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The Body is a bone-frame plastered with fat and skin:

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The Body is a bone-frame plastered with fat and skin:

The body 's nature: 300 bones, jointed b y 180 joints, sewn into a chain b y 900 sinews, plastered over with pieces of flesh, enveloped b y inner membrane, fat and outer skin, with 9 openings constantly dribbling and trickling with tears, snot, saliva, slime, urine and excrement. Its bowels are inhabited b y man y fold bacteria, parasites and worms, the home of disease, the source of painful states, perpetually oozing from the nine orifices like a chronic open boil, and from thousands skin pores the stale sweat seeps, with bluebottles and their like buzzing round it, which when untended with tooth brush,washing, shaving, bathing, underclothing and dressing up looks just like a living corpse!In its natural wild then a body is a stinking nauseating repulsiveness, but by concealing its private parts under several cloths, by daubing it with various perfumes and salves, by prinking it with jewellery , it is faked up into a state being mistaken as 'I' & 'mine'! So men delight in women, and women in men, without perceiving the true nature of this body’s characteristic foulness, now masked by this adventitious adornment. But in the ultimate sense, there is no place on anybody even the size of an atom fit to lust after! Comically we love the whole of this 'our precious temple, but when any such bits of it as head hairs, body hairs, nails, teeth, spittle, snot, excrement or urine

have dropped off the body , then beings will not touch them! Though somewhat absurd, they are now ashamed, humiliated & disgusted with exactly the same matter as they adored before! But as long as any one of these disgusting things remains inside the body , though it is just as repulsive when inside, they take this body as agreeable, desirable, permanent,pleasant, & 'my beautiful self', since they are wrapped in the murk of ignorance and dyed with unseen and unrecognised affective greed for a physical self.

So what we have to do? Most of the scholers and spirutual leaders saying by reading or hearing Bhagavadgita we will change ourself and we will open our eyes and live in a good manner as a godloving man. ( sorry not as God fearing because god is not a policemen or theaf ) .... but I dont think so.. as per my vision if Gita hear or read why King Drithurashtra not changed ? same time by the beautiful words of Krishna , Confussed Arjuna totally changed and ready for a fight. In reverse if Gita can change what Dritharashtra should do? he should change his mind and as a king he should give a strict order to his son and agree to give atleast five villages to Pandavas. Am I right? so according to me , not by hearing the words ? when we hear or read any thing we have to

analize it and we have to diside it from our soul ? think our body is a decorative part only externaly.. but inside it, the god , the atmost power is fullfilled in each atom so use our brain usefully and think wisely..


Attached malayalam version of Bhagavadgita and meaning of god names ...

please forward attachments to people in your contact.


with regards


Bagavad Gita chapter 6 sloka 5

uddhared âtmanâtmânam

nâtmânam avasâdayet

âtmaiva hy âtmano bandhur

âtmaiva ripur âtmanah



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