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Ramayana of Valmiki and Kamban- sundarakanda

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3. Hanuman enters the city of Lanka



this Hanuman crossed the rest of the distance without any obstacle and reached

the other shore and landed on the Thrikoota mountain and saw Lanka. He shrunk

his size so as not to create suspicion to the rakshasas.


Hanuman did not feel any fatigue after crossing the

ocean because for him the sea which was 100 yojanas wide was like a ditch. goshapdheekrtha vaaraasiH, the ocean

was like the water in a puddle created by the hoof of a cow and the rakshasa

were like flies, maSakeekrtha rakshasaaH.



traversed through the forests of Lanka and standing on the mountain therein had

a look of the city of Lanka.

Valmiki here gives a detailed description of the grandeur of the city of Lanka which was looking

as though it was floating in the sky being situated on a mountain.



understood that Lanka which was well protected by the rakshasas was unassailable and wondered how Rama and

the vanaras would be able to conquer it. He decided to remain in the mountain

inside a cave till it is night time and to enter the City shrinking his size in

order not to kindle the curiosity of the

rajkshasas. When the night came Hanuman made himself as small as a cat and was

about to enter the city of Lanka and the moon as though wishing to assist him

in the task of searching for Seetha came out

like a swan swimming in blue waters.



entered the city of Lanka

and was astounded by the richness of the city architecture which was mainly

constructed by gold, silver and precious gems. This city originally belonged to

Kubera the half brother of Ravana from whom he appropriated it. Hanuman

wondered at the impregnability of the Lanka but gained confidence thinking of

the valour of Rama and Lakshmana.



this moment the guardian demoness of Lanka saw hanuman and appeared in front of

him in a terrible form barring his way. She told him that he could not enter

the city. Hanuman said that he only wanted to see the city and would go away

after seeing it. She got angry and hit him and Hanuman gave her a blow with his

fist and she fell down Seeing his

strength she asked his forgiveness and

told him that he could go inside as he wished. She was an apsaras who was

cursed to become a rakshasi by Brahma whom she insulted. When she prayed for

release from the curse Brahma said that she would become the guardian of the

city of Lanka

and when a vanara overpowers her she would regain her original form and would return to heavens.

Thus saying she went away.



entered the city climbing over the wall and putting his left foot first. According to sastras one should put the right

foot first in entering for auspicious purposes like going on a travel, wedding

and grhspravesa but in entering into an abode of enemy one should put his left

foot forward. Also he should enter through an opening apart from the main

entrance in order to ensure victory.



saw the city of Lanka

from close quarters and Valmiki does not seem to be satisfied in describing the

splendour of Lanka and gives an elaborate description again. Hanuman entered

the place which had the palaces of Ravana and others to search for Seetha and

the moon came up bright in the sky. Valmiki the poet excels himself in the

description of the moon and goes on to

describe the joyful life of the rakshasas there with beautiful damsels and the

rakshasas themselves quite handsome and magnificent because not all rakshasa

are fierce looking with canine teeth and broom-like hair! The whole sarga

describing the scene is full of poetic beauty with anuprasa in each quarter

having same letters repeated in the end .such as those describing the moon

which is one of the reasons this kanda was called sundarakanada meaning the

beautiful kanda.


Lokasya paapaani vinaaSayantham

mahodhaDhim chapi sameDhayantham

bhoothaani sarvaaNi viraajayantham

dhadhdarSa SeethaamSum aThabhiyaantham



saw the moon who cleanses the sins of the world by his cool rays, makes the sea

increase and illumines all beings with

his light.



moon is compared to a swan in a silver cage, a lion in the cave and a hero on

an elephant. The image inside the orb of the moon was like a bull with horns or a golden tusked elephant etc.

The whole sarga is with anuprasa and sounds musical on reading out loud.




looked into all the palaces and mansions there but could not find Seetha. Then

he reached the palace

of Ravana. It is

described by Valmiki as being full of grandeur. The houses in Lanka including

that of Ravana were richly decorated with beautiful architecture and built

according to the Silpa sastra. He also saw the pushpaka vimana, the celestial

chariot, another treasure confiscated from Kubera and the carvings in gold and

silver and precious gems representing the whole world and its beings. This was

another sarga with the verses in anuprasa adopted to describe the splendour of

the palace of Ravana

and the pushpakavimana. After seeing in

all the mansions and not finding Seetha Hanuman started. looking inside the palace of Ravana.










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