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vishnusahasranama 730 to 751

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He is One only.There is no

one or nothing like Him.


731. naikaH


He is not one buy many

with respect to His manifestations.


732, 733. savaH-saH , VaH



is yajnasvaroopa. The word sava

means a yajna. Referring to Krishna the word

is split as saH, one who spreads

knowledge, syathi, niSchaayathi svavishayam jnaanam. VaH, the indweller of all. Krishna

was spreading knowledge from the time of His birth as His whole life was an

illusration of the Gita He was going to expound later. Also he was the dweller

in the hearts of all.




He who shines. Kanathi ithi kaH.



also means sukham, joy. Krishna was the

joy of all.




The word kim

refers to one who is to be known. In Gita Arjuna asks,



kim thadh brahma kim adhyaathmam kim

karma purushottama

adhibhootham cha kim proktham adhidhaivam

kim uchyathe


"What is that

Brahman? What is adhyaathma? What is karma? What is said to be adhibhootha?" Krishna replies that He is the supreme Brahman. The

upanishat says, sa anveshTavyaH sa

vijinjaasithavyaH, The Lord is to be enquired about and to be known. He is

to be sought after.





The word yath denotes Brahman that is the Lord.

The Upanishad says, yatho vaa imaani

bhoothaani jaayanthe, yena jaathaani jeevanthi yasmin abhisamvisanthi thath

vijinjaasasava that Brahman, from whom everything originated by whom

everything is sustained, into which everything enters into know that and that

is Brahman.




Jnaanam bhakthim cha thanothi ithi thath. The one who gives bhakthi and jnana. Krishan

says in Mahabharatha,



is also the word for Brahman.


737. padham anutthaamam


The Supreme goal. Krishna says in the Gita,yath gathvaa na nivarthanthe thath

Dhaama paramam mama, that is My supreme abode attaining which one never



738. lokabanDhuH


The relative of all

beings. Krishan says in the Gita,


pithaa aham

asya jagato maathaa dhaathA pithaamahah ,


I am the mother, father, the provider and grandfather of the world."



the devotees of the Lord He is the closest relative and friend. Laksmi devi is the mother, Narayna is the

father and the relatives are

vishnubhakthas and the whole world is the family.

maathaa cha

lakshmee dhevee pithaa dhevo naaraayaNaH. baandhavaa vishnubhakthaaH cha

vasuDhaiva kutumbakam.


In Krishnavathra the gopis

saw only Krishna in all their relatives.


739. lokanaaThaH


He is the master of the





The consort of Lakshmi. He

gets His greatness v because of Sree who induces dhaya in His heart.


He is cognized through

Madhuvidhya of the Upanishads. He is attained through mouna ,Dhyana and yoga.


Also He has no one over

Him. maa DhavaH yasya.


741. bhakthavathsalaH


One who is fond of His

devotees like a cow to its calf.


742. suvarna varNaH


He has effulgence like

gold. The Upanishad says,

ya eshontharaadithye

hiraNmayah purusho dhrSyathe,



is this purusha of golden hue, seen inside the orb of the Sun.



743. hemaangaH


His limbs shining like

gold. hiraNya smaSruh hiraNya keSa aapraNakAth

sarva eva suvarNah, continiues the

above passage from the upanishat, meaning His beard, His hair, everything from

His nails is golden.




Best limbs. He showed His

divine form to Devakai and Vasudeva being prayed by them as their boon,vara.

The epithets of Brahman of

the Upanishads cited above are all appropriate to Krishna

as described by Leelasuka that upanishadbrahmam

ullokhale badDham, the Brahman of the Upanishad is here in gokula tied to a



745. chandhanaangadhee


His limbs were as

refreshing as a sandal paste.




He was the slayer of

demons as Krishna from His infancy.


747. vishamaH


vigathaH samaH vishamaH. There is no one equal to Him and hence no one is

higher.Arjuna says,

nathvath samo asthi abhyaDhikaH kuthoanyaH



"There is no one equal to

you in all the three worlds and where can be one who is superior to you."


His acts were conflicting,

being benign towards His devotees and fierce towards their enemies.


748. SoonyaH


Devoid of defects.The only

defect in Him is that He has no defect.


749. ghrthaaSeeH


He sprinkles the world

with His grace. ghrthaaH aasayaH asya



ghrthe aSaa asya ithi vaa. As

Krishna He had desire for butter.


750. achalaH


He never swerves from His

state or promise to his devotees.


751. chalaH


Always moving to protect

His devotees.



























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