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Ramayana of Valmiki and Kamban- sundarakanda

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2. Hanuman crosses the sea.



grew large and stood on the mountain ready to cross the ocean like a king bull

and a lion and an elephant with his might. Before he made preparations to fly

on the sky he saluted his father Vayu, the Sun and other devas denoting that

before one begins any work one should pray to the devas who are the powers

behind the elements in order not to have any obstacles. Then he made himself

enormous. The mountain was pressed by him who wished to raise himself to the

sky and the oars from the mines in the mountain spilled out and it shone with

many colours. The red stones broken by the pressure seemed as though fire was coming out of the mountain which

looked like offering smoke of incense to hanuman.



serpents came out along with the other animals who tumbled out with the force

of the pressure exerted by the feet of Hanuman and the poison emitted by the

serpents could not be quelled by the power of the herbs in the mountain. The

sages doing penance in the mountain suspected that it was being broken by demons

and the vidhyadharas who were enjoying themselves on the mountain rose up in

the air along with their food and drink.



describes Hanuman who intended to cross the ocean thus:


esha parvatha sankaaSo hanuman



thitheershathi mahaavegaH saagaram



This Hanuman the son of Vayu,

mighty like a mountain, with great speed, wishes to cross the ocean, the abode

of sharks and crocodiles.




give three adjectives to Hanuman. ParvathasankaaSaH

, like a mountain denoting his strength, maaruthaathmajaH

, the son of Vayu which denotes his capacity to fly and mahaa vegaH of great speed , which indicates his ability to cross

the ocean.



circled his tail and released it to facilitate flying which looked like a great

serpent caught by Garuda circling its

body. He stretched his body with his feet firm controlling his breath ready to

jump and told the vanaras that he will go to Lanka like the arrow of Rama and

search for Seetha and if she is not be found there he will go to devaloka with

the same speed and if he could not find her even there he will bind Ravana and

bring him along with Lanka. Saying this Hanuman rose up in the sky with such a

speed that the trees of the mountain were uprooted as by a cyclone and followed

him for some distance and fell into the sea. It looked like the relatives

following one who is going away to a distant place.



was flying in the sky and the sea was

having high tide due to the speed and

the devas helped him, the sun being benevolent and mild and the wind was

favourable while the devas and sages and other celestial beings were looking on

marveled at his feat.



ocean, samudra raja, saw Hanuman flying above and though that Hanuman who was

going on a mission of Rama of the clan of Ikshvaku should be honoured because

the sea was dug by the sons of Sagara, who belonged to the clan of Ikshvaku. He

told Mainaka, who had wings, to rise above so that Hanuman could rest on him

for a while. Manianka did so but hanuman, thinking that it was some obstacle

barring his way pushed him down with his

chest. Then Mainaka took a human form and stood on his peak and spoke to Hanuman thus.



said that once upon a time all mountains were having wings and used to fly over

the earth and people got frightened lest they will descend on them. Seeing them

Indra got angry and cut off their wings with his vajrayudha. Mainaka was helped

by Vayu who pushed him into the sea. Hence he said that he was indebted to Vayu

and wanted to honour Hanuman, the son of Vayu, and he was asked to do so also

by the king of the sea since he was enlarged by the sons of Sagara of Ikshvaku

vamsa. He asked Hanuman to rest on him for while eating the fresh fruits on the

mountain. But Hanuman patting him on the back said that he had promised that he

would not tarry on the way and he considered himself honoured already. Indra

seeing the act of Mainaka was pleased and told him that he could go anywhere he

liked without fear but Mainaka preferred to stay in the sea as he was blocking

the netherworld so that the demons there could not come out.



celestial beings , devas and sages saw Hanuman going fast in the sky and wanted

to test his courage and resourcefulness and told Surasa the mother of nagas to

create obstacle to Hanuman. Surasa who was capable of assuming any form she

wanted appeared in front of Hanuman as a huge demoness and told him that he was

ordained by the devas to become her food and hence he should enter her mouth. Hanuman

told her that he was going on an important mission by the command of rama and

he would enter her moyuth obnce he had accomplished his task. But Surasa was insistent on his

entering her mouth and hanuman challenged her to make her mouth big enough to

hold him. Surasa went on enlarging her mouth as Hanuman was increasing his size

and when her mouth was hundred yojanas wide Hanuman made himself atom-sized and

quickly entered her mouth and came out. Then he told her with folded hands "I

have fulfilled your request oh DhaakshaayaNi," and she assumed her real form

and blessed him. She was one of the daughters of dhaksha having another name

Kathru, the wife of Kasyapa and the mother of nagas and hence Hanuman addressed

her as DhaakshaayaNi.



Hanuman was proceeding along for some time withpout obstacles when he was seen

by a demoness called Simhika. She had the power to draw any being she sees by

their shadow and eat them. Hence she was also called ChaayagraahiNee. Suddenly

Hanuman fekt that his speed was impeded and looking around he saw the demoness

and understood that she was the one of whom Sugriva had already cautioned him

against. Then Hanuman grew in size as he did with Surasa and she also opened

her mouth wider and wider. Hanuman suddenly shrunk himself and entered into her

mouth and came out with her vital organs and she fell down into the sea dead.



celestial beings and sages in the heavenly region blessed him saying that one

who has courage, sharp perception, intellect and skill never fails to

accomplish whatever he wished.



showedhis courage in deciding to cross the sea, his sharp perception in

handling the friendly offer of mainaka, his intellect in winning over Surasa

and his kill in destroying Simhika.



explanation of the feat of hanuman in crossing the ocean is as follows.



attempting any new venture one has to face three kinds of obstacles, first from

his close realtives, secondly from his well wishers and thirdly from those who

do not want him to succeed.



close relatives want to make life easy for him and do not want him to trouble

himself. Hence they may ask him to rest and take a decision slowly after

thinking well. They are like Mainaka. These have to be pacified by endearing words as Hanuman spoke to Mainaka



friends on the other hand want to test his ability and may try to frighten him

off by dire consequences and they have

to be tackled and convinced with

intelligence as Hanuman won over Surasa.



enemies may try to put obstacles on his way and prevent him from succeeding. These

have to be tackled with strength and

have to be overcome as Hanuman did in the case of Simhika.




this Hanuman crossed the rest of the distance without any obstacle and reached

the other shore and landed on the Thrikoota mountain and saw Lanka. He shrunk

his size so as not to create suspicion to the rakshasas.






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