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Hankering For Nitai's Feet

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Hare Krsna my dear devotees, I hope your chanting has been good and you have been able to focus on your rounds nicely.I was thinking about some thoughts that usually come to my mind while I am chanting, sometimes I can see my whole day coming to my mind, what I need to do - what I have done and also all the bad things that usually belong to my past... they come even though I don't want to think of them, so I pray to Lord Nrsimhadeva and ask Him to bless my life and help me to avoid such thoughts which are not appropriate to japa.

Reading H.H. Sacinandana Swami Maharaja's quotes I got this nice answer he gives to someone that talks about that.Question: While chanting, often thoughts of envy and lust come up. These thoughts are much stronger and focused than they usually are....

Answer: When you start cleaning, you see the dirt, which was there all the time. You may not have noticed it before, but it was already there. My advice is of course is to keep on chanting. When those thoughts of envy and lust are very strong, it is good to become aware of them by looking at them fully. After you have done that you should go to another position that is to look at them from the viewpoint of eternity. You are an eternal soul, trapped in a body, longing for Krishna. You might see that envy and lust evaporate. But if that is not useful, then meditate about the example of great acaryas. That may ignite a fire which burns away envy and lust. The ultimate weapon is to take shelter at the lotus feet of Nityananda and Gauranga. Especially by Lord Nityananda’s kind intervention lust and envy will go. Just call out His name: “Jaya Nitai, jaya Nitai, Jaya Nitai” or “Nitai Gauranga.”

One day I have listened that chanting was like when you start stirring a glass full of dust at the bottom, all the dust come up and then you start seeing who you are, then when you are aware of that you pray and ask for protection, pray so the Lord can purify your heart from all this dust and give you attraction to His holy names. So we become more inclined to chanting, to worshiping the Deities and this dust is cleansed little by little - by the power of constantly chanting and devotional service to the lotus feet of the Lord manifested in His many forms.

By the mercy of our spiritual master we can get the Lords mercy because we are still contaminated with so many bodily conceptions which lead us to our own desires. Fortunately pure chanting and a heart devoted to serve the Lord opens our path to develop all the vaisnava qualities so we can see in ourselves the pure thoughts and desires a pure devotee has.

May we all become aware of our weaknesses being able to overcome them and situate our hearts in the glories of pure chanting.your servant,Aruna devi


At the present moment our minds are polluted with the dirt accumulated over millions and millions of lifetimes of sense gratification. Even though our original pure nature is eternal, full of knowledge, and full of bliss, due to our mental contamination we are presently suffering in the realm of temporality, ignorance, and misery. By the purificatory process of chanting the holy names of God we can revive our original, pure nature and thus relish the sweetest happiness at every minute.

Chant:Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

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