means for the awakening of the

>Kundalini Power.

>* Yes, breathing itself is a karma, be conscious of it in every act, and


>will realize the power behind it.


>12. The path of Gyaan and Karma are worldly and naturally take you


>- where as the path of devotion is unworldly and naturally takes you

>upwards. In the end, all three meet and cumulate in Love.

>* Yes, the outward knowledge and karma or the knowledge and action of 'I,

>the ego', takes you downwards - keeps you in lower 5 chakras but the

>devotion - the love for the Truth or devotion with true knowledge and


>- i.e., action done with the acknowledgement of the True Doer, takes you

>upward. When all path followed with the inner knowledge of the True Doer,

>the love springs that is the true action, knowledge and devotion.


>13. Satsang - is the relation between the heart and the navel. You do not


>satsang - Satsang happens - it is the cause of your very existence.'You'

>came into existence only because of Satsang - the connection of the heart

>(Praan) and navel.

>* Satsang = union. You have established two energy sources/centers, i.e.,

>food and air, as the vital source of life and that's why it is easy to

>establish this relationship. For our physical existence it is absolutely

>true. However, in my opinion Satsang is the relation between that shukshma

>energy and our body with its bodily functions, i.e., The Soul and Body. In

>the presence of Soul the naval functions and heart beats, if no Soul, no

>satsang. Think about it.



>always at Thy Holy Feet



>On 3/9/07, Gita Prapann Parivar <sadasya wrote:


>> Ram Ram


>>Set out below are a few random thoughts that have been coming in my mind

>>since the past few days. By the Grace of God, I have got a lot of answers


>>previously unanswered questions just by pondering on the same and I am


>>confident that all our family members who will ponder on the same and who

>>believe in the Grace of God will also get similar experiences. I would

>>request everyone not to look at the words but at the thought behind the

>>words because I have not framed the words intellectually and they could

>>contain many mistakes. The words are derived and based on the little that


>>have heard from saints as I have understood them to be. If there are any

>>mistakes in the same, the same is only due to my understanding and the


>>of saints are in no manner erroneous.


>>I am sure that the thoughts would be very beneficial to all the readers


>>ponder on the same and send in their views for the benefit of all. My

>>thoughts are not at all connected - and a number of them may seem


>>and without any intellectual basis, but they have all given me insights to

>>previously 'unknown' truths by me - truths which I firmly believed in but

>>did not know.


>>1. There is no place for Vairagya (dispassion) in True Love.

>>2. We assume ignorance as knowledge and then do devotion of God.

>>3. Does time move in a straight line or in a circle? All our scientific

>>deductions are based on the basis of time moving in a straight line


>>all spiritual truths are based on the fact that time moves in a circle.

>>4. You are the master of time if you act in accordance with nature -

>>you are its slave if you want nature to act in accordance with 'you' (your

>>true form + nature).

>>5. We control the world and God controls Time. Let us act in a manner

>>that God is compelled to turn the clock back to when the world was exactly

>>as God intended - a Beautiful Blissful World of Divine Love.

>>6. Life is a spiral, not a straight line. It becomes a circle of Love

>>as soon as you realize that it begins exactly where it last ended.

>>7. Let us Merge Religion and Science to reach the Absolute Truth.

>>8. The secret of life lies in the navel. The navel is the '10th door'

>>which we have closed and are trying to find the secret of life through the

>>other 9 doors. The navel is our life line.

>>9. You become complete only when you become one with your nature.

>>10. Praan Shakti = Heart Beat

>>11. Karmayog is the simplest and easiest means for the awakening of the

>>Kundalini Power.

>>12. The path of Gyaan and Karma are worldly and naturally take you

>>downwards - where as the path of devotion is unworldly and naturally takes

>>you upwards. In the end, all three meet and cumulate in Love.

>>13. Satsang - is the relation between the heart and the navel. You do

>>not do satsang - Satsang happens - it is the cause of your very existence.

>>'You' came into existence only because of Satsang - the connection of the

>>heart (Praan) and navel.


>>Ram Ram

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Hello all, here is my humble opinion. I guess, we may not need to worry about where to begin or how to begin..we need not worry about the past nor about the future. Just at this moment, thinking/being in that moment will carry us to the next best moment. We can being the place/time where we are NOW with what we have NOW (either spiritual experience or material wordly experience). Also, just remembering that He/IT/SUPREME exists in each and every being(animate and inanimate), we can start our journey from our perceiving and our own experieneces of the life from this present moment. Also, please never think which place/situation we are in our spiritual journey...since it does not matter where we are , where we were and where we will go and what and when we will reach...just enjoy the process. its like..there is no road to

happiness, no road to meditation, Happiness itself is the road and Meditation itself is the road. Have a nice wonderful day. Regards. Bharathi



As far as I understand, the starting point is to generate more and more desire to achieve god. This automatically will result in thinking and knowing more and more about god. Slowly this will start taking the form of love for god and then there is no looking back.


Mind has a habit of getting attached to what ever it thinks most. If it thinks more about the world, it becomes attached to thr world. Equally so, if it thinks more about god, it is bound to turn spiritual.


To start with, please earmark a certain time of day (Preferably a time when every one is sleeping. This is because, at this time no one is likely to disturb you. Brahm Muhurt - 3 hours before sunrise - is generally the best time) for sadhana. This may include "Naam Smaran" (This is different from "Naam Jap") and reading of Gitaji. I elaborate further. In Naam Jap, one just repeats the name of God, in Naam Smaran, one is expected to involve the three gyanendriayas in the name. These three gyanendriyus are tongue will repeat the name of God, ears will keep hearing the name of god taken by tongue and eyes will keep on seeing the picture of God. This is the fastest method of reaching God. This, however, is just the starting point. When a sadhak starts this, he will have many more questions to ask. But at this stage it is not necessary to elaborate on the same.








Loving Divine,

Humble Pranams.

I appreciate Pratapji's pointers, added few sentences in your email to further enhance the understanding.


1) If our natural disposition or innate tendencies is one of intellectual pursuits as evidenced by education, reading scriptural texts of Gita/Vedanta etc then we should use this God given resource to know God. We cannot undermine this Gift of God as merely an intellectual exercise and force ourselves to pursue only Karma/Devotion forcefully. Here by Gyaan I mean only that of our true identity-Self, knowing which one crosses over Bhavsagar. * Body, mind and intellect are the vehicles for these types of people and they should use them as a 'cidi' to climb. Once reached on top, we don't even think about 'cidi'.


2) If on the other hand we have no interest in intellectual pursuits and are naturally devoted to self less karma or Devotion to God, then by all means pursue them. An innocent mind like Mirabai is an example that comes to this mind.

* Whether it is innocent Mirabai or Gopis or Gopals, their love and devotion was not blind, it was with complete knowledge. They all were aware of the Soul, the True Doer in them, The Lord - Krishna. Mirabai even said that there is only one Purush, rest are females, i.e., Prakruti.


3) Can we imagine Bhakta who is not Gnani too or vice versa? He/she is. Because why would anyone go after God and not worldly objects? Yoganandji says(paraphrasing) "He is wise who tries to know God, He is the wisest who knows God". Selfless Karmayogi is equally wise as he is pursuing God.

* Selfless means what? Absence of 'I, the ego'. This type of person is constantly aware that I am merely an instrument and not the true doer of the action performed. This person performs all actions offering them to or in awareness of God/Supreme Consciousness.


4) Why not use all resources God has provided to us and seek Him. Being simple is not necessarily following just one or the other path. God has to be known rather than to believe in.

* God has to be known, this is not knowing with senses, that's why the word realization is used.


5) "I" as one commonly uses in ordinary language is believed to be the individual one thinks one is(body-mind, memories, experiences unfulfilled desires, commonly know as conditioning). Upon inquiry, it (I) can be seen as simple Consciousness/Awareness in which all that one thinks to be, appear as objects of perception/knowledge including one's own body-mind organism and world. That is the only reality of our experience, nothing else! Thus One is this perceiving/knowing Conscious-Existence(not a person that knows or not) which is the only constant-nitya whereas rest is all appearances constantly changing as thoughts/feelings. "I", as I use normally, therefore, is also an object like all other objects, mistakenly assumed to be Subject. * Yes


6) This Consciousness is intrinsic to my nature, I cannot deny it even in dream/sleep and so is real and is my true identity. It can not be perceived/known as object of my mind because then It becomes another limited object of some ultimate Subject which It is! * Yes. According to your devotion on object or faith, the consciousness is named that way, e.g., Krishnaconsciousness, Buddhaconsciousness, Ramconsciousness, or Selfconsciousness.


7) This same Consciousness/Awareness I call it God, Reality, Krishna, Brahman, Ishwara or whatever we name. All names are His as they all point to Him being reality of what we are, Conscious Being. * Yes.


8) With this understanding as my true being, this mind-body-I becomes an instrument for Him to use as He sees fit(Lila). In all my dealing with world, I draw on His intelligence so to speak and thereby actions are free of bondage. Actions are executed at the time they are needed, depending on circumstances and interests of all involved! (Mahabharata war is an example) * Yes, all actions are performed in this Supreme Awareness not indulging our ego filled I. I heard this story, two kings (A B) have indulged in war, A has his sword ready to kill B. At this moment, B spits on A so A becames angry. But the very next moment A removes his sword from the neck of B because when he became angry he lost his attention on that Supreme consciousness so he thought this is not dharma yuddha, killing in anger is the act of emotion, revenge, action done by ego the I. So he invites B for fights next day! Does this clarify the point? So whatever we need to do we need to do but when we do this action with the Self Awareness it carries different meaning as this action is done in complete vairagya - without indulgence.


9) Finally knowing experiencially God as one's identity - Sat-Chit, one becomes complete, or Purna, desireless and therefore Ananda flows.

* This 'anubhuti' leaves one with the knowledge that there is nothing more remained to be known or done. The search of Self ends. One may continue with the search of Prakriti or manipulation of Prakriti but the search of Self ends with the Realization of what/who God/Self is.

10) Only God Is experienced as Cosncious-Existence, Purna, full of Bliss, appearing as peace, LOVE, joy, beauty. Idam sarvam Khalu Brahman or all Mahavakyas of Vedas say.

* Yes. There is no appearing of peace or love, it is that state where no distinct objects exist anymore. Peace is all pervading just like God is (God = Peace), it is disturbed only when we become noisy, isn't it? When only I and I exist (aham brhamasmi), I love myself and there remains nothing else to love but me!



With humble regards,

always at Thy Loving Feet.

Manjula Patel

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Loving Divine,

Humble pranams.


The nature of our mind is to create situations, make it complicated, get entangled in it, and then try to solve it. When we solve it we feel good, proud, satisfied that I was able to solve a very difficult situation.

For worldly people to understand, worldly language and examples are needed, a way of communication is required, otherwise there is NO WAY to say what sweetness is until you taste the sugar itself.

Trying to address the need for different levels of people so that different levels of discussion can be entertained for further enhancements

Basis is to apply Gitaji within and not evaluate it from exterior perspective only. Gitaji is meant for all levels of Sadhakas.

Also with apologies to our Divine Moderator for not providing reference numbers from Gitaji or other scriptures. (This reminds me an incident... At one time someone said to Shri Ramkrishna Paramhamsaji that so and so is not written in scripture. Ramkrishnaji said that if it is not written then go ahead and write it because His experience was higher than what's written in books. Read the second bullet again)


I had reasons to say the above listed things to build a foundation :-), please remember them while reading the following. So...

We are mixture of bhakti (bhajan-kirtan, mantra chanting, sadhu-satsang, some blind faith in higher existence), jyaan (some knowledge from books, satsang, and unexplainable experiences that make us ponder upon the subject of God - contemplation, enquiry) and karma (selfless act/service, even some religious karmakaand - yagna, hath yoga, praanaayaams, etc). Please note that all of these as seen by us from worldly perspective are the means/media/mechanism/method to reach the summit and are not the summit itself. The mind needs to be quietened to experience the Ultimate, the Absolute. So follow whatever is your inclination. Our scriptures have given importance to all of these methods and we have proven cases - mirabai/gopies/shabari for bhakti, ashtavakra for jyaan, patanjali/shravan/kings for karmayog, hanumaanji (for all). Please note that all want to climb the mountain, all paths eventually reach the top and it is the same point experienced by all, which one is best depends on one's own inclination. One would lead to other automatically.) As you climb mountain and approaching peak, the difference between these paths desolves. Eastern people start with inner science (spirituality), Western people start with outer science but at higher level they both talk about one and the same all pervading anu-parmaanu - atomic energy!


The next best thing is to watch breath while performing all activities - sounds so simple but difficult to follow. This is a must thing to do - will take one inside quickly, will increase the awareness tremendously, will calm the mind immediately. Baba explains 50 types of breath that has direct relationship with our mental state, e.g., when we are angry our breath is different than when we are sleeping than we are worried, etc. One of these breaths is a breath for stillness - tranquil breath. Also when one watches/pays attention to breath one can change their state of mind, e.g., if you are angry and start watching breath - the quick short breath (that's what causes heart attack when one is angry) will change and the anger will disappear quickly. One can experiment. Our normal, natural breath in itself is a great praanaayaam - no need for forcefully holding breath to know God. Just know and watch your own breath in every action, in every mood, in every thing that you are involved in.



Another level is to follow the suitableness WITHIN. When mind is quite and concentrated (using any of the above methods), one can see the inner light - self illumined (Lord says in Gitaji - swayam prakashit) (also see Swetaswaropnishad) with closed eyes, one can hear the sound (with closed ears) that is not made by any physical activities including blood circulation or heart beat ( Gitaji talks about sounds of various instruments, shankh/counches, etc. Each chakra in our body produces different sounds. As concentration or stillness increases, sound changes - our scriptures have described them as celestial music) (Naadbindu Upnishad - the source of all sound is aum). One can feel subtle vibrations in the body also. All of these exist in microcosom - our body and macrocosm - outside body. These are same outside and inside - just like air in a pot and outside is one and the same. During the process of searching The Source of this inner light or sound, with God and Guru's grace, a moment of samadhi can be attained. A moment of realization can come at any time and everything becomes crystal clear. Knowledge can dawn at any moment and no doubt remains, one becomes so content that nothing remains to be known and nothing remains to be done as one clearly understands who is the true doer behind everything.


Hope this helps. Lot has been said. Contemplate, experiment, love and enjoy.

humble regards,

always at Thy Divine Feet



On 3/20/07, S Sharma " < " Dr> wrote:






Koti koti Pranam,Great thoughts but unable to understand. Where to begin? How to begin? How to march forward?Thank you.SHRI.> " Manjula Patel "

> > Re: Food for Thought

>Tue, 20 Mar 2007 04:46:06 -0400 >>Loving Divine,>Humble pranams.>One more view...>1. There is no place for Vairagya (dispassion) in True Love.>* Love is the height of vairagya. On one side is beloved and on the other >rest of the pleasures of the world, a true lover will choose only beloved.>>2. We assume ignorance as knowledge and then do devotion of God.>* Hummm..., the height of knowledge is love and the height of love is true

>knowledge - two sides of the same coin, can't separate... Devotion w/o >true>knowledge is as good as ignorance. When you don't know yourself, what good>it is to know rest of the world?

>>3. Does time move in a straight line or in a circle? All our scientific>deductions are based on the basis of time moving in a straight line whereas>all spiritual truths are based on the fact that time moves in a circle.

>* No, there is no such thing as time in the spiritual truth so it is >neither>straight nor circular. It all exist for a person prior to reaching the>spiritual truth..>>4. You are the master of time if you act in accordance with nature - you >are>its slave if you want nature to act in accordance with 'you' (your true >form>+ nature).>* Once you realize/master the timeless Self, you can manipulate the time>bound world, i.e., nature/prakruti.>>5. We control the world and God controls Time. Let us act in a manner that>God is compelled to turn the clock back to when the world was exactly as >God>intended - a Beautiful Blissful World of Divine Love.

>* Neither we control the world nor God controls the time. God doesn't do>anything, all is the creation of our mind so God will not turn the clock>forward or backward, it is us humans, who have created the clock and wants

>to control things by clock. His world was/is/will be always beautiful,>blissful and filled with divine love - no changes have occurred since its>inception! This is how it is for the one who lives in Self.

>>6. Life is a spiral, not a straight line. It becomes a circle of Love as>soon as you realize that it begins exactly where it last ended.>* Spiral or straight, just a view point. I could say life is a zig-zag, >up> & down but the mean line is straignt and going upward or circles back to >its>source. All is one and the same thing. I can also say, no all this is>wrong Life is infinite no spiral, no straight, no zig-zag, nothing, it is

>all pervading, it is in living being and non living space. Life is there>regardless of our perception of it. Does it make sense?>>But I can also say that when one starts so called spiritual journey, one

>evolves like a spiral, one comes back at the starting point with different>attitude towards the world, different understanding of the world, different>tolerance for the world. One was born in Love and ultimately dissolves in

>love - completes the circle, e.g., balloon existed because of air, when>burst, merges back in air. This body is made up of panchatattva, at end>merges in them. This soul becomes individualized because of our samskaras,

>when done with them, it merges back with the Cosmic Soul. Due to>our samskaras/desires/karma, when we are born again, we pick-up exactly >from>where we had left off, just like accounting balance sheet - the debit and

>credit has to balance, i.e., become zero>>7. Let us Merge Religion and Science to reach the Absolute Truth.>* They are already one and the same in Absolute Truth, no distinction exist>so let's start perceiving it that way.

>>8. The secret of life lies in the navel. The navel is the '10th door' which>we have closed and are trying to find the secret of life through the other >9>doors. The navel is our life line.

>* In Gitaji & Upnishads, there are variations in number of doors - 9, 10,>11, Endless. For so called normal human being, the naval is strength and>the strength comes from food (annamaya kosh - this is the 1st realization).

>When in womb, through navel, the baby is fed. Food also feeds the mind and>mind creates the life (manomay kosh, the 2nd sheath out of 5. Most of us>just know about these 2 sheaths. Praan, Vijnan (Ultimate Truth) and Anand

>are realized by very few)). We become, what we think. In spiritual world,>the secret of life lies in the Sahastrar (top of the head - fontanel) from>where the soul enters in the body of a baby in womb and ideally should >leave>the body to be liberated completely. All other doors are considered as the>cause of rebirth - the spiral life as you mentioned before (3>doors associated with muladhaar - anus, right & left nostrils. 3 drs w/

>swadhisthan - genital, procreation, mouth. 3 w/ manipur - naval (how we >were>fed when we were in mother's womb) right & left eyes. Endless drs w/ anahad>- skin. 2 drs w/ vishuddha - right & left ears) .

>>9. You become complete only when you become one with your nature.>* Yes, this is what you said before, from where you start you return that>same point. Water in pot becomes that pot but the moment pot merges in

>ocean, the water in it becomes ocean.>>10. Praan Shakti = Heart Beat>* No, not really, go beyond, you will realize that praan shakti is beyond>heart beat, it is that shakti which makes heart actually beat.

>>11. Karmayog is the simplest and easiest means for the awakening of the>Kundalini Power.>* Yes, breathing itself is a karma, be conscious of it in every act, and >one>will realize the power behind it.

>>12. The path of Gyaan and Karma are worldly and naturally take you >downwards>- where as the path of devotion is unworldly and naturally takes you>upwards. In the end, all three meet and cumulate in Love.

>* Yes, the outward knowledge and karma or the knowledge and action of 'I,>the ego', takes you downwards - keeps you in lower 5 chakras but the>devotion - the love for the Truth or devotion with true knowledge and >action>- i.e., action done with the acknowledgement of the True Doer, takes you>upward. When all path followed with the inner knowledge of the True Doer,>the love springs that is the true action, knowledge and devotion.

>>13. Satsang - is the relation between the heart and the navel. You do not >do>satsang - Satsang happens - it is the cause of your very existence.'You'>came into existence only because of Satsang - the connection of the heart

>(Praan) and navel.>* Satsang = union. You have established two energy sources/centers, i.e.,>food and air, as the vital source of life and that's why it is easy to>establish this relationship. For our physical existence it is absolutely

>true. However, in my opinion Satsang is the relation between that shukshma>energy and our body with its bodily functions, i.e., The Soul and Body. In>the presence of Soul the naval functions and heart beats, if no Soul, no

>satsang. Think about it.>>Love.>always at Thy Holy Feet>>>On 3/9/07, Gita Prapann Parivar <

sadasya wrote:>>>> Ram Ram>>>>Set out below are a few random thoughts that have been coming in my mind>>since the past few days. By the Grace of God, I have got a lot of answers

>>to>>previously unanswered questions just by pondering on the same and I am>>very>>confident that all our family members who will ponder on the same and who>>believe in the Grace of God will also get similar experiences. I would

>>request everyone not to look at the words but at the thought behind the>>words because I have not framed the words intellectually and they could>>contain many mistakes. The words are derived and based on the little that

>>I>>have heard from saints as I have understood them to be. If there are any>>mistakes in the same, the same is only due to my understanding and the>>words>>of saints are in no manner erroneous.

>>>>I am sure that the thoughts would be very beneficial to all the readers>>who>>ponder on the same and send in their views for the benefit of all. My>>thoughts are not at all connected - and a number of them may seem

>>illogical>>and without any intellectual basis, but they have all given me insights to>>previously 'unknown' truths by me - truths which I firmly believed in but>>did not know.

>>>>1. There is no place for Vairagya (dispassion) in True Love.>>2. We assume ignorance as knowledge and then do devotion of God.>>3. Does time move in a straight line or in a circle? All our scientific

>>deductions are based on the basis of time moving in a straight line>>whereas>>all spiritual truths are based on the fact that time moves in a circle.>>4. You are the master of time if you act in accordance with nature -

>>you are its slave if you want nature to act in accordance with 'you' (your>>true form + nature).>>5. We control the world and God controls Time. Let us act in a manner>>that God is compelled to turn the clock back to when the world was exactly

>>as God intended - a Beautiful Blissful World of Divine Love.>>6. Life is a spiral, not a straight line. It becomes a circle of Love>>as soon as you realize that it begins exactly where it last ended.

>>7. Let us Merge Religion and Science to reach the Absolute Truth.>>8. The secret of life lies in the navel. The navel is the '10th door'>>which we have closed and are trying to find the secret of life through the

>>other 9 doors. The navel is our life line.>>9. You become complete only when you become one with your nature.>>10. Praan Shakti = Heart Beat>>11. Karmayog is the simplest and easiest means for the awakening of the

>>Kundalini Power.>>12. The path of Gyaan and Karma are worldly and naturally take you>>downwards - where as the path of devotion is unworldly and naturally takes>>you upwards. In the end, all three meet and cumulate in Love.

>>13. Satsang - is the relation between the heart and the navel. You do>>not do satsang - Satsang happens - it is the cause of your very existence.>>'You' came into existence only because of Satsang - the connection of the

>>heart (Praan) and navel.>>>>Ram Ram

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  • 1 month later...
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Dear Sadhakas, I want to comment upon the two questions raised here.

Q1. - Can there ever be no Satsang?

No, Satsang is being with Truth by contemplation. Truth is what we

are, absolute existence which is conscious of Itself(sat-chit)


It doesn't need body-mind life forms for it to be, whereas body-mind-

life forms cannot exist independent of It.


> Q2. - Is the Soul within or without the Body?


If by Soul we mean Atman, Truth, Consciousness, our true nature then

it cannot be encased in body-mind like water in a glass. Body itself

is perception or perceived object in Atman. Atman is like light

shining all existence!

It is more like sunlight lighting my room and simultaneously

pervading entire planetary system. Everything is in it and it is in

everything. Soul being subtle, cannot be contained in gross body.


Some may use soul as individualized entity encased in body. Soul is

identified with body-mind in this case and need to be liberated to

merge with unlimited pure Atman same as Brahman.

Consider own experience closely and one will know the truth:: Body is

in mind (perceived by mind), Mind is in Atman=Consciousness

(perceived by Atman=consciousness). Finally enitre cosmos is in


Divine love .... Pratap



, " Gita Prapann Parivar " <sadhak



> Ram Ram





the last 3-4 days were erroneously deleted. my sincere apologies.

Gita Talk Moderator... Ram Ram


> <p>

> <p>

> Could relate with nearly all comments and accept them. Only one

question on

> the last - 'Satsang' - Satsang is the relation between that

shukshma energy

> and our body with its bodily functions, i.e., The Soul and Body.

In the

> presence of Soul the naval functions and heart beats, if no Soul, no

> Satsang.




> Q1. - Can there ever be no Satsang?


> Q2. - Is the Soul within or without the Body?




> Ram Ram




> _____



On Behalf

> Of Manjula Patel

> 20 March 2007 14:16


> [sPAM] Re: Food for Thought




> Loving Divine,


> Humble pranams.


> One more view...


> 1. There is no place for Vairagya (dispassion) in True Love.


> * Love is the height of vairagya. On one side is beloved and on the


> rest of the pleasures of the world, a true lover will choose only




> 2. We assume ignorance as knowledge and then do devotion of God.


> * Hummm..., the height of knowledge is love and the height of love

is true

> knowledge - two sides of the same coin, can't separate... Devotion

w/o true

> knowledge is as good as ignorance. When you don't know yourself,

what good

> it is to know rest of the world?



> 3. Does time move in a straight line or in a circle? All our


> deductions are based on the basis of time moving in a straight line


> all spiritual truths are based on the fact that time moves in a



> * No, there is no such thing as time in the spiritual truth so it

is neither

> straight nor circular. It all exist for a person prior to reaching


> spiritual truth..



> 4. You are the master of time if you act in accordance with nature -

you are

> its slave if you want nature to act in accordance with 'you' (your

true form

> + nature).


> * Once you realize/master the timeless Self, you can manipulate the


> bound world, i.e., nature/prakruti.



> 5. We control the world and God controls Time. Let us act in a

manner that

> God is compelled to turn the clock back to when the world was

exactly as God

> intended - a Beautiful Blissful World of Divine Love.


> * Neither we control the world nor God controls the time. God

doesn't do

> anything, all is the creation of our mind so God will not turn the


> forward or backward, it is us humans, who have created the clock

and wants

> to control things by clock. His world was/is/will be always


> blissful and filled with divine love - no changes have occurred

since its

> inception! This is how it is for the one who lives in Self.




> 6. Life is a spiral, not a straight line. It becomes a circle of

Love as

> soon as you realize that it begins exactly where it last ended.


> * Spiral or straight, just a view point. I could say life is a

zig-zag, up

> & down but the mean line is straignt and going upward or circles

back to its

> source. All is one and the same thing. I can also say, no all

this is

> wrong Life is infinite no spiral, no straight, no zig-zag, nothing,

it is

> all pervading, it is in living being and non living space. Life is


> regardless of our perception of it. Does it make sense?




> But I can also say that when one starts so called spiritual

journey, one

> evolves like a spiral, one comes back at the starting point with


> attitude towards the world, different understanding of the world,


> tolerance for the world. One was born in Love and ultimately

dissolves in

> love - completes the circle, e.g., balloon existed because of air,


> burst, merges back in air. This body is made up of panchatattva,

at end

> merges in them. This soul becomes individualized because of our


> when done with them, it merges back with the Cosmic Soul. Due to


> samskaras/desires/karma, when we are born again, we pick-up exactly


> where we had left off, just like accounting balance sheet - the

debit and

> credit has to balance, i.e., become zero



> 7. Let us Merge Religion and Science to reach the Absolute Truth.


> * They are already one and the same in Absolute Truth, no

distinction exist

> so let's start perceiving it that way.



> 8. The secret of life lies in the navel. The navel is the '10th

door' which

> we have closed and are trying to find the secret of life through

the other 9

> doors. The navel is our life line.


> * In Gitaji & Upnishads, there are variations in number of doors -

9, 10,

> 11, Endless. For so called normal human being, the naval is

strength and

> the strength comes from food (annamaya kosh - this is the 1st


> When in womb, through navel, the baby is fed. Food also feeds the

mind and

> mind creates the life (manomay kosh, the 2nd sheath out of 5. Most

of us

> just know about these 2 sheaths. Praan, Vijnan (Ultimate Truth)

and Anand

> are realized by very few)). We become, what we think. In

spiritual world,

> the secret of life lies in the Sahastrar (top of the head -

fontanel) from

> where the soul enters in the body of a baby in womb and ideally

should leave

> the body to be liberated completely. All other doors are

considered as the

> cause of rebirth - the spiral life as you mentioned before (3 doors

> associated with muladhaar - anus, right & left nostrils. 3 drs w/

> swadhisthan - genital, procreation, mouth. 3 w/ manipur - naval

(how we were

> fed when we were in mother's womb) right & left eyes. Endless drs

w/ anahad

> - skin. 2 drs w/ vishuddha - right & left ears) .



> 9. You become complete only when you become one with your nature.


> * Yes, this is what you said before, from where you start you

return that

> same point. Water in pot becomes that pot but the moment pot

merges in

> ocean, the water in it becomes ocean.



> 10. Praan Shakti = Heart Beat


> * No, not really, go beyond, you will realize that praan shakti is


> heart beat, it is that shakti which makes heart actually beat.



> 11. Karmayog is the simplest and easiest means for the awakening of


> Kundalini Power.


> * Yes, breathing itself is a karma, be conscious of it in every

act, and one

> will realize the power behind it.



> 12. The path of Gyaan and Karma are worldly and naturally take you


> - where as the path of devotion is unworldly and naturally takes you

> upwards. In the end, all three meet and cumulate in Love.


> * Yes, the outward knowledge and karma or the knowledge and action

of 'I,

> the ego', takes you downwards - keeps you in lower 5 chakras but the

> devotion - the love for the Truth or devotion with true knowledge

and action

> - i.e., action done with the acknowledgement of the True Doer,

takes you

> upward. When all path followed with the inner knowledge of the

True Doer,

> the love springs that is the true action, knowledge and devotion.



> 13. Satsang - is the relation between the heart and the navel. You

do not do

> satsang - Satsang happens - it is the cause of your very


> came into existence only because of Satsang - the connection of the


> (Praan) and navel.


> * Satsang = union. You have established two energy

sources/centers, i.e.,

> food and air, as the vital source of life and that's why it is easy


> establish this relationship. For our physical existence it is


> true. However, in my opinion Satsang is the relation between that


> energy and our body with its bodily functions, i.e., The Soul and

Body. In

> the presence of Soul the naval functions and heart beats, if no

Soul, no

> satsang. Think about it.




> Love.


> always at Thy Holy Feet


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  • 2 months later...
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Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!


Given below are a few insights " Food for Thought " that I find very

useful! They are what I consider practical application of Gita's

message and above all Lord Krishna's Grace! They are based on my

experience -


An answer according to GOD


When God is pleased with us, He/She generally doesn't change our

circumstances or situations, but changes " us " to totally accept or

surrender to whatever is taking place at the time. Changing us

means God's wisdom will change our perception of circumstances from

worrisome experience to pleasant one. This is a true miracle in the

sense that in spite of same circumstances we feel relieved and free

from problems. It wouldn't have been as big a miracle if God had

changed circumstances or people in our lives to make us happy. Of

course changes in us, down the road, may lead others to change

themselves positively, which is another of his miracles.


This is God's law in my experience, and if we understand it, all our

religious practices: our prayers, devotions or worship, become alive

and our lives meaningful. Now why it makes sense for God to do just



First of all it is relatively easier for me to change myself than to

change others or my circumstances which may depend on external

realities, natural laws and others who might be involved in them. It

may be a result of interactions between several people based on

opinions, beliefs or their perceptions of realities. That is why it

is hard to change set of circumstances immediately or in short time.


Another thing to note is that God wants me to see clearly that my

happiness doesn't depend on circumstances or people beyond my

control (or even if they are in my control). The happiness is within

us and can flow normally once the interruption is removed when we

accept our circumstances or people in our lives as they are.


Still another point to learn is that for God, the all-knowing

intelligence, changing others or circumstances just for us may not

be overall good for all involved. Therefore, individual change may

be best for us in those situations at that time.


We may also want to look at this as a way in which God wants to

bring changes in us and in others. What we experience, pain or

pleasure is our own judgement of circumstances and people. This is

an opportunity to learn the fact directly by observing that any such

adversity is our own perception. It is God's signal for us to change

the way we look at problems, which may lead to peace and humility in

our lives.


And finally, " Time heals all the wounds " . Whenever we surrender and

accept the circumstances we cannot change, we become free. This

freedom then brings pleasant feelings and normalcy in our lives.

When this happens, we generally don't know what really happened

except that certain time has elapsed, so we say time did it. In my

experience what really sets us free is acceptance and surrendering

to God which is the most potent change we go through.


Lastly let us not misunderstand this to be do nothing attitude.

Acceptance and surrender is a primary action and if needed,

secondary action such as doing something about the circumstances or

people may also take place spontaneously out of this understanding,

not from " me " . (Mahabharat war was such an act, not by

Pandavas/Arjuna, but by Impersonal Intelligence for greater good, in

my wiew)


Namaskar! ............Lovingly Pratap Bhatt


, " Gita Prapann Parivar "

<sadasya wrote:


> Ram Ram


> FROM: Manjula Goel

> As far as my knowledge is concerned ( very little it is), Vairagya

means , when we dont find meaning to worldly things and so

forcefully or intentionally, for the sake of getting or realizing

that ultimate truth, we try our best to( or it itself done) get rid

of materailistic things.


> Now following are my doubts :


> 1) " There is no place for Vairagya (dispassion) in True

Love " ...True Love to whom? God or any individual from world?


> 2)Agn, you said there is no place for vairagya in true love, but i

think its there n it come on its own to individual in true

love.example is " MIRABAI " .Am i right here?


> 3) Is it necessary to do practise vairagya from materialistic

things, to get or realize that ultimate truth?


> 4) " We control the world and God controls Time " ...How can it be

possible that we are controlling the world? bcoz in my view its just

that in life we are provided with some decisons to be taken. n if

that time we take right decisions, we get good results, otherwise we

suffer..bt agn there are conditions in which we are just the viewers

about what bad happens to us. so how is it that we are controlling

the world?


> 5) What about a person to reach the Absolute Truth who have very

little ( very near to nothing) knowledge about religion and science?

This is in reference to the following lines.. " Let us Merge Religion

and Science to reach the Absolute Truth "


> Above are my questions to the writter, wrote the mail " [sadhaka]

Food for Thought "

> But still i will be glad to welcome views from all.


> Regards

> Manjula Goyal


> -



> FROM: Gopi Krishna

> Dear Sadasya or Sadhaka or Soul Brother or Lover or all put

together or all in One,


> Love and Love alone.....



> I read and reread your mail. A few points I understood and a few I

have not. It means, I am not at the same wavelength as you are. So,

it is my inability to understood you fully. If you have time and if

you do not mind, can you kindly explain a few thoughts, which I did

not understand. For others, whatever I know, I am responding. As you

are well aware, mine is not a book-knowledge and I cannot quote

always from the scriptures to support my ideas. I write just out of

love and just for the sake of writing, whenever I feel like. Your

mail is one of them. Kindly bear with me.


> Here are the responses:


> 1. There is no place for Vairagya (dispassion) in True Love.


> True Love is nothing but Vairagya only. Because, a True Lover will

not love for anything in return. He just loves for the sake of

loving. For example, just now I spoke to an elderly and saintly

person. He lost his wife a couple of days ago and I came to know

about it only today. I spoke to him, and conveyed my condolences to

him. He was touched and moved but at the same time, I was floored by

his answer. It shows his maturity and spiritual balance and also

expresses itself how one should 'Love' the other human being, just

for the sake of love. He said, and I quote " God never does anything

to hurt or punish his devotee. Whatever it is, He does for the

welfare and spiritual progress of His devotee only. I think, even in

this, i.e., losing my life companion, who lived and shared her life

with me for so many years, must also be for something good for me " .

I have no words to say anything in return, having heard these words

from him. I was in tears of joy and my throat was chocked. It is the

sign of Love and complete Vairagya or detachment.


> Let me also quote the words of Swami Sivananda here.




> He who has no love cannot know God for God is love. Love is the

greatest force in this world. Love is immortal. Love is God. Where

love is there God is. Therefore become an embodiment of love. Love

is God. Love is light. Light is wisdom. Wisdom is divine life it is

oneness, unity.


> The deeper a man's love of God is, the greater is his spiritual

knowledge. The final consummation of the love of God is union with

> God. Love of God is not easily acquired by self effort it is

inborn in man by virtue of his spiritual evolution.


> Love God alone. Be detached and renounce everything for the sake

of love of God. Cosmic love expects not any reward. It excludes none

but includes all. Develop more and more pure divine love. Then the

inner light will shine more brightly. Cultivate divine love. This

selfless love is a great treasure a pearl of great price.


> Cultivate an abiding faith in God's love, mercy and grace. The

lover himself becomes the beloved of his heart. Their love is so

deep and intense that they merge in each other and then again re

emerge. They are the two inseparable aspects of the one.


> Love envies not. Love resents not. Love revenges not. Love

bargains not. God in his boundless love and mercy promptly chastises

proud and arrogant persons, thus paving the way for a return to



> God reveals himself daily to every human being but man shuts his

eyes and does not see Him. Infinite is God. Infinite are His aspects

and infinite are the ways to reach Him. The divine being is a living

reality, a powerful presence that responds to our prayers, an all

pervading delight of existence that sustains our life.


> Find God within yourself in silence.


> Love is the cure for all evil. The power of love can transform the

universe which is fettered in chains of hatred. Love is all

> purifying and all redeeming. Love is the greatest purifying force

in the world. Love is the greatest creative force in the world.


> 2. We assume ignorance as knowledge and then do devotion of God.


> At times or for that matter, most of the times, it is true. But, I

feel, it does not matter, as long as one does not persist and dig

his heels into it and keep arguing that he is right. Beginning is

the most important thing. So, if not today, tomorrow, if not

tomorrow, day after he will reach. That is what Swami Vivekananda

also says. Every human being reaches the Ultimate Goal, but the

question is how soon.


> 3. Does time move in a straight line or in a circle? All our

scientific deductions are based on the basis of time moving in a

straight line whereas all spiritual truths are based on the fact

that time moves in a circle.


> Yes, because the aspirant has to come back to the Source and,

therefore, naturally he moves in a circle. Let me quote here what

Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharshi says: Learn whatever you want to learn

to unlearn what you learnt !!!. Is it not wonderful statement!!!


> 4. You are the master of time if you act in accordance with

nature - you are its slave if you want nature to act in accordance

with 'you' (your true form + nature).


> Absolutely right. If you go according to the rules of the nature,

there is no disruption, there is no friction, there is no hindrance

and there is no pain.


> 5. We control the world and God controls Time. Let us act in a

manner that God is compelled to turn the clock back to when the

world was exactly as God intended - a Beautiful Blissful World of

Divine Love.


> Do you really believe in " we control the world? " Are we capable of

controlling the world? We cannot control our own mind and vasanas,

how can we control the mind? I believe, everything is controlled by

God alone.


> 6. Life is a spiral, not a straight line. It becomes a circle of

Love as soon as you realize that it begins exactly where it last



> Comment give to Point No. 3 applies here too.


> 7. Let us Merge Religion and Science to reach the Absolute Truth.


> The greatest scientist Einstein says that, where science ends,

there the religion starts. The essence of science is in our Vedas

and once we perfectly understand Vedas, there is nothing more to

understand about science at all.


> 8. The secret of life lies in the navel. The navel is the '10th

door' which we have closed and are trying to find the secret of life

through the other 9 doors. The navel is our life line.


> ???


> Are you referring to Navadware puri dehe, etc.


> 9. You become complete only when you become one with your nature.


> Yes, one with the Nature, one with the Source, one with the

Ultimate, one with the Creation, etc.


> 10. Praan Shakti = Heart Beat


> ???


> 11. Karmayog is the simplest and easiest means for the awakening

of the Kundalini Power.


> Yes, it is a path of thorns and there are innumerable attractions

on the way. Beware !!! Karma mixed with Bhakti will be more

comfortable, I think. Think it over.


> 12. The path of Gyaan and Karma are worldly and naturally take you

downwards - where as the path of devotion is unworldly and naturally

takes you upwards. In the end, all three meet and cumulate in Love.


> Does this statement contradicts the above statement, i.e.,

Karmayoga is ..... Kudalini Power " ? What do you mean by " worldly and

downwards? " Downwards in what sense? Since you have added with

the " worldly " , I think it should be " bahir " . If it is so, then how

can Karmayog awakens Kudalini?


> 13. Satsang - is the relation between the heart and the navel. You

do not do satsang - Satsang happens - it is the cause of your very

existence. 'You' came into existence only because of Satsang - the

connection of the heart (Praan) and navel.


> ???


> Love and Love alone...


> P. Gopi Krishna

> -


> from: Chandra Jalluri

> Namaste -


> On your second thought, do you mean even if one is ignorant (not

sincere or total believer in god), one is qualified to devote to god

(which may not be a whole hearted devotion) and yet acheive his



> Thank You.


> -




> Dear Sadhakas: Given here are very powerful pointers to TRUTH-GOD.

Just by pondering over them may take us to our true nature, a

glimpse of Sat-Chit-Ananda! I was/am joyous as I read them. I

believe its Grace of GOD to us sadhakas to contemplate on them

wherever and whenever.

> WHat I appreaciate:

> True Love encompasses Vairagya-dispassion.

> Devotion should be with knwoledge, and not in ignorance: like Lord

Krishna says(paraphrased) He is fond of Gyani Bhaktas!

> Time is of circular nature and not straight line, true!(my

comments: Time is of the nature of mind in terms of thought. We as

Sat-Chit swarupa can/have never experienced time, being of timeless

nature. As such when we think, time/space get created in

> conceiving an object into existence)

> # 4. Is a powerful pointer! You are master of time! (I

understand " you " to be my real nature)

> All other pointers are contemplative in nature!

> # 12. I think Devotion is needed on the paths of Gyaan and Karma

w/o which they tend to be intellectual/mechanical exercises. But To

me only " Gyaan " is that of knowing who I am

> truely(Absolutely), rest is all Avidya in the sense of all

knowledge is relative(useful for Lila). Karmas should be performed

as if there is no Doer. With this understanding Gyaani is devoted to

Truth-God equally as Devotee is to GOD and Karm-yogi to Duty. SO


> is no upwards and downwards or no preference other

> than one's own disposition.

> # 13. How true it is that Satsang happens and not done! Truly 'we

don't do satsang as 'we' don't even exist as individual! Thus " we "

come into existence due to satsang has to mean as body-mind

> individual, and not as Atman which is true " I " we all are, ever


> Sadar Pranams.....


> -


> FROM: Prabhat Kumar Dhandania

> Ram Ram


> Please explain point no.11


> -


> Ram Ram


> Set out below are a few random thoughts that have been coming in

my mind since the past few days. By the Grace of God, I have got a

lot of answers to previously unanswered questions just by pondering

on the same and I am very confident that all our family members who

will ponder on the same and who believe in the Grace of God will

also get similar experiences. I would request everyone not to look

at the words but at the thought behind the words because I have not

framed the words intellectually and they could contain many

mistakes. The words are derived and based on the little that I have

heard from saints as I have understood them to be. If there are any

mistakes in the same, the same is only due to my understanding and

the words of saints are in no manner erroneous.


> I am sure that the thoughts would be very beneficial to all the

readers who ponder on the same and send in their views for the

benefit of all. My thoughts are not at all connected - and a number

of them may seem illogical and without any intellectual basis, but

they have all given me insights to previously 'unknown' truths by

me - truths which I firmly believed in but did not know.


> 1. There is no place for Vairagya (dispassion) in True Love.

> 2. We assume ignorance as knowledge and then do devotion of God.

> 3. Does time move in a straight line or in a circle? All our

scientific deductions are based on the basis of time moving in a

straight line whereas all spiritual truths are based on the fact

that time moves in a circle.

> 4. You are the master of time if you act in accordance with

nature - you are its slave if you want nature to act in accordance

with 'you' (your true form + nature).

> 5. We control the world and God controls Time. Let us act in a

manner that God is compelled to turn the clock back to when the

world was exactly as God intended - a Beautiful Blissful World of

Divine Love.

> 6. Life is a spiral, not a straight line. It becomes a circle

of Love as soon as you realize that it begins exactly where it last


> 7. Let us Merge Religion and Science to reach the Absolute


> 8. The secret of life lies in the navel. The navel is the '10th

door' which we have closed and are trying to find the secret of life

through the other 9 doors. The navel is our life line.

> 9. You become complete only when you become one with your


> 10. Praan Shakti = Heart Beat

> 11. Karmayog is the simplest and easiest means for the awakening

of the Kundalini Power.

> 12. The path of Gyaan and Karma are worldly and naturally take

you downwards - where as the path of devotion is unworldly and

naturally takes you upwards. In the end, all three meet and cumulate

in Love.

> 13. Satsang - is the relation between the heart and the navel.

You do not do satsang - Satsang happens - it is the cause of your

very existence.

> 'You' came into existence only because of Satsang - the connection

of the heart (Praan) and navel.


> Ram Ram


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I thought I would narrate a personal experience,

Recently we watched a scene on a popular T V programme which showed a group of men slaghtering an animal in the middle of the busy city road in Bangladesh in the presence of passers-by and lot of on-lookers. It was a very slow process, the men cutting the animal's throat very slowly with a blunt knife and the whole ground soaked in blood. It showed human cruelty n its real form.. Imagine the plight of the helpless beast !

It was the most disgusting and cruel and inhumane act I have ever witnessed. My stomach turned and was on the verge of throwing up.

Then a thought came to my mind. In Iraq and Afganistan the way innocent people are tortured and buthered are much worse than the street scene in Bangladesh. If they treat their own brothers that way, does a cow stand any chance ?

These are some of the incidents that make one think of the teachings of our great sages on the subject of the bad effects of flesh-eating.

Remember King Asoka, after witnessing the horrific scenes of thousnds of dis-membered bodies of soldiers scattered around the battle field of Kalinga discarded his kingom and followed Budhism.

Jesus Christ , at the time of His crucifiction, said : God,please forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.

That was then but these present scenerios are quite different.

Be vegetarian Avoid meat.

Only beasts eat flesh .

jai shree krishna !

Achuthan Nair



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