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Become dear to devotees …..………...... Nectarean Mellows

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 “G u r u     m u k h a    p a d m a     v a k y a "


Become dear to devotees …..………...... Nectarean Mellows


By developing an attraction for Vasudeva with the process of bhakti one naturally achieves the results of transcendental knowledge and detachment in all of those things that are unfavorable towards devotional service. Maharaj Parikshit is such an example, although he was a king with a beautiful Queen and loving children, although he wore the garments of an emperor of the Earth, he sat on a beautiful throne and lived in a wonderful palace, he had so many majestic royal horses and elephants, he had armies thousands upon thousands of faithful servants and ministers and undisputed rivalry of the emperor of the world. But yet a we see from this verse never was he attached to any of these for his own personal sense gratification, from his very residence from his womb of his

mother Uttara, he understood his helpless condition, the Brahmastra was coming towards him as Ashwathama was endeavouring to murder the child and what can an embryo in the womb do to defend itself from the greatest most powerful of all weapons - the Brahmastra. At that time due to the prayers of Uttara, who was a pure devotee of Lord Krsna - the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appeared within the womb and saved the helpless child. So actually it was by the calling prayers of a devotee that Visnu revealed Himself to Maharaj Parikshit. We should always know that if we are under the protective guidance if we put ourselves to the shelter of a devotee; by that devotee’s prayers Krsna will always be there to protect us. If somehow or other we become dear to a devotee, Krsna will be there to save us. Of course dangers will come, risks will come, even sometimes struggling and suffering will be there but in the end Krsna will save


H H Radhanath Swami Maharaj







-- At the present moment our minds are polluted with the dirt accumulated over millions and millions of lifetimes of sense gratification. Even though our original pure nature is eternal, full of knowledge, and full of bliss, due to our mental contamination we are presently suffering in the realm of temporality, ignorance, and misery. By the purificatory process of chanting the holy names of God we can revive our original, pure nature and thus relish the sweetest happiness at every minute.

Chant:Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

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