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vishnu sahasranama 667 to694

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667. brahamNyaH


Tapo vedaaScha

vipraaScha, jnAnam cha brahma samjnitham.


word Brahma means tapas, Vedas, braahmanas and jnanam.



and achit or prakrthi is also braham. Thaabhyaam hethuthvena brahmanyaH. The

OLord is brahmanya becaseu he is the cause of all these.


668. brahmakrth brahmaa


Brahma meaning prakrthi, brahmakrth is the creator , Brahmaa.The Lord

is the creator of Brahma.


669. brahma


Means paramathma. The

Brahman of the upanishats.


670. brahmavivarDhanaH


The meaning thapas of the

owrd brahma includes dharma and hence the Lord is called dharmavivarDyhanaH ,

one who makes dharma grow.





The Lord is the vedaprathipaadhakaH, expounder of Vedas

the import of which is known only to Him.


672. braahmnaNaH


Instructor of Vedas. Vedham nayathi, brings to all, aNathi(recites) ithi braahmaNaH.




brahma which means everything, chit and achith, that is the world of

sentient and insentient beings, Vedas etc. are in Him brahma asmin asthi ithi brahmee


674. brahmajnaH


vedhaan jaanaathi, one who knows the Vedas, sa eva svam jaanaathi, He

alone knows Himself. In this meaning brahma means the Brahman of the



675. braahmaNapriyaH


brAhmaNAnAm priyah brAhmaNa-priyah


priyaA asya iti vA



is loved by the Brahmanas and also loves them.


brahmanas mean those who are learned in the Vedas and live accordingly.




He who provides step by

step guidance to His devotees towards salvation like a mother who feeds the

child gradually.


It also refers to the

Thrivikrama who had taken great step and covered the universe.


677. mahaa karma


One whose actions are

great such as creation, sustenanace and annihilation.




Of great effulgence. Yena sooryaH thapathi thejasedDhaaH , the Sun shines due to His luminanace.


679. mahoragaH


He who is great, mahaan, and has large heart, uraH , and goes everywhere by that, thena gacChathi, to save His devotees.

He also enters the heart

of His devotees, urah, hrdhayam, thath dvaara

bhakthaan praapnothi.


Maha uraga may also mean

Anantha, sesha and the Lord is called mahauraga because He has Sesha as His





He who is worshipped by

the krathus, yagas.Also because He is worshipped easily. mahath sukaram aaraaDanam asya ithi




Mahaan cha asou yajjvaa cha ithi, this means both one who performs great sacrifices,

and also one who has those who have performed many sacrifices as his devotees.

In Gita the Lord says, brahmaarpanam brahma

haviH brahmaagnou brahmaNaa hutham, The Lord is the means, the oblation,

the fire and the sacrificer etc.




One whose worship is the

greatest yajna. In the Gita he says yajnaanaam japayajno asmi, I am the

japayajna, of all the yajnas and aham krathuH aham yajnah, I am the safrifice

and the homa.


683. mahaahaviH



He who is worshipped with

supreme oblations and the whpole universe becomes the offering to Him at the

time of pralaya.



684. sthavyaH

Sthothum arhathi ithi- One who deserves praise.


685. sthavapriyaH


One who relishes sthothra




He Himself becomes the

instrument of His sthorthra. As the saying in Tamil goes, avan aruLaal avan thaaL vaNangi. Meaning that we can pray to Him only

by His grace.

Sthooyathe anena extolled by this ,ithi

sthothram, which is the veda and the

one who is extolled by the veas is the Lord.




The act of praise is also

the Lord as He is the one who puts the words in the tongue of the devotee.

The alternate version as sthuthaH according to Parasar Bhatta

means one who is praised.


688. sthothaa


One who praises His


teshAm j~nAni nitya-yukta eka-bhaktir


priyo hi j~nAnino'tyartham aham sa ca

mama priyah

where Lord

kRshNa declares that the devotee who has exclusive devotion is extremely dear

to Him.


Sthotha also

means that the Lord is also the one who praises as all beings are Brahman.


689. raNapriyaH


The word raNa has two meanings, raNa gathou raNa SabdhaarThaH. The common meaning of raNa priya is `the one

who loves battle, which refers to the Lord who loves fighting with the wicked

to protect His devotees. In the sense of sound raNa denotes the sounds in the temples a such as conch auspicious

instruments etc and also the tumultuous greeting of the devotees calling His





The Lord is avaaptha samstha kaama , who has

nothing to acquire. He is poorna in the sense that He is complete in all His

states. pooranam adhaH poorNam idham poorNaath poorNam udhachyathe poorNa sya

poorNa m aadhaaya poorNam eva avaSishyathe.(eesavasya up.) `That is full,

this is full ; the full comes from the full and taking away the full from the

full only the full remains." Brahman is

acomplete whole and the world which is nondifferent from Brahman is also

a whole. Brahman remains awhole even after the world comes from Him.




He fills this universe

being all pervading. Also He

fulfills the desires of His devotees.




Punaathi ithi puNyaH. The purifier.


Bheeshma says in his

exposition of the sahasranama that

the Lord is the holiest of the holy and auspiciousness of the auspicious.

pavithraaNaam pavithram yo mangaLaanaam cha





His glory is also punya

and even singing it purifies.




aamaya means

the ills of samsara. The Lord is anaamaya

the antonym of samsara.


























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