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While we enjoy our milk, the silent killings go on!

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namo narayana

Respected All,

I would like to write a few lines on the plight of innocent calves, which are the victims of the milk industry, please read and reflect.


In factory farming, the goal is to make the most profit, and the best way to make profit is to lessen the investment on raw materials.

The milk industry also uses the same principle, but there is a large difference here, the raw materials are living cows that can experience pain and emotions..

But does that change the business strategy, NO, the fact still remains the same; lessen the investment on the cows no matter how much they experience pain!


To get the most milk out of a cow, she is perpetually kept pregnant/lactating by repeatedly artificially inseminating her. Roughly 50% of the claves are male calves which are considered to be the by-products of the milk industry and do not have any value. These male calves are the most unfortunate souls of the milk industry; they are the silent sufferers in the background that no one bothers to notice. They sacrifice their lives so that we can drink the milk which was meant for them.

These calves meet their deaths wherever factory farming occurs both in India and in the western world.



Before mechanized farming, the male calves were highly sought after as draught animals that would till the land and become the farmer’s best friend. But with tractors taking over the role of draught animals, the male claves are useless and the farmers/milk industry no longer feels necessary to sustain them.


Due to the cultural heritage of India, where beef eating is not popular and cow killing is illegal, these calves are not slaughtered for calf-meat or “veal†as in the western countries. But since they pose no value to the farmer these calves are killed in the most horrific manner.


Most of male calves in India, are separated soon after their birth, they are strangulated to death, starved and then even buried alive in compost mounds to dispose their bodies. In some cases a stuffed animal like structure is covered with the hide of the dead calf and placed near the cow, so that she continues to give milk thinking that the stuffed doll is her living calf!

Many are slaughtered in illegal slaughter houses to make fancy “calf leather†belts, purses, wrist bands etc.


Western Countries.

In the west the male calves are seen as sources of “calf-meat†or veal, which is the most perverted food any human can eat. The specialty of veal meat is that it is very tender, fatty and succulent and to achieve this, the claves are taken from their mothers’ immediately after birth and raised so as to deliberately induce borderline anemia.


They are then confined in small cages called as veal-crates, usually measuring 2-feet-wide, in which they cannot turn around or stretch their limbs all their lives, this is done so that their flesh does not build muscle which is considered to be tough to eat. After about 3-5 months of living confined to their cages, these innocent claves are then slaughtered to satisfy humans’ perverted thirst for flesh.


The plight of the female calves is worse, they are raised so that they can be perpetually inseminated to give us their milk for the rest of the lives. If they are so unfortunate so that they become sick or break their legs which they often do, due to being continuously pregnant they are then mercilessly slaughtered, ending as meat and leather.


It is a well known fact the cows raised for milk (Dairy cows) have to undergo much more abuse and sufferings than the cows which are raised for meat (Beef cows)


What we can do.

These are NOT isolated incidents, but are in fact routine procedure to dispose the male calves as profitably as possible depending upon the location, either in India or in the west. This suffering and killings are a direct result of the milk industry, which satisfies our thirst for milk, our cravings for ice-creams, payasams and chocolates at the cost of these innocent animals.


We need to realize that milk is not an “Innocent†animal product as it is thought to be, but is a highly violent cruel and immensely exploitative food. Milk is totally unnecessary for healthy human adults who by their force of habit need to consume large amounts of milk products and eat pleasure foods like ice-cream, cheese, chocolates etc.


We have to change our past- habits to vegan sources such as soy milk, coconut milk etc.

The most important factor in cow abuse is the economic factor; we need to realize that unless we the consumers of milk and leather continue to buy these violent products, the exploitation of the cow and the killing of her calves will continue to occur.


While we enjoy our milk, the silent killings go on!


In silent prayer to Lord Guruvayoorappan, why does not He come to save His cows?






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