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Jneyam - Namam1

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Namaste!Let us look two instances that indicate the greatness of chanting the Lord's name.

The story of Ajamila in Srimad Bhagavatam is a famous example of the power of namam or the name of the Lord.  Since becoming a grown up man, Ajamila led a wicked life  till the fag end of his life.  However, since he accidentally invoked upon the Lord's name, the assistants of Lord Yama had to back away from carrying him from his deathbed into their world. Subsequently Lord Yama instructed them that only Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Sage Sri Narada, Sanatkumara, Sage Kapila, Manu, Prahlada, King Janaka, Bhismacarya, Maha Bali, Sage Sri Suka and he alone knew the greatness of chanting namam (Srimad Bhagavatam 6.3.20-23) and the yama kinkaras  were lucky to have personally experienced the power of namam.

  The second instance is that of Sage Krishna Dvaipayana who divided the entire Vedas into four parts for the benefit of mankind and thus became Veda Vyasa.  The sage felt that what he did, may not be enough for mankind in future.  Therefore, he wrote the epic Mahabharatam that contained whatever humanity needed to know to lead a virtuous life.  In spite of all this, Sage Veda Vyasa had no contentment. To overcome this discontentment Sage Narada advised Sage Veda Vyasa to write a book extolling the glory of Lord Vishnu.  Accordingly the prolific author wrote Srimad Bhagavatam and felt the contentment that he was yearning for.  He concludes the great spiritual text with these words


naama sankiirtanam yasyasarva paapa praNaasanam

pramaaNo duhkhasamanaastam namaami harim param


I prostrate at the feet  of the Supreme Lord, Hari, the chanting of whose holy names (namasankirtanam) destroys all sinful reactions, and the offering of obeisances unto whom relieves all material suffering.

These words written as the very last words of the book demonstrate the importance of chanting namam or the name of the Lord.  We shall continue with the methods of chanting in the next note.

Hari Om!Chith Puram

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